# flake8: noqa: F401 try: import brotlicffi as brotli except ImportError: try: import brotli except ImportError: brotli = None try: import certifi except ImportError: certifi = None else: from os.path import exists as _path_exists # The certificate may not be bundled in executable if not _path_exists(certifi.where()): certifi = None try: from Cryptodome.Cipher import AES as Cryptodome_AES except ImportError: try: from Crypto.Cipher import AES as Cryptodome_AES except ImportError: Cryptodome_AES = None try: import mutagen except ImportError: mutagen = None secretstorage = None try: import secretstorage _SECRETSTORAGE_UNAVAILABLE_REASON = None except ImportError: _SECRETSTORAGE_UNAVAILABLE_REASON = ( 'as the `secretstorage` module is not installed. ' 'Please install by running `python3 -m pip install secretstorage`') except Exception as _err: _SECRETSTORAGE_UNAVAILABLE_REASON = f'as the `secretstorage` module could not be initialized. {_err}' try: import sqlite3 except ImportError: # although sqlite3 is part of the standard library, it is possible to compile python without # sqlite support. See: https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/issues/544 sqlite3 = None try: import websockets except (ImportError, SyntaxError): # websockets 3.10 on python 3.6 causes SyntaxError # See https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/issues/2633 websockets = None all_dependencies = {k: v for k, v in globals().items() if not k.startswith('_')} available_dependencies = {k: v for k, v in all_dependencies.items() if v} __all__ = [ 'all_dependencies', 'available_dependencies', *all_dependencies.keys(), ]