import React, { useState, useEffect, useRef } from "react"; import { Line, Group, Path, Circle } from "react-konva"; // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars import Konva from "konva"; import Color from "color"; import Vector2 from "./Vector2"; // Holes should be wound in the opposite direction as the containing points array export function HoleyLine({ holes, ...props }) { // Converted from function drawLine(points, context, shape) { const length = points.length; const tension = shape.tension(); const closed = shape.closed(); const bezier = shape.bezier(); if (!length) { return; } context.moveTo(points[0], points[1]); if (tension !== 0 && length > 4) { const tensionPoints = shape.getTensionPoints(); const tensionLength = tensionPoints.length; let n = closed ? 0 : 4; if (!closed) { context.quadraticCurveTo( tensionPoints[0], tensionPoints[1], tensionPoints[2], tensionPoints[3] ); } while (n < tensionLength - 2) { context.bezierCurveTo( tensionPoints[n++], tensionPoints[n++], tensionPoints[n++], tensionPoints[n++], tensionPoints[n++], tensionPoints[n++] ); } if (!closed) { context.quadraticCurveTo( tensionPoints[tensionLength - 2], tensionPoints[tensionLength - 1], points[length - 2], points[length - 1] ); } } else if (bezier) { // no tension but bezier let n = 2; while (n < length) { context.bezierCurveTo( points[n++], points[n++], points[n++], points[n++], points[n++], points[n++] ); } } else { // no tension for (let n = 2; n < length; n += 2) { context.lineTo(points[n], points[n + 1]); } } } // Draw points and holes function sceneFunc(context, shape) { const points = shape.points(); const closed = shape.closed(); if (!points.length) { return; } context.beginPath(); drawLine(points, context, shape); context.beginPath(); drawLine(points, context, shape); // closed e.g. polygons and blobs if (closed) { context.closePath(); if (holes && holes.length) { for (let hole of holes) { drawLine(hole, context, shape); context.closePath(); } } context.fillStrokeShape(shape); } else { // open e.g. lines and splines context.strokeShape(shape); } } return ; } export function Tick({ x, y, scale, onClick, cross }) { const [fill, setFill] = useState("white"); function handleEnter() { setFill("hsl(260, 100%, 80%)"); } function handleLeave() { setFill("white"); } return ( ); } export function Trail({ position, size, duration, segments, color }) { const trailRef = useRef(); const pointsRef = useRef([]); const prevPositionRef = useRef(position); const positionRef = useRef(position); const circleRef = useRef(); // Color of the end of the trial const transparentColorRef = useRef( Color(color).lighten(0.5).alpha(0).string() ); useEffect(() => { // Lighten color to give it a `glow` effect transparentColorRef.current = Color(color).lighten(0.5).alpha(0).string(); }, [color]); // Keep track of position so we can use it in the trail animation useEffect(() => { positionRef.current = position; }, [position]); // Add a new point every time position is changed useEffect(() => { if (, prevPositionRef.current, 0.0001)) { return; } pointsRef.current.push({ ...position, lifetime: duration }); prevPositionRef.current = position; }, [position, duration]); // Advance lifetime of trail useEffect(() => { let prevTime =; let request = requestAnimationFrame(animate); function animate(time) { request = requestAnimationFrame(animate); const deltaTime = time - prevTime; prevTime = time; if (pointsRef.current.length === 0) { return; } let expired = 0; for (let point of pointsRef.current) { point.lifetime -= deltaTime; if (point.lifetime < 0) { expired++; } } if (expired > 0) { pointsRef.current = pointsRef.current.slice(expired); } // Update the circle position to keep it in sync with the trail if (circleRef.current) { circleRef.current.x(positionRef.current.x); circleRef.current.y(positionRef.current.y); } if (trailRef.current) { trailRef.current.getLayer().draw(); } } return () => { cancelAnimationFrame(request); }; }, []); // Custom scene function for drawing a trail from a line function sceneFunc(context) { // Resample points to ensure a smooth trail const resampledPoints = Vector2.resample(pointsRef.current, segments); if (resampledPoints.length === 0) { return; } // Draws a line offset in the direction perpendicular to its travel direction const drawOffsetLine = (from, to, alpha) => { const forward = Vector2.normalize(Vector2.subtract(from, to)); // Rotate the forward vector 90 degrees based off of the direction const side = Vector2.rotate90(forward); // Offset the `to` position by the size of the point and in the side direction const toSize = (alpha * size) / 2; const toOffset = Vector2.add(to, Vector2.multiply(side, toSize)); context.lineTo(toOffset.x, toOffset.y); }; context.beginPath(); // Sample the points starting from the tail then traverse counter clockwise drawing each point // offset to make a taper, stops at the base of the trail context.moveTo(resampledPoints[0].x, resampledPoints[0].y); for (let i = 1; i < resampledPoints.length; i++) { const from = resampledPoints[i - 1]; const to = resampledPoints[i]; drawOffsetLine(from, to, i / resampledPoints.length); } // Start from the base of the trail and continue drawing down back to the end of the tail for (let i = resampledPoints.length - 2; i >= 0; i--) { const from = resampledPoints[i + 1]; const to = resampledPoints[i]; drawOffsetLine(from, to, i / resampledPoints.length); } context.lineTo(resampledPoints[0].x, resampledPoints[0].y); context.closePath(); // Create a radial gradient from the center of the trail to the tail const gradientCenter = resampledPoints[resampledPoints.length - 1]; const gradientEnd = resampledPoints[0]; const gradientRadius = Vector2.length( Vector2.subtract(gradientCenter, gradientEnd) ); let gradient = context.createRadialGradient( gradientCenter.x, gradientCenter.y, 0, gradientCenter.x, gradientCenter.y, gradientRadius ); gradient.addColorStop(0, color); gradient.addColorStop(1, transparentColorRef.current); context.fillStyle = gradient; context.fill(); } return ( ); } Trail.defaultProps = { // Duration of each point in milliseconds duration: 200, // Number of segments in the trail, resampled from the points segments: 20, }; /** * @param {Konva.Node} node * @returns {Vector2} */ export function getRelativePointerPosition(node) { let transform = node.getAbsoluteTransform().copy(); transform.invert(); let position = node.getStage().getPointerPosition(); return transform.point(position); } export function getRelativePointerPositionNormalized(node) { const relativePosition = getRelativePointerPosition(node); return { x: relativePosition.x / node.width(), y: relativePosition.y / node.height(), }; } /** * Converts points from alternating array form to vector array form * @param {number[]} points points in an x, y alternating array * @returns {Vector2[]} a `Vector2` array */ export function convertPointArray(points) { return points.reduce((acc, _, i, arr) => { if (i % 2 === 0) { acc.push({ x: arr[i], y: arr[i + 1] }); } return acc; }, []); }