2022-01-03 11:33:05 +01:00

28 lines
767 B
Executable File

# none, visible or audible
set bell-style visible
# Ask before displaying >40 items
set completion-query-items 40
set completion-ignore-case on
# disable/enable 8bit input
#set meta-flag on
#set input-meta on
#set output-meta on
#set convert-meta on
# History-seach
"\e[A": history-search-backward # Arrow-up
"\e[B": history-search-forward # Arrow-down
"\e[1;5C": forward-word # Ctrl-Left
"\e[1;5D": backward-word # Ctrl-Right
"\e[3;5~": kill-word # Ctrl-Del - delete word to the right
#"\C-k": "\C-e\C-uecho -e \"\\033c\\c\"\n" # Ctrl-K - resets the terminal (commented, I prefer binding below)
"\C-k": "\C-e\C-u" # Ctrl-K - clears the input line regardless of cursor pos
"\e[5~": beginning-of-history # Page up
"\e[6~": end-of-history # Page down