
112 lines
2.3 KiB

use strict;
use warnings;
my $sStyle = "mwStandardRules.txt";
my $tStyle = "mwTopoRules.txt";
my $place = "";
my $near = "";
my $dist = 50000;
my $lonrad = 2;
my $latrad = 2;
my $scaleset = 10000;
my $png = 0;
my $pdf = 1;
my $outName = "";
my $style = "";
print "Mapweaver interactive\n\n";
while($place eq ""){ print "Please enter exact place name:\n";
$place = <STDIN>;
print "\n";
chomp $place;
# ---
print "Please enter exact place name of bigger city i.e. in vicinity:\n";
$near = <STDIN>;
print "\n";
chomp $near;
# ---
print "Please enter radius in m for vicinity search(defaults to 50.000):\n";
$dist = <STDIN>;
print "\n";
chomp $dist;
if($dist eq ""){$dist = 50000;}
# ---
print "Please enter radius in km for latitude(defaults to 2km):\n";
$latrad = <STDIN>;
print "\n";
chomp $latrad;
if($latrad eq ""){$latrad=2;}
# ---
print "Please enter radius in km for longitude(defaults to 2km):\n";
$lonrad = <STDIN>;
print "\n";
chomp $lonrad;
if($lonrad eq ""){$lonrad=2;}
# ---
print "Please enter scale of map(i.e. 10000 for 1:10.000):\n";
$scaleset = <STDIN>;
print "\n";
chomp $scaleset;
if($scaleset eq ""){$scaleset = 10000;}
# ---
print "Output map in PDF format yes/no(defaults to yes):\n";
$pdf = <STDIN>;
print "\n";
chomp $pdf;
if(($pdf eq "")or(lc $pdf eq "yes")){$pdf = 1;}
# ---
print "Output map in PNG format yes/no(defaults to no):\n";
$png = <STDIN>;
print "\n";
chomp $png;
if(($png eq "")or(lc $png eq "no")){$png = 0;}if(lc $png eq "yes"){$png = 1;}
# ---
$outName = $place . ".svg";
print "Output name(defaults to $outName):\n";
$outName = <STDIN>;
print "\n";
chomp $outName;
if($outName eq ""){$outName = $place . ".svg";}if(! grep /\.svg$/, $outName){$outName .= ".svg";}
# ---
print "Select map style from list:\n";
print "1 - standard rules(default)\n";
print "2 - topo rules\n";
$style = <STDIN>;
print "\n";
chomp $style;
if($style eq "2"){$style = "mwTopoRules.txt";}else{$style = "mwStandardRules.txt";}
my $cmd = "perl -place=\"$place\" -overpass -style=\"$style\" -out=\"$outName\" -scaleset=$scaleset ";
if($near ne ""){$cmd .= "-near=\"$near\" -overpassdistance=$dist ";}$cmd .= " -lonrad=$lonrad -latrad=$latrad ";
if($png eq "1"){$cmd .= " -png ";}if($pdf eq "1"){$cmd .= " -pdf ";}
print "call $cmd\n";