import re from .common import InfoExtractor from ..utils import ( NO_DEFAULT, ExtractorError, determine_ext, extract_attributes, float_or_none, int_or_none, join_nonempty, merge_dicts, parse_codecs, qualities, traverse_obj, try_get, unified_timestamp, update_url_query, url_or_none, urljoin, ) class ZDFBaseIE(InfoExtractor): _GEO_COUNTRIES = ['DE'] _QUALITIES = ('auto', 'low', 'med', 'high', 'veryhigh', 'hd', 'fhd', 'uhd') def _call_api(self, url, video_id, item, api_token=None, referrer=None): headers = {} if api_token: headers['Api-Auth'] = f'Bearer {api_token}' if referrer: headers['Referer'] = referrer return self._download_json( url, video_id, f'Downloading JSON {item}', headers=headers) @staticmethod def _extract_subtitles(src): subtitles = {} for caption in try_get(src, lambda x: x['captions'], list) or []: subtitle_url = url_or_none(caption.get('uri')) if subtitle_url: lang = caption.get('language', 'deu') subtitles.setdefault(lang, []).append({ 'url': subtitle_url, }) return subtitles def _extract_format(self, video_id, formats, format_urls, meta): format_url = url_or_none(meta.get('url')) if not format_url or format_url in format_urls: return format_urls.add(format_url) mime_type, ext = meta.get('mimeType'), determine_ext(format_url) if mime_type == 'application/x-mpegURL' or ext == 'm3u8': new_formats = self._extract_m3u8_formats( format_url, video_id, 'mp4', m3u8_id='hls', entry_protocol='m3u8_native', fatal=False) elif mime_type == 'application/f4m+xml' or ext == 'f4m': new_formats = self._extract_f4m_formats( update_url_query(format_url, {'hdcore': '3.7.0'}), video_id, f4m_id='hds', fatal=False) elif ext == 'mpd': new_formats = self._extract_mpd_formats( format_url, video_id, mpd_id='dash', fatal=False) else: f = parse_codecs(meta.get('mimeCodec')) if not f and meta.get('type'): data = meta['type'].split('_') if try_get(data, lambda x: x[2]) == ext: f = {'vcodec': data[0], 'acodec': data[1]} f.update({ 'url': format_url, 'format_id': join_nonempty('http', meta.get('type'), meta.get('quality')), 'tbr': int_or_none(self._search_regex(r'_(\d+)k_', format_url, 'tbr', default=None)), }) new_formats = [f] formats.extend(merge_dicts(f, { 'format_note': join_nonempty('quality', 'class', from_dict=meta, delim=', '), 'language': meta.get('language'), 'language_preference': 10 if meta.get('class') == 'main' else -10 if meta.get('class') == 'ad' else -1, 'quality': qualities(self._QUALITIES)(meta.get('quality')), }) for f in new_formats) def _extract_ptmd(self, ptmd_url, video_id, api_token, referrer): ptmd = self._call_api( ptmd_url, video_id, 'metadata', api_token, referrer) content_id = ptmd.get('basename') or ptmd_url.split('/')[-1] formats = [] track_uris = set() for p in ptmd['priorityList']: formitaeten = p.get('formitaeten') if not isinstance(formitaeten, list): continue for f in formitaeten: f_qualities = f.get('qualities') if not isinstance(f_qualities, list): continue for quality in f_qualities: tracks = try_get(quality, lambda x: x['audio']['tracks'], list) if not tracks: continue for track in tracks: self._extract_format( content_id, formats, track_uris, { 'url': track.get('uri'), 'type': f.get('type'), 'mimeType': f.get('mimeType'), 'quality': quality.get('quality'), 'class': track.get('class'), 'language': track.get('language'), }) duration = float_or_none(try_get( ptmd, lambda x: x['attributes']['duration']['value']), scale=1000) return { 'extractor_key': ZDFIE.ie_key(), 'id': content_id, 'duration': duration, 'formats': formats, 'subtitles': self._extract_subtitles(ptmd), '_format_sort_fields': ('tbr', 'res', 'quality', 'language_preference'), } def _extract_player(self, webpage, video_id, fatal=True): return self._parse_json( self._search_regex( r'(?s)data-zdfplayer-jsb=(["\'])(?P<json>{.+?})\1', webpage, 'player JSON', default='{}' if not fatal else NO_DEFAULT, group='json'), video_id) class ZDFIE(ZDFBaseIE): _VALID_URL = r'https?://www\.zdf\.de/(?:[^/]+/)*(?P<id>[^/?#&]+)\.html' _TESTS = [{ # Same as 'url': '', 'md5': '34ec321e7eb34231fd88616c65c92db0', 'info_dict': { 'id': '210222_phx_nachgehakt_corona_protest', 'ext': 'mp4', 'title': 'Wohin führt der Protest in der Pandemie?', 'description': 'md5:7d643fe7f565e53a24aac036b2122fbd', 'duration': 1691, 'timestamp': 1613948400, 'upload_date': '20210221', }, 'skip': 'No longer available: "Diese Seite wurde leider nicht gefunden"', }, { # Same as 'url': '', 'md5': '0aff3e7bc72c8813f5e0fae333316a1d', 'info_dict': { 'id': '141007_ab18_10wochensommer_film', 'ext': 'mp4', 'title': 'Ab 18! - 10 Wochen Sommer', 'description': 'md5:8253f41dc99ce2c3ff892dac2d65fe26', 'duration': 2660, 'timestamp': 1608604200, 'upload_date': '20201222', }, 'skip': 'No longer available: "Diese Seite wurde leider nicht gefunden"', }, { 'url': '', 'info_dict': { 'id': '211230_sendung_hjo', 'ext': 'mp4', 'description': 'md5:47dff85977bde9fb8cba9e9c9b929839', 'duration': 1890.0, 'upload_date': '20211230', 'chapters': list, 'thumbnail': 'md5:e65f459f741be5455c952cd820eb188e', 'title': 'heute journal vom 30.12.2021', 'timestamp': 1640897100, }, 'skip': 'No longer available: "Diese Seite wurde leider nicht gefunden"', }, { 'url': '', 'info_dict': { 'id': '151025_magie_farben2_tex', 'ext': 'mp4', 'title': 'Die Magie der Farben (2/2)', 'description': 'md5:a89da10c928c6235401066b60a6d5c1a', 'duration': 2615, 'timestamp': 1465021200, 'upload_date': '20160604', 'thumbnail': '', }, }, { 'url': '', 'md5': '57af4423db0455a3975d2dc4578536bc', 'info_dict': { 'ext': 'mp4', 'id': 'video_funk_1770473', 'duration': 1278, 'description': 'Die Neue an der Schule verdreht Ismail den Kopf.', 'title': 'Alles ist verzaubert', 'timestamp': 1635520560, 'upload_date': '20211029', 'thumbnail': '', }, }, { # Same as 'url': '', 'only_matching': True, }, { # Same as 'url': '', 'only_matching': True, }, { # Same as, equal media ids 'url': '', 'only_matching': True, }, { 'url': '', 'only_matching': True, }, { 'url': '', 'only_matching': True, }, { 'url': '', 'only_matching': True, }, { 'url': '', 'info_dict': { 'id': 'video_artede_083871-001-A', 'ext': 'mp4', 'title': 'Tödliche Flucht (1/6)', 'description': 'md5:e34f96a9a5f8abd839ccfcebad3d5315', 'duration': 3193.0, 'timestamp': 1641355200, 'upload_date': '20220105', }, 'skip': 'No longer available "Diese Seite wurde leider nicht gefunden"', }, { 'url': '', 'info_dict': { 'id': '191205_1800_sendung_sok8', 'ext': 'mp4', 'title': 'Das Geld anderer Leute', 'description': 'md5:cb6f660850dc5eb7d1ab776ea094959d', 'duration': 2581.0, 'timestamp': 1675160100, 'upload_date': '20230131', 'thumbnail': '', }, }, { 'url': '', 'info_dict': { 'id': '220605_dk_gruener_planet_wuesten_tex', 'ext': 'mp4', 'title': 'Unser grüner Planet - Wüsten', 'description': 'md5:4fc647b6f9c3796eea66f4a0baea2862', 'duration': 2613.0, 'timestamp': 1654450200, 'upload_date': '20220605', 'format_note': 'uhd, main', 'thumbnail': '', }, }] def _extract_entry(self, url, player, content, video_id): title = content.get('title') or content['teaserHeadline'] t = content['mainVideoContent'][''] ptmd_path = traverse_obj(t, ( (('streams', 'default'), None), ('', ''), ), get_all=False) if not ptmd_path: raise ExtractorError('Could not extract ptmd_path') info = self._extract_ptmd( urljoin(url, ptmd_path.replace('{playerId}', 'android_native_5')), video_id, player['apiToken'], url) thumbnails = [] layouts = try_get( content, lambda x: x['teaserImageRef']['layouts'], dict) if layouts: for layout_key, layout_url in layouts.items(): layout_url = url_or_none(layout_url) if not layout_url: continue thumbnail = { 'url': layout_url, 'format_id': layout_key, } mobj ='(?P<width>\d+)x(?P<height>\d+)', layout_key) if mobj: thumbnail.update({ 'width': int('width')), 'height': int('height')), }) thumbnails.append(thumbnail) chapter_marks = t.get('streamAnchorTag') or [] chapter_marks.append({'anchorOffset': int_or_none(t.get('duration'))}) chapters = [{ 'start_time': chap.get('anchorOffset'), 'end_time': next_chap.get('anchorOffset'), 'title': chap.get('anchorLabel'), } for chap, next_chap in zip(chapter_marks, chapter_marks[1:])] return merge_dicts(info, { 'title': title, 'description': content.get('leadParagraph') or content.get('teasertext'), 'duration': int_or_none(t.get('duration')), 'timestamp': unified_timestamp(content.get('editorialDate')), 'thumbnails': thumbnails, 'chapters': chapters or None, }) def _extract_regular(self, url, player, video_id): content = self._call_api( player['content'], video_id, 'content', player['apiToken'], url) return self._extract_entry(player['content'], player, content, video_id) def _extract_mobile(self, video_id): video = self._download_json( f'{video_id}', video_id) formats = [] formitaeten = try_get(video, lambda x: x['document']['formitaeten'], list) document = formitaeten and video['document'] if formitaeten: title = document['titel'] content_id = document['basename'] format_urls = set() for f in formitaeten or []: self._extract_format(content_id, formats, format_urls, f) thumbnails = [] teaser_bild = document.get('teaserBild') if isinstance(teaser_bild, dict): for thumbnail_key, thumbnail in teaser_bild.items(): thumbnail_url = try_get( thumbnail, lambda x: x['url'], str) if thumbnail_url: thumbnails.append({ 'url': thumbnail_url, 'id': thumbnail_key, 'width': int_or_none(thumbnail.get('width')), 'height': int_or_none(thumbnail.get('height')), }) return { 'id': content_id, 'title': title, 'description': document.get('beschreibung'), 'duration': int_or_none(document.get('length')), 'timestamp': unified_timestamp(document.get('date')) or unified_timestamp( try_get(video, lambda x: x['meta']['editorialDate'], str)), 'thumbnails': thumbnails, 'subtitles': self._extract_subtitles(document), 'formats': formats, } def _real_extract(self, url): video_id = self._match_id(url) webpage = self._download_webpage(url, video_id, fatal=False) if webpage: player = self._extract_player(webpage, url, fatal=False) if player: return self._extract_regular(url, player, video_id) return self._extract_mobile(video_id) class ZDFChannelIE(ZDFBaseIE): _VALID_URL = r'https?://www\.zdf\.de/(?:[^/]+/)*(?P<id>[^/?#&]+)' _TESTS = [{ 'url': '', 'info_dict': { 'id': 'das-aktuelle-sportstudio', 'title': 'das aktuelle sportstudio', }, 'playlist_mincount': 18, }, { 'url': '', 'info_dict': { 'id': 'planet-e', 'title': 'planet e.', }, 'playlist_mincount': 50, }, { 'url': '', 'info_dict': { 'id': 'aktenzeichen-xy-ungeloest', 'title': 'Aktenzeichen XY... ungelöst', 'entries': "lambda x: not any('xy580-fall1-kindermoerder-gesucht-100' in e['url'] for e in x)", }, 'playlist_mincount': 2, }, { 'url': '', 'only_matching': True, }] @classmethod def suitable(cls, url): return False if ZDFIE.suitable(url) else super().suitable(url) def _og_search_title(self, webpage, fatal=False): title = super()._og_search_title(webpage, fatal=fatal) return re.split(r'\s+[-|]\s+ZDF(?:mediathek)?$', title or '')[0] or None def _real_extract(self, url): channel_id = self._match_id(url) webpage = self._download_webpage(url, channel_id) matches = re.finditer( rf'''<div\b[^>]*?\sdata-plusbar-id\s*=\s*(["'])(?P<p_id>[\w-]+)\1[^>]*?\sdata-plusbar-url=\1(?P<url>{ZDFIE._VALID_URL})\1''', webpage) if self._downloader.params.get('noplaylist', False): entry = next( (self.url_result('url'), ie=ZDFIE.ie_key()) for m in matches), None) self.to_screen('Downloading just the main video because of --no-playlist') if entry: return entry else: self.to_screen(f'Downloading playlist {channel_id} - add --no-playlist to download just the main video') def check_video(m): v_ref = self._search_regex( r'''(<a\b[^>]*?\shref\s*=[^>]+?\sdata-target-id\s*=\s*(["']){}\2[^>]*>)'''.format('p_id')), webpage, 'check id', default='') v_ref = extract_attributes(v_ref) return v_ref.get('data-target-video-type') != 'novideo' return self.playlist_from_matches( ('url') for m in matches if check_video(m)), channel_id, self._og_search_title(webpage, fatal=False))