"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.messages = exports.ruleName = undefined; exports.default = function (expectation) { return function (root, result) { var validOptions = _stylelint.utils.validateOptions(result, ruleName, { actual: expectation }); if (!validOptions) { return; } root.walk(function (item) { if (item.type !== "rule" && item.type !== "atrule") { return; } var nestedGroups = {}; // Find all nested property groups item.each(function (decl) { if (decl.type !== "rule") { return; } var testForProp = (0, _utils.parseNestedPropRoot)(decl.selector); if (testForProp && testForProp.propName !== undefined) { var ns = testForProp.propName.value; if (!nestedGroups.hasOwnProperty(ns)) { nestedGroups[ns] = []; } nestedGroups[ns].push(decl); } }); Object.keys(nestedGroups).forEach(function (namespace) { // Only warn if there are more than one nested groups with equal namespaces if (nestedGroups[namespace].length === 1) { return; } nestedGroups[namespace].forEach(function (group) { _stylelint.utils.report({ message: messages.expected(namespace), node: group, result: result, ruleName: ruleName }); }); }); }); }; }; var _utils = require("../../utils"); var _stylelint = require("stylelint"); var ruleName = exports.ruleName = (0, _utils.namespace)("declaration-nested-properties-no-divided-groups"); var messages = exports.messages = _stylelint.utils.ruleMessages(ruleName, { expected: function expected(prop) { return "Expected all nested properties of \"" + prop + "\" namespace to be in one nested group"; } });