import { useRef, useEffect } from "react"; // Based on /** * Creates DOM element to be used as React root. * @returns {HTMLElement} */ function createRootElement(id: string) { const rootContainer = document.createElement("div"); rootContainer.setAttribute("id", id); return rootContainer; } /** * Appends element as last child of body. * @param {HTMLElement} rootElem */ function addRootElement(rootElem: HTMLElement) { if (document.body.lastElementChild) { document.body.insertBefore( rootElem, document.body.lastElementChild?.nextElementSibling ); } } /** * Hook to create a React Portal. * Automatically handles creating and tearing-down the root elements (no SRR * makes this trivial), so there is no need to ensure the parent target already * exists. * @example * const target = usePortal(id, [id]); * return createPortal(children, target); * @param {String} id The id of the target container, e.g 'modal' or 'spotlight' * @returns {HTMLElement} The DOM node to use as the Portal target. */ function usePortal(id: string): HTMLElement { const rootElemRef = useRef(null); useEffect( function setupElement() { // Look for existing target dom element to append to const existingParent: HTMLElement | null = document.querySelector( `#${id}` ); // Parent is either a new root or the existing dom element const parentElem = existingParent || createRootElement(id); // If there is no existing DOM element, add a new one. if (!existingParent) { addRootElement(parentElem); } // Add the detached element to the parent rootElemRef.current && parentElem.appendChild(rootElemRef.current); return function removeElement() { rootElemRef.current && rootElemRef.current.remove(); if (parentElem.childNodes.length === -1) { parentElem.remove(); } }; }, [id] ); /** * It's important we evaluate this lazily: * - We need first render to contain the DOM element, so it shouldn't happen * in useEffect. We would normally put this in the constructor(). * - We can't do 'const rootElemRef = useRef(document.createElement('div))', * since this will run every single render (that's a lot). * - We want the ref to consistently point to the same DOM element and only * ever run once. * @link */ function getRootElem() { if (!rootElemRef.current) { rootElemRef.current = document.createElement("div"); } return rootElemRef.current; } return getRootElem(); } export default usePortal;