# `jekyll-theme-hacker` gem Hacker is a Jekyll theme for [GitHub Pages](https://pages.github.com). You can preview the theme at http://pages-themes.github.io/hacker. ### Usage This theme was ported from the GitHub Automatic Page Generator to a Jekyll v3.3 theme gem. To use it on a Pages site, add `theme: jekyll-theme-hacker` to your `_config.yml`. ```yml theme: jekyll-theme-hacker title: Custom title description: Custom description. show_downloads: true google_analytics: ``` - To override the repository name or description from GitHub used in the header, set a `title` or `description`. - Set `show_downloads` to `false` to hide the download buttons in the header. - Set `google_analytics` to your tracking ID to enable pageview tracking. This theme includes a single `default` layout. Markdown files should be prefixed with the following frontmatter. ``` --- layout: default --- ``` #### CSS For CSS customization, create your own `/assets/css/styles.scss` in your project to replace the one from this theme, and override selected stylesheet properties. ```scss --- --- @import "rouge-base16-dark"; @import 'hacker'; ``` #### Syntax Highlighting [Rouge](http://rouge.jneen.net/) is the default highlighter in Jekyll 3. This theme includes the `base16.dark` stylesheet from Rouge. To switch syntax highlighting colors to say `monokai`, install the `rouge` gem and run the following on the command line. ``` mkdir _scss rougify style monokai > _scss/rouge-monokai.scss ``` Then replace `rouge-base16-dark` with `rouge-monokai` in `/assets/css/styles.scss` Other pygments highlighter themes should work as well.