# comment-empty-line-before Require or disallow an empty line before comments. ```css a {} /* ← */ /* comment */ /* ↑ */ /** ↑ * This line */ ``` If the comment is the very first node in a stylesheet then it is ignored. Shared-line comments are also ignored. If you're using a custom syntax which support single-line comments with `//`, those are ignored as well. **Caveat:** Comments within *selector and value lists* are currently ignored. ## Options `string`: `"always"|"never"` ### `"always"` There *must always* be an empty line before comments. The following patterns are considered warnings: ```css a {} /* comment */ ``` The following patterns are *not* considered warnings: ```css a {} /* comment */ ``` ```css a {} /* comment */ ``` ### `"never"` There *must never* be an empty line before comments. The following patterns are considered warnings: ```css a {} /* comment */ ``` The following patterns are *not* considered warnings: ```css a {} /* comment */ ``` ```css a {} /* comment */ ``` ## Optional secondary options ### `except: ["first-nested"]` Reverse the primary option for comments that are nested and the first child of their parent node. For example, with `"always"`: The following patterns are considered warnings: ```css a { /* comment */ color: pink; } ``` The following patterns are *not* considered warnings: ```css a { /* comment */ color: pink; } ``` ### `ignore: ["after-comment", "stylelint-commands"]` #### `"after-comment"` ***Note: This option was previously called `between-comments`.*** Don't require an empty line after a comment. For example, with `"always"`: The following patterns are *not* considered warnings: ```css a { background: pink; /* comment */ /* comment */ color: #eee; } ``` ```css a { background: pink; /* comment */ /* comment */ color: #eee; } ``` #### `"stylelint-commands"` Ignore comments that deliver commands to stylelint, e.g. `/* stylelint-disable color-no-hex */`. For example, with `"always"`: The following patterns are considered warnings: ```css a { background: pink; /* not a stylelint command */ color: #eee; } ``` The following patterns are *not* considered warnings: ```css a { background: pink; /* stylelint-disable color-no-hex */ color: pink; } ```