'use strict' function Theme (_default) { const themer = this this.active = _default this.el = document.createElement('style') this.el.type = 'text/css' this.install = function (host = document.body, callback) { console.log('Theme', 'Installing..') host.appendChild(this.el) this.callback = callback } this.start = function () { console.log('Theme', 'Starting..') if (isJson(localStorage.theme)) { const storage = JSON.parse(localStorage.theme) if (validate(storage)) { console.log('Theme', 'Found theme in localStorage!') this.load(storage) return } } this.load(_default) } this.load = function (data) { const theme = parse(data) if (!validate(theme)) { console.warn('Theme', 'Not a theme', theme); return } console.log('Theme', `Loading theme with background ${theme.background}.`) this.el.innerHTML = `:root { --background: ${theme.background}; --f_high: ${theme.f_high}; --f_med: ${theme.f_med}; --f_low: ${theme.f_low}; --f_inv: ${theme.f_inv}; --b_high: ${theme.b_high}; --b_med: ${theme.b_med}; --b_low: ${theme.b_low}; --b_inv: ${theme.b_inv}; }` localStorage.setItem('theme', JSON.stringify(theme)) this.active = theme if (this.callback) { this.callback() } } this.reset = function () { this.load(_default) } function parse (any) { if (any && any.background) { return any } else if (any && any.data) { return any.data } else if (any && isJson(any)) { return JSON.parse(any) } else if (any && isHtml(any)) { return extract(any) } return null } // Drag this.drag = function (e) { e.stopPropagation() e.preventDefault() e.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'copy' } this.drop = function (e) { e.preventDefault() e.stopPropagation() const file = e.dataTransfer.files[0] if (!file || !file.name) { console.warn('Theme', 'Unnamed file.'); return } if (file.name.indexOf('.thm') < 0 && file.name.indexOf('.svg') < 0) { console.warn('Theme', 'Skipped, not a theme'); return } const reader = new FileReader() reader.onload = function (e) { themer.load(e.target.result) } reader.readAsText(file) } this.open = function () { const fs = require('fs') const { dialog, app } = require('electron').remote let paths = dialog.showOpenDialog(app.win, { properties: ['openFile'], filters: [{ name: 'Themes', extensions: ['svg'] }] }) if (!paths) { console.log('Nothing to load') } fs.readFile(paths[0], 'utf8', function (err, data) { if (err) throw err themer.load(data) }) } window.addEventListener('dragover', this.drag) window.addEventListener('drop', this.drop) // Helpers function validate (json) { if (!json) { return false } if (!json.background) { return false } if (!json.f_high) { return false } if (!json.f_med) { return false } if (!json.f_low) { return false } if (!json.f_inv) { return false } if (!json.b_high) { return false } if (!json.b_med) { return false } if (!json.b_low) { return false } if (!json.b_inv) { return false } return true } function extract (text) { const svg = new DOMParser().parseFromString(text, 'text/xml') try { return { 'background': svg.getElementById('background').getAttribute('fill'), 'f_high': svg.getElementById('f_high').getAttribute('fill'), 'f_med': svg.getElementById('f_med').getAttribute('fill'), 'f_low': svg.getElementById('f_low').getAttribute('fill'), 'f_inv': svg.getElementById('f_inv').getAttribute('fill'), 'b_high': svg.getElementById('b_high').getAttribute('fill'), 'b_med': svg.getElementById('b_med').getAttribute('fill'), 'b_low': svg.getElementById('b_low').getAttribute('fill'), 'b_inv': svg.getElementById('b_inv').getAttribute('fill') } } catch (err) { console.warn('Theme', 'Incomplete SVG Theme', err) } } function isJson (text) { try { JSON.parse(text); return true } catch (error) { return false } } function isHtml (text) { try { new DOMParser().parseFromString(text, 'text/xml'); return true } catch (error) { return false } } }