
400 lines
11 KiB
Executable File

#include <Python.h>
#include <Winsock2.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <termios.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#define SOCKET int
#include <complex.h>
#include "quisk.h"
//#include "sdriq.h"
static SOCKET rx_udp_socket = INVALID_SOCKET; // Socket for receiving ADC samples from UDP
static int rx_udp_started = 0; // Have we received any data yet?
static int rx_udp_read_blocks = 0; // Number of blocks to read for each read call
static double rx_udp_gain_correct = 1; // For decimation by 5, correct by 4096 / 5**5
static int use_remove_dc=0; // Remove DC from samples
//static int quisk_using_udp = 0;
// This module provides access to the SDR-IQ by RfSpace. It is the source
// for the Python extension module sdriq. It can be used as a model for an
// extension module for other hardware. Read the end of this file for more
// information. This module was written by James Ahlstrom, N2ADR.
// This module uses the Python interface to import symbols from the parent _quisk
// extension module. It must be linked with import_quisk_api.c. See the documentation
// at the start of import_quisk_api.c.
// Start of SDR-IQ specific code:
#define DEBUG 0
// Type field for the message block header; upper 3 bits of byte
#define TYPE_HOST_SET 0
#define TYPE_HOST_GET (1 << 5)
#define NAME_SIZE 16
#define FIRST_IQ_DATA_IDX 20
#define RX_UDP_SIZE 1044 // Expected size of UDP samples packet
#define RX_UDP_SIZE 1028 // Expected size of UDP samples packet
#define UDP_PROTCOL_ID1 0x04
#define UDP_PROTCOL_ID2 0x18
#ifdef DEBUG_IO
#undef DEBUG_IO
#define DEBUG_IO 1
static PyObject * open_rx_udp(const char * ip, int port)
// const char * ip;
// int port;
char buf[128];
struct sockaddr_in Addr;
int recvsize;
char optval;
int intbuf;
int bufsize = sizeof(int);
socklen_t bufsize = sizeof(int);
WORD wVersionRequested;
WSADATA wsaData;
// if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "si", &ip, &port))
// return NULL;
// port = 50000;
wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD(2, 2);
if (WSAStartup(wVersionRequested, &wsaData) != 0) {
sprintf(buf, "Failed to initialize Winsock (WSAStartup)");
return PyString_FromString(buf);
// quisk_using_udp = 1;
rx_udp_socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP);
if (rx_udp_socket != INVALID_SOCKET)
setsockopt( rx_udp_socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &optval, sizeof(optval) );
recvsize = 256000;
setsockopt(rx_udp_socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, (char *)&recvsize, sizeof(recvsize));
memset(&Addr, 0, sizeof(Addr));
Addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
Addr.sin_port = htons(port);
Addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);//inet_addr("");
// Addr.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = inet_addr(ip);
// if (connect(rx_udp_socket, (const struct sockaddr *)&Addr, sizeof(Addr)) != 0)
if (bind(rx_udp_socket, (const struct sockaddr *)&Addr, sizeof(Addr)) != 0)
shutdown(rx_udp_socket, QUISK_SHUT_BOTH);
rx_udp_socket = INVALID_SOCKET;
sprintf(buf, "Failed to connect to UDP %s port %u", ip, port);
else {
sprintf(buf, "Capture from UDP %s port %u", ip, port);
if (getsockopt(rx_udp_socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, (char *)&intbuf, &bufsize) == 0)
printf("UDP socket receive buffer size %d\n", intbuf);
printf("address %s port %u\n", ip, port);
printf ("Failure SO_RCVBUF\n");
else {
sprintf(buf, "Failed to open socket");
return PyString_FromString(buf);
static PyObject * close_rx_udp(PyObject * self, PyObject * args)
short msg = 0x7373; // shutdown
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, ""))
return NULL;
if (rx_udp_socket != INVALID_SOCKET) {
shutdown(rx_udp_socket, QUISK_SHUT_RD);
send(rx_udp_socket, (char *)&msg, 2, 0);
send(rx_udp_socket, (char *)&msg, 2, 0);
rx_udp_socket = INVALID_SOCKET;
rx_udp_started = 0;
// if (quisk_using_udp) {
// quisk_using_udp = 0;
// }
Py_INCREF (Py_None);
return Py_None;
int afedri_read_rx_udp(complex * samp) // Read samples from UDP
{ // Size of complex sample array is SAMP_BUFFER_SIZE
ssize_t bytes;
//int SR = 0;
static int sample_rate = 0; // Sample rate such as 48000, 96000, 192000
unsigned char buf[1500]; // Maximum Ethernet is 1500 bytes.
static unsigned short seq0; // must be 8 bits
unsigned short seq_curr = 0;
__int32 i, count, nSamples, xr, xi, index;
int32_t i, count, nSamples, xr, xi, index;
unsigned char * ptxr, * ptxi;
static complex dc_average = 0; // Average DC component in samples
static complex dc_sum = 0;
static int dc_count = 0;
static int dc_key_delay = 0;
// Data from the receiver is little-endian
// if ( !rx_udp_read_blocks)
if(sample_rate != pt_quisk_sound_state->sample_rate)
sample_rate = pt_quisk_sound_state->sample_rate;
// "rx_udp_read_blocks" is the number of UDP blocks to read at once
rx_udp_read_blocks = (int)(pt_quisk_sound_state->data_poll_usec * 1e-6 * sample_rate + 0.5);
rx_udp_read_blocks = (rx_udp_read_blocks + (RX_UDP_SIZE / 12)) / (RX_UDP_SIZE / 6); // 6 bytes per sample
if (rx_udp_read_blocks < 1)
rx_udp_read_blocks = 1;
printf("read_rx_udp: rx_udp_read_blocks %d\n", rx_udp_read_blocks);
/* if ( ! rx_udp_gain_correct) {
int dec;
dec = (int)(rx_udp_clock / sample_rate + 0.5);
if ((dec / 5) * 5 == dec) // Decimation by a factor of 5
rx_udp_gain_correct = 1.31072;
else // Decimation by factors of two
rx_udp_gain_correct = 1.0;
nSamples = 0;
for (count = 0; count < rx_udp_read_blocks; count++)
{ // read several UDP blocks
// printf("Data RX Process Begin %u\n",count);
bytes = recv(rx_udp_socket, (char *)buf, RX_UDP_SIZE, 0); // blocking read
if (bytes != RX_UDP_SIZE) { // Known size of sample block
printf("read_rx_udp: Bad block size %i\n", (int)bytes);
// buf[0] is the sequence number
// buf[1] is the status:
// bit 0: key up/down state
// bit 1: set for ADC overrange (clip)
seq_curr = buf[2] | (buf[3] << 8);
if (seq_curr != seq0) {
printf("read_rx_udp: Bad sequence want %3d got %3d at block %d of %d\n",
(unsigned int)seq0, (unsigned int)buf[0], count, rx_udp_read_blocks);
seq0 = seq_curr + 1; // Next expected sequence number
// quisk_set_key_down(buf[1] & 0x01); // bit zero is key state
// if (buf[1] & 0x02) // bit one is ADC overrange
// quisk_sound_state.overrange++;
ptxr = (unsigned char *)&xr;
ptxi = (unsigned char *)&xi;
// convert 24-bit samples to 32-bit samples; int must be 32 bits.
while (index < bytes)
xr = xi = 0;
memcpy (ptxr + 2, buf + index, 2);
index += 2;
memcpy (ptxi + 2, buf + index, 2);
index += 2;
samp[nSamples++] = (xr + xi * I) * rx_udp_gain_correct;
xr = xi = 0;
memcpy (ptxr + 2, buf + index, 2);
index += 2;
memcpy (ptxi + 2, buf + index, 2);
index += 2;
samp[nSamples++] = (xr + xi * I) * rx_udp_gain_correct;;
//if (nSamples == 2) printf("%12d %12d\n", xr, xi);
if (quisk_is_key_down()) {
dc_key_delay = 0;
dc_sum = 0;
dc_count = 0;
else if (dc_key_delay < pt_quisk_sound_state->sample_rate) {
dc_key_delay += nSamples;
else {
dc_count += nSamples;
for (i = 0; i < nSamples; i++) // Correction for DC offset in samples
dc_sum += samp[i];
if (dc_count > pt_quisk_sound_state->sample_rate * 2) {
dc_average = dc_sum / dc_count;
dc_sum = 0;
dc_count = 0;
//printf("dc average %lf %lf %d\n", creal(dc_average), cimag(dc_average), dc_count);
//printf("dc polar %.0lf %d\n", cabs(dc_average),
// (int)(360.0 / 2 / M_PI * atan2(cimag(dc_average), creal(dc_average))));
if (use_remove_dc)
for (i = 0; i < nSamples; i++) // Correction for DC offset in samples
samp[i] -= dc_average;
// printf("%u\n", pt_quisk_sound_state->sample_rate);
return nSamples;
// End of most AFEDRI specific code.
// The API requires at least two Python functions for Open and Close, plus
// additional Python functions as needed. And it requires exactly three
// C funcions for Start, Stop and Read samples. Quisk runs in two threads,
// a GUI thread and a sound thread. You must not call the GUI or any Python
// code from the sound thread. You must return promptly from functions called
// by the sound thread.
// The calling sequence is Open, Start, then repeated calls to Read, then
// Stop, then Close.
// Start of Application Programming Interface (API) code:
// Called to close the sample source; called from the GUI thread.
static PyObject * close_samples(PyObject * self, PyObject * args)
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, ""))
return NULL;
close_rx_udp(self, args);
Py_INCREF (Py_None);
return Py_None;
// Called to open the sample source; called from the GUI thread.
static PyObject * open_samples(PyObject * self, PyObject * args)
const char * ip;
int port;
// const char * name;
// char buf[128];
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple (args, "si", &ip, &port))
return NULL;
// name = QuiskGetConfigString("sdriq_name", "NoName");
// sdriq_clock = QuiskGetConfigDouble("sdriq_clock", 66666667.0);
// Record our C-language Start/Stop/Read functions for use by sound.c.
quisk_sample_source(NULL, NULL, &afedri_read_rx_udp);
return open_rx_udp(ip, port); // AFEDRI specific
// return PyString_FromString(buf); // return a string message
// Miscellaneous functions needed by the SDR-IQ; called from the GUI thread as
// a result of button presses.
// Functions callable from Python are listed here:
static PyMethodDef QuiskMethods[] = {
{"open_samples", open_samples, METH_VARARGS, "Open the AFEDRI SDR-Net."},
{"close_samples", close_samples, METH_VARARGS, "Close the AFEDRI SDR-Net."},
{NULL, NULL, 0, NULL} /* Sentinel */
// Python 2.7:
PyMODINIT_FUNC initafedrinet_io (void)
if (Py_InitModule ("afedrinet_io", QuiskMethods) == NULL) {
printf("Py_InitModule failed!\n");
// Import pointers to functions and variables from module _quisk
if (import_quisk_api()) {
printf("Failure to import pointers from _quisk\n");
return; //Error
// Python 3:
static struct PyModuleDef afedrinet_iomodule = {
} ;
PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit_afedrinet_io(void)
PyObject * m;
m = PyModule_Create(&afedrinet_iomodule);
if (m == NULL)
return NULL;
// Import pointers to functions and variables from module _quisk
if (import_quisk_api()) {
printf("Failure to import pointers from _quisk\n");
return m; //Error
return m;