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More changes trying to get bi-directional frequency changes to work. The problem is that I can't control/predict where the H/W frequency will be relative to the VFO frequency.
Simplified, solved the tuning step problem, but now tuning is backwards again (if I disable Swap I/Q), or just wrong (if I enable Swap I/Q).
Committing since I'm about to make a large change. Everything is awesome, except that if a large step size is selected on the rig, then the Gqrx can never successfully set the rig freq.
Added a simple GUI. Made it so you can toggle on/off "Rig-to-GQRX" and "GQRX-to-Rig". Some of the cases aren't quite right, however. Need to separate out the LNB frequency, and make LNB frequency ALWAYS get updated based on the rig frequency, regardless of whether the the rig frequency is being used to set the GQRX frequency.
Fixed an existing issue with the CEC codebase. Specifically, if using a Nextion display, if EXTEND_KEY_GROUP1 was not set, then the checkButton() function that is compiled did not support the on-screen menu display for legacy uBITX options. The menus would still get activated, but would not display on the Nextion display. Added the #ifdef/#else for USE_SW_SERIAL to the "NOT" EXTEND_KEY_GROUP1 version of checkButton().
Attempted incorporation of W0EB interrupt-based keying code from Raduino I2C clone. Kept locking up during the setFrequency() and/or SetCarrierFreq() calls that occurred within startTx() when called from the ISR. Don't have time to work through understanding how to integrated the KD8CEC complex spaghetti codebase with the otherwise relatively straightforward ISR. So I think I will revert to the non-ISR version.
added ubitx_keyer.cpp from W0EB Raduino I2C
Modified to use two digital lines (11, 12) for dot/dash keyer inputs, instead of using analogRead() on a shared pin. Compiles; haven't tested.
quick checkin so I can look at another branch
Further updates to DSP, and significant changes to TS590. Implementing templated CAT commands using the delegate template from the ETL. Compiles, but not tested.
Significant updates to DSP. Compiles. Likely doesn't work at the moment. Next step should be to get it running again on the rig, NOT to try any more fancy updates to CAT etc.
Updates to the DSP. One issue that needs to be resolved: in order to use the VOX the way it is currently setup, muting of the overall TX chain needs to be at the END, not the beginning; whatever is setup as the default TX audio source, needs to be unmuted even during RX.
Revert "Updated with some of the changes I made on travel. Will probably break everything..."
Updated with some of the changes I made on travel. Will probably break everything...
Incorporated some code changes that I made while on travel. Most of the significant items are in 'temp.h', which incorporates a bunch of proposed changes. However, I don't believe I'm going this direction, at this point. But, I did want to incorporate the code into a database.