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* depd
* Copyright(c) 2014-2015 Douglas Christopher Wilson
* MIT Licensed
* Module dependencies.
var callSiteToString = require('./lib/compat').callSiteToString
var eventListenerCount = require('./lib/compat').eventListenerCount
var relative = require('path').relative
* Module exports.
module.exports = depd
* Get the path to base files on.
var basePath = process.cwd()
* Determine if namespace is contained in the string.
function containsNamespace(str, namespace) {
var val = str.split(/[ ,]+/)
namespace = String(namespace).toLowerCase()
for (var i = 0 ; i < val.length; i++) {
if (!(str = val[i])) continue;
// namespace contained
if (str === '*' || str.toLowerCase() === namespace) {
return true
return false
* Convert a data descriptor to accessor descriptor.
function convertDataDescriptorToAccessor(obj, prop, message) {
var descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, prop)
var value = descriptor.value
descriptor.get = function getter() { return value }
if (descriptor.writable) {
descriptor.set = function setter(val) { return value = val }
delete descriptor.value
delete descriptor.writable
Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, descriptor)
return descriptor
* Create arguments string to keep arity.
function createArgumentsString(arity) {
var str = ''
for (var i = 0; i < arity; i++) {
str += ', arg' + i
return str.substr(2)
* Create stack string from stack.
function createStackString(stack) {
var str = + ': ' + this.namespace
if (this.message) {
str += ' deprecated ' + this.message
for (var i = 0; i < stack.length; i++) {
str += '\n at ' + callSiteToString(stack[i])
return str
* Create deprecate for namespace in caller.
function depd(namespace) {
if (!namespace) {
throw new TypeError('argument namespace is required')
var stack = getStack()
var site = callSiteLocation(stack[1])
var file = site[0]
function deprecate(message) {
// call to self as log, message)
deprecate._file = file
deprecate._ignored = isignored(namespace)
deprecate._namespace = namespace
deprecate._traced = istraced(namespace)
deprecate._warned = Object.create(null)
deprecate.function = wrapfunction = wrapproperty
return deprecate
* Determine if namespace is ignored.
function isignored(namespace) {
/* istanbul ignore next: tested in a child processs */
if (process.noDeprecation) {
// --no-deprecation support
return true
var str = process.env.NO_DEPRECATION || ''
// namespace ignored
return containsNamespace(str, namespace)
* Determine if namespace is traced.
function istraced(namespace) {
/* istanbul ignore next: tested in a child processs */
if (process.traceDeprecation) {
// --trace-deprecation support
return true
var str = process.env.TRACE_DEPRECATION || ''
// namespace traced
return containsNamespace(str, namespace)
* Display deprecation message.
function log(message, site) {
var haslisteners = eventListenerCount(process, 'deprecation') !== 0
// abort early if no destination
if (!haslisteners && this._ignored) {
var caller
var callFile
var callSite
var i = 0
var seen = false
var stack = getStack()
var file = this._file
if (site) {
// provided site
callSite = callSiteLocation(stack[1]) =
file = callSite[0]
} else {
// get call site
i = 2
site = callSiteLocation(stack[i])
callSite = site
// get caller of deprecated thing in relation to file
for (; i < stack.length; i++) {
caller = callSiteLocation(stack[i])
callFile = caller[0]
if (callFile === file) {
seen = true
} else if (callFile === this._file) {
file = this._file
} else if (seen) {
var key = caller
? site.join(':') + '__' + caller.join(':')
: undefined
if (key !== undefined && key in this._warned) {
// already warned
this._warned[key] = true
// generate automatic message from call site
if (!message) {
message = callSite === site || !
? defaultMessage(site)
: defaultMessage(callSite)
// emit deprecation if listeners exist
if (haslisteners) {
var err = DeprecationError(this._namespace, message, stack.slice(i))
process.emit('deprecation', err)
// format and write message
var format = process.stderr.isTTY
? formatColor
: formatPlain
var msg =, message, caller, stack.slice(i))
process.stderr.write(msg + '\n', 'utf8')
* Get call site location as array.
function callSiteLocation(callSite) {
var file = callSite.getFileName() || '<anonymous>'
var line = callSite.getLineNumber()
var colm = callSite.getColumnNumber()
if (callSite.isEval()) {
file = callSite.getEvalOrigin() + ', ' + file
var site = [file, line, colm]
site.callSite = callSite = callSite.getFunctionName()
return site
* Generate a default message from the site.
function defaultMessage(site) {
var callSite = site.callSite
var funcName =
// make useful anonymous name
if (!funcName) {
funcName = '<anonymous@' + formatLocation(site) + '>'
var context = callSite.getThis()
var typeName = context && callSite.getTypeName()
// ignore useless type name
if (typeName === 'Object') {
typeName = undefined
// make useful type name
if (typeName === 'Function') {
typeName = || typeName
return typeName && callSite.getMethodName()
? typeName + '.' + funcName
: funcName
* Format deprecation message without color.
function formatPlain(msg, caller, stack) {
var timestamp = new Date().toUTCString()
var formatted = timestamp
+ ' ' + this._namespace
+ ' deprecated ' + msg
// add stack trace
if (this._traced) {
for (var i = 0; i < stack.length; i++) {
formatted += '\n at ' + callSiteToString(stack[i])
return formatted
if (caller) {
formatted += ' at ' + formatLocation(caller)
return formatted
* Format deprecation message with color.
function formatColor(msg, caller, stack) {
var formatted = '\x1b[36;1m' + this._namespace + '\x1b[22;39m' // bold cyan
+ ' \x1b[33;1mdeprecated\x1b[22;39m' // bold yellow
+ ' \x1b[0m' + msg + '\x1b[39m' // reset
// add stack trace
if (this._traced) {
for (var i = 0; i < stack.length; i++) {
formatted += '\n \x1b[36mat ' + callSiteToString(stack[i]) + '\x1b[39m' // cyan
return formatted
if (caller) {
formatted += ' \x1b[36m' + formatLocation(caller) + '\x1b[39m' // cyan
return formatted
* Format call site location.
function formatLocation(callSite) {
return relative(basePath, callSite[0])
+ ':' + callSite[1]
+ ':' + callSite[2]
* Get the stack as array of call sites.
function getStack() {
var limit = Error.stackTraceLimit
var obj = {}
var prep = Error.prepareStackTrace
Error.prepareStackTrace = prepareObjectStackTrace
Error.stackTraceLimit = Math.max(10, limit)
// capture the stack
// slice this function off the top
var stack = obj.stack.slice(1)
Error.prepareStackTrace = prep
Error.stackTraceLimit = limit
return stack
* Capture call site stack from v8.
function prepareObjectStackTrace(obj, stack) {
return stack
* Return a wrapped function in a deprecation message.
function wrapfunction(fn, message) {
if (typeof fn !== 'function') {
throw new TypeError('argument fn must be a function')
var args = createArgumentsString(fn.length)
var deprecate = this
var stack = getStack()
var site = callSiteLocation(stack[1]) =
var deprecatedfn = eval('(function (' + args + ') {\n'
+ '"use strict"\n'
+ ', message, site)\n'
+ 'return fn.apply(this, arguments)\n'
+ '})')
return deprecatedfn
* Wrap property in a deprecation message.
function wrapproperty(obj, prop, message) {
if (!obj || (typeof obj !== 'object' && typeof obj !== 'function')) {
throw new TypeError('argument obj must be object')
var descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, prop)
if (!descriptor) {
throw new TypeError('must call property on owner object')
if (!descriptor.configurable) {
throw new TypeError('property must be configurable')
var deprecate = this
var stack = getStack()
var site = callSiteLocation(stack[1])
// set site name = prop
// convert data descriptor
if ('value' in descriptor) {
descriptor = convertDataDescriptorToAccessor(obj, prop, message)
var get = descriptor.get
var set = descriptor.set
// wrap getter
if (typeof get === 'function') {
descriptor.get = function getter() {, message, site)
return get.apply(this, arguments)
// wrap setter
if (typeof set === 'function') {
descriptor.set = function setter() {, message, site)
return set.apply(this, arguments)
Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, descriptor)
* Create DeprecationError for deprecation
function DeprecationError(namespace, message, stack) {
var error = new Error()
var stackString
Object.defineProperty(error, 'constructor', {
value: DeprecationError
Object.defineProperty(error, 'message', {
configurable: true,
enumerable: false,
value: message,
writable: true
Object.defineProperty(error, 'name', {
enumerable: false,
configurable: true,
value: 'DeprecationError',
writable: true
Object.defineProperty(error, 'namespace', {
configurable: true,
enumerable: false,
value: namespace,
writable: true
Object.defineProperty(error, 'stack', {
configurable: true,
enumerable: false,
get: function () {
if (stackString !== undefined) {
return stackString
// prepare stack trace
return stackString =, stack)
set: function setter(val) {
stackString = val
return error