import { useEffect, useState, useRef, useCallback } from "react"; import cloneDeep from "lodash.clonedeep"; import { Diff } from "deep-diff"; import useDebounce from "./useDebounce"; import { diff, applyChanges } from "../helpers/diff"; import Session from "../network/Session"; /** * @param update The updated state or a state function passed into setState * @param sync Whether to sync the update with the session * @param force Whether to force a full update, usefull when partialUpdates is enabled */ export type SetNetworkedState = ( update: React.SetStateAction, sync?: boolean, force?: boolean ) => void; type Update = { id: string; changes: Diff[]; }; /** * Helper to sync a react state to a `Session` * * @param {S} initialState * @param {Session} session `Session` instance * @param {string} eventName Name of the event to send to the session * @param {number} debounceRate Amount to debounce before sending to the session (ms) * @param {boolean} partialUpdates Allow sending of partial updates to the session * @param {string} partialUpdatesKey Key to lookup in the state to identify a partial update */ function useNetworkedState( initialState: S, session: Session, eventName: string, debounceRate: number = 500, partialUpdates: boolean = true, partialUpdatesKey: string = "id" ): [S, SetNetworkedState] { const [state, _setState] = useState(initialState); // Used to control whether the state needs to be sent to the socket const dirtyRef = useRef(false); // Used to force a full update const forceUpdateRef = useRef(false); // Update dirty at the same time as state const setState = useCallback>( (update, sync = true, force = false) => { dirtyRef.current = sync; forceUpdateRef.current = force; _setState(update); }, [] ); const debouncedState = useDebounce(state, debounceRate); const lastSyncedStateRef = useRef(); useEffect(() => { if (dirtyRef.current) { // If partial updates enabled, send just the changes to the socket if ( lastSyncedStateRef.current && debouncedState && partialUpdates && !forceUpdateRef.current ) { const changes = diff(lastSyncedStateRef.current, debouncedState); if (changes) { if (!debouncedState) { return; } const update = { id: debouncedState[partialUpdatesKey], changes }; session.socket?.emit(`${eventName}_update`, update); } } else { session.socket?.emit(eventName, debouncedState); } dirtyRef.current = false; forceUpdateRef.current = false; lastSyncedStateRef.current = cloneDeep(debouncedState); } }, [ session.socket, eventName, debouncedState, partialUpdates, partialUpdatesKey, ]); useEffect(() => { function handleSocketEvent(data: S) { _setState(data); lastSyncedStateRef.current = data; } function handleSocketUpdateEvent(update: Update) { _setState((prevState) => { if (prevState && prevState[partialUpdatesKey] === { let newState = { ...prevState }; applyChanges(newState, update.changes); if (lastSyncedStateRef.current) { applyChanges(lastSyncedStateRef.current, update.changes); } return newState; } else { return prevState; } }); } session.socket?.on(eventName, handleSocketEvent); session.socket?.on(`${eventName}_update`, handleSocketUpdateEvent); return () => { session.socket?.off(eventName, handleSocketEvent); session.socket?.off(`${eventName}_update`, handleSocketUpdateEvent); }; }, [session.socket, eventName, partialUpdatesKey]); return [state, setState]; } export default useNetworkedState;