# jekyll-theme-basic An incredibly rudimentary jekyll theme. Paper-thin, nothing but what's needed for HTML. You can see it up and running on my [blog](https://atlas48.sdf.org/) and my [website](https://atlas48.neocities.org), which this theme was originally made for. **NB**: This theme is still being tweaked and developed, and is on a more "rolling release" style of update. ## Layouts ### `default` The default layout (natch). Has some things surrounding the core content. ### `page` For non-blog related pages, this contains more content and metadata than default. ### `post` For blog posts, this has the most metadata out of all the layouts. ### `bare` Just a basic scaffold, nothing but boilerplate surrounding the content. ### `home` Intended for use as a landing page. This is a mix between default and post. ## Config This theme has a few options that one may use. Every option is under the `basic_theme` hierarchy. ### `header_links` `Array[2]>` An array of objects with two keys, `href` & `name`. Each sub-object describes a certain link element you want on the top of the page. **Example:** ```yaml basic: header_links: - href: https://github.com/Atlas48 name: GitHub - href: https://atlas48.neocities.org/ name: The Archives - href: https://mastodon.sdf.org/@atlas48 name: Mastodon ``` ### `display_title` `bool` Wherever or not to display the site's title at the top of the page.