package display import ( "fmt" "strconv" "strings" "" "" "" "" "" "" //"" ) var curTab = -1 // What number tab is currently visible, -1 means there are no tabs at all var tabMap = make(map[int]*structs.Page) // Map of tab number to page // Holds the actual tab primitives var tabViews = make(map[int]*cview.TextView) // The user input and URL display bar at the bottom var bottomBar = cview.NewInputField(). SetFieldBackgroundColor(tcell.ColorWhite). SetFieldTextColor(tcell.ColorBlack). SetLabelColor(tcell.ColorGreen) var helpTable = cview.NewTable(). SetSelectable(false, false). SetFixed(1, 2). SetBorders(true). SetBordersColor(tcell.ColorGray) // Viewer for the tab primitives // Pages are named as strings of tab numbers - so the textview for the first tab // is held in the page named "0". // The only pages that don't confine to this scheme named after the modals above, // which is used to draw modals on top the current tab. // Ex: "info", "error", "input", "yesno" var tabPages = cview.NewPages(). AddPage("help", helpTable, true, false). AddPage("info", infoModal, false, false). AddPage("error", errorModal, false, false). AddPage("input", inputModal, false, false). AddPage("yesno", yesNoModal, false, false) // The tabs at the top with titles var tabRow = cview.NewTextView(). SetDynamicColors(true). SetRegions(true). SetScrollable(true). SetWrap(false). SetHighlightedFunc(func(added, removed, remaining []string) { // There will always only be one string in added - never multiple highlights // Remaining should always be empty i, _ := strconv.Atoi(added[0]) tabPages.SwitchToPage(strconv.Itoa(i)) // Tab names are just numbers, zero-indexed }) // Root layout var layout = cview.NewFlex(). SetDirection(cview.FlexRow). AddItem(tabRow, 1, 1, false). AddItem(nil, 1, 1, false). // One line of empty space above the page //AddItem(tabPages, 0, 1, true). AddItem(cview.NewFlex(). // The page text in the middle is held in another flex, to center it SetDirection(cview.FlexColumn). AddItem(nil, 0, 1, false). AddItem(tabPages, 0, 7, true). // The text occupies 5/6 of the screen horizontally AddItem(nil, 0, 1, false), 0, 1, true). AddItem(nil, 1, 1, false). // One line of empty space before bottomBar AddItem(bottomBar, 1, 1, false) var App = cview.NewApplication().EnableMouse(false).SetRoot(layout, true) var renderedNewTabContent string var newTabLinks []string var newTabPage structs.Page func Init() { tabRow.SetChangedFunc(func() { App.Draw() }) // Populate help table helpTable.SetDoneFunc(func(key tcell.Key) { if key == tcell.KeyEsc { tabPages.SwitchToPage(strconv.Itoa(curTab)) } }) rows := strings.Count(helpCells, "\n") + 1 cells := strings.Split( strings.ReplaceAll(helpCells, "\n", "|"), "|") cell := 0 for r := 0; r < rows; r++ { for c := 0; c < 2; c++ { var tableCell *cview.TableCell if c == 0 { tableCell = cview.NewTableCell(cells[cell]). SetAttributes(tcell.AttrBold). SetExpansion(1) } else { tableCell = cview.NewTableCell(cells[cell]). SetExpansion(2) } helpTable.SetCell(r, c, tableCell) cell++ } } bottomBar.SetBackgroundColor(tcell.ColorWhite) bottomBar.SetDoneFunc(func(key tcell.Key) { switch key { case tcell.KeyEnter: // TODO: Support search // Send the URL/number typed in if strings.TrimSpace(bottomBar.GetText()) == "" { // Ignore bottomBar.SetLabel("") bottomBar.SetText(tabMap[curTab].Url) App.SetFocus(tabViews[curTab]) return } i, err := strconv.Atoi(bottomBar.GetText()) if err != nil { // It's a full URL URL(bottomBar.GetText()) bottomBar.SetLabel("") return } if i <= len(tabMap[curTab].Links) && i > 0 { // Valid link number followLink(tabMap[curTab].Url, tabMap[curTab].Links[i-1]) bottomBar.SetLabel("") return } // Invalid link number bottomBar.SetLabel("") bottomBar.SetText(tabMap[curTab].Url) App.SetFocus(tabViews[curTab]) case tcell.KeyEscape: // Set back to what it was bottomBar.SetLabel("") bottomBar.SetText(tabMap[curTab].Url) App.SetFocus(tabViews[curTab]) } // Other potential keys are Tab and Backtab, they are ignored }) // Render the default new tab content ONCE and store it for later renderedNewTabContent, newTabLinks = renderer.RenderGemini(newTabContent) newTabPage = structs.Page{Content: renderedNewTabContent, Links: newTabLinks} modalInit() // Setup map of keys to functions here // Changing tabs, new tab, etc App.SetInputCapture(func(event *tcell.EventKey) *tcell.EventKey { _, ok := App.GetFocus().(*cview.Button) if ok { // It's focused on a modal right now, nothing should interrupt return event } _, ok = App.GetFocus().(*cview.InputField) if ok { // An InputField is in focus, nothing should interrupt return event } switch event.Key() { case tcell.KeyCtrlT: NewTab() return nil case tcell.KeyCtrlW: CloseTab() return nil case tcell.KeyCtrlR: Reload() return nil case tcell.KeyCtrlH: URL(viper.GetString("a-general.home")) return nil case tcell.KeyCtrlQ: Stop() return nil case tcell.KeyRune: // Regular key was sent switch string(event.Rune()) { case " ": // Space starts typing, like Bombadillo bottomBar.SetLabel("[::b]URL: [::-]") bottomBar.SetText("") App.SetFocus(bottomBar) return nil case "q": Stop() return nil case "R": Reload() return nil case "b": histBack() return nil case "f": histForward() return nil case "?": Help() return nil // Shift+NUMBER keys, for switching to a specific tab case "!": SwitchTab(0) return nil case "@": SwitchTab(1) return nil case "#": SwitchTab(2) return nil case "$": SwitchTab(3) return nil case "%": SwitchTab(4) return nil case "^": SwitchTab(5) return nil case "&": SwitchTab(6) return nil case "*": SwitchTab(7) return nil case "(": SwitchTab(8) return nil case ")": // Zero key goes to the last tab SwitchTab(NumTabs() - 1) return nil } } return event }) } // Stop stops the app gracefully. // In the future it will handle things like ongoing downloads, etc func Stop() { App.Stop() } // NewTab opens a new tab and switches to it, displaying the // the default empty content because there's no URL. func NewTab() { // Create TextView in tabViews and change curTab // Set the textView options, and the changed func to App.Draw() // SetDoneFunc to do link highlighting // Add view to pages and switch to it curTab = NumTabs() tabMap[curTab] = &newTabPage tabViews[curTab] = cview.NewTextView(). SetDynamicColors(true). SetRegions(true). SetScrollable(true). SetWrap(false). SetText(renderedNewTabContent). SetChangedFunc(func() { App.Draw() }). SetDoneFunc(func(key tcell.Key) { // Altered from: // Handles being able to select and "click" links with the enter and tab keys currentSelection := tabViews[curTab].GetHighlights() numSelections := len(tabMap[curTab].Links) if key == tcell.KeyEnter { if len(currentSelection) > 0 && len(tabMap[curTab].Links) > 0 { // A link was selected, "click" it and load the page it's for linkN, _ := strconv.Atoi(currentSelection[0]) followLink(tabMap[curTab].Url, tabMap[curTab].Links[linkN]) return } else { tabViews[curTab].Highlight("0").ScrollToHighlight() } } else if len(currentSelection) > 0 { index, _ := strconv.Atoi(currentSelection[0]) if key == tcell.KeyTab { index = (index + 1) % numSelections } else if key == tcell.KeyBacktab { index = (index - 1 + numSelections) % numSelections } else { return } tabViews[curTab].Highlight(strconv.Itoa(index)).ScrollToHighlight() } }) tabHist[curTab] = []string{} // Can't go backwards, but this isn't the first page either. // The first page will be the next one the user goes to. tabHistPos[curTab] = -1 tabPages.AddAndSwitchToPage(strconv.Itoa(curTab), tabViews[curTab], true) App.SetFocus(tabViews[curTab]) // Add tab number to the actual place where tabs are show on the screen // Tab regions are 0-indexed but text displayed on the screen starts at 1 fmt.Fprintf(tabRow, `["%d"][darkcyan] %d [white][""]|`, curTab, curTab+1) tabRow.Highlight(strconv.Itoa(curTab)).ScrollToHighlight() bottomBar.SetLabel("") bottomBar.SetText("") // Force a draw, just in case App.Draw() } // CloseTab closes the current tab and switches to the one to its left. func CloseTab() { // Basically the NewTab() func inverted // TODO: Support closing middle tabs, by renumbering all the maps // So that tabs to the right of the closed tabs point to the right places // For now you can only close the right-most tab if curTab != NumTabs()-1 { return } if NumTabs() <= 1 { // There's only one tab open, close the app instead Stop() return } delete(tabMap, curTab) tabPages.RemovePage(strconv.Itoa(curTab)) delete(tabViews, curTab) delete(tabHist, curTab) delete(tabHistPos, curTab) if curTab <= 0 { curTab = NumTabs() - 1 } else { curTab-- } tabPages.SwitchToPage(strconv.Itoa(curTab)) // Go to previous page // Rewrite the tab display tabRow.Clear() for i := 0; i < NumTabs(); i++ { fmt.Fprintf(tabRow, `["%d"][darkcyan] %d [white][""]|`, i, i+1) } tabRow.Highlight(strconv.Itoa(curTab)).ScrollToHighlight() bottomBar.SetLabel("") bottomBar.SetText(tabMap[curTab].Url) // Just in case App.Draw() } // SwitchTab switches to a specific tab, using its number, 0-indexed. // The tab numbers are clamped to the end, so for example numbers like -5 and 1000 are still valid. // This means that calling something like SwitchTab(curTab - 1) will never cause an error. func SwitchTab(tab int) { if tab < 0 { tab = 0 } if tab > NumTabs()-1 { tab = NumTabs() - 1 } curTab = tab % NumTabs() tabPages.SwitchToPage(strconv.Itoa(curTab)) tabRow.Highlight(strconv.Itoa(curTab)).ScrollToHighlight() bottomBar.SetLabel("") bottomBar.SetText(tabMap[curTab].Url) // Just in case App.Draw() } func Reload() { cache.Remove(tabMap[curTab].Url) go handleURL(tabMap[curTab].Url) } // URL loads and handles the provided URL for the current tab. // It should be an absolute URL. func URL(u string) { // Old relative URL handling stuff: // parsed, err := url.Parse(u) // if err != nil { // Error("Bad URL", err.Error()) // return // } // if tabHasContent() && parsed.Host == "" { // // Relative link // followLink(tabMap[curTab].Url, u) // return // } go func() { final, displayed := handleURL(u) if displayed { addToHist(final) } }() } func NumTabs() int { return len(tabViews) } // Help displays the help and keybindings. func Help() { helpTable.ScrollToBeginning() tabPages.SwitchToPage("help") App.Draw() }