// SCSS mixins // --------------------------------------- // Global variables used in mixins. // Number of breakpoints. $breakpoints-limit: length($breakpoints); // List of rootsizes, breakpoints, and max-widths. $sizes: map-values($rootsizes); $points: map-values($breakpoints); $line-widths: map-values($measures); $max-widths: map-values($maxwidths); // Breakpoints. Either set one to one of the breakpoint variables, or use a custom value for minor breakpoints. // Defaults to min-width, but both min->max and max-width are available too. // Parts based on https://gist.github.com/timknight/03e6335b8816aa534cf7 @mixin breakpoint($break: 0, $max: 0) { // Type of break variable $value: type-of($break); // If it is a string (i.e. a breakpoint variable). @if $value == string { // If using 'break-1', 'break-2' etc output the correct breakpoints from map. @if map-has-key($breakpoints, $break) { @media screen and (min-width: #{map-get($breakpoints, $break) / 16 * 1em} ) { @content; } } @else { @warn "#{$break} is not a set breakpoint variable"; } // If it is a number, use this for the breakpoint. } @else if $value == number { // If using other numbers output value in ems either for min, min & max or max width breakpoints. $query: "all" !default; @if $break != 0 and $max != 0 { $query: "(min-width: #{$break / 16 * 1em}) and (max-width: #{$max / 16 * 1em})"; } @else if $break != 0 and $max == 0 { $query: "(min-width: #{$break / 16 * 1em})"; } @else if $break == 0 and $max != 0 { $query: "(max-width: #{$max / 16 * 1em})"; } @media #{$query} { @content; } } @else { @warn "#{$break} is not valid to use as a breakpoint"; } } // Root font-size in %, outputted in correct breakpoints. @mixin rootsize { font-size: nth($sizes, 1) / 16 * 100%; // Loop through breakpoints. @for $i from 2 through $breakpoints-limit { @media screen and (min-width: nth($points, $i) / 16 * 1em ) { font-size: nth($sizes, $i) / 16 * 100%; } } } // Max-widths for typeset containers, outputted in correct breakpoints. @mixin maxwidth($breakpoint: 0) { // Type of chosen variables. $break-value: type-of($breakpoint); // If specifying a breakpoint to use (and breakpoint exists). @if $break-value == number and $breakpoint <= ($breakpoints-limit - 1) and $breakpoint >= 0 { max-width: #{nth($max-widths, ($breakpoint + 1)) / nth($sizes, ($breakpoint + 1))}rem; } @else if $breakpoint == all { max-width: #{nth($max-widths, 1) / nth($sizes, 1)}rem; // Loop through breakpoints. @for $i from 2 through $breakpoints-limit { @media screen and (min-width: nth($points, $i) / 16 * 1em ) { max-width: #{nth($max-widths, $i) / nth($sizes, $i)}rem; } } } } // Set the measure for single columns, outputted in correct breakpoints. @mixin measure($breakpoint: 0) { // Type of chosen variables. $break-value: type-of($breakpoint); // If specifying a breakpoint to use (and breakpoint exists). @if $break-value == number and $breakpoint <= ($breakpoints-limit - 1) and $breakpoint >= 0 { max-width: #{nth($line-widths, ($breakpoint + 1)) / nth($sizes, ($breakpoint + 1))}rem; } @else if $breakpoint == all { max-width: #{nth($line-widths, 1) / nth($sizes, 1)}rem; // Loop through breakpoints. @for $i from 2 through $breakpoints-limit { @media screen and (min-width: nth($points, $i) / 16 * 1em ) { max-width: #{nth($line-widths, $i) / nth($sizes, $i)}rem; } } } } // Calculate percentage width of container to get optimal measure for main text columns. // Defaults to all breakpoints. // Note: will not output for base breakpoint as this comes from the 'measure' mixin. @mixin ideal-measure($breakpoint: 0, $gutter: 0, $main: true, $output: max-width) { // Type of chosen variables. $break-value: type-of($breakpoint); // If specifying a breakpoint to use (and breakpoint exists and is larger than 0). @if $break-value == number and $breakpoint <= ($breakpoints-limit - 1) and $breakpoint > 0 { @if $gutter == small { $gutter: map-get($gutterwidths, small) * 2 / 1rem; } @else if $gutter == medium { $gutter: map-get($gutterwidths, medium) * 2 / 1rem; } @else if $gutter == large { $gutter: map-get($gutterwidths, large) * 2 / 1rem; } @else { $gutter: 0; } $rootsize: map-get($rootsizes, rootsize-#{$breakpoint}); $ideal-measure: map-get($measures, measure-#{$breakpoint}); $gutter-size: ($gutter * $rootsize); $container-width: map-get($maxwidths, width-#{$breakpoint}); $percentage: percentage(($ideal-measure + $gutter-size) / $container-width); @if $percentage < 55 { $percentage: 55%; } @else if $percentage > 65 { $percentage: 65%; } @if $main == false { $percentage: 100 - $percentage; } #{$output}: $percentage; } } // Value in scale in $modular-scale? // Used in following fontsize mixin. @function in-modular-scale($scale, $key) { $map: map-get($modular-scale, $scale); $output: map-has-key($map, $key); @return $output; } // Font-size in rems. Either set per breakpoint or for all. // Use values as you would for pixels i.e. 16 or use values from the modular scale. @mixin fontsize($fontsize, $breakpoint: 0) { // Type of chosen variables. $font-value: type-of($fontsize); $break-value: type-of($breakpoint); // Check if value exists in scale. $in-scale: in-modular-scale(scale-0, $fontsize); // If specifying a breakpoint to use (and breakpoint exists). @if $break-value == number and $breakpoint <= ($breakpoints-limit - 1) and $breakpoint >= 0 { // If using a number for fontsize. @if $font-value == number { font-size: #{$fontsize / nth($sizes, ($breakpoint + 1))}rem; // If using a variable from the scale for fontsize. } @else if $in-scale == true { $get-scale: map-get($modular-scale, scale-#{$breakpoint}); $get-size: map-get($get-scale, $fontsize); font-size: #{$get-size / nth($sizes, ($breakpoint + 1))}rem; } @else { @warn "#{$fontsize} is not a valid scale variable"; } // If want to use value for all breakpoints. } @else if $breakpoint == all { // If using a number for fontsize. @if $font-value == number { font-size: #{$fontsize / nth($sizes, 1)}rem; // Loop through breakpoints. @for $i from 2 through $breakpoints-limit { @media screen and (min-width: nth($points, $i) / 16 * 1em ) { font-size: #{$fontsize / nth($sizes, $i)}rem; } } // If using a variable from the scale for fontsize. } @else if $in-scale == true { $get-scale: map-get($modular-scale, scale-0); $get-size: map-get($get-scale, $fontsize); font-size: #{$get-size / nth($sizes, 1)}rem; // Loop through breakpoints. @for $i from 2 through $breakpoints-limit { $get-scale: map-get($modular-scale, scale-#{$i - 1}); $get-size: map-get($get-scale, $fontsize); @media screen and (min-width: nth($points, $i) / 16 * 1em ) { font-size: #{$get-size / nth($sizes, $i)}rem; } } } @else { @warn "#{$fontsize} is not a valid scale variable"; } } @else { @warn "#{$breakpoint} is not valid to use as a breakpoint"; } } // Advanced baseline magic. // ! Read the README to help understand what is going on here. // Parts based on https://gist.github.com/razwan/10662500 @mixin baseline($fontsize, $font, $lineheight: 2, $below: 2, $breakpoint: 0) { // Type of chosen variables. $font-value: type-of($fontsize); $break-value: type-of($breakpoint); // Cap height $cap-height: map-get($font, cap-height); // Check if value exists in scale. $in-scale: in-modular-scale(scale-0, $fontsize); // Set the line-height (if it isn’t set at 0). @if $lineheight != 0 { line-height: #{$lineheight}rem; } // If specifying a breakpoint to use (and breakpoint exists). @if $break-value == number and $breakpoint <= ($breakpoints-limit - 1) and $breakpoint >= 0 { // If using a number for fontsize. @if $font-value == number { $rootsize: nth($sizes, ($breakpoint + 1)); $baseline-shift: #{($fontsize / 2 * (($lineheight * $rootsize / $fontsize) - $cap-height)) / $rootsize + 0.00001}; $baseline-push: #{$below - (($fontsize / 2 * (($lineheight * $rootsize / $fontsize) - $cap-height)) / $rootsize + 0.00001)}; margin-bottom: #{$baseline-push}rem; padding-top: #{$baseline-shift}rem; // If using a variable from the scale for fontsize. } @else if $in-scale == true { $get-scale: map-get($modular-scale, scale-#{$breakpoint}); $get-size: map-get($get-scale, $fontsize); $rootsize: nth($sizes, ($breakpoint + 1)); $baseline-shift: #{($get-size / 2 * (($lineheight * $rootsize / $get-size) - $cap-height)) / $rootsize + 0.00001}; $baseline-push: #{$below - (($get-size / 2 * (($lineheight * $rootsize / $get-size) - $cap-height)) / $rootsize + 0.00001)}; margin-bottom: #{$baseline-push}rem; padding-top: #{$baseline-shift}rem; } @else { @warn "#{$fontsize} is not a valid scale variable"; } // If want to use value for all breakpoints. } @else if $breakpoint == all { // If using a number for fontsize. @if $font-value == number { $rootsize: nth($sizes, 1); $baseline-shift: #{($fontsize / 2 * (($lineheight * $rootsize / $fontsize) - $cap-height)) / $rootsize + 0.00001}; $baseline-push: #{$below - (($fontsize / 2 * (($lineheight * $rootsize / $fontsize) - $cap-height)) / $rootsize + 0.00001)}; margin-bottom: #{$baseline-push}rem; padding-top: #{$baseline-shift}rem; // Loop through breakpoints. @for $i from 2 through $breakpoints-limit { $rootsize: nth($sizes, $i); $baseline-shift: #{($fontsize / 2 * (($lineheight * $rootsize / $fontsize) - $cap-height)) / $rootsize + 0.00001}; $baseline-push: #{$below - (($fontsize / 2 * (($lineheight * $rootsize / $fontsize) - $cap-height)) / $rootsize + 0.00001)}; @media screen and (min-width: nth($points, $i) / 16 * 1em ) { margin-bottom: #{$baseline-push}rem; padding-top: #{$baseline-shift}rem; } } // If using a variable from the scale for fontsize. } @else if $in-scale == true { $get-scale: map-get($modular-scale, scale-0); $get-size: map-get($get-scale, $fontsize); $rootsize: nth($sizes, 1); $baseline-shift: #{($get-size / 2 * (($lineheight * $rootsize / $get-size) - $cap-height)) / $rootsize + 0.00001}; $baseline-push: #{$below - (($get-size / 2 * (($lineheight * $rootsize / $get-size) - $cap-height)) / $rootsize + 0.00001)}; margin-bottom: #{$baseline-push}rem; padding-top: #{$baseline-shift}rem; // Loop through breakpoints. @for $i from 2 through $breakpoints-limit { $get-scale: map-get($modular-scale, scale-#{$i - 1}); $get-size: map-get($get-scale, $fontsize); $rootsize: nth($sizes, $i); $baseline-shift: #{($get-size / 2 * (($lineheight * $rootsize / $get-size) - $cap-height)) / $rootsize + 0.00001}; $baseline-push: #{$below - (($get-size / 2 * (($lineheight * $rootsize / $get-size) - $cap-height)) / $rootsize + 0.00001)}; @media screen and (min-width: nth($points, $i) / 16 * 1em ) { margin-bottom: #{$baseline-push}rem; padding-top: #{$baseline-shift}rem; } } } @else { @warn "#{$fontsize} is not a valid scale variable"; } } @else { @warn "#{$breakpoint} is not valid to use as a breakpoint"; } } // Set fontsize and baseline at once. Mix of fontsize and baseline mixin. @mixin sassline($fontsize, $font, $lineheight: 2, $below: 2, $breakpoint: 0) { $font-value: type-of($fontsize); $break-value: type-of($breakpoint); $cap-height: map-get($font, cap-height); $in-scale: in-modular-scale(scale-0, $fontsize); line-height: #{$lineheight}rem; @if $break-value == number and $breakpoint <= ($breakpoints-limit - 1) and $breakpoint >= 0 { @if $font-value == number { $rootsize: nth($sizes, ($breakpoint + 1)); $baseline-shift: #{($fontsize / 2 * (($lineheight * $rootsize / $fontsize) - $cap-height)) / $rootsize + 0.00001}; $baseline-push: #{$below - (($fontsize / 2 * (($lineheight * $rootsize / $fontsize) - $cap-height)) / $rootsize + 0.00001)}; font-size: #{$fontsize / nth($sizes, ($breakpoint + 1))}rem; margin-bottom: #{$baseline-push}rem; padding-top: #{$baseline-shift}rem; } @else if $in-scale == true { $get-scale: map-get($modular-scale, scale-#{$breakpoint}); $get-size: map-get($get-scale, $fontsize); $rootsize: nth($sizes, ($breakpoint + 1)); $baseline-shift: #{($get-size / 2 * (($lineheight * $rootsize / $get-size) - $cap-height)) / $rootsize + 0.00001}; $baseline-push: #{$below - (($get-size / 2 * (($lineheight * $rootsize / $get-size) - $cap-height)) / $rootsize + 0.00001)}; font-size: #{$get-size / nth($sizes, ($breakpoint + 1))}rem; margin-bottom: #{$baseline-push}rem; padding-top: #{$baseline-shift}rem; } @else { @warn "#{$fontsize} is not a valid scale variable"; } } @else if $breakpoint == all { @if $font-value == number { $rootsize: nth($sizes, 1); $baseline-shift: #{($fontsize / 2 * (($lineheight * $rootsize / $fontsize) - $cap-height)) / $rootsize + 0.00001}; $baseline-push: #{$below - (($fontsize / 2 * (($lineheight * $rootsize / $fontsize) - $cap-height)) / $rootsize + 0.00001)}; font-size: #{$fontsize / nth($sizes, 1)}rem; margin-bottom: #{$baseline-push}rem; padding-top: #{$baseline-shift}rem; @for $i from 2 through $breakpoints-limit { $rootsize: nth($sizes, $i); $baseline-shift: #{($fontsize / 2 * (($lineheight * $rootsize / $fontsize) - $cap-height)) / $rootsize + 0.00001}; $baseline-push: #{$below - (($fontsize / 2 * (($lineheight * $rootsize / $fontsize) - $cap-height)) / $rootsize + 0.00001)}; @media screen and (min-width: nth($points, $i) / 16 * 1em ) { font-size: #{$fontsize / nth($sizes, $i)}rem; margin-bottom: #{$baseline-push}rem; padding-top: #{$baseline-shift}rem; } } } @else if $in-scale == true { $get-scale: map-get($modular-scale, scale-0); $get-size: map-get($get-scale, $fontsize); $rootsize: nth($sizes, 1); $baseline-shift: #{($get-size / 2 * (($lineheight * $rootsize / $get-size) - $cap-height)) / $rootsize + 0.00001}; $baseline-push: #{$below - (($get-size / 2 * (($lineheight * $rootsize / $get-size) - $cap-height)) / $rootsize + 0.00001)}; font-size: #{$get-size / nth($sizes, 1)}rem; margin-bottom: #{$baseline-push}rem; padding-top: #{$baseline-shift}rem; @for $i from 2 through $breakpoints-limit { $get-scale: map-get($modular-scale, scale-#{$i - 1}); $get-size: map-get($get-scale, $fontsize); $rootsize: nth($sizes, $i); $baseline-shift: #{($get-size / 2 * (($lineheight * $rootsize / $get-size) - $cap-height)) / $rootsize + 0.00001}; $baseline-push: #{$below - (($get-size / 2 * (($lineheight * $rootsize / $get-size) - $cap-height)) / $rootsize + 0.00001)}; @media screen and (min-width: nth($points, $i) / 16 * 1em ) { font-size: #{$get-size / nth($sizes, $i)}rem; margin-bottom: #{$baseline-push}rem; padding-top: #{$baseline-shift}rem; } } } @else { @warn "#{$fontsize} is not a valid scale variable"; } } @else { @warn "#{$breakpoint} is not valid to use as a breakpoint"; } } // Clearfix. @mixin clearfix { &:before, &:after{ display: table; content: ""; } &:after{ clear: both; } }