# Dotgrid Dotgrid is a simple vector drawing application. ## Guide It works by adding control points and selecting a stroke type. So clicking the canvas a few times will place up to 3 control points. Clicking one of the icons, or pressing one of the shortcuts, will draw a stroke. ## Controls ### Layer 1 - `q` Erase control points. - `w` Erase last segment. - `e` Export SVG file. - `r` Close Path. ### Layer 2 - `a` Draw Arc(counter-clockwise). - `s` Draw Arc(clockwise). - `d` Draw Line. - `f` Draw Bezier. ### Parametric - `+` Increase stroke size. - `-` Reduce stroke size. - `/` Toggle linecap. ### Shortcuts - `ctrl+n` New canvas. - `ctrl+enter` Toggle Fullscreen. - `alt+click` Erase target control point. - `ctrl+click` Translate target control point. ## License See the [LICENSE](LICENSE.md) file for license rights and limitations (CC).