services: - type: web name: Owlbear Rodeo Legacy runtime: static buildCommand: yarn build staticPublishPath: ./build pullRequestPreviewsEnabled: false branch: "feature/open-source" buildFilter: paths: - src/**/*.js - src/**/*.ts ignoredPaths: - src/**/*.test.js routes: - type: rewrite source: /* destination: /index.html headers: - path: /* name: X-Frame-Options value: sameorigin - path: /* name: X-Robots-Tag value: noindex envVars: - key: REACT_APP_BROKER_URL fromService: type: web name: "Owlbear Rodeo Backend" envVarKey: RENDER_EXTERNAL_URL - key: REACT_APP_MAINTENANCE value: false - key: REACT_APP_VERSION value: "1.10.2" # A Docker web service - type: web name: Owlbear Rodeo Backend runtime: docker region: oregon # optional (defaults to oregon) check other regions here: plan: free branch: "feature/open-source" # optional (defaults to master) rootDir: ./backend dockerfilePath: ./Dockerfile numInstances: 1 # optional (defaults to 1) healthCheckPath: /health envVars: - key: ORIGIN_WHITELIST value: RENDER_EXTERNAL_HOSTNAME - key: PORT value: 9000