import React, { useState, useContext, useEffect } from "react"; import cloneDeep from "lodash.clonedeep"; import Fuse from "fuse.js"; import { useKeyboard, useBlur } from "./KeyboardContext"; import { getGroupItems, groupsFromIds } from "../helpers/group"; import shortcuts from "../shortcuts"; const GroupContext = React.createContext(); export function GroupProvider({ groups, itemNames, onGroupsChange, onGroupsSelect, disabled, children, }) { const [selectedGroupIds, setSelectedGroupIds] = useState([]); // Either single, multiple or range const [selectMode, setSelectMode] = useState("single"); /** * Group Open */ const [openGroupId, setOpenGroupId] = useState(); const [openGroupItems, setOpenGroupItems] = useState([]); useEffect(() => { if (openGroupId) { const openGroups = groupsFromIds([openGroupId], groups); if (openGroups.length === 1) { const openGroup = openGroups[0]; setOpenGroupItems(getGroupItems(openGroup)); } else { // Close group if we can't find it // This can happen if it was deleted or all it's items were deleted setOpenGroupItems([]); setOpenGroupId(); } } else { setOpenGroupItems([]); } }, [openGroupId, groups]); function handleGroupOpen(groupId) { setSelectedGroupIds([]); setOpenGroupId(groupId); } function handleGroupClose() { setSelectedGroupIds([]); setOpenGroupId(); } /** * Search */ const [filter, setFilter] = useState(); const [filteredGroupItems, setFilteredGroupItems] = useState([]); const [fuse, setFuse] = useState(); // Update search index when items change useEffect(() => { let items = []; for (let group of groups) { const itemsToAdd = getGroupItems(group); const namedItems = => ({ ...item, name: itemNames[], })); items.push(...namedItems); } setFuse(new Fuse(items, { keys: ["name"] })); }, [groups, itemNames]); // Perform search when search changes useEffect(() => { if (filter) { const query =; setFilteredGroupItems( => result.item)); setOpenGroupId(); } else { setFilteredGroupItems([]); } }, [filter, fuse]); /** * Handlers */ const activeGroups = openGroupId ? openGroupItems : filter ? filteredGroupItems : groups; /** * @param {string|undefined} groupId The group to apply changes to, leave undefined to replace the full group object */ function handleGroupsChange(newGroups, groupId) { if (groupId) { // If a group is specidifed then update that group with the new items const groupIndex = groups.findIndex((group) => === groupId); let updatedGroups = cloneDeep(groups); const group = updatedGroups[groupIndex]; updatedGroups[groupIndex] = {, items: newGroups }; onGroupsChange(updatedGroups); } else { onGroupsChange(newGroups); } } function handleGroupSelect(groupId) { let groupIds = []; if (groupId) { switch (selectMode) { case "single": groupIds = [groupId]; break; case "multiple": if (selectedGroupIds.includes(groupId)) { groupIds = selectedGroupIds.filter((id) => id !== groupId); } else { groupIds = [...selectedGroupIds, groupId]; } break; case "range": if (selectedGroupIds.length > 0) { const currentIndex = activeGroups.findIndex( (g) => === groupId ); const lastIndex = activeGroups.findIndex( (g) => === selectedGroupIds[selectedGroupIds.length - 1] ); let idsToAdd = []; let idsToRemove = []; const direction = currentIndex > lastIndex ? 1 : -1; for ( let i = lastIndex + direction; direction < 0 ? i >= currentIndex : i <= currentIndex; i += direction ) { const id = activeGroups[i].id; if (selectedGroupIds.includes(id)) { idsToRemove.push(id); } else { idsToAdd.push(id); } } groupIds = [...selectedGroupIds, ...idsToAdd].filter( (id) => !idsToRemove.includes(id) ); } else { groupIds = [groupId]; } break; default: groupIds = []; } } setSelectedGroupIds(groupIds); onGroupsSelect(groupIds); } /** * Shortcuts */ function handleKeyDown(event) { if (disabled) { return; } if (shortcuts.selectRange(event)) { setSelectMode("range"); } if (shortcuts.selectMultiple(event)) { setSelectMode("multiple"); } } function handleKeyUp(event) { if (disabled) { return; } if (shortcuts.selectRange(event) && selectMode === "range") { setSelectMode("single"); } if (shortcuts.selectMultiple(event) && selectMode === "multiple") { setSelectMode("single"); } } useKeyboard(handleKeyDown, handleKeyUp); // Set select mode to single when cmd+tabing function handleBlur() { setSelectMode("single"); } useBlur(handleBlur); const value = { groups, activeGroups, openGroupId, openGroupItems, filter, filteredGroupItems, selectedGroupIds, selectMode, onSelectModeChange: setSelectMode, onGroupOpen: handleGroupOpen, onGroupClose: handleGroupClose, onGroupsChange: handleGroupsChange, onGroupSelect: handleGroupSelect, onFilterChange: setFilter, }; return ( {children} ); } GroupProvider.defaultProps = { groups: [], itemNames: {}, onGroupsChange: () => {}, onGroupsSelect: () => {}, disabled: false, }; export function useGroup() { const context = useContext(GroupContext); if (context === undefined) { throw new Error("useGroup must be used within a GroupProvider"); } return context; } export default GroupContext;