from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division import sys, wx, wx.lib, os, re, pickle, traceback, json # Quisk will alter quisk_conf_defaults to include the user's config file. import quisk_conf_defaults as conf import _quisk as QS from quisk_widgets import QuiskPushbutton, QuiskBitField from quisk_widgets import wxVersion if wxVersion in ('2', '3'): import wx.combo as wxcombo else: wxcombo = wx # wxPython Phoenix try: from soapypkg import soapy except: soapy = None # Settings is [ # 0: radio_requested, a string radio name or "Ask me" or "ConfigFileRadio" # 1: radio in use and last used, a string radio name or "ConfigFileRadio" # 2: list of radio names # 3: parallel list of radio dicts. These are all the parameters for the corresponding radio. In # general, they are a subset of all the parameters listed in self.sections and self.receiver_data[radio_name]. # ] # radio_dict is a dictionary of variable names and text values for each radio including radio ConfigFileRadio. # Only variable names from the specified radio and all sections are included. The data comes from the JSON file, and # may be missing recently added config file items. Use GetValue() to get a configuration datum. # local_conf is the single instance of class Configuration. conf is the configuration data from quisk_conf_defaults as # over-writen by FSON data. # Increasing the software version will display a message to re-read the soapy device. soapy_software_version = 3 def FormatKhz(dnum): # Round to 3 decimal places; remove ending ".000" t = "%.3f" % dnum if t[-4:] == '.000': t = t[0:-4] return t def SortKey(x): try: k = float(x) except: k = 0.0 return k class Configuration: def __init__(self, app, AskMe): # Called first global application, local_conf, Settings, noname_enable, platform_ignore, platform_accept Settings = ["ConfigFileRadio", "ConfigFileRadio", [], []] application = app local_conf = self noname_enable = [] if sys.platform == 'win32': platform_ignore = 'lin_' platform_accept = 'win_' else: platform_accept = 'lin_' platform_ignore = 'win_' self.sections = [] self.receiver_data = [] self.StatePath = conf.settings_file_path if not self.StatePath: self.StatePath = os.path.join(conf.DefaultConfigDir, "quisk_settings.json") self.ReadState() if AskMe == 'Same': pass elif AskMe or Settings[0] == "Ask me": choices = Settings[2] + ["ConfigFileRadio"] dlg = wx.SingleChoiceDialog(None, "", "Start Quisk with this Radio", choices, style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE|wx.OK|wx.CANCEL) try: n = choices.index(Settings[1]) # Set default to last used radio except: pass else: dlg.SetSelection(n) ok = dlg.ShowModal() if ok != wx.ID_OK: sys.exit(0) select = dlg.GetStringSelection() dlg.Destroy() if Settings[1] != select: Settings[1] = select self.settings_changed = True else: Settings[1] = Settings[0] if Settings[1] == "ConfigFileRadio": Settings[2].append("ConfigFileRadio") Settings[3].append({}) self.ParseConfig() self.originalBandEdge = {} # save original BandEdge self.originalBandEdge.update(conf.BandEdge) def UpdateConf(self): # Called second to update the configuration for the selected radio if Settings[1] == "ConfigFileRadio": return radio_dict = self.GetRadioDict() radio_type = radio_dict['hardware_file_type'] # Fill in required values if radio_type == "SdrIQ": radio_dict["use_sdriq"] = '1' else: radio_dict["use_sdriq"] = '0' if radio_type == "Hermes": radio_dict["hermes_bias_adjust"] = "False" if radio_type == 'SoapySDR': radio_dict["use_soapy"] = '1' self.InitSoapyNames(radio_dict) if radio_dict.get("soapy_file_version", 0) < soapy_software_version: text = "Your SoapySDR device parameters are out of date. Please go to the radio configuration screen and re-read the device parameters." dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None, text, 'Please Re-Read Device', wx.OK|wx.ICON_INFORMATION) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() else: radio_dict["use_soapy"] = '0' if radio_type not in ("HiQSDR", "Hermes", "Red Pitaya", "Odyssey", "Odyssey2"): radio_dict["use_rx_udp"] = '0' if radio_type in ("Hermes", "Red Pitaya", "Odyssey2"): if "Hermes_BandDict" not in radio_dict: radio_dict["Hermes_BandDict"] = {} if "Hermes_BandDictTx" not in radio_dict: radio_dict["Hermes_BandDictTx"] = {} # fill in conf from our configuration data; convert text items to Python objects errors = '' for k, v in list(radio_dict.items()): # radio_dict may change size during iteration if k == 'favorites_file_path': # A null string is equivalent to "not entered" if not v.strip(): continue if k in ('power_meter_local_calibrations', ): # present in configuration data but not in the config file continue if k[0:6] == 'soapy_': # present in configuration data but not in the config file continue if k[0:6] == 'Hware_': # contained in hardware file, not in configuration data nor config file continue try: fmt = self.format4name[k] except: errors = errors + "Ignore obsolete parameter %s\n" % k del radio_dict[k] self.settings_changed = True continue k4 = k[0:4] if k4 == platform_ignore: continue elif k4 == platform_accept: k = k[4:] fmt4 = fmt[0:4] if fmt4 not in ('dict', 'list'): i1 = v.find('#') if i1 > 0: v = v[0:i1] try: if fmt4 == 'text': # Note: JSON returns Unicode strings !!! setattr(conf, k, v) elif fmt4 == 'dict': if isinstance(v, dict): setattr(conf, k, v) else: raise ValueError() elif fmt4 == 'list': if isinstance(v, list): setattr(conf, k, v) else: raise ValueError() elif fmt4 == 'inte': setattr(conf, k, int(v, base=0)) elif fmt4 == 'numb': setattr(conf, k, float(v)) elif fmt4 == 'bool': if v == "True": setattr(conf, k, True) else: setattr(conf, k, False) elif fmt4 == 'rfil': pass elif fmt4 == 'keyc': # key code if v == "None": x = None else: x = eval(v) x = int(x) if k == 'hot_key_ptt2' and not isinstance(x, int): setattr(conf, k, wx.ACCEL_NORMAL) else: setattr(conf, k, x) else: print ("Unknown format for", k, fmt) except: errors = errors + "Failed to set %s to %s using format %s\n" % (k, v, fmt) #traceback.print_exc() if conf.color_scheme == 'B': conf.__dict__.update(conf.color_scheme_B) elif conf.color_scheme == 'C': conf.__dict__.update(conf.color_scheme_C) if errors: dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None, errors, 'Update Settings', wx.OK|wx.ICON_ERROR) ret = dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() def InitSoapyNames(self, radio_dict): # Set Soapy data items, but not the hardware available lists and ranges. if radio_dict.get('soapy_getFullDuplex_rx', 0): radio_dict["add_fdx_button"] = '1' else: radio_dict["add_fdx_button"] = '0' name = 'soapy_gain_mode_rx' if name not in radio_dict: radio_dict[name] = 'total' name = 'soapy_setAntenna_rx' if name not in radio_dict: radio_dict[name] = '' name = 'soapy_gain_values_rx' if name not in radio_dict: radio_dict[name] = {} name = 'soapy_gain_mode_tx' if name not in radio_dict: radio_dict[name] = 'total' name = 'soapy_setAntenna_tx' if name not in radio_dict: radio_dict[name] = '' name = 'soapy_gain_values_tx' if name not in radio_dict: radio_dict[name] = {} def NormPath(self, path): # Convert between Unix and Window file paths if sys.platform == 'win32': path = path.replace('/', '\\') else: path = path.replace('\\', '/') return path def GetHardware(self): # Called third to open the hardware file if Settings[1] == "ConfigFileRadio": return False path = self.GetRadioDict()["hardware_file_name"] path = self.NormPath(path) if not os.path.isfile(path): dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None, "Failure for hardware file %s!" % path, 'Hardware File', wx.OK|wx.ICON_ERROR) ret = dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() path = '' dct = {} dct.update(conf.__dict__) # make items from conf available if "Hardware" in dct: del dct["Hardware"] if 'quisk_hardware' in dct: del dct["quisk_hardware"] exec(compile(open(path).read(), path, 'exec'), dct) if "Hardware" in dct: application.Hardware = dct['Hardware'](application, conf) return True return False def Initialize(self): # Called fourth to fill in our ConfigFileRadio radio from conf if Settings[1] == "ConfigFileRadio": radio_dict = self.GetRadioDict("ConfigFileRadio") typ = self.GuessType() radio_dict['hardware_file_type'] = typ all_data = [] all_data = all_data + self.GetReceiverData(typ) for name, sdata in self.sections: all_data = all_data + sdata for data_name, text, fmt, help_text, values in all_data: data_name4 = data_name[0:4] if data_name4 == platform_ignore: continue elif data_name4 == platform_accept: conf_name = data_name[4:] else: conf_name = data_name try: if fmt in ("dict", "list"): radio_dict[data_name] = getattr(conf, conf_name) else: radio_dict[data_name] = str(getattr(conf, conf_name)) except: if data_name == 'playback_rate': pass else: print ('No config file value for', data_name) def GetWidgets(self, app, hardware, conf, frame, gbs, vertBox): # Called fifth if Settings[1] == "ConfigFileRadio": return False path = self.GetRadioDict()["widgets_file_name"] path = self.NormPath(path) if os.path.isfile(path): dct = {} dct.update(conf.__dict__) # make items from conf available exec(compile(open(path).read(), path, 'exec'), dct) if "BottomWidgets" in dct: app.bottom_widgets = dct['BottomWidgets'](app, hardware, conf, frame, gbs, vertBox) return True def OnPageChanging(self, event): event.Skip() notebook = event.GetEventObject() index = event.GetSelection() if isinstance(notebook, RadioNotebook): # second level notebook with pages for each radio if index > 0: # First tab is already finished page = notebook.GetPage(index) page.MakeControls() def AddPages(self, notebk, width): # Called sixth to add pages Help, Radios, all radio names global win_width win_width = width self.notebk = notebk page = ConfigHelp(notebk) notebk.AddPage(page, "Help with Radios") self.radio_page = Radios(notebk) notebk.AddPage(self.radio_page, "Radios") self.radios_page_start = notebk.GetPageCount() if sys.platform == 'win32': # On Windows, PAGE_CHANGING doesn't work notebk.Bind(wx.EVT_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED, self.OnPageChanging) else: notebk.Bind(wx.EVT_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGING, self.OnPageChanging) for name in Settings[2]: page = RadioNotebook(notebk, name) if name == Settings[1]: notebk.AddPage(page, "*%s*" % name) else: notebk.AddPage(page, name) def GuessType(self): udp = conf.use_rx_udp if conf.use_sdriq: return 'SdrIQ' elif udp == 1: return 'HiQSDR' elif udp == 2: return 'HiQSDR' elif udp == 10: return 'Hermes' elif udp > 0: return 'HiQSDR' return 'SoftRock USB' def AddRadio(self, radio_name, typ): radio_dict = {} radio_dict['hardware_file_type'] = typ Settings[2].append(radio_name) Settings[3].append(radio_dict) for data_name, text, fmt, help_text, values in self.GetReceiverData(typ): radio_dict[data_name] = values[0] for name, data in self.sections: for data_name, text, fmt, help_text, values in data: radio_dict[data_name] = values[0] # Change some default values in based on radio type if typ in ("HiQSDR", "Hermes", "Red Pitaya", "Odyssey", "Odyssey2"): radio_dict["add_fdx_button"] = '1' page = RadioNotebook(self.notebk, radio_name) self.notebk.AddPage(page, radio_name) return True def RenameRadio(self, old, new): index = Settings[2].index(old) n = self.radios_page_start + index if old == Settings[1]: self.notebk.SetPageText(n, "*%s*" % new) else: self.notebk.SetPageText(n, new) Settings[2][index] = new self.notebk.GetPage(n).NewName(new) if old == "ConfigFileRadio": for ctrl in noname_enable: ctrl.Enable() return True def DeleteRadio(self, name): index = Settings[2].index(name) n = self.radios_page_start + index self.notebk.DeletePage(n) del Settings[2][index] del Settings[3][index] return True def GetRadioDict(self, radio_name=None): # None radio_name means the current radio if radio_name: index = Settings[2].index(radio_name) else: # index of radio in use index = Settings[2].index(Settings[1]) return Settings[3][index] def GetSectionData(self, section_name): for sname, data in self.sections: if sname == section_name: return data return None def GetReceiverData(self, receiver_name): for rxname, data in self.receiver_data: if rxname == receiver_name: return data return None def GetReceiverDatum(self, receiver_name, item_name): for rxname, data in self.receiver_data: if rxname == receiver_name: for data_name, text, fmt, help_text, values in data: if item_name == data_name: return values[0] break return '' def ReceiverHasName(self, receiver_name, item_name): for rxname, data in self.receiver_data: if rxname == receiver_name: for data_name, text, fmt, help_text, values in data: if item_name == data_name: return True break return False def ReadState(self): self.settings_changed = False global Settings try: fp = open(self.StatePath, "r") except: return try: Settings = json.load(fp) except: traceback.print_exc() fp.close() try: # Do not save settings for radio ConfigFileRadio index = Settings[2].index("ConfigFileRadio") except ValueError: pass else: del Settings[2][index] del Settings[3][index] for sdict in Settings[3]: # Python None is saved as "null" if "tx_level" in sdict: if "null" in sdict["tx_level"]: v = sdict["tx_level"]["null"] sdict["tx_level"][None] = v del sdict["tx_level"]["null"] def SaveState(self): if not self.settings_changed: return try: fp = open(self.StatePath, "w") except: traceback.print_exc() return json.dump(Settings, fp, indent=2) fp.close() self.settings_changed = False def ParseConfig(self): # ParseConfig() fills self.sections, self.receiver_data, and # self.format4name with the items that Configuration understands. # Dicts and lists are Python objects. All other items are text, not Python objects. # # Sections start with 16 #, section name # self.sections is a list of [section_name, section_data] # section_data is a list of [data_name, text, fmt, help_text, values] # Receiver sections start with 16 #, "Receivers ", receiver name, explain # self.receiver_data is a list of [receiver_name, receiver_data] # receiver_data is a list of [data_name, text, fmt, help_text, values] # Variable names start with ## variable_name variable_text, format # The format is integer, number, text, boolean, integer choice, text choice, rfile # Then some help text starting with "# " # Then a list of possible value#explain with the default first # Then a blank line to end. self.format4name = {} self.format4name['hardware_file_type'] = 'text' self._ParserConf('') # Read any user-defined radio types for dirname in os.listdir('.'): if not os.path.isdir(dirname) or dirname[-3:] != 'pkg': continue if dirname in ('freedvpkg', 'sdriqpkg', 'soapypkg'): continue filename = os.path.join(dirname, '') if not os.path.isfile(filename): continue try: self._ParserConf(filename) except: traceback.print_exc() def _ParserConf(self, filename): re_AeqB = re.compile("^#?(\w+)\s*=\s*([^#]+)#*(.*)") # item values "a = b" section = None data_name = None fp = open(filename, "r") for line in fp: line = line.strip() if not line: data_name = None continue if line[0:27] == '################ Receivers ': section = 'Receivers' args = line[27:].split(',', 1) rxname = args[0].strip() section_data = [] self.receiver_data.append((rxname, section_data)) elif line[0:17] == '################ ': args = line[17:].split(None, 2) section = args[0] if section in ('Colors', 'Obsolete'): section = None continue rxname = None section_data = [] self.sections.append((section, section_data)) if not section: continue if line[0:3] == '## ': # item_name item_text, format args = line[3:].split(None, 1) data_name = args[0] args = args[1].split(',', 1) dspl = args[0].strip() fmt = args[1].strip() value_list = [] if data_name in self.format4name: if self.format4name[data_name] != fmt: print (filename, ": Inconsistent format for", data_name, self.format4name[data_name], fmt) else: self.format4name[data_name] = fmt section_data.append([data_name, dspl, fmt, '', value_list]) if not data_name: continue mo = re_AeqB.match(line) if mo: if data_name != print (filename, ": Parse error for", data_name) continue value = expln = if value[0] in ('"', "'"): value = value[1:-1] elif value == '{': # item is a dictionary value = getattr(conf, data_name) elif value == '[': # item is a list value = getattr(conf, data_name) if expln: value_list.append("%s # %s" % (value, expln)) else: value_list.append(value) elif line[0:2] == '# ': section_data[-1][3] = section_data[-1][3] + line[2:] + ' ' fp.close() class ConfigHelp(wx.html.HtmlWindow): # The "Help with Radios" first-level page """Create the help screen for the configuration tabs.""" def __init__(self, parent): wx.html.HtmlWindow.__init__(self, parent, -1, size=(win_width, 100)) if "gtk2" in wx.PlatformInfo: self.SetStandardFonts() self.SetFonts("", "", [10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22]) self.SetBackgroundColour(parent.bg_color) # read in text from file help_conf.html in the directory of this module self.LoadFile('help_conf.html') class QPowerMeterCalibration(wx.Frame): """Create a window to enter the power output and corresponding ADC value AIN1/2""" def __init__(self, parent, local_names): self.parent = parent self.local_names = local_names self.table = [] # calibration table: list of [ADC code, power watts] try: # may be missing in wxPython 2.x wx.Frame.__init__(self, application.main_frame, -1, "Power Meter Calibration", pos=(50, 100), style=wx.CAPTION|wx.FRAME_FLOAT_ON_PARENT) except AttributeError: wx.Frame.__init__(self, application.main_frame, -1, "Power Meter Calibration", pos=(50, 100), style=wx.CAPTION) panel = wx.Panel(self) self.MakeControls(panel) self.Show() def MakeControls(self, panel): charx = panel.GetCharWidth() tab1 = charx * 5 y = 20 # line 1 txt = wx.StaticText(panel, -1, 'Name for new calibration table', pos=(tab1, y)) w, h = txt.GetSize().Get() tab2 = tab1 + w + tab1 // 2 self.cal_name = wx.TextCtrl(panel, -1, pos=(tab2, h), size=(charx * 16, h * 13 // 10)) y += h * 3 # line 2 txt = wx.StaticText(panel, -1, 'Measured power level in watts', pos=(tab1, y)) self.cal_power = wx.TextCtrl(panel, -1, pos=(tab2, y), size=(charx * 16, h * 13 // 10)) x = tab2 + charx * 20 add = QuiskPushbutton(panel, self.OnBtnAdd, "Add to Table") add.SetPosition((x, y - h * 3 // 10)) add.SetColorGray() ww, hh = add.GetSize().Get() width = x + ww + tab1 y += h * 3 # line 3 sv = QuiskPushbutton(panel, self.OnBtnSave, "Save") sv.SetColorGray() cn = QuiskPushbutton(panel, self.OnBtnCancel, "Cancel") cn.SetColorGray() w, h = cn.GetSize().Get() sv.SetPosition((width // 4, y)) cn.SetPosition((width - width // 4 - w, y)) y += h * 12 // 10 # help text at bottom wx.StaticText(panel, -1, '1. Attach a 50 ohm load and power meter to the antenna connector.', pos=(tab1, y)) w, h = txt.GetSize().Get() h = h * 12 // 10 y += h wx.StaticText(panel, -1, '2. Use the Spot button to transmit at a very low power.', pos=(tab1, y)) y += h wx.StaticText(panel, -1, '3. Enter the measured power in the box above and press "Add to Table".', pos=(tab1, y)) y += h wx.StaticText(panel, -1, '4. Increase the power a small amount and repeat step 3.', pos=(tab1, y)) y += h wx.StaticText(panel, -1, '5. Increase power again and repeat step 3.', pos=(tab1, y)) y += h wx.StaticText(panel, -1, '6. Keep adding measurements to the table until you reach full power.', pos=(tab1, y)) y += h wx.StaticText(panel, -1, '7. Ten or twelve measurements should be enough. Then press "Save".', pos=(tab1, y)) y += h wx.StaticText(panel, -1, 'To delete a table, save a table with zero measurements.', pos=(tab1, y)) y += h * 2 self.SetClientSize(wx.Size(width, y)) def OnBtnCancel(self, event=None): self.parent.ChangePMcalFinished(None, None) self.Destroy() def OnBtnSave(self, event): name = self.cal_name.GetValue().strip() if not name: dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, 'Please enter a name for the new calibration table.', 'Missing Name', wx.OK|wx.ICON_ERROR) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() elif name in conf.power_meter_std_calibrations: # known calibration names from the config file dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, 'That name is reserved. Please enter a different name.', 'Reserved Name', wx.OK|wx.ICON_ERROR) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() elif name in self.local_names: if self.table: dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, 'That name exists. Replace the existing table?', 'Replace Table', wx.OK|wx.CANCEL|wx.ICON_EXCLAMATION) ret = dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() if ret == wx.ID_OK: self.parent.ChangePMcalFinished(name, self.table) self.Destroy() else: dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, 'That name exists but the table is empty. Delete the existing table?.', 'Delete Table', wx.OK|wx.CANCEL|wx.ICON_EXCLAMATION) ret = dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() if ret == wx.ID_OK: self.parent.ChangePMcalFinished(name, None) self.Destroy() else: self.parent.ChangePMcalFinished(name, self.table) self.Destroy() def OnBtnAdd(self, event): power = self.cal_power.GetValue().strip() self.cal_power.Clear() try: power = float(power) except: dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, 'Missing or bad measured power.', 'Error in Power', wx.OK|wx.ICON_ERROR) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() else: ## Convert measured voltage to power #power *= 6.388 #power = power**2 / 50.0 fwd = application.Hardware.hermes_fwd_power rev = application.Hardware.hermes_rev_power if fwd >= rev: self.table.append([fwd, power]) # Item must use lists; sort() will fail with mixed lists and tuples else: self.table.append([rev, power]) class ListEditDialog(wx.Dialog): # Display a dialog with a List-Edit control, plus Ok/Cancel def __init__(self, parent, title, choice, choices, width): wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, title=title, style=wx.CAPTION|wx.CLOSE_BOX) cancel = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_CANCEL, "Cancel") bsize = cancel.GetSize() margin = bsize.height self.combo = wx.ComboBox(self, -1, choice, pos=(margin, margin), size=(width - margin * 2, -1), choices=choices, style=wx.CB_DROPDOWN) y = margin + self.combo.GetSize().height + margin x = width - margin * 2 - bsize.width * 2 x = x // 3 ok = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_OK, "OK", pos=(margin + x, y)) cancel.SetPosition((width - margin - x - bsize.width, y)) self.SetClientSize(wx.Size(width, y + bsize.height * 14 // 10)) def GetValue(self): return self.combo.GetValue() class RadioNotebook(wx.Notebook): # The second-level notebook for each radio name def __init__(self, parent, radio_name): wx.Notebook.__init__(self, parent) font = wx.Font(conf.config_font_size, wx.FONTFAMILY_SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.FONTWEIGHT_NORMAL, False, conf.quisk_typeface) self.SetFont(font) self.SetBackgroundColour(parent.bg_color) self.radio_name = radio_name self.pages = [] radio_dict = local_conf.GetRadioDict(radio_name) radio_type = radio_dict['hardware_file_type'] if radio_type == 'SoapySDR': page = RadioHardwareSoapySDR(self, radio_name) else: page = RadioHardware(self, radio_name) self.AddPage(page, "Hardware") self.pages.append(page) page = RadioSound(self, radio_name) self.AddPage(page, "Sound") self.pages.append(page) for section, names in local_conf.sections: if section in ('Sound', 'Bands', 'Filters'): # There is a special page for these sections continue page = RadioSection(self, radio_name, section, names) self.AddPage(page, section) self.pages.append(page) page = RadioBands(self, radio_name) self.AddPage(page, "Bands") self.pages.append(page) if "use_rx_udp" in radio_dict and radio_dict["use_rx_udp"] == '10': page = RadioFilters(self, radio_name) self.AddPage(page, "Filters") self.pages.append(page) def NewName(self, new_name): self.radio_name = new_name for page in self.pages: page.radio_name = new_name class ComboCtrl(wxcombo.ComboCtrl): def __init__(self, parent, value, choices, no_edit=False): self.value = value self.choices = choices[:] self.handler = None self.height = parent.quisk_height if no_edit: wxcombo.ComboCtrl.__init__(self, parent, -1, style=wx.CB_READONLY) else: wxcombo.ComboCtrl.__init__(self, parent, -1, style=wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER) self.GetTextCtrl().Bind(wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS, self.OnKillFocus) self.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER, self.OnTextEnter) self.ctrl = ListBoxComboPopup(choices, parent.font) self.SetPopupControl(self.ctrl) self.SetText(value) self.SetSizes() def SetItems(self, lst): self.ctrl.SetItems(lst) self.choices = lst[:] self.SetSizes() def SetSizes(self): charx = self.GetCharWidth() wm = charx w, h = self.GetTextExtent(self.value) if wm < w: wm = w for ch in self.choices: w, h = self.GetTextExtent(ch) if wm < w: wm = w wm += charx * 5 self.SetSizeHints(wm, self.height, 9999, self.height) def SetSelection(self, n): try: text = self.choices[n] except IndexError: self.SetText('') self.value = '' else: self.ctrl.SetSelection(n) self.SetText(text) self.value = text def OnTextEnter(self, event=None): if event: event.Skip() if self.value != self.GetValue(): self.value = self.GetValue() if self.handler: ok = self.handler(self) def OnKillFocus(self, event): event.Skip() self.OnTextEnter(event) def OnListbox(self): self.OnTextEnter() class ListBoxComboPopup(wxcombo.ComboPopup): def __init__(self, choices, font): wxcombo.ComboPopup.__init__(self) self.choices = choices self.font = font self.lbox = None def Create(self, parent): self.lbox = wx.ListBox(parent, choices=self.choices, style=wx.LB_SINGLE) self.lbox.SetFont(self.font) self.lbox.Bind(wx.EVT_MOTION, self.OnMotion) self.lbox.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.OnLeftDown) return True def SetItems(self, lst): self.choices = lst[:] self.lbox.Set(self.choices) def SetSelection(self, n): self.lbox.SetSelection(n) def GetStringValue(self): try: return self.choices[self.lbox.GetSelection()] except IndexError: pass return '' def GetAdjustedSize(self, minWidth, prefHeight, maxHeight): chary = self.lbox.GetCharHeight() return (minWidth, chary * len(self.choices) * 15 // 10 + chary) def OnLeftDown(self, event): event.Skip() self.Dismiss() if wxVersion in ('2', '3'): self.GetCombo().OnListbox() else: self.GetComboCtrl().OnListbox() def OnMotion(self, event): event.Skip() item = self.lbox.HitTest(event.GetPosition()) if item >= 0: self.lbox.SetSelection(item) def GetControl(self): return self.lbox class BaseWindow(wx.ScrolledWindow): def __init__(self, parent): wx.ScrolledWindow.__init__(self, parent) self.font = wx.Font(conf.config_font_size, wx.FONTFAMILY_SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.FONTWEIGHT_NORMAL, False, conf.quisk_typeface) self.SetFont(self.font) self.row = 1 self.charx = self.GetCharWidth() self.chary = self.GetCharHeight() self.quisk_height = self.chary * 14 // 10 # GBS self.gbs = wx.GridBagSizer(2, 2) self.gbs.SetEmptyCellSize((self.charx, self.charx)) self.SetSizer(self.gbs) self.gbs.Add((self.charx, self.charx), (0, 0)) def MarkCols(self): for col in range(1, self.num_cols): c = wx.StaticText(self, -1, str(col % 10)) self.gbs.Add(c, (self.row, col)) self.row += 1 def NextRow(self, row=None): if row is None: self.row += 1 else: self.row = row def AddTextL(self, col, text, span=None): c = wx.StaticText(self, -1, text) if col < 0: pass elif span is None: self.gbs.Add(c, (self.row, col), flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) else: self.gbs.Add(c, (self.row, col), span=(1, span), flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) return c def AddTextC(self, col, text, span=None, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER): c = wx.StaticText(self, -1, text) if col < 0: pass elif span is None: self.gbs.Add(c, (self.row, col), flag=flag) else: self.gbs.Add(c, (self.row, col), span=(1, span), flag=flag) return c def AddTextCHelp(self, col, text, help_text, span=None): bsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) txt = wx.StaticText(self, -1, text) bsizer.Add(txt, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) btn = QuiskPushbutton(self, self._BTnHelp, "..") btn.SetColorGray() btn.quisk_help_text = help_text btn.quisk_caption = text h = self.quisk_height + 2 btn.SetSizeHints(h, h, h, h) bsizer.Add(btn, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT, border=self.charx) if col < 0: pass elif span is None: self.gbs.Add(bsizer, (self.row, col), flag = wx.ALIGN_CENTER) else: self.gbs.Add(bsizer, (self.row, col), span=(1, span), flag = wx.ALIGN_CENTER) return bsizer def AddTextLHelp(self, col, text, help_text, span=None): bsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) btn = QuiskPushbutton(self, self._BTnHelp, "..") btn.SetColorGray() btn.quisk_help_text = help_text btn.quisk_caption = text h = self.quisk_height + 2 btn.SetSizeHints(h, h, h, h) bsizer.Add(btn, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT, border=self.charx) txt = wx.StaticText(self, -1, text) bsizer.Add(txt, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) if col < 0: pass elif span is None: self.gbs.Add(bsizer, (self.row, col), flag = wx.ALIGN_LEFT) else: self.gbs.Add(bsizer, (self.row, col), span=(1, span), flag = wx.ALIGN_LEFT) return bsizer def AddTextEditHelp(self, col, text1, text2, help_text, border=2, span1=1, span2=1): txt = wx.StaticText(self, -1, text1) self.gbs.Add(txt, (self.row, col), span=(1, span1), flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.RIGHT, border=self.charx) col += span1 #txt = wx.StaticText(self, -1, text2) edt = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, text2, style=wx.TE_READONLY) #self.gbs.Add(txt, (self.row, col), span=(1, span2), flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.RIGHT, border=self.charx) self.gbs.Add(edt, (self.row, col), span=(1, span2), flag=wx.ALIGN_RIGHT|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.EXPAND|wx.RIGHT, border=self.charx*2//10) col += span2 btn = QuiskPushbutton(self, self._BTnHelp, "..") btn.SetColorGray() btn.quisk_help_text = help_text btn.quisk_caption = text1 h = self.quisk_height + 2 btn.SetSizeHints(h, h, h, h) self.gbs.Add(btn, (self.row, col), flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.RIGHT, border=self.charx*border) return txt, edt, btn def AddTextButtonHelp(self, col, text, butn_text, handler, help_text): border = 1 txt = wx.StaticText(self, -1, text) self.gbs.Add(txt, (self.row, col), flag = wx.ALIGN_LEFT) btn = QuiskPushbutton(self, handler, butn_text) btn.SetColorGray() h = self.quisk_height + 2 btn.SetSizeHints(-1, h, -1, h) self.gbs.Add(btn, (self.row, col + 1), flag = wx.ALIGN_RIGHT|wx.EXPAND) hbtn = QuiskPushbutton(self, self._BTnHelp, "..") hbtn.SetColorGray() hbtn.quisk_help_text = help_text hbtn.quisk_caption = text h = self.quisk_height + 2 hbtn.SetSizeHints(h, h, h, h) self.gbs.Add(hbtn, (self.row, col + 2), flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.RIGHT, border=self.charx*border) return txt, btn def AddTextCtrl(self, col, text, handler=None, span=None): c = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, text, style=wx.TE_RIGHT) if col < 0: pass elif span is None: self.gbs.Add(c, (self.row, col), flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER) else: self.gbs.Add(c, (self.row, col), span=(1, span), flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER) if handler: c.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, handler) return c def AddBoxSizer(self, col, span): bsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.gbs.Add(bsizer, (self.row, col), span=(1, span)) return bsizer def AddColSpacer(self, col, width): # add a width spacer to row 0 self.gbs.Add((width * self.charx, 1), (0, col)) # width is in characters def AddRadioButton(self, col, text, span=None, start=False): if start: c = wx.RadioButton(self, -1, text, style=wx.RB_GROUP) else: c = wx.RadioButton(self, -1, text) if col < 0: pass elif span is None: self.gbs.Add(c, (self.row, col), flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) else: self.gbs.Add(c, (self.row, col), span=(1, span), flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) return c def AddCheckBox(self, col, text, handler=None, flag=0, border=0): btn = wx.CheckBox(self, -1, text) h = self.quisk_height + 2 btn.SetSizeHints(-1, h, -1, h) if col >= 0: self.gbs.Add(btn, (self.row, col), flag=flag, border=border*self.charx) if self.radio_name == "ConfigFileRadio": btn.Enable(False) noname_enable.append(btn) if handler: btn.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, handler) return btn def AddBitField(self, col, number, name, band, value, handler=None, span=None, border=1): bf = QuiskBitField(self, number, value, self.quisk_height, handler) if col < 0: pass elif span is None: self.gbs.Add(bf, (self.row, col), flag=wx.ALIGN_RIGHT|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.RIGHT|wx.LEFT, border=border*self.charx) else: self.gbs.Add(bf, (self.row, col), span=(1, span), flag=wx.ALIGN_RIGHT|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.RIGHT|wx.LEFT, border=border*self.charx) bf.quisk_data_name = name bf.quisk_band = band return bf def AddPushButton(self, col, text, handler, border=0): btn = QuiskPushbutton(self, handler, text) btn.SetColorGray() h = self.quisk_height + 2 btn.SetSizeHints(-1, h, -1, h) if col >= 0: self.gbs.Add(btn, (self.row, col), flag=wx.RIGHT|wx.LEFT, border=border*self.charx) if self.radio_name == "ConfigFileRadio": btn.Enable(False) noname_enable.append(btn) return btn def AddPushButtonR(self, col, text, handler, border=0): btn = self.AddPushButton(-1, text, handler, border) if col >= 0: self.gbs.Add(btn, (self.row, col), flag=wx.ALIGN_RIGHT|wx.RIGHT|wx.LEFT, border=border*self.charx) return btn def AddComboCtrl(self, col, value, choices, right=False, no_edit=False, span=None, border=1): cb = ComboCtrl(self, value, choices, no_edit) if col < 0: pass elif span is None: self.gbs.Add(cb, (self.row, col), flag=wx.ALIGN_RIGHT|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.EXPAND|wx.RIGHT|wx.LEFT, border=border*self.charx) else: self.gbs.Add(cb, (self.row, col), span=(1, span), flag=wx.ALIGN_RIGHT|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.EXPAND|wx.RIGHT|wx.LEFT, border=border*self.charx) if self.radio_name == "ConfigFileRadio": cb.Enable(False) noname_enable.append(cb) return cb def AddComboCtrlTx(self, col, text, value, choices, right=False, no_edit=False): c = wx.StaticText(self, -1, text) if col >= 0: self.gbs.Add(c, (self.row, col)) cb = self.AddComboCtrl(col + 1, value, choices, right, no_edit) else: cb = self.AddComboCtrl(col, value, choices, right, no_edit) return c, cb def AddTextComboHelp(self, col, text, value, choices, help_text, no_edit=False, border=2, span_text=1, span_combo=1): txt = wx.StaticText(self, -1, text) self.gbs.Add(txt, (self.row, col), span=(1, span_text), flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.RIGHT, border=self.charx) col += span_text cb = self.AddComboCtrl(-1, value, choices, False, no_edit) if no_edit: if '#' in value: value = value[0:value.index('#')] value = value.strip() l = len(value) for i in range(len(choices)): ch = choices[i] if '#' in ch: ch = ch[0:ch.index('#')] ch.strip() if value == ch[0:l]: cb.SetSelection(i) break else: if 'fail' in value: pass else: print ("Failure to set value for", text, value, choices) self.gbs.Add(cb, (self.row, col), span=(1, span_combo), flag=wx.ALIGN_RIGHT|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.EXPAND|wx.RIGHT, border=self.charx*2//10) col += span_combo btn = QuiskPushbutton(self, self._BTnHelp, "..") btn.SetColorGray() btn.quisk_help_text = help_text btn.quisk_caption = text h = self.quisk_height + 2 btn.SetSizeHints(h, h, h, h) self.gbs.Add(btn, (self.row, col), flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.RIGHT, border=self.charx*border) return txt, cb, btn def AddTextDblSpinnerHelp(self, col, text, value, dmin, dmax, dinc, help_text, border=2, span_text=1, span_spinner=1): txt = wx.StaticText(self, -1, text) self.gbs.Add(txt, (self.row, col), span=(1, span_text), flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.RIGHT, border=self.charx) col += span_text spn = wx.SpinCtrlDouble(self, -1, initial=value, min=dmin, max=dmax, inc=dinc) self.gbs.Add(spn, (self.row, col), span=(1, span_spinner), flag=wx.ALIGN_RIGHT|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.EXPAND|wx.RIGHT, border=self.charx*2//10) col += span_spinner btn = QuiskPushbutton(self, self._BTnHelp, "..") btn.SetColorGray() btn.quisk_help_text = help_text btn.quisk_caption = text h = self.quisk_height + 2 btn.SetSizeHints(h, h, h, h) self.gbs.Add(btn, (self.row, col), flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.RIGHT, border=self.charx*border) return txt, spn, btn def AddTextSpinnerHelp(self, col, text, value, imin, imax, help_text, border=2, span_text=1, span_spinner=1): txt = wx.StaticText(self, -1, text) self.gbs.Add(txt, (self.row, col), span=(1, span_text), flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.RIGHT, border=self.charx) col += span_text spn = wx.SpinCtrl(self, -1, "") spn.SetRange(imin, imax) spn.SetValue(value) self.gbs.Add(spn, (self.row, col), span=(1, span_spinner), flag=wx.ALIGN_RIGHT|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.EXPAND|wx.RIGHT, border=self.charx*2//10) col += span_spinner btn = QuiskPushbutton(self, self._BTnHelp, "..") btn.SetColorGray() btn.quisk_help_text = help_text btn.quisk_caption = text h = self.quisk_height + 2 btn.SetSizeHints(h, h, h, h) self.gbs.Add(btn, (self.row, col), flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.RIGHT, border=self.charx*border) return txt, spn, btn def _BTnHelp(self, event): btn = event.GetEventObject() dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, btn.quisk_help_text, btn.quisk_caption, style=wx.OK|wx.ICON_INFORMATION) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() def OnChange(self, ctrl): value = ctrl.GetValue() self.OnChange2(ctrl, value) def OnChange2(self, ctrl, value): # Careful: value is Unicode name = ctrl.quisk_data_name fmt4 = local_conf.format4name[name][0:4] ok, x = self.EvalItem(value, fmt4) # Only evaluates integer, number, boolean, text, rfile if ok: radio_dict = local_conf.GetRadioDict(self.radio_name) radio_dict[name] = value local_conf.settings_changed = True # Immediate changes if self.radio_name == Settings[1]: # changed for current radio if name in ('hot_key_ptt_toggle', 'hot_key_ptt_if_hidden', 'keyupDelay'): setattr(conf, name, x) application.ImmediateChange(name) elif name == "reverse_tx_sideband": setattr(conf, name, x) QS.set_tx_audio(reverse_tx_sideband=x) elif name == "dc_remove_bw": setattr(conf, name, x) QS.set_sparams(dc_remove_bw=x) elif name == "digital_output_level": setattr(conf, name, x) QS.set_sparams(digital_output_level=x) elif name == 'hermes_lowpwr_tr_enable': application.Hardware.SetLowPwrEnable(x) elif name == 'hermes_power_amp': application.Hardware.EnablePowerAmp(x) elif name == 'hermes_TxLNA_dB': application.Hardware.ChangeTxLNA(x) elif name == "hermes_bias_adjust" and self.HermesBias0: self.HermesBias0.Enable(x) self.HermesBias1.Enable(x) self.HermesWriteBiasButton.Enable(x) application.Hardware.EnableBiasChange(x) elif name == "hermes_disable_sync": application.Hardware.DisableSyncFreq(x) def FormatOK(self, value, fmt4): # Check formats integer, number, boolean ok, v = self.EvalItem(value, fmt4) return ok def EvalItem(self, value, fmt4): # Return Python integer, number, boolean, text # return is (item_is_ok, evaluated_item) if fmt4 in ('text', 'rfil'): # text items are always OK return True, value jj = value.find('#') if jj > 0: value = value[0:jj] try: # only certain formats are evaluated if fmt4 == 'inte': v = int(value, base=0) elif fmt4 == 'numb': v = float(value) elif fmt4 == 'bool': if value == "True": v = True else: v = False else: return False, None except: dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None, "Can not set item with format %s to value %s" % (fmt4, value), 'Change to item', wx.OK|wx.ICON_ERROR) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() return False, None return True, v def GetValue(self, name, radio_dict): try: value = radio_dict[name] except: pass else: return value # Value was not in radio_dict. Get it from conf. There are values for platform win_data_name and lin_data_name. # The win_ and lin_ names are not in conf. try: fmt = local_conf.format4name[name] except: fmt = '' # not all items in conf are in section_data or receiver_data try: if fmt == 'dict': # make a copy for this radio value = {} value.update(getattr(conf, name)) elif fmt == 'list': # make a copy for this radio value = getattr(conf, name)[:] else: value = str(getattr(conf, name)) except: return '' else: return value class Radios(BaseWindow): # The "Radios" first-level page def __init__(self, parent): BaseWindow.__init__(self, parent) self.SetBackgroundColour(parent.bg_color) self.num_cols = 8 self.radio_name = None self.cur_radio_text = self.AddTextL(1, 'xx', self.num_cols - 1) self.SetCurrentRadioText() self.NextRow() self.NextRow() item = self.AddTextL(1, "When Quisk starts, use the radio") self.start_radio = self.AddComboCtrl(2, 'big_radio_name', choices=[], no_edit=True) self.start_radio.handler = self.OnChoiceStartup self.NextRow() item = self.AddTextL(1, "Add a new radio with the general type") choices = [] for name, data in local_conf.receiver_data: choices.append(name) self.add_type = self.AddComboCtrl(2, '', choices=choices, no_edit=True) self.add_type.SetSelection(0) item = self.AddTextL(3, "and name the new radio") self.add_name = self.AddComboCtrl(4, '', choices=["My Radio", "SR with XVtr", "SoftRock"]) item = self.AddPushButton(5, "Add", self.OnBtnAdd) self.NextRow() item = self.AddTextL(1, "Rename the radio named") self.rename_old = self.AddComboCtrl(2, 'big_radio_name', choices=[], no_edit=True) item = self.AddTextL(3, "to the new name") self.rename_new = self.AddComboCtrl(4, '', choices=["My Radio", "SR with XVtr", "SoftRock"]) item = self.AddPushButton(5, "Rename", self.OnBtnRename) self.NextRow() item = self.AddTextL(1, "Delete the radio named") self.delete_name = self.AddComboCtrl(2, 'big_radio_name', choices=[], no_edit=True) item = self.AddPushButton(3, "Delete", self.OnBtnDelete) self.NextRow() self.FitInside() self.SetScrollRate(1, 1) self.NewRadioNames() def SetCurrentRadioText(self): radio_dict = local_conf.GetRadioDict(self.radio_name) radio_type = radio_dict['hardware_file_type'] if Settings[1] == "ConfigFileRadio": text = 'The current radio is ConfigFileRadio, so all settings come from the config file. The hardware type is %s.' % radio_type else: text = "Quisk is running with settings from the radio %s. The hardware type is %s." % (Settings[1], radio_type) self.cur_radio_text.SetLabel(text) def DuplicateName(self, name): if name in Settings[2] or name == "ConfigFileRadio": dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, "The name already exists. Please choose a different name.", 'Quisk', wx.OK) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() return True return False def OnBtnAdd(self, event): name = self.add_name.GetValue().strip() if not name or self.DuplicateName(name): return self.add_name.SetValue('') typ = self.add_type.GetValue().strip() if local_conf.AddRadio(name, typ): if Settings[0] != "Ask me": Settings[0] = name self.NewRadioNames() local_conf.settings_changed = True def OnBtnRename(self, event): old = self.rename_old.GetValue() new = self.rename_new.GetValue().strip() if not old or not new or self.DuplicateName(new): return self.rename_new.SetValue('') if local_conf.RenameRadio(old, new): if old == 'ConfigFileRadio' and Settings[1] == "ConfigFileRadio": Settings[1] = new elif Settings[1] == old: Settings[1] = new self.SetCurrentRadioText() if Settings[0] != "Ask me": Settings[0] = new self.NewRadioNames() local_conf.settings_changed = True def OnBtnDelete(self, event): name = self.delete_name.GetValue() if not name: return dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, "Are you sure you want to permanently delete the radio %s?" % name, 'Quisk', wx.OK|wx.CANCEL|wx.ICON_EXCLAMATION) ret = dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() if ret == wx.ID_OK and local_conf.DeleteRadio(name): self.NewRadioNames() local_conf.settings_changed = True def OnChoiceStartup(self, ctrl): choice = self.start_radio.GetValue() if Settings[0] != choice: Settings[0] = choice local_conf.settings_changed = True def NewRadioNames(self): # Correct all choice lists for changed radio names choices = Settings[2][:] # can rename any available radio self.rename_old.SetItems(choices) self.rename_old.SetSelection(0) if "ConfigFileRadio" in choices: choices.remove("ConfigFileRadio") if Settings[1] in choices: choices.remove(Settings[1]) self.delete_name.SetItems(choices) # can not delete ConfigFileRadio nor the current radio self.delete_name.SetSelection(0) choices = Settings[2] + ["Ask me"] if "ConfigFileRadio" not in choices: choices.append("ConfigFileRadio") self.start_radio.SetItems(choices) # can start any radio, plus "Ask me" and "ConfigFileRadio" try: # Set text in control index = choices.index(Settings[0]) # last used radio, or new or renamed radio except: num = len(Settings[2]) if len == 0: index = 1 elif num == 1: index = 0 else: index = len(choices) - 2 Settings[0] = choices[index] self.start_radio.SetSelection(index) class RadioSection(BaseWindow): # The pages for each section in the second-level notebook for each radio def __init__(self, parent, radio_name, section, names): BaseWindow.__init__(self, parent) self.radio_name = radio_name self.names = names self.controls_done = False def MakeControls(self): if self.controls_done: return self.controls_done = True self.num_cols = 8 #self.MarkCols() self.NextRow(3) col = 1 radio_dict = local_conf.GetRadioDict(self.radio_name) for name, text, fmt, help_text, values in self.names: if name == 'favorites_file_path': self.favorites_path = radio_dict.get('favorites_file_path', '') row = self.row self.row = 1 item, self.favorites_combo, btn = self.AddTextComboHelp(1, text, self.favorites_path, values, help_text, False, span_text=1, span_combo=4) self.favorites_combo.handler = self.OnButtonChangeFavorites item = self.AddPushButtonR(7, "Change..", self.OnButtonChangeFavorites, border=0) self.row = row else: if fmt[0:4] in ('dict', 'list'): continue if name[0:4] == platform_ignore: continue value = self.GetValue(name, radio_dict) no_edit = "choice" in fmt or fmt == 'boolean' txt, cb, btn = self.AddTextComboHelp(col, text, value, values, help_text, no_edit) cb.handler = self.OnChange cb.quisk_data_name = name if col == 1: col = 4 else: col = 1 self.NextRow() self.AddColSpacer(2, 20) self.AddColSpacer(5, 20) self.FitInside() self.SetScrollRate(1, 1) def OnButtonChangeFavorites(self, event): if isinstance(event, ComboCtrl): path = event.GetValue() else: direc, fname = os.path.split(getattr(conf, 'favorites_file_in_use')) dlg = wx.FileDialog(None, "Choose Favorites File", direc, fname, "*.txt", wx.FD_OPEN) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: path = dlg.GetPath() self.favorites_combo.SetText(path) dlg.Destroy() else: dlg.Destroy() return path = path.strip() self.favorites_path = path local_conf.GetRadioDict(self.radio_name)["favorites_file_path"] = path local_conf.settings_changed = True class RadioHardwareBase(BaseWindow): # The Hardware page in the second-level notebook for each radio def __init__(self, parent, radio_name): BaseWindow.__init__(self, parent) self.radio_name = radio_name self.num_cols = 8 self.PMcalDialog = None #self.MarkCols() def AlwaysMakeControls(self): radio_dict = local_conf.GetRadioDict(self.radio_name) radio_type = radio_dict['hardware_file_type'] data_names = local_conf.GetReceiverData(radio_type) self.AddTextL(1, "These are the hardware settings for a radio of type %s" % radio_type, self.num_cols-1) for name, text, fmt, help_text, values in data_names: if name == 'hardware_file_name': self.hware_path = self.GetValue(name, radio_dict) row = self.row self.row = 3 item, self.hware_combo, btn = self.AddTextComboHelp(1, text, self.hware_path, values, help_text, False, span_text=1, span_combo=4) self.hware_combo.handler = self.OnButtonChangeHardware item = self.AddPushButtonR(7, "Change..", self.OnButtonChangeHardware, border=0) elif name == 'widgets_file_name': self.widgets_path = self.GetValue(name, radio_dict) row = self.row self.row = 5 item, self.widgets_combo, btn = self.AddTextComboHelp(1, text, self.widgets_path, values, help_text, False, span_text=1, span_combo=4) self.widgets_combo.handler = self.OnButtonChangeWidgets item = self.AddPushButtonR(7, "Change..", self.OnButtonChangeWidgets, border=0) self.NextRow(7) self.AddColSpacer(2, 20) self.AddColSpacer(5, 20) self.SetScrollRate(1, 1) def OnButtonChangeHardware(self, event): if isinstance(event, ComboCtrl): path = event.GetValue() else: direc, fname = os.path.split(self.hware_path) dlg = wx.FileDialog(None, "Choose Hardware File", direc, fname, "*.py", wx.FD_OPEN) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: path = dlg.GetPath() self.hware_combo.SetText(path) dlg.Destroy() else: dlg.Destroy() return path = path.strip() self.hware_path = path local_conf.GetRadioDict(self.radio_name)["hardware_file_name"] = path local_conf.settings_changed = True def OnButtonChangeWidgets(self, event): if isinstance(event, ComboCtrl): path = event.GetValue() else: direc, fname = os.path.split(self.widgets_path) dlg = wx.FileDialog(None, "Choose Widgets File", direc, fname, "*.py", wx.FD_OPEN) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: path = dlg.GetPath() self.widgets_combo.SetText(path) dlg.Destroy() else: dlg.Destroy() return path = path.strip() self.widgets_path = path local_conf.GetRadioDict(self.radio_name)["widgets_file_name"] = path local_conf.settings_changed = True class RadioHardware(RadioHardwareBase): # The Hardware page in the second-level notebook for each radio def __init__(self, parent, radio_name): RadioHardwareBase.__init__(self, parent, radio_name) self.AlwaysMakeControls() self.HermesBias0 = None self.HermesBias1 = None radio_dict = local_conf.GetRadioDict(radio_name) radio_type = radio_dict['hardware_file_type'] data_names = local_conf.GetReceiverData(radio_type) col = 1 border = 2 hermes_board_id = 0 if radio_type == "Hermes": try: hermes_board_id = application.Hardware.hermes_board_id except: pass if radio_name == Settings[1] and hasattr(application.Hardware, "ProgramGateware"): help_text = "Choose an RBF file and program the Gateware (FPGA software) over Ethernet." self.AddTextButtonHelp(1, "Gateware Update", "Program from RBF file..", application.Hardware.ProgramGateware, help_text) col = 1 self.NextRow(self.row + 2) for name, text, fmt, help_text, values in data_names: if name in ('hardware_file_name', 'widgets_file_name'): pass elif name[0:4] == platform_ignore: pass elif name in ('Hermes_BandDictEnTx', 'AlexHPF_TxEn', 'AlexLPF_TxEn'): pass elif 'Hl2_' in name and hermes_board_id != 6: pass elif fmt[0:4] in ('dict', 'list'): pass else: if name[0:6] == 'Hware_': # value comes from the hardware file value = application.Hardware.GetValue(name) else: value = self.GetValue(name, radio_dict) no_edit = "choice" in fmt or fmt == 'boolean' if name == 'power_meter_calib_name': values = self.PowerMeterCalChoices() txt, cb, btn = self.AddTextComboHelp(col, text, value, values, help_text, no_edit, border=border) cb.handler = self.OnButtonChangePMcal self.power_meter_cal_choices = cb else: txt, cb, btn = self.AddTextComboHelp(col, text, value, values, help_text, no_edit, border=border) if name[0:6] == 'Hware_': cb.handler = application.Hardware.SetValue else: cb.handler = self.OnChange cb.quisk_data_name = name if col == 1: col = 4 border = 0 else: col = 1 border = 2 self.NextRow() if hermes_board_id == 6: if col == 4: self.NextRow() help_text = ('This controls the bias level for transistors in the final power amplifier. Enter a level from 0 to 255.' ' These changes are temporary. Press the "Write" button to write the value to the hardware and make it permanent.') ## Bias is 0 indexed to match schematic txt, self.HermesBias0, btn = self.AddTextSpinnerHelp(1, "Power amp bias 0", 0, 0, 255, help_text) txt, self.HermesBias1, btn = self.AddTextSpinnerHelp(4, "Power amp bias 1", 0, 0, 255, help_text) enbl = radio_dict["hermes_bias_adjust"] == "True" self.HermesBias0.Enable(enbl) self.HermesBias1.Enable(enbl) self.HermesBias0.Bind(wx.EVT_SPINCTRL, self.OnHermesChangeBias0) self.HermesBias1.Bind(wx.EVT_SPINCTRL, self.OnHermesChangeBias1) self.HermesWriteBiasButton = self.AddPushButton(7, "Write", self.OnButtonHermesWriteBias, border=0) self.HermesWriteBiasButton.Enable(enbl) self.FitInside() def OnHermesChangeBias0(self, event): value = self.HermesBias0.GetValue() application.Hardware.ChangeBias0(value) def OnHermesChangeBias1(self, event): value = self.HermesBias1.GetValue() application.Hardware.ChangeBias1(value) def OnButtonHermesWriteBias(self, event): value0 = self.HermesBias0.GetValue() value1 = self.HermesBias1.GetValue() application.Hardware.WriteBias(value0, value1) def PowerMeterCalChoices(self): values = list(conf.power_meter_std_calibrations) # known calibration names from the config file radio_dict = local_conf.GetRadioDict(self.radio_name) values += list(radio_dict.get('power_meter_local_calibrations', {})) # local calibrations values.sort() values.append('New') return values def OnButtonChangePMcal(self, ctrl): value = ctrl.GetValue() name = ctrl.quisk_data_name radio_dict = local_conf.GetRadioDict(self.radio_name) local_cal = radio_dict.get('power_meter_local_calibrations', {}) if value == 'New': if not self.PMcalDialog: self.PMcalDialog = QPowerMeterCalibration(self, list(local_cal)) else: setattr(conf, name, value) radio_dict[name] = value local_conf.settings_changed = True application.Hardware.MakePowerCalibration() def ChangePMcalFinished(self, name, table): self.PMcalDialog = None radio_dict = local_conf.GetRadioDict(self.radio_name) local_cal = radio_dict.get('power_meter_local_calibrations', {}) if name is None: # Cancel name = conf.power_meter_calib_name values = self.PowerMeterCalChoices() else: if table is None: # delete name del local_cal[name] name = list(conf.power_meter_std_calibrations)[0] # replacement name else: # new entry local_cal[name] = table conf.power_meter_calib_name = name radio_dict['power_meter_calib_name'] = name radio_dict['power_meter_local_calibrations'] = local_cal local_conf.settings_changed = True values = self.PowerMeterCalChoices() self.power_meter_cal_choices.SetItems(values) application.Hardware.MakePowerCalibration() try: index = values.index(name) except: index = 0 self.power_meter_cal_choices.SetSelection(index) class RadioHardwareSoapySDR(RadioHardwareBase): # The Hardware page in the second-level notebook for the SoapySDR radios name_text = { 'soapy_gain_mode_rx' : 'Rx gain mode', 'soapy_setAntenna_rx' : 'Rx antenna name', 'soapy_setBandwidth_rx' : 'Rx bandwidth kHz', 'soapy_setSampleRate_rx' : 'Rx sample rate kHz', 'soapy_device' : 'Device name', 'soapy_gain_mode_tx' : 'Tx gain mode', 'soapy_setAntenna_tx' : 'Tx antenna name', 'soapy_setBandwidth_tx' : 'Tx bandwidth kHz', 'soapy_setSampleRate_tx' : 'Tx sample rate kHz', } help_text = { 'soapy_gain_mode_rx' : 'Choose "total" to set the total gain, "detailed" to set multiple gain elements individually, \ or "automatic" for automatic gain control. The "detailed" or "automatic" may not be available depending on your hardware.', 'soapy_setAntenna_rx' : 'Choose the antenna to use for receive.', 'soapy_device' : "SoapySDR provides an interface to various radio hardware. The device name specifies \ the hardware device. Create a new radio for each hardware you have. Changing the device \ name requires re-entering all the hardware settings because different hardware has \ different settings. Also, the hardware device must be turned on when you change the \ device name so that Quisk can read the available settings.", 'soapy_gain_mode_tx' : 'Choose "total" to set the total gain, "detailed" to set multiple gain elements individually, \ or "automatic" for automatic gain control. The "detailed" or "automatic" may not be available depending on your hardware.', 'soapy_setAntenna_tx' : 'Choose the antenna to use for transmit.', } def __init__(self, parent, radio_name): RadioHardwareBase.__init__(self, parent, radio_name) self.no_device = "No device specified" if soapy: self.AlwaysMakeControls() self.MakeSoapyControls() else: radio_dict = local_conf.GetRadioDict(self.radio_name) radio_type = radio_dict['hardware_file_type'] self.AddTextL(1, "These are the hardware settings for a radio of type %s" % radio_type, self.num_cols-1) self.NextRow() self.AddTextL(1, "The shared library from the SoapySDR project is not available.") self.NextRow() self.AddTextL(1, "The shared library is not installed or is not compatible (perhaps 32 versus 64 bit versions).") self.NextRow() return #self.MarkCols() def NextCol(self): if self.col == 1: self.col = 4 self.border = 0 else: self.col = 1 self.border = 2 self.NextRow() def MakeSoapyControls(self): self.gains_rx = [] self.gains_tx = [] radio_dict = local_conf.GetRadioDict(self.radio_name) local_conf.InitSoapyNames(radio_dict) self.border = 2 name = 'soapy_device' device = radio_dict.get(name, self.no_device) txt, self.edit_soapy_device, btn = self.AddTextEditHelp(1, self.name_text[name], device, self.help_text[name], span1=1, span2=4) self.AddPushButtonR(7, "Change..", self.OnButtonChangeSoapyDevice, border=0) self.NextRow() self.NextRow() self.col = 1 if device == self.no_device: self.FitInside() return if radio_dict.get("soapy_file_version", 0) < soapy_software_version: text = "Please re-enter the device name. This will read additional parameters from the hardware." self.AddTextL(self.col, text, span=6) self.FitInside() return # Receive parameters name = 'soapy_setSampleRate_rx' help_text = 'Available sample rates: ' rates = ['48', '50', '240', '250', '960', '1000'] for dmin, dmax, dstep in radio_dict.get('soapy_getSampleRateRange_rx', ()): tmin = FormatKhz(dmin * 1E-3) if tmin not in rates: rates.append(tmin) if abs(dmin - dmax) < 0.5: help_text = help_text + '%s; ' % tmin elif dstep < 0.5: help_text = help_text + '%s to %s; ' % (tmin, FormatKhz(dmax * 1E-3)) else: help_text = help_text + '%s to %s by %s; ' % (tmin, FormatKhz(dmax * 1E-3), FormatKhz(dstep * 1E-3)) help_text = help_text[0:-2] + '.' if rates: rates.sort(key=SortKey) rate = radio_dict.get(name, '') txt, cb, btn = self.AddTextComboHelp(self.col, self.name_text[name], rate, rates, help_text, False, border=self.border) cb.handler = self.OnChange cb.quisk_data_name = name self.NextCol() len_gain_names = len(radio_dict.get('soapy_listGainsValues_rx', ())) name = 'soapy_gain_mode_rx' gain_mode = radio_dict[name] choices = ['total'] if len_gain_names >= 3: choices.append('detailed') if radio_dict.get('soapy_hasGainMode_rx', 0): choices.append('automatic') if gain_mode not in choices: gain_mode = radio_dict[name] = 'total' local_conf.settings_changed = True txt, cb, btn = self.AddTextComboHelp(self.col, self.name_text[name], gain_mode, choices, self.help_text[name], True, border=self.border) cb.handler = self.OnChange cb.quisk_data_name = name self.NextCol() name = 'soapy_gain_values_rx' values = radio_dict[name] for name2, dmin, dmax, dstep in radio_dict.get('soapy_listGainsValues_rx', ()): if dstep < 1E-4: dstep = 0.5 text = "Rx gain %s" % name2 help_text = 'Rf gain min %f, max %f, step %f' % (dmin, dmax, dstep) value = values.get(name2, '0') value = float(value) txt, spn, btn = self.AddTextDblSpinnerHelp(self.col, text, value, dmin, dmax, dstep, help_text, border=self.border) spn.quisk_data_name = name spn.quisk_data_name2 = name2 spn.Bind(wx.EVT_SPINCTRLDOUBLE, self.OnGain) self.gains_rx.append(spn) self.NextCol() if len_gain_names < 3: # for 1 or 2 names, just show total gain item break self.FixGainButtons('soapy_gain_mode_rx') name = 'soapy_setAntenna_rx' antenna = radio_dict[name] antennas = radio_dict.get('soapy_listAntennas_rx', ()) if antenna not in antennas: if antennas: antenna = antennas[0] else: antenna = '' radio_dict[name] = antenna local_conf.settings_changed = True if antennas: txt, cb, btn = self.AddTextComboHelp(self.col, self.name_text[name], antenna, antennas, self.help_text[name], True, border=self.border) cb.handler = self.OnChange cb.quisk_data_name = name self.NextCol() name = 'soapy_setBandwidth_rx' help_text = 'Available bandwidth: ' bandwidths = [] for dmin, dmax, dstep in radio_dict.get('soapy_getBandwidthRange_rx', ()): tmin = FormatKhz(dmin * 1E-3) bandwidths.append(tmin) if abs(dmin - dmax) < 0.5: help_text = help_text + '%s; ' % tmin elif dstep < 0.5: help_text = help_text + '%s to %s; ' % (tmin, FormatKhz(dmax * 1E-3)) else: help_text = help_text + '%s to %s by %s; ' % (tmin, FormatKhz(dmax * 1E-3), FormatKhz(dstep * 1E-3)) help_text = help_text[0:-2] + '.' if bandwidths: bandwidth = radio_dict.get(name, '') txt, cb, btn = self.AddTextComboHelp(self.col, self.name_text[name], bandwidth, bandwidths, help_text, False, border=self.border) cb.handler = self.OnChange cb.quisk_data_name = name self.NextCol() # Transmit parameters if self.col != 1: self.NextCol() name = 'soapy_enable_tx' enable = radio_dict.get(name, 'Disable') help_text = 'This will enable or disable the transmit function. If changed, you must restart Quisk.' txt, cb, btn = self.AddTextComboHelp(self.col, 'Tx enable', enable, ['Enable', 'Disable'], help_text, True, border=self.border) cb.handler = self.OnChange cb.quisk_data_name = name self.NextCol() name = 'soapy_setSampleRate_tx' help_text = 'Available sample rates: ' rates = [] for dmin, dmax, dstep in radio_dict.get('soapy_getSampleRateRange_tx', ()): tmin = FormatKhz(dmin * 1E-3) rates.append(tmin) if abs(dmin - dmax) < 0.5: help_text = help_text + '%s; ' % tmin elif dstep < 0.5: help_text = help_text + '%s to %s; ' % (tmin, FormatKhz(dmax * 1E-3)) else: help_text = help_text + '%s to %s by %s; ' % (tmin, FormatKhz(dmax * 1E-3), FormatKhz(dstep * 1E-3)) help_text = help_text[0:-2] + '.' if rates: rate = radio_dict.get(name, '') rates = ('48', '50', '96', '100', '192') txt, cb, btn = self.AddTextComboHelp(self.col, self.name_text[name], rate, rates, help_text, True, border=self.border) cb.handler = self.OnChange cb.quisk_data_name = name self.NextCol() len_gain_names = len(radio_dict.get('soapy_listGainsValues_tx', ())) name = 'soapy_gain_mode_tx' gain_mode = radio_dict[name] choices = ['total'] if len_gain_names >= 3: choices.append('detailed') if radio_dict.get('soapy_hasGainMode_tx', 0): choices.append('automatic') if gain_mode not in choices: gain_mode = radio_dict[name] = 'total' local_conf.settings_changed = True txt, cb, btn = self.AddTextComboHelp(self.col, self.name_text[name], gain_mode, choices, self.help_text[name], True, border=self.border) cb.handler = self.OnChange cb.quisk_data_name = name self.NextCol() name = 'soapy_gain_values_tx' values = radio_dict[name] for name2, dmin, dmax, dstep in radio_dict.get('soapy_listGainsValues_tx', ()): if dstep < 1E-4: dstep = 0.5 text = "Tx gain %s" % name2 help_text = 'Rf gain min %f, max %f, step %f' % (dmin, dmax, dstep) value = values.get(name2, '0') value = float(value) txt, spn, btn = self.AddTextDblSpinnerHelp(self.col, text, value, dmin, dmax, dstep, help_text, border=self.border) spn.quisk_data_name = name spn.quisk_data_name2 = name2 spn.Bind(wx.EVT_SPINCTRLDOUBLE, self.OnGain) self.gains_tx.append(spn) self.NextCol() if len_gain_names < 3: # for 1 or 2 names, just show total gain item break self.FixGainButtons('soapy_gain_mode_tx') name = 'soapy_setAntenna_tx' antenna = radio_dict[name] antennas = radio_dict.get('soapy_listAntennas_tx', ()) if antenna not in antennas: if antennas: antenna = antennas[0] else: antenna = '' radio_dict[name] = antenna local_conf.settings_changed = True if antennas: txt, cb, btn = self.AddTextComboHelp(self.col, self.name_text[name], antenna, antennas, self.help_text[name], True, border=self.border) cb.handler = self.OnChange cb.quisk_data_name = name self.NextCol() name = 'soapy_setBandwidth_tx' help_text = 'Available bandwidths: ' bandwidths = [] for dmin, dmax, dstep in radio_dict.get('soapy_getBandwidthRange_tx', ()): tmin = FormatKhz(dmin * 1E-3) bandwidths.append(tmin) if abs(dmin - dmax) < 0.5: help_text = help_text + '%s; ' % tmin elif dstep < 0.5: help_text = help_text + '%s to %s; ' % (tmin, FormatKhz(dmax * 1E-3)) else: help_text = help_text + '%s to %s by %s; ' % (tmin, FormatKhz(dmax * 1E-3), FormatKhz(dstep * 1E-3)) help_text = help_text[0:-2] + '.' if bandwidths: bandwidth = radio_dict.get(name, '') txt, cb, btn = self.AddTextComboHelp(self.col, self.name_text[name], bandwidth, bandwidths, help_text, False, border=self.border) cb.handler = self.OnChange cb.quisk_data_name = name self.NextCol() self.FitInside() def FixGainButtons(self, name): radio_dict = local_conf.GetRadioDict(self.radio_name) gain_mode = radio_dict[name] if name[-3:] == '_tx': controls = self.gains_tx else: controls = self.gains_rx for i in range(len(controls)): ctrl = controls[i] if gain_mode == "automatic": ctrl.Enable(False) elif gain_mode == "total": if i == 0: ctrl.Enable(True) else: ctrl.Enable(False) else: # gain_mode is "detailed" if i == 0: ctrl.Enable(False) else: ctrl.Enable(True) def OnButtonChangeSoapyDevice(self, event): if not soapy: txt = "Soapy shared library (DLL) is not available." msg = wx.MessageDialog(None, txt, 'SoapySDR Error', wx.OK|wx.ICON_ERROR) msg.ShowModal() msg.Destroy() return try: choices = self.GetSoapyDevices() except: #traceback.print_exc() choices = [] if not choices: choices = ['No devices were found.'] device = self.edit_soapy_device.GetValue() width = application.main_frame.GetSize().width width = width * 50 // 100 parent = self.edit_soapy_device.GetParent() dlg = ListEditDialog(parent, "Change Soapy Device", device, choices, width) ok = dlg.ShowModal() if ok != wx.ID_OK: dlg.Destroy() return device = dlg.GetValue() dlg.Destroy() if device == self.no_device: return if Settings[1] == self.radio_name: txt = "Changing the active radio requires a shutdown and restart. Proceed?" msg = wx.MessageDialog(None, txt, 'SoapySDR Change to Active Radio', wx.OK|wx.CANCEL|wx.ICON_INFORMATION) ok = msg.ShowModal() msg.Destroy() if ok == wx.ID_OK: soapy.close_device(1) else: return txt = soapy.open_device(device, 0, 0) if txt[0:8] == 'Capture ': radio_dict = local_conf.GetRadioDict(self.radio_name) radio_dict['soapy_device'] = device radio_dict['soapy_file_version'] = soapy_software_version self.edit_soapy_device.ChangeValue(device) # Record the new SoapySDR parameters for the new device. Do not change the old data values yet. for name in ('soapy_listAntennas_rx', 'soapy_hasGainMode_rx', 'soapy_listGainsValues_rx', 'soapy_listAntennas_tx', 'soapy_hasGainMode_tx', 'soapy_listGainsValues_tx', 'soapy_getFullDuplex_rx', 'soapy_getSampleRateRange_rx', 'soapy_getSampleRateRange_tx', 'soapy_getBandwidthRange_rx', 'soapy_getBandwidthRange_tx', ): radio_dict[name] = soapy.get_parameter(name, 0) soapy.close_device(0) local_conf.settings_changed = True # Clear our sizer and re-create all the controls self.gbs.Clear(True) self.gbs.Add((self.charx, self.charx), (0, 0)) self.row = 1 RadioHardwareBase.AlwaysMakeControls(self) self.MakeSoapyControls() txt = "Please check the settings for the new hardware device." msg = wx.MessageDialog(None, txt, 'SoapySDR Change to Radio', wx.OK|wx.ICON_INFORMATION) msg.ShowModal() msg.Destroy() else: msg = wx.MessageDialog(None, txt, 'SoapySDR Device Error', wx.OK|wx.ICON_ERROR) msg.ShowModal() msg.Destroy() def GetSoapyDevices(self): choices = [] for dct in soapy.get_device_list(): text = '' try: driver = dct["driver"] except: pass else: text = 'driver=%s' % driver try: label = dct["label"] except: pass else: text = text + ', label=%s' % label choices.append(text) return choices def OnChange(self, ctrl): name = ctrl.quisk_data_name value = ctrl.GetValue() radio_dict = local_conf.GetRadioDict(self.radio_name) radio_dict[name] = value local_conf.settings_changed = True # Immediate changes if name in ('soapy_gain_mode_rx', 'soapy_gain_mode_tx'): self.FixGainButtons(name) if soapy and self.radio_name == Settings[1]: # changed for current radio application.Hardware.ImmediateChange(name, value) def OnGain(self, event): radio_dict = local_conf.GetRadioDict(self.radio_name) obj = event.GetEventObject() value = obj.GetValue() name = obj.quisk_data_name radio_dict[name][obj.quisk_data_name2] = value local_conf.settings_changed = True if soapy and self.radio_name == Settings[1]: # changed for current radio application.Hardware.ChangeGain(name[-3:]) class RadioSound(BaseWindow): # The Sound page in the second-level notebook for each radio """Configure the available sound devices.""" sound_names = ( # same order as grid labels ('playback_rate', '', '', '', 'name_of_sound_play'), ('mic_sample_rate', 'mic_channel_I', 'mic_channel_Q', '', 'microphone_name'), ('sample_rate', 'channel_i', 'channel_q', 'channel_delay', 'name_of_sound_capt'), ('mic_playback_rate', 'mic_play_chan_I', 'mic_play_chan_Q', 'tx_channel_delay', 'name_of_mic_play'), ('', '', '', '', 'digital_input_name'), ('', '', '', '', 'digital_output_name'), ('', '', '', '', 'sample_playback_name'), ('', '', '', '', 'digital_rx1_name'), ) def __init__(self, parent, radio_name): BaseWindow.__init__(self, parent) self.radio_name = radio_name self.controls_done = False def MakeControls(self): if self.controls_done: return self.controls_done = True self.radio_dict = local_conf.GetRadioDict(self.radio_name) self.num_cols = 8 thename = platform_accept + "latency_millisecs" for name, text, fmt, help_text, values in local_conf.GetSectionData('Sound'): if name == thename: value = self.GetValue(name, self.radio_dict) no_edit = "choice" in fmt or fmt == 'boolean' txt, cb, btn = self.AddTextComboHelp(1, text, value, values, help_text, no_edit) cb.handler = self.OnChange cb.quisk_data_name = name break for name, text, fmt, help_text, values in local_conf.GetSectionData('Sound'): if name == 'digital_output_level': value = self.GetValue(name, self.radio_dict) no_edit = "choice" in fmt or fmt == 'boolean' txt, cb, btn = self.AddTextComboHelp(4, text, value, values, help_text, no_edit) cb.handler = self.OnChange cb.quisk_data_name = name break self.NextRow() # Add the grid for the sound settings sizer = wx.GridBagSizer(2, 2) sizer.SetEmptyCellSize((self.charx, self.charx)) self.gbs.Add(sizer, (self.row, 0), span=(1, self.num_cols)) gbs = self.gbs self.gbs = sizer self.row = 1 dev_capt, dev_play = QS.sound_devices() if sys.platform != 'win32': for i in range(len(dev_capt)): dev_capt[i] = "alsa:" + dev_capt[i] for i in range(len(dev_play)): dev_play[i] = "alsa:" + dev_play[i] show = self.GetValue('show_pulse_audio_devices', self.radio_dict) if show == 'True': dev_capt.append("pulse # Use the default pulse device") dev_play.append("pulse # Use the default pulse device") for n0, n1, n2 in application.pa_dev_capt: dev_capt.append("pulse:%s" % n0) for n0, n1, n2 in application.pa_dev_play: dev_play.append("pulse:%s" % n0) dev_capt.insert(0, '') dev_play.insert(0, '') self.AddTextC(1, "Stream") self.AddTextCHelp(2, "Rate", "This is the sample rate for the device in Hertz." "Some devices have fixed rates that can not be changed.") self.AddTextCHelp(3, "Ch I", "This is the in-phase channel for devices with I/Q data, and the main channel for other devices.") self.AddTextCHelp(4, "Ch Q", "This is the quadrature channel for devices with I/Q data, and the second channel for other devices.") self.AddTextCHelp(5, "Delay", "Some older devices have a one sample channel delay between channels. " "This must be corrected for devices with I/Q data. Enter the channel number to delay; either the I or Q channel number. " "For no delay, leave this blank.") self.AddTextCHelp(6, "Sound Device", "This is the name of the sound device. For Windows, this is the DirectX name. " "For Linux you can use the Alsa device, the PortAudio device or the PulseAudio device. " "The Alsa device are recommended because they have lower latency. See the documentation for more information.") self.NextRow() label_help = ( (1, "Radio Sound Output", "This is the radio sound going to the headphones or speakers."), (0, "Microphone Input", "This is the monophonic microphone source. Set the channel if the source is stereo."), (0, "I/Q Rx Sample Input", "This is the sample source if it comes from a sound device, such as a SoftRock."), (1, "I/Q Tx Sample Output", "This is the transmit sample audio sent to a SoftRock."), (0, "External Digital Input", "This is the loopback sound device for Rx samples received from a digital program such as FlDigi."), (1, "External Digital Output", "This is the loopback sound device for Tx samples sent to a digital program such as FlDigi."), (1, "Raw Digital Output", "This sends the received I/Q data to another program."), (1, "Digital Rx1 Output", "This sends sub-receiver 1 output to another program."), ) choices = (("48000", "96000", "192000"), ("0", "1"), ("0", "1"), (" ", "0", "1")) r = 0 if "SoftRock" in self.radio_dict['hardware_file_type']: # Samples come from sound card softrock = True else: softrock = False for is_output, label, helptxt in label_help: self.AddTextLHelp(1, label, helptxt) # Add col 0 value = self.ItemValue(r, 0) if value is None: value = '' data_name = self.sound_names[r][0] if r == 0: cb = self.AddComboCtrl(2, value, choices=("48000", "96000", "192000"), right=True) if r == 1: cb = self.AddComboCtrl(2, value, choices=("48000", "8000"), right=True, no_edit=True) if softrock: if r == 2: cb = self.AddComboCtrl(2, value, choices=("48000", "96000", "192000"), right=True) if r == 3: cb = self.AddComboCtrl(2, value, choices=("48000", "96000", "192000"), right=True) else: if r == 2: cb = self.AddComboCtrl(2, '', choices=("",), right=True) cb.Enable(False) if r == 3: cb = self.AddComboCtrl(2, '', choices=("",), right=True) cb.Enable(False) if r == 4: cb = self.AddComboCtrl(2, "48000", choices=("48000",), right=True, no_edit=True) cb.Enable(False) if r == 5: cb = self.AddComboCtrl(2, "48000", choices=("48000",), right=True, no_edit=True) cb.Enable(False) if r == 6: cb = self.AddComboCtrl(2, "48000", choices=("48000",), right=True, no_edit=True) cb.Enable(False) if r == 7: cb = self.AddComboCtrl(2, "48000", choices=("48000",), right=True, no_edit=True) cb.Enable(False) cb.handler = self.OnChange cb.quisk_data_name = data_name # Add col 1, 2, 3 for col in range(1, 4): value = self.ItemValue(r, col) data_name = self.sound_names[r][col] if value is None: cb = self.AddComboCtrl(col + 2, ' ', choices=[], right=True) cb.Enable(False) else: cb = self.AddComboCtrl(col + 2, value, choices=choices[col], right=True) cb.handler = self.OnChange cb.quisk_data_name = self.sound_names[r][col] # Add col 4 if not softrock and r in (2, 3): cb = self.AddComboCtrl(6, '', choices=['']) cb.Enable(False) elif is_output: cb = self.AddComboCtrl(6, self.ItemValue(r, 4), choices=dev_play) else: cb = self.AddComboCtrl(6, self.ItemValue(r, 4), choices=dev_capt) cb.handler = self.OnChange cb.quisk_data_name = platform_accept + self.sound_names[r][4] self.NextRow() r += 1 self.gbs = gbs self.FitInside() self.SetScrollRate(1, 1) def ItemValue(self, row, col): data_name = self.sound_names[row][col] if col == 4: # Device names data_name = platform_accept + data_name value = self.GetValue(data_name, self.radio_dict) return value elif data_name: value = self.GetValue(data_name, self.radio_dict) if col == 3: # Delay if value == "-1": value = '' return value return None def OnChange(self, ctrl): data_name = ctrl.quisk_data_name value = ctrl.GetValue() if data_name in ('channel_delay', 'tx_channel_delay'): value = value.strip() if not value: value = "-1" self.OnChange2(ctrl, value) class RadioBands(BaseWindow): # The Bands page in the second-level notebook for each radio def __init__(self, parent, radio_name): BaseWindow.__init__(self, parent) self.radio_name = radio_name self.controls_done = False def MakeControls(self): if self.controls_done: return self.controls_done = True radio_dict = local_conf.GetRadioDict(self.radio_name) radio_type = radio_dict['hardware_file_type'] self.num_cols = 8 #self.MarkCols() self.NextRow() self.AddTextCHelp(1, "Bands", "This is a list of the bands that Quisk understands. A check mark means that the band button is displayed. A maximum of " "14 bands may be displayed.") self.AddTextCHelp(2, " Start MHz", "This is the start of the band in megahertz.") self.AddTextCHelp(3, " End MHz", "This is the end of the band in megahertz.") heading_row = self.row self.NextRow() band_labels = radio_dict['bandLabels'][:] for i in range(len(band_labels)): if isinstance(band_labels[i], (list, tuple)): band_labels[i] = band_labels[i][0] band_edge = radio_dict['BandEdge'] # band_list is a list of all known bands band_list = local_conf.originalBandEdge band_list = list(band_list) band_list.sort(key=self.SortCmp) band_list.append('Time') if local_conf.ReceiverHasName(radio_type, 'tx_level'): tx_level = self.GetValue('tx_level', radio_dict) radio_dict['tx_level'] = tx_level # Make sure the dictionary is in radio_dict else: tx_level = None try: transverter_offset = radio_dict['bandTransverterOffset'] except: transverter_offset = {} radio_dict['bandTransverterOffset'] = transverter_offset # Make sure the dictionary is in radio_dict try: hiqsdr_bus = radio_dict['HiQSDR_BandDict'] except: hiqsdr_bus = None try: hermes_bus = radio_dict['Hermes_BandDict'] except: hermes_bus = None self.band_checks = [] # Add the Audio band. This must be first to allow for column labels. cb = self.AddCheckBox(1, 'Audio', self.OnChangeBands) self.band_checks.append(cb) if 'Audio' in band_labels: cb.SetValue(True) self.NextRow() start_row = self.row # Add check box, start, end for band in band_list: cb = self.AddCheckBox(1, band, self.OnChangeBands) self.band_checks.append(cb) if band in band_labels: cb.SetValue(True) try: start, end = band_edge[band] start = str(start * 1E-6) end = str(end * 1E-6) except: try: start, end = local_conf.originalBandEdge[band] start = str(start * 1E-6) end = str(end * 1E-6) except: start = '' end = '' cb = self.AddComboCtrl(2, start, choices=(start, ), right=True) cb.handler = self.OnChangeBandStart cb.quisk_band = band cb = self.AddComboCtrl(3, end, choices=(end, ), right=True) cb.handler = self.OnChangeBandEnd cb.quisk_band = band self.NextRow() col = 3 # Add tx_level if tx_level is not None: col += 1 self.row = heading_row self.AddTextCHelp(col, " Tx Level", "This is the transmit level for each band. The level is a number from zero to 255. Changes are immediate.") self.row = start_row for band in band_list: try: level = tx_level[band] level = str(level) except: try: level = tx_level[None] tx_level[band] = level # Fill in tx_level for each band level = str(level) except: tx_level[band] = 0 level = '0' cb = self.AddComboCtrl(col, level, choices=(level, ), right=True) cb.handler = self.OnChangeDict cb.quisk_data_name = 'tx_level' cb.quisk_band = band self.NextRow() # Add transverter offset if isinstance(transverter_offset, dict): col += 1 self.row = heading_row self.AddTextCHelp(col, " Transverter Offset", "If you use a transverter, you need to tune your hardware to a frequency lower than\ the frequency displayed by Quisk. For example, if you have a 2 meter transverter,\ you may need to tune your hardware from 28 to 30 MHz to receive 144 to 146 MHz.\ Enter the transverter offset in Hertz. For this to work, your\ hardware must support it. Currently, the HiQSDR, SDR-IQ and SoftRock are supported.") self.row = start_row for band in band_list: try: offset = transverter_offset[band] except: offset = '' else: offset = str(offset) cb = self.AddComboCtrl(col, offset, choices=(offset, ), right=True) cb.handler = self.OnChangeDictBlank cb.quisk_data_name = 'bandTransverterOffset' cb.quisk_band = band self.NextRow() # Add hiqsdr_bus if hiqsdr_bus is not None: bus_text = 'The IO bus is used to select filters for each band. Refer to the documentation for your filter board to see what number to enter.' col += 1 self.row = heading_row self.AddTextCHelp(col, " IO Bus", bus_text) self.row = start_row for band in band_list: try: bus = hiqsdr_bus[band] except: bus = '' bus_choice = ('11', ) else: bus = str(bus) bus_choice = (bus, ) cb = self.AddComboCtrl(col, bus, bus_choice, right=True) cb.handler = self.OnChangeDict cb.quisk_data_name = 'HiQSDR_BandDict' cb.quisk_band = band self.NextRow() # Add hermes_bus if hermes_bus is not None: bus_text = 'The IO bus is used to select filters for each band. Check the bit for a "1", and uncheck the bit for a "0".\ Bits are shown in binary number order. For example, decimal 9 is 0b1001, so check bits 3 and 0.\ Changes are immediate (no need to restart).\ Refer to the documentation for your filter board to see which bits to set.\ The Rx bits are used for both receive and transmit, unless the "Enable" box is checked.\ Then you can specify different filters for Rx and Tx.\ If multiple receivers are in use, the Rx filter will be that of the highest frequency band.' col += 1 self.row = heading_row self.AddTextCHelp(col, " Rx IO Bus", bus_text) self.AddTextCHelp(col + 1, " Tx IO Bus", bus_text) self.row += 1 self.AddTextC(col, "6...Bits...0") btn = self.AddCheckBox(col + 1, " Enable", self.ChangeIOTxEnable, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) value = self.GetValue("Hermes_BandDictEnTx", radio_dict) value = value == 'True' btn.SetValue(value) self.row = start_row try: hermes_tx_bus = radio_dict['Hermes_BandDictTx'] except: hermes_tx_bus = {} for band in band_list: try: bus = int(hermes_bus[band]) except: bus = 0 self.AddBitField(col, 7, 'Hermes_BandDict', band, bus, self.ChangeIO) try: bus = int(hermes_tx_bus[band]) except: bus = 0 self.AddBitField(col + 1, 7, 'Hermes_BandDictTx', band, bus, self.ChangeIO) self.NextRow() self.FitInside() self.SetScrollRate(1, 1) def SortCmp(self, item1): # Numerical conversion to megahertz try: if item1[-2:] == 'cm': item1 = float(item1[0:-2]) * .01 item1 = 300.0 / item1 elif item1[-1] == 'k': item1 = float(item1[0:-1]) * .001 else: item1 = float(item1) item1 = 300.0 / item1 except: item1 = 50000.0 return item1 def OnChangeBands(self, ctrl): band_list = [] count = 0 for cb in self.band_checks: if cb.IsChecked(): band = cb.GetLabel() count += 1 if band == '60' and len(conf.freq60) > 1: band_list.append(('60', ) * len(conf.freq60)) elif band == 'Time' and len(conf.bandTime) > 1: band_list.append(('Time', ) * len(conf.bandTime)) else: band_list.append(band) if count > 14: dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None, "There are more than the maximum of 14 bands checked. Please remove some checks.", 'List of Bands', wx.OK|wx.ICON_ERROR) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() else: radio_dict = local_conf.GetRadioDict(self.radio_name) radio_dict['bandLabels'] = band_list local_conf.settings_changed = True def OnChangeBandStart(self, ctrl): radio_dict = local_conf.GetRadioDict(self.radio_name) band_edge = radio_dict['BandEdge'] band = ctrl.quisk_band start, end = band_edge.get(band, (0, 9999)) value = ctrl.GetValue() if self.FormatOK(value, 'numb'): start = int(float(value) * 1E6 + 0.1) band_edge[band] = (start, end) local_conf.settings_changed = True def OnChangeBandEnd(self, ctrl): radio_dict = local_conf.GetRadioDict(self.radio_name) band_edge = radio_dict['BandEdge'] band = ctrl.quisk_band start, end = band_edge.get(band, (0, 9999)) value = ctrl.GetValue() if self.FormatOK(value, 'numb'): end = int(float(value) * 1E6 + 0.1) band_edge[band] = (start, end) local_conf.settings_changed = True def OnChangeDict(self, ctrl): radio_dict = local_conf.GetRadioDict(self.radio_name) dct = radio_dict[ctrl.quisk_data_name] band = ctrl.quisk_band value = ctrl.GetValue() if self.FormatOK(value, 'inte'): value = int(value) dct[band] = value local_conf.settings_changed = True if ctrl.quisk_data_name == 'tx_level' and hasattr(application.Hardware, "SetTxLevel"): application.Hardware.SetTxLevel() def OnChangeDictBlank(self, ctrl): radio_dict = local_conf.GetRadioDict(self.radio_name) dct = radio_dict[ctrl.quisk_data_name] band = ctrl.quisk_band value = ctrl.GetValue() value = value.strip() if not value: if band in dct: del dct[band] local_conf.settings_changed = True elif self.FormatOK(value, 'inte'): value = int(value) dct[band] = value local_conf.settings_changed = True def ChangeIO(self, control): radio_dict = local_conf.GetRadioDict(self.radio_name) dct = radio_dict[control.quisk_data_name] band = control.quisk_band dct[band] = control.value local_conf.settings_changed = True if hasattr(application.Hardware, "ChangeBandFilters"): application.Hardware.ChangeBandFilters() def ChangeIOTxEnable(self, event): name = "Hermes_BandDictEnTx" radio_dict = local_conf.GetRadioDict(self.radio_name) if event.IsChecked(): radio_dict[name] = "True" setattr(conf, name, True) else: radio_dict[name] = "False" setattr(conf, name, False) local_conf.settings_changed = True if hasattr(application.Hardware, "ChangeBandFilters"): application.Hardware.ChangeBandFilters() class RadioFilters(BaseWindow): # The Filters page in the second-level notebook for each radio def __init__(self, parent, radio_name): BaseWindow.__init__(self, parent) self.radio_name = radio_name self.controls_done = False def MakeControls(self): if self.controls_done: return self.controls_done = True radio_dict = local_conf.GetRadioDict(self.radio_name) self.num_cols = 8 self.NextRow() bus_text = 'These high-pass and low-pass filters are only available for radios that support the Hermes protocol.\ Enter a frequency range and the control bits for that range. Leave the frequencies blank for unused ranges.\ Place whole bands within the frequency ranges because filters are only changed when changing bands.\ Check the bit for a "1", and uncheck the bit for a "0".\ Bits are shown in binary number order. For example, decimal 9 is 0b1001, so check bits 3 and 0.\ Changes are immediate (no need to restart).\ Refer to the documentation for your filter board to see which bits to set.\ The Rx bits are used for both receive and transmit, unless the "Tx Enable" box is checked.\ Then you can specify different filters for Rx and Tx.\ If multiple receivers are in use, the filters will accommodate the highest and lowest frequencies of all receivers.' self.AddTextCHelp(1, 'Hermes Protocol: Alex High and Low Pass Filters', bus_text, span=self.num_cols) self.NextRow() self.AddTextC(1, 'Start MHz') self.AddTextC(2, 'End MHz') self.AddTextC(3, "Alex HPF Rx") btn = self.AddCheckBox(4, "Alex HPF Tx", self.ChangeEnable, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) btn.quisk_data_name = "AlexHPF_TxEn" value = self.GetValue("AlexHPF_TxEn", radio_dict) value = value == 'True' btn.SetValue(value) self.AddTextC(5, 'Start MHz') self.AddTextC(6, 'End MHz') self.AddTextC(7, "Alex LPF Rx") btn = self.AddCheckBox(8, "Alex LPF Tx", self.ChangeEnable, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) btn.quisk_data_name = "AlexLPF_TxEn" value = self.GetValue("AlexLPF_TxEn", radio_dict) value = value == 'True' btn.SetValue(value) self.NextRow() hp_filters = self.GetValue("AlexHPF", radio_dict) lp_filters = self.GetValue("AlexLPF", radio_dict) row = self.row for index in range(len(hp_filters)): f1, f2, rx, tx = hp_filters[index] # f1 and f2 are strings; rx and tx are integers cb = self.AddTextCtrl(1, f1, self.OnChangeFreq) cb.quisk_data_name = "AlexHPF" cb.index = (index, 0) cb = self.AddTextCtrl(2, f2, self.OnChangeFreq) cb.quisk_data_name = "AlexHPF" cb.index = (index, 1) bf = self.AddBitField(3, 8, 'AlexHPF', None, rx, self.ChangeBits) bf.index = (index, 2) bf = self.AddBitField(4, 8, 'AlexHPF', None, tx, self.ChangeBits) bf.index = (index, 3) self.NextRow() index += 1 self.row = row for index in range(len(lp_filters)): f1, f2, rx, tx = lp_filters[index] # f1 and f2 are strings; rx and tx are integers cb = self.AddTextCtrl(5, f1, self.OnChangeFreq) cb.quisk_data_name = "AlexLPF" cb.index = (index, 0) cb = self.AddTextCtrl(6, f2, self.OnChangeFreq) cb.quisk_data_name = "AlexLPF" cb.index = (index, 1) bf = self.AddBitField(7, 8, 'AlexLPF', None, rx, self.ChangeBits) bf.index = (index, 2) bf = self.AddBitField(8, 8, 'AlexLPF', None, tx, self.ChangeBits) bf.index = (index, 3) self.NextRow() index += 1 self.FitInside() self.SetScrollRate(1, 1) def OnChangeFreq(self, event): freq = event.GetString() radio_dict = local_conf.GetRadioDict(self.radio_name) ctrl = event.GetEventObject() name = ctrl.quisk_data_name filters = self.GetValue(name, radio_dict) filters[ctrl.index[0]][ctrl.index[1]] = freq setattr(conf, name, filters) radio_dict[name] = filters local_conf.settings_changed = True if hasattr(application.Hardware, "ChangeAlexFilters"): application.Hardware.ChangeAlexFilters(edit=True) def ChangeBits(self, control): radio_dict = local_conf.GetRadioDict(self.radio_name) name = control.quisk_data_name filters = self.GetValue(name, radio_dict) filters[control.index[0]][control.index[1]] = control.value setattr(conf, name, filters) radio_dict[name] = filters local_conf.settings_changed = True if hasattr(application.Hardware, "ChangeAlexFilters"): application.Hardware.ChangeAlexFilters(edit=True) def ChangeEnable(self, event): btn = event.GetEventObject() name = btn.quisk_data_name radio_dict = local_conf.GetRadioDict(self.radio_name) if event.IsChecked(): radio_dict[name] = "True" setattr(conf, name, True) else: radio_dict[name] = "False" setattr(conf, name, False) local_conf.settings_changed = True if hasattr(application.Hardware, "ChangeAlexFilters"): application.Hardware.ChangeAlexFilters(edit=True)