'use strict' function Dotgrid (width, height) { const defaultTheme = { background: '#eee', f_high: '#000', f_med: '#999', f_low: '#ccc', f_inv: '#000', b_high: '#000', b_med: '#888', b_low: '#aaa', b_inv: '#ffb545' } // ISU this.install = function (host) { this.theme = new Theme(defaultTheme) this.history = new History() this.manager = new Manager(this) this.renderer = new Renderer(this) this.tool = new Tool(this) this.interface = new Interface(this) this.picker = new Picker(this) this.cursor = new Cursor(this) this.listener = new Listener(this) host.appendChild(this.renderer.el) this.manager.install() this.interface.install(host) this.theme.install(host, this.update) } this.start = function () { this.theme.start() this.tool.start() this.renderer.start() this.interface.start() document.addEventListener('mousedown', function (e) { DOTGRID.cursor.down(e) }, false) document.addEventListener('mousemove', function (e) { DOTGRID.cursor.move(e) }, false) document.addEventListener('contextmenu', function (e) { DOTGRID.cursor.alt(e) }, false) document.addEventListener('mouseup', function (e) { DOTGRID.cursor.up(e) }, false) document.addEventListener('copy', function (e) { DOTGRID.copy(e) }, false) document.addEventListener('cut', function (e) { DOTGRID.cut(e) }, false) document.addEventListener('paste', function (e) { DOTGRID.paste(e) }, false) window.addEventListener('drop', DOTGRID.drag) this.new() setTimeout(() => { document.body.className += ' ready' }, 250) } this.update = function () { DOTGRID.resize() DOTGRID.manager.update() DOTGRID.interface.update() DOTGRID.renderer.update() } this.clear = function () { this.history.clear() this.tool.reset() this.reset() this.renderer.update() this.interface.update(true) } this.reset = function () { this.tool.clear() this.update() } // File this.new = function () { this.setZoom(1.0) this.setSize({ width: 300, height: 325 }) this.history.push(this.tool.layers) this.clear() } this.open = function () { if (!dialog) { return } const paths = dialog.showOpenDialog({ properties: ['openFile'], filters: [{ name: 'Dotgrid Image', extensions: ['dot', 'grid'] }] }) if (!paths) { console.warn('Nothing to load'); return } fs.readFile(paths[0], 'utf-8', (err, data) => { if (err) { alert('An error ocurred reading the file :' + err.message); return } this.tool.replace(JSON.parse(data.toString().trim())) this.renderer.update() }) } this.save = function () { if (DOTGRID.tool.length() < 1) { console.warn('Nothing to save'); return } this.manager.toGRID(grab) } this.export = function () { if (DOTGRID.tool.length() < 1) { console.warn('Nothing to export'); return } this.manager.toSVG(grab) } this.render = function () { if (DOTGRID.tool.length() < 1) { console.warn('Nothing to render'); return } this.manager.toPNG({ width: DOTGRID.tool.settings.size.width * 2, height: DOTGRID.tool.settings.size.height * 2 }, grab) } function grab (base64, name) { const link = document.createElement('a') link.setAttribute('href', base64) link.setAttribute('download', name) link.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(`click`, { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, view: window })) } // Basics this.getSize = function () { return { markers: { w: parseInt(this.tool.settings.size.width / 15), h: parseInt(this.tool.settings.size.height / 15) } } } this.setSize = function (size = { width: 300, height: 300 }, ui = true, scale = 1) { size = { width: clamp(step(size.width, 15), 105, 1080), height: clamp(step(size.height, 15), 120, 1080) } this.tool.settings.size.width = size.width this.tool.settings.size.height = size.height try { const win = require('electron').remote.getCurrentWindow() win.setSize((size.width + 100) * scale, (size.height + 100) * scale, true) } catch (err) { console.log('No window') } this.renderer.resize(size) this.interface.update() this.renderer.update() } this.resize = function () { const size = { width: step(window.innerWidth - 90, 15), height: step(window.innerHeight - 120, 15) } if (size.width == this.tool.settings.size.width && size.height == this.tool.settings.size.height) { return } console.log(`Resized: ${size.width}x${size.height}`) this.tool.settings.size.width = size.width this.tool.settings.size.height = size.height this.renderer.resize(size) document.title = `Dotgrid — ${size.width}x${size.height}` } this.setZoom = function (scale) { this.setSize({ width: this.tool.settings.size.width, height: this.tool.settings.size.height }, true, scale) try { webFrame.setZoomFactor(scale) } catch (err) { console.log('Cannot zoom') } } // Events this.drag = function (e) { e.preventDefault() e.stopPropagation() const file = e.dataTransfer.files[0] const filename = file.path ? file.path : file.name ? file.name : '' if (filename.indexOf('.grid') < 0) { console.warn('Dotgrid', 'Not a .grid file'); return } const reader = new FileReader() reader.onload = function (e) { const data = e.target && e.target.result ? e.target.result : '' if (data && !isJson(data)) { return } DOTGRID.tool.replace(JSON.parse(`${data}`)) DOTGRID.renderer.update() } reader.readAsText(file) } this.copy = function (e) { DOTGRID.renderer.update() if (e.target !== this.picker.input) { e.clipboardData.setData('text/source', DOTGRID.tool.export(DOTGRID.tool.layer())) e.clipboardData.setData('text/plain', DOTGRID.tool.path()) e.clipboardData.setData('text/html', DOTGRID.manager.svg_el.outerHTML) e.clipboardData.setData('text/svg+xml', DOTGRID.manager.svg_el.outerHTML) e.preventDefault() } DOTGRID.renderer.update() } this.cut = function (e) { DOTGRID.renderer.update() if (e.target !== this.picker.input) { e.clipboardData.setData('text/source', DOTGRID.tool.export(DOTGRID.tool.layer())) e.clipboardData.setData('text/plain', DOTGRID.tool.export(DOTGRID.tool.layer())) e.clipboardData.setData('text/html', DOTGRID.manager.svg_el.outerHTML) e.clipboardData.setData('text/svg+xml', DOTGRID.manager.svg_el.outerHTML) DOTGRID.tool.layers[DOTGRID.tool.index] = [] e.preventDefault() } DOTGRID.renderer.update() } this.paste = function (e) { if (e.target !== this.picker.el) { let data = e.clipboardData.getData('text/source') if (isJson(data)) { data = JSON.parse(data.trim()) DOTGRID.tool.import(data) } e.preventDefault() } DOTGRID.renderer.update() } } window.addEventListener('resize', function (e) { DOTGRID.update() }, false) window.addEventListener('dragover', function (e) { e.stopPropagation() e.preventDefault() e.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'copy' }) String.prototype.capitalize = function () { return this.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + this.slice(1).toLowerCase() } function isJson (text) { try { JSON.parse(text); return true } catch (error) { return false } } function isEqual (a, b) { return a && b && a.x == b.x && a.y == b.y } function clamp (v, min, max) { return v < min ? min : v > max ? max : v } function step (v, s) { return Math.round(v / s) * s } const DOTGRID = new Dotgrid(300, 300)