2018-01-26 18:23:52 +09:00

388 lines
12 KiB

CW Keyer
CW Key logic change with ron's code (ubitx_keyer.cpp)
Ron's logic has been modified to work with the original uBITX by KD8CEC
Original Comment ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* The CW keyer handles either a straight key or an iambic / paddle key.
* They all use just one analog input line. This is how it works.
* The analog line has the internal pull-up resistor enabled.
* When a straight key is connected, it shorts the pull-up resistor, analog input is 0 volts
* When a paddle is connected, the dot and the dash are connected to the analog pin through
* a 10K and a 2.2K resistors. These produce a 4v and a 2v input to the analog pins.
* So, the readings are as follows :
* 0v - straight key
* 1-2.5 v - paddle dot
* 2.5 to 4.5 v - paddle dash
* 2.0 to 0.5 v - dot and dash pressed
* The keyer is written to transparently handle all these cases
* Generating CW
* The CW is cleanly generated by unbalancing the front-end mixer
* and putting the local oscillator directly at the CW transmit frequency.
* The sidetone, generated by the Arduino is injected into the volume control
// in milliseconds, this is the parameter that determines how long the tx will hold between cw key downs
//#define CW_TIMEOUT (600l) //Change to CW Delaytime for value save to eeprom
#define PADDLE_DOT 1
#define PADDLE_DASH 2
#define PADDLE_BOTH 3
//we store the last padde's character
//to alternatively send dots and dashes
//when both are simultaneously pressed
char lastPaddle = 0;
//reads the analog keyer pin and reports the paddle
byte getPaddle(){
int paddle = analogRead(ANALOG_KEYER);
if (paddle > 800) // above 4v is up
return 0;
if (paddle > 600) // 4-3v is dot
else if (paddle > 300) //1-2v is dash
return PADDLE_DOT;
else if (paddle > 50)
return PADDLE_BOTH; //both are between 1 and 2v
return PADDLE_STRAIGHT; //less than 1v is the straight key
* Starts transmitting the carrier with the sidetone
* It assumes that we have called cwTxStart and not called cwTxStop
* each time it is called, the cwTimeOut is pushed further into the future
void cwKeydown(){
keyDown = 1; //tracks the CW_KEY
tone(CW_TONE, (int)sideTone);
digitalWrite(CW_KEY, 1);
//Modified by KD8CEC, for CW Delay Time save to eeprom
//cwTimeout = millis() + CW_TIMEOUT;
cwTimeout = millis() + cwDelayTime * 10;
* Stops the cw carrier transmission along with the sidetone
* Pushes the cwTimeout further into the future
void cwKeyUp(){
keyDown = 0; //tracks the CW_KEY
digitalWrite(CW_KEY, 0);
//Modified by KD8CEC, for CW Delay Time save to eeprom
//cwTimeout = millis() + CW_TIMEOUT;
cwTimeout = millis() + cwDelayTime * 10;
// New logic, by RON
// modified by KD8CEC
#define DIT_L 0x01 // DIT latch
#define DAH_L 0x02 // DAH latch
#define DIT_PROC 0x04 // DIT is being processed
#define PDLSWAP 0x08 // 0 for normal, 1 for swap
#define IAMBICB 0x10 // 0 for Iambic A, 1 for Iambic B
static long ktimer;
bool Iambic_Key = true;
unsigned char keyerControl = IAMBICB;
unsigned char keyerState = IDLE;
//Below is a test to reduce the keying error.
char update_PaddleLatch(byte isUpdateKeyState) {
int paddle = analogRead(ANALOG_KEYER);
unsigned char tmpKeyerControl;
if (paddle > 800) // above 4v is up
tmpKeyerControl = 0;
//else if (paddle > 600) // 4-3v is DASH
else if (paddle > 693 && paddle < 700) // 4-3v is DASH
tmpKeyerControl |= DAH_L;
//else if (paddle > 300) //1-2v is DOT
else if (paddle > 323 && paddle < 328) //1-2v is DOT
tmpKeyerControl |= DIT_L;
//else if (paddle > 50)
else if (paddle > 280 && paddle < 290)
tmpKeyerControl |= (DAH_L | DIT_L) ; //both are between 1 and 2v
tmpKeyerControl = 0 ; //STRAIGHT KEY in original code
//keyerControl |= (DAH_L | DIT_L) ; //STRAIGHT KEY in original code
if (isUpdateKeyState == 1) {
keyerControl |= tmpKeyerControl;
byte buff[17];
sprintf(buff, "Key : %d", paddle);
if (tmpKeyerControl > 0)
return tmpKeyerControl;
//if (analogRead(ANALOG_DOT) < 600 ) keyerControl |= DIT_L;
//if (analogRead(ANALOG_DASH) < 600 ) keyerControl |= DAH_L;
//create by KD8CEC for compatible with new CW Logic
char update_PaddleLatch(byte isUpdateKeyState) {
int paddle = analogRead(ANALOG_KEYER);
unsigned char tmpKeyerControl;
if (paddle > 800) // above 4v is up
tmpKeyerControl = 0;
else if (paddle > 600) // 4-3v is DASH
tmpKeyerControl |= DAH_L;
else if (paddle > 300) //1-2v is DOT
tmpKeyerControl |= DIT_L;
else if (paddle > 50)
tmpKeyerControl |= (DAH_L | DIT_L) ; //both are between 1 and 2v
{ //STRAIGHT KEY in original code
if (Iambic_Key)
tmpKeyerControl = 0 ;
tmpKeyerControl = DIT_L ;
if (isUpdateKeyState == 1)
keyerControl |= tmpKeyerControl;
return tmpKeyerControl;
//This function is Ron's Logic.
void cwKeyer(void){
byte paddle;
lastPaddle = 0;
int dot,dash;
bool continue_loop = true;
unsigned tmpKeyControl = 0;
if( Iambic_Key ){
switch (keyerState) {
case IDLE:
tmpKeyControl = update_PaddleLatch(0);
if ( tmpKeyControl == DAH_L || tmpKeyControl == DIT_L ||
tmpKeyControl == (DAH_L | DIT_L) || (keyerControl & 0x03)) {
//DIT or DASH or current state DIT & DASH
//(analogRead(ANALOG_DOT) < 600) || //DIT
//(analogRead(ANALOG_DASH) < 600) || //DIT
// (keyerControl & 0x03)) {
keyerState = CHK_DIT;
if (0 < cwTimeout && cwTimeout < millis()){
cwTimeout = 0;
continue_loop = false;
case CHK_DIT:
if (keyerControl & DIT_L) {
keyerControl |= DIT_PROC;
ktimer = cwSpeed;
keyerState = KEYED_PREP;
keyerState = CHK_DAH;
case CHK_DAH:
if (keyerControl & DAH_L) {
ktimer = cwSpeed*3;
keyerState = KEYED_PREP;
keyerState = IDLE;
ktimer += millis(); // set ktimer to interval end time
keyerControl &= ~(DIT_L + DAH_L); // clear both paddle latch bits
keyerState = KEYED; // next state
if (!inTx){
keyDown = 0;
cwTimeout = millis() + cwDelayTime * 10; //+ CW_TIMEOUT;
startTx(TX_CW, 1);
case KEYED:
if (millis() > ktimer) { // are we at end of key down ?
ktimer = millis() + cwSpeed; // inter-element time
keyerState = INTER_ELEMENT; // next state
}else if (keyerControl & IAMBICB) {
update_PaddleLatch(1); // early paddle latch in Iambic B mode
// Insert time between dits/dahs
update_PaddleLatch(1); // latch paddle state
if (millis() > ktimer) { // are we at end of inter-space ?
if (keyerControl & DIT_PROC) { // was it a dit or dah ?
keyerControl &= ~(DIT_L + DIT_PROC); // clear two bits
keyerState = CHK_DAH; // dit done, check for dah
keyerControl &= ~(DAH_L); // clear dah latch
keyerState = IDLE; // go idle
} //end of while
//if (analogRead(ANALOG_DOT) < 600){
if (update_PaddleLatch(0) == DIT_L) {
// if we are here, it is only because the key is pressed
if (!inTx){
keyDown = 0;
cwTimeout = millis() + cwDelayTime * 10; //+ CW_TIMEOUT;
startTx(TX_CW, 1);
// start the transmission)
//while ( analogRead(ANALOG_DOT) < 600 ) delay(1);
while ( update_PaddleLatch(0) == DIT_L ) delay(1);
if (0 < cwTimeout && cwTimeout < millis()){
cwTimeout = 0;
keyDown = 0;
if (!cwTimeout)
// got back to the beginning of the loop, if no further activity happens on straight key
// we will time out, and return out of this routine
} //end of else
//Before logic
//by Farhan and modified by KD8CEC
* The keyer handles the straight key as well as the iambic key
* This module keeps looping until the user stops sending cw
* if the cwTimeout is set to 0, then it means, we have to exit the keyer loop
* Each time the key is hit the cwTimeout is pushed to a time in the future by cwKeyDown()
void cwKeyer(){
byte paddle;
lastPaddle = 0;
paddle = getPaddle();
// do nothing if the paddle has not been touched, unless
// we are in the cw mode and we have timed out
if (!paddle){
//modifed by KD8CEC for auto CW Send
if (isCWAutoMode > 1) //if while auto cw sending, dont stop tx by paddle position
if (0 < cwTimeout && cwTimeout < millis()){
cwTimeout = 0;
keyDown = 0;
if (!cwTimeout)
Check_Cat(2); //for uBITX on Raspberry pi, when straight keying, disconnect / test complete
//if while auto cw send, stop auto cw
//but isAutoCWHold for Manual Keying with cwAutoSend
if (isCWAutoMode > 1 && isAutoCWHold == 0)
isCWAutoMode = 1; //read status
//Remoark Debug code / Serial Use by CAT Protocol
// if we are here, it is only because the key or the paddle is pressed
if (!inTx){
keyDown = 0;
//Modified by KD8CEC, for CW Delay Time save to eeprom
//cwTimeout = millis() + CW_TIMEOUT;
cwTimeout = millis() + cwDelayTime * 10;
startTx(TX_CW, 0); //disable updateDisplay Command for reduce latency time
//DelayTime Option
delay_background(delayBeforeCWStartTime * 2, 2);
// star the transmission)
// we store the transmitted character in the lastPaddle
if (paddle == PADDLE_DOT){
delay_background(cwSpeed, 3);
lastPaddle = PADDLE_DOT;
else if (paddle == PADDLE_DASH){
//delay(cwSpeed * 3);
delay_background(cwSpeed * 3, 3);
lastPaddle = PADDLE_DASH;
else if (paddle == PADDLE_BOTH){ //both paddles down
//depending upon what was sent last, send the other
if (lastPaddle == PADDLE_DOT) {
//delay(cwSpeed * 3);
delay_background(cwSpeed * 3, 3);
lastPaddle = PADDLE_DASH;
delay_background(cwSpeed, 3);
lastPaddle = PADDLE_DOT;
else if (paddle == PADDLE_STRAIGHT){
while (getPaddle() == PADDLE_STRAIGHT) {
//introduce a dot long gap between characters if the keyer was used
if (lastPaddle != PADDLE_STRAIGHT)