'use strict' function Acels (client) { this.all = {} this.roles = {} this.pipe = null this.install = (host = window) => { host.addEventListener('keydown', this.onKeyDown, false) host.addEventListener('keyup', this.onKeyUp, false) } this.set = (cat, name, accelerator, downfn, upfn) => { if (this.all[accelerator]) { console.warn('Acels', `Trying to overwrite ${this.all[accelerator].name}, with ${name}.`) } this.all[accelerator] = { cat, name, downfn, upfn, accelerator } } this.add = (cat, role) => { this.all[':' + role] = { cat, name: role, role } } this.get = (accelerator) => { return this.all[accelerator] } this.sort = () => { const h = {} for (const item of Object.values(this.all)) { if (!h[item.cat]) { h[item.cat] = [] } h[item.cat].push(item) } return h } this.convert = (event) => { const accelerator = event.key === ' ' ? 'Space' : event.key.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + event.key.substr(1) if ((event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) && event.shiftKey) { return `CmdOrCtrl+Shift+${accelerator}` } if (event.shiftKey && event.key.toUpperCase() !== event.key) { return `Shift+${accelerator}` } if (event.altKey && event.key.length !== 1) { return `Alt+${accelerator}` } if (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) { return `CmdOrCtrl+${accelerator}` } return accelerator } this.pipe = (obj) => { this.pipe = obj } this.onKeyDown = (e) => { const target = this.get(this.convert(e)) if (!target || !target.downfn) { return this.pipe ? this.pipe.onKeyDown(e) : null } target.downfn() e.preventDefault() } this.onKeyUp = (e) => { const target = this.get(this.convert(e)) if (!target || !target.upfn) { return this.pipe ? this.pipe.onKeyUp(e) : null } target.upfn() e.preventDefault() } this.toMarkdown = () => { const cats = this.sort() let text = '' for (const cat in cats) { text += `\n### ${cat}\n\n` for (const item of cats[cat]) { text += item.accelerator ? `- \`${item.accelerator.replace('`', 'tilde')}\`: ${item.name}\n` : '' } } return text.trim() } this.toString = () => { const cats = this.sort() let text = '' for (const cat in cats) { text += `\n${cat}\n\n` for (const item of cats[cat]) { text += item.accelerator ? `${item.name.padEnd(25, '.')} ${item.accelerator}\n` : '' } } return text.trim() } // Electron specifics this.inject = (name = 'Untitled') => { const app = require('electron').remote.app const injection = [] injection.push({ label: name, submenu: [ { label: 'About', click: () => { require('electron').shell.openExternal('https://github.com/hundredrabbits/' + name) } }, { label: 'Theme', submenu: [ { label: 'Download Themes', click: () => { require('electron').shell.openExternal('https://github.com/hundredrabbits/Themes') } }, { label: 'Open Theme', click: () => { client.theme.open() } }, { label: 'Reset Theme', accelerator: 'CmdOrCtrl+Escape', click: () => { client.theme.reset() } } ] }, { label: 'Fullscreen', accelerator: 'CmdOrCtrl+Enter', click: () => { app.toggleFullscreen() } }, { label: 'Hide', accelerator: 'CmdOrCtrl+H', click: () => { app.toggleVisible() } }, { label: 'Toggle Menubar', accelerator: 'Alt+H', click: () => { app.toggleMenubar() } }, { label: 'Inspect', accelerator: 'CmdOrCtrl+Tab', click: () => { app.inspect() } }, { role: 'quit' } ] }) const sorted = this.sort() for (const cat of Object.keys(sorted)) { const submenu = [] for (const option of sorted[cat]) { if (option.role) { submenu.push({ role: option.role }) } else if (option.type) { submenu.push({ type: option.type }) } else { submenu.push({ label: option.name, accelerator: option.accelerator, click: option.downfn }) } } injection.push({ label: cat, submenu: submenu }) } app.injectMenu(injection) } }