# time-no-imperceptible ***Deprecated: Instead use the [`time-min-milliseconds`](../time-min-milliseconds/README.md) rule with `100` as its primary option.*** Disallow `animation` and `transition` less than or equal to 100ms. ```css a { animation: slip-n-slide 150ms linear; } /** ↑ * This time */ ``` This rule checks `transition-duration`, `transition-delay`, `animation-duration`, `animation-delay`, and those times as they manifest in the `transition` and `animation` shorthands. ## Options ### `true` The following patterns are considered warnings: ```css a { animation: 80ms; } ``` ```css a { transition-duration: 0.08s; } ``` ```css a { transition: background-color 6ms linear; } ``` ```css a { animation: horse-dance 1s linear 0.01s; } ``` The following patterns are *not* considered warnings: ```css a { animation: 8s; } ``` ```css a { transition-duration: 0.8s; } ``` ```css a { transition: background-color 600ms linear; } ``` ```css a { animation: horse-dance 1s linear 1.3s; } ```