import Konva from "konva"; import { useEffect, useRef } from "react"; import { MapStage } from "../contexts/MapStageContext"; import Vector2 from "../helpers/Vector2"; type ImageData = { id: string; width: number; height: number; }; function useImageCenter( data: ImageData | null, stageRef: MapStage, stageWidth: number, stageHeight: number, stageTranslateRef: React.MutableRefObject, setStageScale: React.Dispatch>, imageLayerRef: React.RefObject, containerRef: React.RefObject, responsive = false ) { const stageRatio = stageWidth / stageHeight; const imageRatio = data ? data.width / data.height : 1; let imageWidth: number; let imageHeight: number; if (stageRatio > imageRatio) { imageWidth = data ? stageHeight / (data.height / data.width) : stageWidth; imageHeight = stageHeight; } else { imageWidth = stageWidth; imageHeight = data ? stageWidth * (data.height / data.width) : stageHeight; } // Reset image translate and stage scale const previousDataIdRef = useRef(); const previousStageRatioRef = useRef(stageRatio); useEffect(() => { if (!data) { return; } const layer = imageLayerRef.current; const container = containerRef.current; const stage = stageRef.current; if (!container || !stage) { return; } const containerRect = container.getBoundingClientRect(); const previousDataId = previousDataIdRef.current; const previousStageRatio = previousStageRatioRef.current; // Update when the id has changed and if responsive update when the stage changes const shouldUpdate = responsive ? previousDataId !== || previousStageRatio !== stageRatio : previousDataId !==; if (layer && shouldUpdate) { let newTranslate; if (stageRatio > imageRatio) { newTranslate = { x: -(imageWidth - containerRect.width) / 2, y: 0, }; } else { newTranslate = { x: 0, y: -(imageHeight - containerRect.height) / 2, }; } layer.position(newTranslate); stage.position({ x: 0, y: 0 }); stageTranslateRef.current = { x: 0, y: 0 }; setStageScale(1); } previousDataIdRef.current =; previousStageRatioRef.current = stageRatio; }); return [imageWidth, imageHeight]; } export default useImageCenter;