The notes tool allows you to write and share notes for other players to see. ## Working With Notes Once a note has been placed on a map there are a few settings available for them. To access these settings click a note on the map. ![Using Notes](usingNotes) An overview of each setting is listed below: - Text: allows you to write text that is then displayed on the note. Using Shift + Enter will allow you to add a new line. - Color: allows you to colour either the background of your note or the text colour of your note depending on whether you are in note mode or text mode. - Size: controls the size of the note each notch represents how many grid cells the token takes up in the horizontal direction. - Hide / Show (GM Only): toggle the visibility of the note. - Lock / Unlock (GM Only): when a note is locked it can't be moved until it is unlocked again. - Note Mode / Text Mode (GM Only): toggle whether the note will have a background or just text. To delete a note drag in into the delete button that appears when dragging.