"use strict" const _ = require("lodash") const report = require("../../utils/report") const ruleMessages = require("../../utils/ruleMessages") const validateOptions = require("../../utils/validateOptions") const styleSearch = require("style-search") const ruleName = "max-empty-lines" const messages = ruleMessages(ruleName, { expected: max => `Expected no more than ${max} empty line(s)`, }) const rule = function (max) { const maxAdjacentNewlines = max + 1 return (root, result) => { const validOptions = validateOptions(result, ruleName, { actual: max, possible: _.isNumber, }) if (!validOptions) { return } const rootString = root.toString() const repeatLFNewLines = _.repeat("\n", maxAdjacentNewlines) const repeatCRLFNewLines = _.repeat("\r\n", maxAdjacentNewlines) styleSearch({ source: rootString, target: "\n" }, match => { checkMatch(rootString, match.endIndex, root) }) // We must check comments separately in order to accommodate stupid // `//`-comments from SCSS, which postcss-scss converts to `/* ... */`, // which adds to extra characters at the end, which messes up our // warning position root.walkComments(comment => { const source = (comment.raws.left || "") + comment.text + (comment.raws.right || "") styleSearch({ source, target: "\n" }, match => { checkMatch(source, match.endIndex, comment, 2) }) }) function checkMatch(source, matchEndIndex, node) { const offset = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : 0 let violationIndex = false if (source.substr(matchEndIndex, maxAdjacentNewlines) === repeatLFNewLines) { violationIndex = matchEndIndex + maxAdjacentNewlines } else if (source.substr(matchEndIndex, maxAdjacentNewlines * 2) === repeatCRLFNewLines) { violationIndex = matchEndIndex + maxAdjacentNewlines * 2 } if (!violationIndex) { return } report({ message: messages.expected(max), node, index: violationIndex + offset, result, ruleName, }) } } } rule.ruleName = ruleName rule.messages = messages module.exports = rule