var through = require('through2'); var newline = '\n'.charCodeAt(0); // object mode transform stream takes tokenized css and yields complete, // parseable rules or at-rules as strings. module.exports = function match() { var current = null; // buffer for the current incoming rule. var depth = 0; // track depth to handle rules nested in at-rules. var line = 1, column = 1; // track this and pass it downstream for source mapping. function write(token, enc, next) { var type = token[0], buf = token[1]; if(('rule_start' === type || 'atrule_start' === type)) depth++; if(depth > 0 && !current) current = {location: [line, column], buffers:[]}; if('rule_end' === type || 'atrule_end' === type) depth--; if(current) { current.buffers.push(buf); if(depth === 0); } updatePosition(buf); next(); } function end(next) { if(current); this.push(null); next(); } function pushRule() { this.push({ line: current.location[0], column: current.location[1], content: Buffer.concat(current.buffers).toString() }); current = null; } function updatePosition(buf) { for(var i = 0; i < buf.length; i++) { if(buf[i] === newline) { line ++; column = 1; } else { column++; } } } return through.obj(write, end); }