/** * Module dependencies. */ var Emitter = require('events').EventEmitter; var parser = require('socket.io-parser'); /** * Module exports. */ module.exports = Adapter; /** * Memory adapter constructor. * * @param {Namespace} nsp * @api public */ function Adapter(nsp){ this.nsp = nsp; this.rooms = {}; this.sids = {}; this.encoder = new parser.Encoder(); } /** * Inherits from `EventEmitter`. */ Adapter.prototype.__proto__ = Emitter.prototype; /** * Adds a socket to a room. * * @param {String} socket id * @param {String} room name * @param {Function} callback * @api public */ Adapter.prototype.add = function(id, room, fn){ this.sids[id] = this.sids[id] || {}; this.sids[id][room] = true; this.rooms[room] = this.rooms[room] || Room(); this.rooms[room].add(id); if (fn) process.nextTick(fn.bind(null, null)); }; /** * Removes a socket from a room. * * @param {String} socket id * @param {String} room name * @param {Function} callback * @api public */ Adapter.prototype.del = function(id, room, fn){ this.sids[id] = this.sids[id] || {}; delete this.sids[id][room]; if (this.rooms.hasOwnProperty(room)) { this.rooms[room].del(id); if (this.rooms[room].length === 0) delete this.rooms[room]; } if (fn) process.nextTick(fn.bind(null, null)); }; /** * Removes a socket from all rooms it's joined. * * @param {String} socket id * @param {Function} callback * @api public */ Adapter.prototype.delAll = function(id, fn){ var rooms = this.sids[id]; if (rooms) { for (var room in rooms) { if (this.rooms.hasOwnProperty(room)) { this.rooms[room].del(id); if (this.rooms[room].length === 0) delete this.rooms[room]; } } } delete this.sids[id]; if (fn) process.nextTick(fn.bind(null, null)); }; /** * Broadcasts a packet. * * Options: * - `flags` {Object} flags for this packet * - `except` {Array} sids that should be excluded * - `rooms` {Array} list of rooms to broadcast to * * @param {Object} packet object * @api public */ Adapter.prototype.broadcast = function(packet, opts){ var rooms = opts.rooms || []; var except = opts.except || []; var flags = opts.flags || {}; var packetOpts = { preEncoded: true, volatile: flags.volatile, compress: flags.compress }; var ids = {}; var self = this; var socket; packet.nsp = this.nsp.name; this.encoder.encode(packet, function(encodedPackets) { if (rooms.length) { for (var i = 0; i < rooms.length; i++) { var room = self.rooms[rooms[i]]; if (!room) continue; var sockets = room.sockets; for (var id in sockets) { if (sockets.hasOwnProperty(id)) { if (ids[id] || ~except.indexOf(id)) continue; socket = self.nsp.connected[id]; if (socket) { socket.packet(encodedPackets, packetOpts); ids[id] = true; } } } } } else { for (var id in self.sids) { if (self.sids.hasOwnProperty(id)) { if (~except.indexOf(id)) continue; socket = self.nsp.connected[id]; if (socket) socket.packet(encodedPackets, packetOpts); } } } }); }; /** * Gets a list of clients by sid. * * @param {Array} explicit set of rooms to check. * @param {Function} callback * @api public */ Adapter.prototype.clients = function(rooms, fn){ if ('function' == typeof rooms){ fn = rooms; rooms = null; } rooms = rooms || []; var ids = {}; var self = this; var sids = []; var socket; if (rooms.length) { for (var i = 0; i < rooms.length; i++) { var room = self.rooms[rooms[i]]; if (!room) continue; var sockets = room.sockets; for (var id in sockets) { if (sockets.hasOwnProperty(id)) { if (ids[id]) continue; socket = self.nsp.connected[id]; if (socket) { sids.push(id); ids[id] = true; } } } } } else { for (var id in self.sids) { if (self.sids.hasOwnProperty(id)) { socket = self.nsp.connected[id]; if (socket) sids.push(id); } } } if (fn) process.nextTick(fn.bind(null, null, sids)); }; /** * Gets the list of rooms a given client has joined. * * @param {String} socket id * @param {Function} callback * @api public */ Adapter.prototype.clientRooms = function(id, fn){ var rooms = this.sids[id]; if (fn) process.nextTick(fn.bind(null, null, rooms ? Object.keys(rooms) : null)); }; /** * Room constructor. * * @api private */ function Room(){ if (!(this instanceof Room)) return new Room(); this.sockets = {}; this.length = 0; } /** * Adds a socket to a room. * * @param {String} socket id * @api private */ Room.prototype.add = function(id){ if (!this.sockets.hasOwnProperty(id)) { this.sockets[id] = true; this.length++; } }; /** * Removes a socket from a room. * * @param {String} socket id * @api private */ Room.prototype.del = function(id){ if (this.sockets.hasOwnProperty(id)) { delete this.sockets[id]; this.length--; } };