diff --git a/src/rewrite.js b/src/rewrite.js index e509f97..392e720 100644 --- a/src/rewrite.js +++ b/src/rewrite.js @@ -23,18 +23,39 @@ client.on('guildMemberRemove', member => { }); ////// ACTUAL MESSAGE PROCESSING client.on("message", async message => { -//stops bots from activating the Osselbot -if(message.author.bot) return; -//Bad people blocker **NEEDS TO REVISE DETAIN SCRIPT** -if(message.content.toLowerCase().includes('nigger',"nigga","niglet","nigglet")){ - message.member.roles.add('654366653093642241').catch(console.error); - message.member.roles.remove('514254335425773589').catch(console.error); - console.log(`${message.member} has been detained`) - return message.reply('Member has been D E T A I N E D <:yikes:632660765878255636>') -} + //stops bots from activating the Osselbot + //Message processing + if(message.author.bot) return; + if(message.content.indexOf(config.prefix) !== 0) return; + // Here we separate our "command" name, and our "arguments" for the command. + // e.g. if we have the message "+say Is this the real life?" , we'll get the following: + // command = say + // args = ["Is", "this", "the", "real", "life?"] + const args = message.content.slice(config.prefix.length).trim().split(/ +/g); + const command = args.shift().toLowerCase(); + ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + //COMMAND TIME + ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + if (command === "reboot"){ + function shutdown(){ + client.destroy(); + process.exit(69); + } + if (message.author.id === '216042720047661057') { + message.reply("**Authenticated**, Restarting now."); + client.user.setActivity(`Itself die`,{ type: 'WATCHING' }); + setTimeout(shutdown, 5000, 'shutdown'); + } + else { + return message.reply("No"); + }; + ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -} + }; + + +}); //Logging in the bot client.login(config.token)