# [Garth](https://garth.darn.es/) [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/garth-jekyll-theme.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/rb/garth-jekyll-theme) A stupidly simple theme for Jekyll, using the official Jekyll theme implementation. ![Screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/daviddarnes/garth-jekyll-theme/master/screenshot.png) ## Contents - [Installation](#installation) - [Site settings](#site-settings) - [Page layouts](#page-layouts) - [Credits](#credits) ## Installation ### As a Fork 1. [Fork the repo](https://github.com/daviddarnes/garth-jekyll-theme#fork-destination-box) 2. Clone down the repo with `$ git clone git@github.com:username/reponame.git` 3. Delete the `demo/` folder and `screenshot.png` files 4. Change the `CNAME` record to your projects' record 5. Install bundler with `$ gem install bundler` 6. Install gems with `$ bundle install` 7. Run Jekyll with `$ bundle exec jekyll serve --watch` 8. Begin hacking for your project ### As a Jekyll 3.3 theme gem 1. Download the starter `/demo` content, [quick download link](https://minhaskamal.github.io/DownGit/#/home?url=https://github.com/daviddarnes/garth-jekyll-theme/tree/master/demo) 2. Install bundler with `$ gem install bundler` 3. Install gems with `$ bundle install` 4. Run Jekyll with `$ bundle exec jekyll serve --watch` 5. Begin hacking for your project ## Site settings You'll need to change the `description`, `title` and `url` to match with the project. ## Page layouts `page`, `post` and `home` (acts as the font page blog). > **Note:** The Post List Page options are actually in the collection data within the `_config.yml` file. ## Credits - Thanks to [Sassline](https://sassline.com/) for the typographic basis, by [Jake Giltsoff](https://twitter.com/jakegiltsoff) - Thanks to [Flexbox mixin](https://github.com/mastastealth/sass-flex-mixin) by [Brian Franco](https://twitter.com/brianfranco) - Thanks to [Normalize](https://necolas.github.io/normalize.css/) by [Nicolas Gallagher](https://twitter.com/necolas) and [Jonathan Neal](https://twitter.com/jon_neal). - Thanks to [pygments-css](http://richleland.github.io/pygments-css/) for the autumn syntax highlighting, by [Rich Leland](https://twitter.com/richleland)