'use strict' /* global Acels */ /* global Theme */ /* global Source */ /* global History */ /* global Manager */ /* global Renderer */ /* global Tool */ /* global Interface */ /* global Picker */ /* global Cursor */ /* global webFrame */ /* global FileReader */ function Dotgrid () { // ISU this.install = function (host) { console.info('Dotgrid', 'Installing..') this.acels = new Acels() this.theme = new Theme() this.history = new History() this.source = new Source(this) this.manager = new Manager(this) this.renderer = new Renderer(this) this.tool = new Tool(this) this.interface = new Interface(this) this.picker = new Picker(this) this.cursor = new Cursor(this) host.appendChild(this.renderer.el) // Add events document.addEventListener('mousedown', (e) => { this.cursor.down(e) }, false) document.addEventListener('mousemove', (e) => { this.cursor.move(e) }, false) document.addEventListener('contextmenu', (e) => { this.cursor.alt(e) }, false) document.addEventListener('mouseup', (e) => { this.cursor.up(e) }, false) document.addEventListener('copy', (e) => { this.copy(e) }, false) document.addEventListener('cut', (e) => { this.cut(e) }, false) document.addEventListener('paste', (e) => { this.paste(e) }, false) window.addEventListener('resize', (e) => { this.onResize() }, false) window.addEventListener('dragover', (e) => { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); e.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'copy' }) window.addEventListener('drop', this.drag) this.acels.set('File', 'New', 'CmdOrCtrl+N', () => { this.source.new() }) this.acels.set('File', 'Save', 'CmdOrCtrl+S', () => { this.source.save('export.grid', this.commander._input.value, 'text/plain') }) this.acels.set('File', 'Export Image', 'CmdOrCtrl+E', () => { this.source.download('export.png', this.surface.el.toDataURL('image/png', 1.0), 'image/png') }) this.acels.set('File', 'Open', 'CmdOrCtrl+O', () => { this.source.open('grid', this.whenOpen) }) this.acels.set('File', 'Revert', 'CmdOrCtrl+W', () => { this.source.revert() }) this.acels.set('History', 'Undo', 'CmdOrCtrl+Z', () => { this.history.undo() }) this.acels.set('History', 'Redo', 'CmdOrCtrl+Shift+Z', () => { this.history.redo() }) this.acels.set('Stroke', 'Line', 'A', () => { this.tool.cast('line') }) this.acels.set('Stroke', 'Arc', 'S', () => { this.tool.cast('arc_c') }) this.acels.set('Stroke', 'Arc Rev', 'D', () => { this.tool.cast('arc_r') }) this.acels.set('Stroke', 'Bezier', 'F', () => { this.tool.cast('bezier') }) this.acels.set('Stroke', 'Close', 'Z', () => { this.tool.cast('close') }) this.acels.set('Stroke', 'Arc(full)', 'T', () => { this.tool.cast('arc_c_full') }) this.acels.set('Stroke', 'Arc Rev(full)', 'Y', () => { this.tool.cast('arc_r_full') }) this.acels.set('Stroke', 'Clear Selection', 'Escape', () => { this.tool.clear() }) this.acels.set('Effect', 'Linecap', 'Q', () => { this.tool.toggle('linecap') }) this.acels.set('Effect', 'Linejoin', 'W', () => { this.tool.toggle('linejoin') }) this.acels.set('Effect', 'Mirror', 'E', () => { this.tool.toggle('mirror') }) this.acels.set('Effect', 'Fill', 'R', () => { this.tool.toggle('fill') }) this.acels.set('Effect', 'Thicker', '}', () => { this.tool.toggle('thickness', 1) }) this.acels.set('Effect', 'Thinner', '{', () => { this.tool.toggle('thickness', -1) }) this.acels.set('Effect', 'Thicker +5', ']', () => { this.tool.toggle('thickness', 5) }) this.acels.set('Effect', 'Thinner -5', '[', () => { this.tool.toggle('thickness', -5) }) this.acels.set('Manual', 'Add Point', 'Enter', () => { this.tool.addVertex(this.cursor.pos); this.renderer.update() }) this.acels.set('Manual', 'Move Up', 'Up', () => { this.cursor.pos.y -= 15; this.renderer.update() }) this.acels.set('Manual', 'Move Right', 'Right', () => { this.cursor.pos.x += 15; this.renderer.update() }) this.acels.set('Manual', 'Move Down', 'Down', () => { this.cursor.pos.y += 15; this.renderer.update() }) this.acels.set('Manual', 'Move Left', 'Left', () => { this.cursor.pos.x -= 15; this.renderer.update() }) this.acels.set('Manual', 'Remove Point', 'Shift+Backspace', () => { this.tool.removeSegmentsAt(this.cursor.pos) }) this.acels.set('Manual', 'Remove Segment', 'Backspace', () => { this.tool.removeSegment() }) this.acels.set('Layers', 'Foreground', 'CmdOrCtrl+1', () => { this.tool.selectLayer(0) }) this.acels.set('Layers', 'Middleground', 'CmdOrCtrl+2', () => { this.tool.selectLayer(1) }) this.acels.set('Layers', 'Background', 'CmdOrCtrl+3', () => { this.tool.selectLayer(2) }) this.acels.set('Layers', 'Merge Layers', 'CmdOrCtrl+M', () => { this.tool.merge() }) this.acels.set('View', 'Color Picker', 'G', () => { this.picker.start() }) this.acels.set('View', 'Toggle Grid', 'H', () => { this.renderer.toggle() }) this.acels.install(window) this.manager.install() this.interface.install(host) this.theme.install(host, () => { this.update() }) } this.start = () => { console.log('Ronin', 'Starting..') console.info(`${this.acels}`) this.theme.start() this.tool.start() this.renderer.start() this.interface.start() this.source.new() this.onResize() setTimeout(() => { document.body.className += ' ready' }, 250) } this.update = () => { this.manager.update() this.interface.update() this.renderer.update() } this.clear = () => { this.history.clear() this.tool.reset() this.reset() this.renderer.update() this.interface.update(true) } this.reset = () => { this.tool.clear() this.update() } // Methods this.modZoom = function (mod = 0, set = false) { try { const { webFrame } = require('electron') const currentZoomFactor = webFrame.getZoomFactor() webFrame.setZoomFactor(set ? mod : currentZoomFactor + mod) console.log(window.devicePixelRatio) } catch (err) { console.log('Cannot zoom') } } this.setZoom = function (scale) { try { webFrame.setZoomFactor(scale) } catch (err) { console.log('Cannot zoom') } } // Resize Tools this.fitSize = () => { if (this.requireResize() === false) { return } console.log('Dotgrid', `Will resize to: ${printSize(this.getRequiredSize())}`) this.setWindowSize(this.getRequiredSize()) this.update() } this.setWindowSize = function (size) { console.log('Dotgrid', `Resizing to ${printSize(size)}`) const win = require('electron').remote.getCurrentWindow() win.setSize(size.width, size.height, false) document.title = `Dotgrid — ${size.width}x${size.height}` this.update() } this.getPadding = () => { return { x: 60, y: 90 } } this.getWindowSize = () => { return { width: window.innerWidth, height: window.innerHeight } } this.getProjectSize = () => { return this.tool.settings.size } this.getPaddedSize = () => { const rect = this.getWindowSize() const pad = this.getPadding() return { width: step(rect.width - pad.x, 15), height: step(rect.height - pad.y, 15) } } this.getRequiredSize = () => { const rect = this.getProjectSize() const pad = this.getPadding() return { width: step(rect.width, 15) + pad.x, height: step(rect.height, 15) + pad.y } } this.requireResize = () => { const _window = this.getWindowSize() const _required = this.getRequiredSize() const offset = sizeOffset(_window, _required) if (offset.width !== 0 || offset.height !== 0) { console.log('Dotgrid', `Require ${printSize(_required)}, but window is ${printSize(_window)}(${printSize(offset)})`) return true } return false } this.onResize = () => { const _project = this.getProjectSize() const _padded = this.getPaddedSize() const offset = sizeOffset(_padded, _project) if (offset.width !== 0 || offset.height !== 0) { console.log('Dotgrid', `Resize project to ${printSize(_padded)}`) this.tool.settings.size = _padded } this.update() } // Events this.drag = function (e) { e.preventDefault() e.stopPropagation() const file = e.dataTransfer.files[0] const filename = file.path ? file.path : file.name ? file.name : '' if (filename.indexOf('.grid') < 0) { console.warn('Dotgrid', 'Not a .grid file'); return } const reader = new FileReader() reader.onload = function (e) { const data = e.target && e.target.result ? e.target.result : '' this.source.load(filename, data) this.fitSize() } reader.readAsText(file) } this.copy = function (e) { this.renderer.update() if (e.target !== this.picker.input) { e.clipboardData.setData('text/source', this.tool.export(this.tool.layer())) e.clipboardData.setData('text/plain', this.tool.path()) e.clipboardData.setData('text/html', this.manager.el.outerHTML) e.clipboardData.setData('text/svg+xml', this.manager.el.outerHTML) e.preventDefault() } this.renderer.update() } this.cut = function (e) { this.renderer.update() if (e.target !== this.picker.input) { e.clipboardData.setData('text/source', this.tool.export(this.tool.layer())) e.clipboardData.setData('text/plain', this.tool.export(this.tool.layer())) e.clipboardData.setData('text/html', this.manager.el.outerHTML) e.clipboardData.setData('text/svg+xml', this.manager.el.outerHTML) this.tool.layers[this.tool.index] = [] e.preventDefault() } this.renderer.update() } this.paste = function (e) { if (e.target !== this.picker.el) { let data = e.clipboardData.getData('text/source') if (isJson(data)) { data = JSON.parse(data.trim()) this.tool.import(data) } e.preventDefault() } this.renderer.update() } } String.prototype.capitalize = function () { return this.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + this.slice(1).toLowerCase() } function sizeOffset (a, b) { return { width: a.width - b.width, height: a.height - b.height } } function printSize (size) { return `${size.width}x${size.height}` } function isJson (text) { try { JSON.parse(text); return true } catch (error) { return false } } function isEqual (a, b) { return a && b && a.x === b.x && a.y === b.y } function clamp (v, min, max) { return v < min ? min : v > max ? max : v } function step (v, s) { return Math.round(v / s) * s }