#!/bin/bash # render.sh: part of the tape-and-string framework. # v2.1 declare -A prog prog[m4]=`readlink -f main.html.m4` prog[lib]=`readlink -f lib.m4` prog[title]=`readlink -f titlelookup` function tape { case $1 in *.txti) redcloth $1 ;; *.org) org-ruby --translate html $1 ;; *.md) comrak --gfm $1 ;; *.html) cat $1 ;; *) pandoc --cols 168 -t html $i || echo "Skipping $i, unknown format" ;; esac } function yn { while true; do read -p "$* [y/n]:" yn case $yn in [Yy]*) return 0;; [Nn]*) echo "Aborted." return 1;; *) echo "Please answer Yes or No.";; esac done } cd .. files=(`find -not -path './_*'`) for i in ${files[@]}; do echo $i if test -d $i; then if test -d ../$i; then mkdir -vp ../$i else continue fi elif test -f $i; then if ! grep -q '.s[ac]ss' "$i"; then sass=+($i) continue fi tape $i | sed 's/^\s\{1,4\}//' | m4 -DTITLE="$(${prog[title]} $i)" -DLIB=${prog[lib]} ${prog[m4]} > ../${i%.*}.html else echo "Skipping $i, unknown file type" fi done if ! ( test -z ${css[@]} ) && yn "Run rcss.sh?"; then _tape/rcss.sh ${css[@]} fi