/************************************************************************* header file for EEProm Address Map by KD8CEC It must be protected to protect the factory calibrated calibration. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . **************************************************************************/ //============================================================================== // Factory-shipped EEProm address // (factory Firmware) // Address : 0 ~ 31 //============================================================================== #define MASTER_CAL 0 #define LSB_CAL 4 #define USB_CAL 8 #define SIDE_TONE 12 //these are ids of the vfos as well as their offset into the eeprom storage, don't change these 'magic' values #define VFO_A 16 #define VFO_B 20 #define CW_SIDETONE 24 #define CW_SPEED 28 //============================================================================== // The spare space available in the original firmware #1 // Address : 32 ~ 63 //============================================================================== #define RESERVE_FOR_FACTORY1 32 //============================================================================== // The spare space available in the original firmware #2 // (Enabled if the EEProm address is insufficient) // Address : 64 ~ 100 //============================================================================== #define RESERVE_FOR_FACTORY2 64 //============================================================================== // KD8CEC EEPROM MAP // Address : 101 ~ 1023 // 256 is the base address // 256 ~ 1023 (EEProm Section #1) // 255 ~ 101 (EEProm Section #2) //============================================================================== #define S_METER_LEVELS 230 //LEVEL0 ~ LEVEL7 #define ADVANCED_FREQ_OPTION1 240 //Bit0: use IFTune_Value, Bit1 : use Stored enabled SDR Mode, Bit2 : dynamic sdr frequency #define IF1_CAL 241 #define ENABLE_SDR 242 #define SDR_FREQUNCY 243 #define CW_CAL 252 #define VFO_A_MODE 256 #define VFO_B_MODE 257 #define CW_DELAY 258 #define CW_START 259 #define HAM_BAND_COUNT 260 // #define TX_TUNE_TYPE 261 // #define HAM_BAND_RANGE 262 //FROM (2BYTE) TO (2BYTE) * 10 = 40byte #define HAM_BAND_FREQS 302 //40, 1 BAND = 4Byte most bit is mode #define TUNING_STEP 342 //TUNING STEP * 6 (index 1 + STEPS 5) //1STEP : //for reduce cw key error, eeprom address #define CW_ADC_MOST_BIT1 348 //most 2bits of DOT_TO , DOT_FROM, ST_TO, ST_FROM #define CW_ADC_ST_FROM 349 //CW ADC Range STRAIGHT KEY from (Lower 8 bit) #define CW_ADC_ST_TO 350 //CW ADC Range STRAIGHT KEY to (Lower 8 bit) #define CW_ADC_DOT_FROM 351 //CW ADC Range DOT from (Lower 8 bit) #define CW_ADC_DOT_TO 352 //CW ADC Range DOT to (Lower 8 bit) #define CW_ADC_MOST_BIT2 353 //most 2bits of BOTH_TO, BOTH_FROM, DASH_TO, DASH_FROM #define CW_ADC_DASH_FROM 354 //CW ADC Range DASH from (Lower 8 bit) #define CW_ADC_DASH_TO 355 //CW ADC Range DASH to (Lower 8 bit) #define CW_ADC_BOTH_FROM 356 //CW ADC Range BOTH from (Lower 8 bit) #define CW_ADC_BOTH_TO 357 //CW ADC Range BOTH to (Lower 8 bit) #define CW_KEY_TYPE 358 #define CW_DISPLAY_SHIFT 359 //Transmits on CWL, CWU Mode, LCD Frequency shifts Sidetone Frequency. //(7:Enable / Disable //0: enable, 1:disable, (default is applied shift) //6 : 0 : Adjust Pulus, 1 : Adjust Minus //0~5: Adjust Value : * 10 = Adjust Value (0~300) #define COMMON_OPTION0 360 //0: Confirm : CW Frequency Shift //1 : IF Shift Save #define IF_SHIFTVALUE 363 #define DISPLAY_OPTION1 361 //Display Option1 #define DISPLAY_OPTION2 362 //Display Option2 #define WSPR_COUNT 443 //WSPR_MESSAGE_COUNT #define WSPR_MESSAGE1 444 // #define WSPR_MESSAGE2 490 // #define WSPR_MESSAGE3 536 // #define WSPR_MESSAGE4 582 // #define CHANNEL_FREQ 630 //Channel 1 ~ 20, 1 Channel = 4 bytes #define CHANNEL_DESC 710 //Channel 1 ~ 20, 1 Channel = 4 bytes #define RESERVE3 770 //Reserve3 between Channel and Firmware id check //Check Firmware type and version #define FIRMWAR_ID_ADDR 776 //776 : 0x59, 777 :0x58, 778 : 0x68 : Id Number, if not found id, erase eeprom(32~1023) for prevent system error. #define VERSION_ADDRESS 779 //check Firmware version //USER INFORMATION #define USER_CALLSIGN_KEY 780 //0x59 #define USER_CALLSIGN_LEN 781 //1BYTE (OPTION + LENGTH) + CALLSIGN (MAXIMUM 18) #define USER_CALLSIGN_DAT 782 //CALL SIGN DATA //direct EEPROM to LCD basic offset //AUTO KEY STRUCTURE //AUTO KEY USE 800 ~ 1023 #define CW_AUTO_MAGIC_KEY 800 //0x73 #define CW_AUTO_COUNT 801 //0 ~ 255 #define CW_AUTO_DATA 803 //[INDEX, INDEX, INDEX,DATA,DATA, DATA (Positon offset is CW_AUTO_DATA #define CW_DATA_OFSTADJ CW_AUTO_DATA - USER_CALLSIGN_DAT //offset adjust for ditect eeprom to lcd (basic offset is USER_CALLSIGN_DAT #define CW_STATION_LEN 1023 //value range : 4 ~ 30