# Garth Jekyll Theme [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/garth-jekyll-theme.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/rb/garth-jekyll-theme) A stupidly simple theme for Jekyll (3.2), using official Jekyll theme implementation. ![Screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/daviddarnes/garth-jekyll-theme/master/screenshot.png) ## Installation 1. `$ gem install jekyll` 2. `$ gem install garth-jekyll-theme` 3. Add the following to your config file: ``` yml # Typical site settings title: "Website title" description: "Website description" logo: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/6c0377abcf4da91cdd35dea4554b2a4c?s=300 # Provide an avatar/logo theme: garth-jekyll-theme # Set the theme ``` 5. Add the following to your `css/styles.scss` file: ``` css --- --- @import "theme"; ``` 6. Add the following to your `js/scripts.js` file: ``` html --- --- {% include theme.js %} ``` 7. `$ jekyll serve --watch` ## Additional notes There's 3 templates within the theme: - `front.html`: For blog homepage, you'll need `jekyll-paginate` to paginate posts in your blog - `page.html`: For pages - `post.html`: For blog posts