"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.messages = exports.ruleName = undefined; exports.default = function (expectation, options) { return function (root, result) { var validOptions = _stylelint.utils.validateOptions(result, ruleName, { actual: expectation, possible: ["always", "never"] }, { actual: options, possible: { except: ["first-nested", "after-comment", "after-dollar-variable"], ignore: ["after-comment", "inside-single-line-block"] }, optional: true }); if (!validOptions) { return; } root.walkDecls(function (decl) { if (!isDollarVar(decl)) { return; } // Always ignore the first $var in a stylesheet if (decl === root.first) { return; } // If ignoring vars after comments is set if ((0, _utils.optionsHaveIgnored)(options, "after-comment") && decl.prev() && decl.prev().type === "comment") { return; } // If ignoring single-line blocks if ((0, _utils.optionsHaveIgnored)(options, "inside-single-line-block") && decl.parent.type !== "root" && (0, _utils.isSingleLineString)((0, _utils.blockString)(decl.parent))) { return; } var expectHasEmptyLineBefore = expectation === "always"; // Reverse for a variable that is a first child of its parent if ((0, _utils.optionsHaveException)(options, "first-nested") && decl === decl.parent.first) { expectHasEmptyLineBefore = !expectHasEmptyLineBefore; } // Reverse if after a comment if ((0, _utils.optionsHaveException)(options, "after-comment") && decl.prev() && decl.prev().type === "comment") { expectHasEmptyLineBefore = !expectHasEmptyLineBefore; } // Reverse if after another $-variable if ((0, _utils.optionsHaveException)(options, "after-dollar-variable") && decl.prev() && isDollarVar(decl.prev())) { expectHasEmptyLineBefore = !expectHasEmptyLineBefore; } if (expectHasEmptyLineBefore === (0, _utils.hasEmptyLine)(decl.raws.before)) { return; } _stylelint.utils.report({ message: expectHasEmptyLineBefore ? messages.expected : messages.rejected, node: decl, result: result, ruleName: ruleName }); }); }; }; var _utils = require("../../utils"); var _stylelint = require("stylelint"); var ruleName = exports.ruleName = (0, _utils.namespace)("dollar-variable-empty-line-before"); var messages = exports.messages = _stylelint.utils.ruleMessages(ruleName, { expected: "Expected an empty line before $-variable", rejected: "Unxpected empty line before $-variable" }); function isDollarVar(node) { return node.prop && node.prop[0] === "$"; }