#! /usr/bin/python # All QUISK software is Copyright (C) 2006-2018 by James C. Ahlstrom. # This free software is licensed for use under the GNU General Public # License (GPL), see http://www.opensource.org. # Note that there is NO WARRANTY AT ALL. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!! """The main program for Quisk, a software defined radio. Usage: python quisk.py [-c | --config config_file_path] This can also be installed as a package and run as quisk.main(). """ from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division # Change to the directory of quisk.py. This is necessary to import Quisk packages, # to load other extension modules that link against _quisk.so, to find shared libraries *.dll and *.so, # and to find ./__init__.py and ./help.html. import sys, os os.chdir(os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(__file__))) # change directory to the location of this script if sys.path[0] != '': # Make sure the current working directory is on path sys.path.insert(0, '') import wx, wx.html, wx.lib.stattext, wx.lib.colourdb, wx.grid, wx.richtext import math, cmath, time, traceback, string, select, subprocess import threading, pickle, webbrowser try: from xmlrpc.client import ServerProxy except ImportError: from xmlrpclib import ServerProxy import _quisk as QS from quisk_widgets import * from filters import Filters import dxcluster import configure DEBUGSHELL = False if DEBUGSHELL: from wx.py.crust import CrustFrame from wx.py.shell import ShellFrame # Fldigi XML-RPC control opens a local socket. If socket.setdefaulttimeout() is not # called, the timeout on Linux is zero (1 msec) and on Windows is 2 seconds. So we # call it to insure consistent behavior. import socket socket.setdefaulttimeout(0.005) HAMLIB_DEBUG = 0 application = None if sys.version_info.major > 2: Q3StringTypes = str else: Q3StringTypes = (str, unicode) # Command line parsing: be able to specify the config file. from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option('-c', '--config', dest='config_file_path', help='Specify the configuration file path') parser.add_option('', '--config2', dest='config_file_path2', default='', help='Specify a second configuration file to read after the first') parser.add_option('-a', '--ask', action="store_true", dest='AskMe', default=False, help='Ask which radio to use when starting') parser.add_option('', '--local', dest='local_option', default='', help='Specify a custom option that you have programmed yourself') argv_options = parser.parse_args()[0] ConfigPath = argv_options.config_file_path # Get config file path ConfigPath2 = argv_options.config_file_path2 LocalOption = argv_options.local_option if sys.platform == 'win32': path = os.getenv('HOMEDRIVE', '') + os.getenv('HOMEPATH', '') for thedir in ("Documents", "My Documents", "Eigene Dateien", "Documenti", "Mine Dokumenter"): config_dir = os.path.join(path, thedir) if os.path.isdir(config_dir): break else: config_dir = os.path.join(path, "My Documents") try: try: import winreg as Qwinreg except ImportError: import _winreg as Qwinreg key = Qwinreg.OpenKey(Qwinreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, r"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders") val = Qwinreg.QueryValueEx(key, "Personal") val = Qwinreg.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(val[0]) Qwinreg.CloseKey(key) if os.path.isdir(val): DefaultConfigDir = val else: DefaultConfigDir = config_dir except: traceback.print_exc() DefaultConfigDir = config_dir if not ConfigPath: ConfigPath = os.path.join(DefaultConfigDir, "quisk_conf.py") if not os.path.isfile(ConfigPath): path = os.path.join(config_dir, "quisk_conf.py") if os.path.isfile(path): ConfigPath = path del config_dir else: DefaultConfigDir = os.path.expanduser('~') if not ConfigPath: ConfigPath = os.path.join(DefaultConfigDir, ".quisk_conf.py") # These FFT sizes have multiple small factors, and are prefered for efficiency. FFT size must be an even number. fftPreferedSizes = [] for f2 in range(1, 13): for y in (1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15): for z in (1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15): x = 2**f2 * y * z if 300 <= x <= 5000 and x not in fftPreferedSizes: fftPreferedSizes.append(x) fftPreferedSizes.sort() def round(x): # round float to nearest integer if x >= 0: return int(x + 0.5) else: return - int(-x + 0.5) def str2freq (freq): if '.' in freq: freq = int(float(freq) * 1E6 + 0.1) else: freq = int(freq) return freq def get_filter_tx(mode): # Return the bandwidth, center of the Tx filters if mode in ('LSB', 'USB'): bw = 2700 center = 1650 elif mode in ('CWL', 'CWU'): bw = 10 center = 0 elif mode in ('AM', 'DGT-IQ'): bw = 6000 center = 0 elif mode in ('FM', 'DGT-FM'): bw = 10000 center = 0 elif mode in ('FDV-L', 'FDV-U'): bw = 2700 center = 1500 else: bw = 2700 center = 1650 if mode in ('CWL', 'LSB', 'DGT-L', 'FDV-L'): center = - center return bw, center Mode2Index = {'CWL':0, 'CWU':1, 'LSB':2, 'USB':3, 'AM':4, 'FM':5, 'EXT':6, 'DGT-U':7, 'DGT-L':8, 'DGT-IQ':9, 'IMD':10, 'FDV-U':11, 'FDV-L':12, 'DGT-FM':13} class Timer: """Debug: measure and print times every ptime seconds. Call with msg == '' to start timer, then with a msg to record the time. """ def __init__(self, ptime = 1.0): self.ptime = ptime # frequency to print in seconds self.time0 = 0 # time zero; measure from this time self.time_print = 0 # last time data was printed self.timers = {} # one timer for each msg self.names = [] # ordered list of msg self.heading = 1 # print heading on first use def __call__(self, msg): tm = time.time() if msg: if not self.time0: # Not recording data return if msg in self.timers: count, average, highest = self.timers[msg] else: self.names.append(msg) count = 0 average = highest = 0.0 count += 1 delta = tm - self.time0 average += delta if highest < delta: highest = delta self.timers[msg] = (count, average, highest) if tm - self.time_print > self.ptime: # time to print results self.time0 = 0 # end data recording, wait for reset self.time_print = tm if self.heading: self.heading = 0 print ("count, msg, avg, max (msec)") print("%4d" % count, end=' ') for msg in self.names: # keep names in order count, average, highest = self.timers[msg] if not count: continue average /= count print(" %s %7.3f %7.3f" % (msg, average * 1e3, highest * 1e3), end=' ') self.timers[msg] = (0, 0.0, 0.0) print() else: # reset the time to zero self.time0 = tm # Start timer if not self.time_print: self.time_print = tm ## T = Timer() # Make a timer instance class HamlibHandlerSerial: "Create a serial port for Hamlib control that emulates the FlexRadio PowerSDR 2.x command set." # This implements some Kenwood TS-2000 commands, but it is far from complete. Mo2CoKen = {'CWL':7, 'CWU':3, 'LSB':1, 'USB':2, 'AM':5, 'FM':4, 'DGT-U':9, 'DGT-L':6, 'DGT-FM':4, 'DGT-IQ':9} Co2MoKen = {1:'LSB', 2:'USB', 3:'CWU', 4:'FM', 5:'AM', 6:'DGT-L', 7:'CWL', 9:'DGT-U'} Mo2CoFlex = {'CWL':3, 'CWU':4, 'LSB':0, 'USB':1, 'AM':6, 'FM':5, 'DGT-U':7, 'DGT-L':9, 'DGT-FM':5, 'DGT-IQ':7} Co2MoFlex = {0:'LSB', 1:'USB', 3:'CWL', 4:'CWU', 5:'FM', 6:'AM', 7:'DGT-U', 9:'DGT-L'} def __init__(self, app, public_name): self.app = app self.port = None self.received = '' self.radio_id = '019' self.public_name = public_name # the public name for the serial port if sys.platform == 'win32': try: import serial except: print ("Please install the pyserial module.") else: try: self.port = serial.Serial(public_name, timeout=0, write_timeout=0) except: print ("The serial port %s could not be opened." % public_name) else: import tty if os.path.lexists(public_name): try: os.remove(public_name) except: print ("Can not remove the file", public_name) try: self.port, slave = os.openpty() # we are the master device fd, slave is a pseudo tty tty.setraw(self.port) tty.setraw(slave) except: print ("Can not create the serial port") self.port = None else: try: os.symlink(os.ttyname(slave), public_name) # create a link from the specified name to the slave device except: print ("Can not create a link named", public_name) self.port = None else: if HAMLIB_DEBUG: print ("Create", public_name, "from", os.ttyname(slave)) def open(self): return def close(self): if sys.platform != 'win32': if self.public_name: try: os.remove(self.public_name) except: pass def Read(self): if self.port is None: return if sys.platform == 'win32': text = self.port.read(99) if not isinstance(text, Q3StringTypes): text = text.decode('utf-8') self.received += text else: while True: r, w, x = select.select((self.port,), (), (), 0) if not r: break text = os.read(self.port, 1) if not isinstance(text, Q3StringTypes): text = text.decode('utf-8') self.received += text def Process(self): """This is the main processing loop, and is called frequently. It reads and satisfies requests.""" self.Read() if ';' in self.received: # A complete command ending with semicolon is available cmd, self.received = self.received.split(';', 1) # Split off the command, save any further characters else: return cmd = cmd.strip() # Here is our command and data if cmd[0:2] in ('ZZ', 'zz', 'Zz', 'zZ'): data = cmd[4:] cmd = cmd[0:4].upper() func = cmd else: data = cmd[2:] cmd = cmd[0:2].upper() if cmd in ('FA', 'FB', 'IF', 'PS'): # Use the ZZxx command method func = 'ZZ' + cmd else: # Use the two-letter method func = cmd if data: if HAMLIB_DEBUG: print ("Process command :", cmd, data) try: func = getattr(self, func) except: print ("Unimplemented serial port function", func, 'cmd', cmd, 'data', data) self.Write('?;') return func(cmd, data, len(data)) def Error(self, cmd, data): self.Write('?;') print ("*** Error for cmd %s data %s" % (cmd, data)) def Write(self, data): if HAMLIB_DEBUG: print ("Serial port write:", data) if self.port is None: return if isinstance(data, Q3StringTypes): data = data.encode('utf-8', errors='ignore') if sys.platform == 'win32': self.port.write(data) else: r, w, x = select.select((), (self.port,), (), 0) if w: os.write(self.port, data) def AG(self, cmd, data, length): # audio gain if length == 1: self.Write("%s%s120;" % (cmd, data[0])) def ZZAG(self, cmd, data, length): # audio gain if length == 0: self.Write("%s050;" % cmd) def ZZAI(self, cmd, data, length): # broadcast changes if length == 0: self.Write("%s0;" % cmd) elif length == 1 and data[0] == '0': pass else: self.Error(cmd, data) def ZZFA(self, cmd, data, length): # frequency of VFO A, the receive frequency if length == 0: self.Write("%s%011d;" % (cmd, self.app.rxFreq + self.app.VFO)) elif length == 11: freq = int(data, base=10) tune = freq - self.app.VFO d = self.app.sample_rate * 45 // 100 if -d <= tune <= d: # Frequency is on-screen vfo = self.app.VFO else: # Change the VFO vfo = (freq // 5000) * 5000 - 5000 tune = freq - vfo self.app.BandFromFreq(freq) self.app.ChangeHwFrequency(tune, vfo, 'FreqEntry') if HAMLIB_DEBUG: print ("New Freq rx,tx", self.app.txFreq + self.app.VFO, self.app.rxFreq + self.app.VFO) else: self.Error(cmd, data) def ZZFB(self, cmd, data, length): # frequency of VFO B if length == 0: self.Write("%s%011d;" % (cmd, self.app.txFreq + self.app.VFO)) elif length == 11: freq = int(data, base=10) tune = freq - self.app.VFO d = self.app.sample_rate * 45 // 100 if -d <= tune <= d: # Frequency is on-screen vfo = self.app.VFO else: # Change the VFO vfo = (freq // 5000) * 5000 - 5000 tune = freq - vfo self.app.BandFromFreq(freq) self.app.ChangeHwFrequency(tune, vfo, 'FreqEntry') else: self.Error(cmd, data) def FR(self, cmd, data, length): # receive VFO is always VFO A if length == 0: self.Write("%s0;" % cmd) elif length == 1 and data[0] == '0': pass else: self.Error(cmd, data) def FT(self, cmd, data, length): # transmit VFO if self.app.split_rxtx: vfo = '1' else: vfo = '0' if length == 0: self.Write("%s%s;" % (cmd, vfo)) elif length == 1 and data[0] == vfo: pass else: self.Error(cmd, data) def ID(self, cmd, data, length): # return radio ID if length == 0: self.Write('%s%s;' % (cmd, self.radio_id)) else: self.Error(cmd, data) def ZZID(self, cmd, data, length): # set radio id to Flex if length == 0: self.radio_id = '900' else: self.Error(cmd, data) def ZZIF(self, cmd, data, length): # return information for ZZIF and IF ritFreq = self.app.ritScale.GetValue() if self.app.ritButton.GetValue(): rit = 1 else: rit = 0 mode = self.app.mode info = cmd info += "%011d" % (self.app.rxFreq + self.app.VFO) # frequency, ZZFA info += '0000' if ritFreq < 0: # RIT freq info += "-%05d" % -ritFreq else: info += "+%05d" % ritFreq info += "%d" % rit # RIT status info += '0000' if QS.is_key_down(): # MOX, key down info += '1' else: info += '0' if len(cmd) == 4: # Flex ZZIF code = self.Mo2CoFlex.get(mode, 1) info += "%02d" % code # operating mode else: # Kenwood IF code = self.Mo2CoKen.get(mode, 1) info += "%d" % code # operating mode info += '00' if self.app.split_rxtx: # VFO split status info += '1' else: info += '0' info += '0000' info += ';' self.Write(info) def MD(self, cmd, data, length): # the mode; USB, CW, etc. if length == 0: mode = self.app.mode code = self.Mo2CoKen.get(mode, 2) self.Write("%s%d;" % (cmd, code)) elif length == 1: code = int(data, base=10) mode = self.Co2MoKen.get(code, 'USB') self.app.OnBtnMode(None, mode) # Set mode else: self.Error(cmd, data) def ZZMD(self, cmd, data, length): # the mode; USB, CW, etc. if length == 0: mode = self.app.mode code = self.Mo2CoFlex.get(mode, 1) self.Write("%s%02d;" % (cmd, code)) elif length == 2: code = int(data, base=10) mode = self.Co2MoFlex.get(code, 'USB') self.app.OnBtnMode(None, mode) # Set mode else: self.Error(cmd, data) def ZZMU(self, cmd, data, length): # MultiRx on/off if length == 0: self.Write("%s0;" % cmd) def OI(self, cmd, data, length): # return information self.ZZIF(cmd, data, length) def ZZPS(self, cmd, data, length): # power status if length == 0: self.Write("%s1;" % cmd) def ZZRS(self, cmd, data, length): # the RX2 status if length == 0: self.Write("%s0;" % cmd) elif length == 1 and data[0] == '0': pass else: self.Error(cmd, data) def RX(self, cmd, data, length): # turn off MOX if length == 0: if self.app.pttButton: self.app.pttButton.SetValue(0, True) else: self.Error(cmd, data) else: self.Error(cmd, data) def ZZSP(self, cmd, data, length): # the split status if length == 0: if self.app.split_rxtx: self.Write("%s1;" % cmd) else: self.Write("%s0;" % cmd) else: self.Error(cmd, data) def ZZSW(self, cmd, data, length): # transmit VFO is A or B if length == 0: if self.app.split_rxtx: self.Write("%s1;" % cmd) else: self.Write("%s0;" % cmd) def TX(self, cmd, data, length): # turn on MOX if length == 0: if self.app.pttButton: self.app.pttButton.SetValue(1, True) else: self.Error(cmd, data) else: self.Error(cmd, data) def ZZTX(self, cmd, data, length): # the MOX status if length == 0: if QS.is_key_down(): self.Write("%s1;" % cmd) else: self.Write("%s0;" % cmd) elif length == 1: if self.app.pttButton: if data[0] == '0': self.app.pttButton.SetValue(0, True) else: self.app.pttButton.SetValue(1, True) else: self.Error(cmd, data) else: self.Error(cmd, data) def ZZVE(self, cmd, data, length): # is VOX enabled if length == 0: if self.app.useVOX: self.Write("%s1;" % cmd) else: self.Write("%s0;" % cmd) else: self.Error(cmd, data) def XT(self, cmd, data, length): # the XIT if length == 0: self.Write("%s0;" % cmd) elif length == 1 and data[0] == '0': pass else: self.Error(cmd, data) class HamlibHandlerRig2: """This class is created for each connection to the server. It services requests from each client""" SingleLetters = { # convert single-letter commands to long commands '_':'info', 'f':'freq', 'i':'split_freq', 'm':'mode', 's':'split_vfo', 't':'ptt', 'v':'vfo', } # I don't understand the need for dump_state, nor what it means. # A possible response to the "dump_state" request: dump1 = """ 2 2 2 150000.000000 1500000000.000000 0x1ff -1 -1 0x10000003 0x3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0x1ff 1 0x1ff 0 0 0 0x1e 2400 0x2 500 0x1 8000 0x1 2400 0x20 15000 0x20 8000 0x40 230000 0 0 9990 9990 10000 0 10 10 20 30 0x3effffff 0x3effffff 0x7fffffff 0x7fffffff 0x7fffffff 0x7fffffff """ # Another possible response to the "dump_state" request: dump2 = """ 0 2 2 150000.000000 30000000.000000 0x900af -1 -1 0x10 000003 0x3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 150000.000000 30000000.000000 0x900af -1 -1 0x10 000003 0x3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0 """ def __init__(self, app, sock, address): self.app = app # Reference back to the "hardware" self.sock = sock sock.settimeout(0.0) self.address = address self.params = '' # params is the string following the command self.received = '' h = self.Handlers = {} h[''] = self.ErrProtocol h['dump_state'] = self.DumpState h['chk_vfo'] = self.ChkVfo # Thanks to Franco Spinelli, IW2DHW h['get_freq'] = self.GetFreq h['set_freq'] = self.SetFreq h['get_info'] = self.GetInfo h['get_mode'] = self.GetMode h['set_mode'] = self.SetMode h['get_vfo'] = self.GetVfo h['get_ptt'] = self.GetPtt h['set_ptt'] = self.SetPtt h['get_split_freq'] = self.GetSplitFreq h['set_split_freq'] = self.SetSplitFreq h['get_split_vfo'] = self.GetSplitVfo h['set_split_vfo'] = self.SetSplitVfo def Send(self, text): """Send text back to the client.""" if isinstance(text, Q3StringTypes): text = text.encode('utf-8', errors='ignore') try: self.sock.sendall(text) except socket.error: self.sock.close() self.sock = None def Reply(self, *args): # args is name, value, name, value, ..., int """Create a string reply of name, value pairs, and an ending integer code.""" if self.extended: # Use extended format t = "%s: %s" % (self.cmd, self.params) # Extended format echoes the command and parameters t += self.extended for i in range(0, len(args) - 1, 2): t = "%s%s: %s%c" % (t, args[i], args[i+1], self.extended) t += "RPRT %d\n" % args[-1] elif len(args) > 1: # Use simple format t = '' for i in range(1, len(args) - 1, 2): t = "%s%s\n" % (t, args[i]) else: # No names; just the required integer code t = "RPRT %d\n" % args[0] # print 'Reply', t self.Send(t) def ErrParam(self): # Invalid parameter self.Reply(-1) def UnImplemented(self): # Command not implemented self.Reply(-4) def ErrProtocol(self): # Protocol error self.Reply(-8) def Process(self): """This is the main processing loop, and is called frequently. It reads and satisfies requests.""" if not self.sock: return 0 try: # Read any data from the socket text = self.sock.recv(1024) except socket.timeout: # This does not work pass except socket.error: # Nothing to read pass else: # We got some characters if not isinstance(text, Q3StringTypes): text = text.decode('utf-8') self.received += text if '\n' in self.received: # A complete command ending with newline is available cmd, self.received = self.received.split('\n', 1) # Split off the command, save any further characters else: return 1 cmd = cmd.strip() # Here is our command # print 'Get', cmd if not cmd: # ??? Indicates a closed connection? # print 'empty command' self.sock.close() self.sock = None return 0 # Parse the command and call the appropriate handler if cmd[0] == '+': # rigctld Extended Response Protocol self.extended = '\n' cmd = cmd[1:].strip() elif cmd[0] in ';|,': # rigctld Extended Response Protocol self.extended = cmd[0] cmd = cmd[1:].strip() else: self.extended = None if cmd[0:1] == '\\': # long form command starting with backslash args = cmd[1:].split(None, 1) self.cmd = args[0] if len(args) == 1: self.params = '' else: self.params = args[1] self.Handlers.get(self.cmd, self.UnImplemented)() else: # single-letter command self.params = cmd[1:].strip() cmd = cmd[0:1] if cmd in 'Qq': # Quit command return 0 try: t = self.SingleLetters[cmd.lower()] except KeyError: self.UnImplemented() else: if cmd in string.ascii_uppercase: self.cmd = 'set_' + t else: self.cmd = 'get_' + t self.Handlers.get(self.cmd, self.UnImplemented)() return 1 # These are the handlers for each request def DumpState(self): self.Send(self.dump2) def ChkVfo(self): self.Send('CHKVFO 0') def GetFreq(self): self.Reply('Frequency', self.app.rxFreq + self.app.VFO, 0) def SetFreq(self): try: freq = float(self.params) self.Reply(0) except: self.ErrParam() else: freq = int(freq + 0.5) self.app.ChangeRxTxFrequency(freq, None) def GetSplitFreq(self): self.Reply('TX Frequency', self.app.txFreq + self.app.VFO, 0) def SetSplitFreq(self): try: freq = float(self.params) self.Reply(0) except: self.ErrParam() else: freq = int(freq + 0.5) if self.app.split_rxtx and not self.app.split_hamlib_tx: self.app.ChangeRxTxFrequency(freq, None) else: self.app.ChangeRxTxFrequency(None, freq) def GetSplitVfo(self): # I am not sure if "VFO" is a suitable response if self.app.split_rxtx: self.Reply('Split', 1, 'TX VFO', 'VFO', 0) else: self.Reply('Split', 0, 'TX VFO', 'VFO', 0) def SetSplitVfo(self): # Currently (Aug 2012) hamlib fails to send the "split" parameter, so this fails try: split, vfo = self.params.split() split = int(split) self.Reply(0) except: # traceback.print_exc() self.ErrParam() else: self.app.splitButton.SetValue(split, True) def GetInfo(self): self.Reply("Info", self.app.main_frame.title, 0) def GetMode(self): mode = self.app.mode if mode == 'CWU': mode = 'CW' elif mode == 'CWL': # Is this what CWR means? mode = 'CWR' elif mode == 'DGT-FM': mode = 'FM' elif mode[0:4] == 'DGT-': mode = 'USB' self.Reply('Mode', mode, 'Passband', self.app.filter_bandwidth, 0) def SetMode(self): try: mode, bw = self.params.split() bw = int(float(bw) + 0.5) except: self.ErrParam() return if mode in ('USB', 'LSB', 'AM', 'FM'): self.Reply(0) elif mode[0:4] == 'DGT-': self.Reply(0) elif mode == 'CW': mode = 'CWU' self.Reply(0) elif mode == 'CWR': mode = 'CWL' self.Reply(0) else: self.ErrParam() return self.app.OnBtnMode(None, mode) # Set mode if bw <= 0: # use default bandwidth return # Choose button closest to requested bandwidth buttons = self.app.filterButns.GetButtons() Lab = buttons[0].GetLabel() diff = abs(int(Lab) - bw) for i in range(1, len(buttons) - 1): label = buttons[i].GetLabel() df = abs(int(label) - bw) if df < diff: Lab = label diff = df self.app.OnBtnFilter(None, int(Lab)) def GetVfo(self): self.Reply('VFO', "VFO", 0) # The type of VFO we have def GetPtt(self): if QS.is_key_down(): self.Reply('PTT', 1, 0) else: self.Reply('PTT', 0, 0) def SetPtt(self): if not self.app.pttButton: self.UnImplemented() return try: ptt = int(self.params) self.Reply(0) except: self.ErrParam() else: self.app.pttButton.SetValue(ptt, True) class SoundThread(threading.Thread): """Create a second (non-GUI) thread to read, process and play sound.""" def __init__(self, samples_from_python): self.samples_from_python = samples_from_python self.do_init = 1 self.config_text = '' threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.doQuit = threading.Event() self.doQuit.clear() def run(self): """Read, process, play sound; then notify the GUI thread to check for FFT data.""" if self.do_init: # Open sound using this thread self.do_init = 0 if self.samples_from_python: self.config_text = Hardware.StartSamples() QS.start_sound() wx.CallAfter(application.PostStartup) while not self.doQuit.isSet(): if self.samples_from_python: samples = Hardware.GetRxSamples() if samples: QS.set_params(rx_samples=samples) QS.read_sound() wx.CallAfter(application.OnReadSound) if self.samples_from_python: Hardware.StopSamples() QS.close_sound() def stop(self): """Set a flag to indicate that the sound thread should end.""" self.doQuit.set() class ConfigScreen(wx.Panel): """Display a notebook with status and configuration data""" def __init__(self, parent, width, fft_size): self.y_scale = 0 self.y_zero = 0 self.zoom_control = 0 self.finish_pages = True self.width = width wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent) self.notebook = notebook = wx.Notebook(self) font = wx.Font(conf.config_font_size, wx.FONTFAMILY_SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.FONTWEIGHT_NORMAL, False, conf.quisk_typeface) notebook.SetFont(font) sizer = wx.BoxSizer() sizer.Add(notebook, 1, wx.EXPAND) self.SetSizer(sizer) # create the page windows self.status = ConfigStatus(notebook, width, fft_size) self.SetBackgroundColour(self.status.bg_color) self.SetForegroundColour(self.status.tfg_color) notebook.bg_color = self.status.bg_color notebook.tfg_color = self.status.tfg_color notebook.AddPage(self.status, "Status") self.config = ConfigConfig(notebook, width) notebook.AddPage(self.config, "Config") self.sound = ConfigSound(notebook, width) notebook.AddPage(self.sound, "Sound") self.favorites = ConfigFavorites(notebook, width) notebook.AddPage(self.favorites, "Favorites") self.tx_audio = ConfigTxAudio(notebook, width) notebook.AddPage(self.tx_audio, "Tx Audio") self.tx_audio.status = self.status def FinishPages(self): if self.finish_pages: self.finish_pages = False application.local_conf.AddPages(self.notebook, self.width) def ChangeYscale(self, y_scale): pass def ChangeYzero(self, y_zero): pass def OnIdle(self, event): pass def SetTxFreq(self, tx_freq, rx_freq): pass def OnGraphData(self, data=None): self.status.OnGraphData(data) self.tx_audio.OnGraphData(data) def InitBitmap(self): # Initial construction of bitmap self.status.InitBitmap() class ConfigStatus(wx.ScrolledWindow): """Display the status screen.""" def __init__(self, parent, width, fft_size): wx.ScrolledWindow.__init__(self, parent) self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint) self.bg_color = self.GetBackgroundColour() self.tfg_color = wx.Colour(20, 20, 20) # use for text foreground self.width = width self.fft_size = fft_size self.scroll_height = None self.interupts = 0 self.read_error = -1 self.write_error = -1 self.underrun_error = -1 self.fft_error = -1 self.latencyCapt = -1 self.latencyPlay = -1 self.y_scale = 0 self.y_zero = 0 self.zoom_control = 0 self.rate_min = -1 self.rate_max = -1 self.chan_min = -1 self.chan_max = -1 self.mic_max_display = 0 self.err_msg = "No response" self.msg1 = "" self.font = wx.Font(conf.status_font_size, wx.FONTFAMILY_SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.FONTWEIGHT_NORMAL, False, conf.quisk_typeface) if wxVersion in ('2', '3'): self.SetBackgroundStyle(wx.BG_STYLE_CUSTOM) else: self.SetBackgroundStyle(wx.BG_STYLE_PAINT) self.SetFont(self.font) charx = self.charx = self.GetCharWidth() chary = self.chary = self.GetCharHeight() self.dy = chary # line spacing self.rjustify1 = (0, 1, 0) self.tabstops1 = [0] * 3 self.tabstops1[0] = x = charx self.tabstops1[1] = x = x + self.GetTextExtent("FFT number of errors 1234567890")[0] self.tabstops1[2] = x = x + self.GetTextExtent("XXXX")[0] self.rjustify2 = (0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1) self.tabstops2 = [] def MakeTabstops(self): luse = lname = 0 for use, name, rate, latency, errors, level in QS.sound_errors(): name = self.TrimName(name) w, h = self.GetTextExtent(use) luse = max(luse, w) w, h = self.GetTextExtent(name) lname = max(lname, w) if luse == 0: return charx = self.charx self.tabstops2 = [0] * 6 self.tabstops2[0] = x = charx self.tabstops2[1] = x = x + luse + charx * 6 self.tabstops2[2] = x = x + lname + self.GetTextExtent("Sample rateXXXXXX")[0] self.tabstops2[3] = x = x + charx * 12 self.tabstops2[4] = x = x + charx * 12 self.tabstops2[5] = x = x + charx * 12 def TrimName(self, name): if len(name) > 50: name = name[0:30] + '|||' + name[-17:] return name def OnPaint(self, event): # Make and blit variable data self.MakeBitmap() dc = wx.AutoBufferedPaintDC(self) x, y = self.GetViewStart() dc.Blit(0, 0, self.mem_width, self.mem_height, self.mem_dc, x, y) def MakeRow2(self, *args): for col in range(len(args)): t = args[col] if t is None: continue t = str(t) x = self.tabstops[col] if self.rjustify[col]: w, h = self.mem_dc.GetTextExtent(t) x -= w if ("Error" in t or "Stream error" in t) and t != "Errors": self.mem_dc.SetTextForeground('Red') self.mem_dc.DrawText(t, x, self.mem_y) self.mem_dc.SetTextForeground(self.tfg_color) else: self.mem_dc.DrawText(t, x, self.mem_y) self.mem_y += self.dy def InitBitmap(self): # Initial construction of bitmap self.mem_height = application.screen_height self.mem_width = application.screen_width self.bitmap = EmptyBitmap(self.mem_width, self.mem_height) self.mem_dc = wx.MemoryDC() self.mem_rect = wx.Rect(0, 0, self.mem_width, self.mem_height) self.mem_dc.SelectObject(self.bitmap) br = wx.Brush(self.bg_color) self.mem_dc.SetBackground(br) self.mem_dc.SetFont(self.font) self.mem_dc.SetTextForeground(self.tfg_color) self.mem_dc.Clear() def MakeBitmap(self): self.mem_dc.Clear() self.mem_y = self.charx self.tabstops = self.tabstops1 self.rjustify = self.rjustify1 if conf.config_file_exists: cfile = "Configuration file: %s" % conf.config_file_path else: cfile = "Configuration file not found %s" % conf.config_file_path if conf.microphone_name: level = "%3.0f" % self.mic_max_display else: level = "None" if self.err_msg: err_msg = self.err_msg else: err_msg = None self.MakeRow2("Sample interrupts", self.interupts, cfile) self.MakeRow2("Microphone or DGT level dB", level, application.config_text) self.MakeRow2("FFT number of points", self.fft_size, err_msg) if conf.dxClHost: # connection to dx cluster nSpots = len(application.dxCluster.dxSpots) if nSpots > 0: msg = str(nSpots) + ' DX spot' + ('' if nSpots==1 else 's') + ' received from ' + application.dxCluster.getHost() else: msg = "No DX Cluster data from %s" % conf.dxClHost self.MakeRow2("FFT number of errors", self.fft_error, msg) else: self.MakeRow2("FFT number of errors", self.fft_error) self.mem_y += self.dy if not self.tabstops2: return self.tabstops = self.tabstops2 self.rjustify = self.rjustify2 self.font.SetUnderlined(True) self.mem_dc.SetFont(self.font) self.MakeRow2("Device", "Name", "Sample rate", "Latency", "Errors", "Level dB") self.font.SetUnderlined(False) self.mem_dc.SetFont(self.font) self.mem_y += self.dy * 3 // 10 if conf.use_sdriq: self.MakeRow2("Capture radio samples", "SDR-IQ", application.sample_rate, self.latencyCapt, self.read_error) elif conf.use_rx_udp: self.MakeRow2("Capture radio samples", "UDP", application.sample_rate, self.latencyCapt, self.read_error) elif conf.use_soapy: self.MakeRow2("Capture radio samples", "SoapySDR", application.sample_rate, self.latencyCapt, self.read_error) for use, name, rate, latency, errors, level in QS.sound_errors(): level = math.sqrt(level) / 2**31 if level < 1.1E-5: level = " - " else: level = 20 * math.log10(level) level = "%.2f" % level self.MakeRow2(use, self.TrimName(name), rate, latency, errors, level) if self.scroll_height is None: self.scroll_height = self.mem_y + self.dy self.SetScrollbars(1, 1, 100, self.scroll_height) def OnGraphData(self, data=None): if not self.tabstops2: # Must wait for sound to start self.MakeTabstops() (self.rate_min, self.rate_max, sample_rate, self.chan_min, self.chan_max, self.msg1, self.unused, self.err_msg, self.read_error, self.write_error, self.underrun_error, self.latencyCapt, self.latencyPlay, self.interupts, self.fft_error, self.mic_max_display, self.data_poll_usec ) = QS.get_state() self.mic_max_display = 20.0 * math.log10((self.mic_max_display + 1) / 32767.0) self.RefreshRect(self.mem_rect) class ConfigConfig(wx.ScrolledWindow): def __init__(self, parent, width): wx.ScrolledWindow.__init__(self, parent) self.width = width self.font = wx.Font(conf.config_font_size, wx.FONTFAMILY_SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.FONTWEIGHT_NORMAL, False, conf.quisk_typeface) self.SetFont(self.font) self.SetBackgroundColour(parent.bg_color) self.charx = charx = self.GetCharWidth() self.chary = chary = self.GetCharHeight() self.dy = self.chary self.rx_phase = None self.radio_group = None # Make controls FIRST column tab0 = charx * 4 # Receive phase rx = wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Adjust receive amplitude and phase") tx = wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Adjust transmit amplitude and phase") x1, y1 = tx.GetSize().Get() self.rx_phase = ctrl = QuiskPushbutton(self, self.OnBtnPhase, "Rx Phase...") ctrl.SetColorGray() if not conf.name_of_sound_capt: ctrl.Enable(0) x2, y2 = ctrl.GetSize().Get() tab1 = tab0 + x1 + charx * 2 tab2 = tab1 + x2 tab3 = tab2 + charx * 8 self.y = self.yyy = y2 + self.chary self.dy = y2 * 12 // 10 self.offset = (y2 - y1) // 2 rx.SetPosition((tab0, self.y)) ctrl.SetPosition((tab1, self.y - self.offset)) self.y += self.dy # Transmit phase self.tx_phase = ctrl = QuiskPushbutton(self, self.OnBtnPhase, "Tx Phase...") ctrl.SetColorGray() if not conf.name_of_mic_play: ctrl.Enable(0) tx.SetPosition((tab0, self.y)) ctrl.SetPosition((tab1, self.y - self.offset)) self.y += self.dy # Choice (combo) box for decimation lst = Hardware.VarDecimGetChoices() if lst: txt = Hardware.VarDecimGetLabel() index = Hardware.VarDecimGetIndex() else: txt = "Variable decimation" lst = ["None"] index = 0 t = wx.StaticText(self, -1, txt) ctrl = wx.Choice(self, -1, choices=lst, size=(x2, y2)) if lst: self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHOICE, application.OnBtnDecimation, ctrl) ctrl.SetSelection(index) t.SetPosition((tab0, self.y)) ctrl.SetPosition((tab1, self.y - self.offset)) self.y += self.dy # Transmit level controls if hasattr(Hardware, "SetTxLevel"): SliderBoxH(self, "Tx level %d%% ", 100, 0, 100, self.OnTxLevel, True, (tab0, self.y), tab2-tab0) self.y += self.dy level = conf.digital_tx_level SliderBoxH(self, "Digital Tx level %d%% ", level, 0, level, self.OnDigitalTxLevel, True, (tab0, self.y), tab2-tab0) self.y += self.dy # mic_out_volume if conf.name_of_mic_play: level = int(conf.mic_out_volume * 100.0 + 0.1) SliderBoxH(self, "SftRock Tx level %d%% ", level, 0, 100, self.OnSrTxLevel, True, (tab0, self.y), tab2-tab0) self.y += self.dy self.scroll_height = self.y #### Make controls SECOND column self.y = self.yyy self.tab3 = tab3 self.charx = charx ## Record buttons self.st = st = wx.StaticText(self, -1, "The file-record button will:", pos=(tab3 - charx * 2, self.y)) self.dy = st.GetSize().GetHeight() * 14 // 10 self.y += self.dy # File for recording speaker audio text = "Record Rx audio to WAV file " path = conf.file_name_audio self.file_button_rec_speaker = self.MakeFileButton(text, path, 0) # File for recording samples text = "Record I/Q samples to WAV file " path = conf.file_name_samples self.file_button_rec_iq = self.MakeFileButton(text, path, 1) # File for recording the microphone text = "Record the mic to make a CQ message" path = '' self.file_button_rec_mic = self.MakeFileButton(text, path, 2) ## Play buttons wx.StaticText(self, -1, "The file-play button will:", pos=(tab3 - charx * 2, self.y)) self.y += self.dy # File for playing speaker audio text = "Play Rx audio from a WAV file" path = '' self.file_button_play_speaker = self.MakeFileButton(text, path, 10) # file for playing samples text = "Receive saved I/Q samples from a file" path = '' self.file_button_play_iq = self.MakeFileButton(text, path, 11) # File for playing a file to the mic input for a CQ message text = "Repeat a CQ message until a station answers" path = conf.file_name_playback self.file_button_play_mic = self.MakeFileButton(text, path, 12) SliderBoxH(self, "Repeat secs %.1f ", 0, 0, 100, self.OnPlayFileRepeat, True, (tab3 + charx * 4, self.y), tab2-tab0, 0.1) self.y += self.dy if self.y > self.scroll_height: self.scroll_height = self.y self.SetScrollbars(1, 1, 100, self.scroll_height) def MakeFileButton(self, text, path, index): if index < 10: # record buttons cb = wx.CheckBox(self, -1, text, pos=(self.tab3, self.y)) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.OnCheckRecPlay, cb) elif self.radio_group: cb = wx.RadioButton(self, -1, text, pos=(self.tab3, self.y)) self.Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBUTTON, self.OnCheckRecPlay, cb) else: self.radio_group = True cb = wx.RadioButton(self, -1, text, pos=(self.tab3, self.y), style=wx.RB_GROUP) self.Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBUTTON, self.OnCheckRecPlay, cb) x = self.tab3 + cb.GetSize().GetWidth() bsz = wx.Size(self.charx * 3, cb.GetSize().GetHeight()) b = wx.Button(self, -1, "...", pos=(x, self.y), size=bsz) b.check_box = cb b.index = cb.index = index b.path = cb.path = path QS.set_file_name(b.index, name=path, enable=0) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnBtnFileName, b) x = x + b.GetSize().GetWidth() + self.charx dddy = (cb.GetSize().GetHeight() - self.st.GetSize().GetHeight()) // 2 if not path: cb.Enable(False) path = "(No file)" b.txt_ctrl = wx.StaticText(self, -1, path, pos=(x, self.y + dddy)) self.y += self.dy return b def OnTxLevel(self, event): application.tx_level = event.GetEventObject().GetValue() Hardware.SetTxLevel() def OnSrTxLevel(self, event): level = event.GetEventObject().GetValue() QS.set_mic_out_volume(level) def OnDigitalTxLevel(self, event): application.digital_tx_level = event.GetEventObject().GetValue() Hardware.SetTxLevel() def OnBtnPhase(self, event): btn = event.GetEventObject() if btn.GetLabel()[0:2] == 'Tx': rx_tx = 'tx' else: rx_tx = 'rx' application.screenBtnGroup.SetLabel('Graph', do_cmd=True) if application.w_phase: application.w_phase.Raise() else: application.w_phase = QAdjustPhase(self, self.width, rx_tx) def OnBtnFileName(self, event): btn = event.GetEventObject() dr, fn = os.path.split(btn.path) if btn.index < 10: # record buttons dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, 'Choose WAV file', dr, fn, style=wx.FD_SAVE|wx.FD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT, wildcard="Wave files (*.wav)|*.wav") else: dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, 'Choose WAV file', dr, fn, style=wx.FD_OPEN, wildcard="Wave files (*.wav)|*.wav") if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: path = dlg.GetPath() if path[-4:].lower() != '.wav': path = path + '.wav' QS.set_file_name(btn.index, name=path) btn.txt_ctrl.SetLabel(path) btn.path = path btn.check_box.path = path btn.check_box.Enable(True) if btn.index >= 10: # play buttons btn.check_box.SetValue(True) application.file_play_source = btn.index QS.set_file_name(btn.index, enable=1) QS.open_wav_file_play(path) self.EnableRecPlay() dlg.Destroy() def EnableRecPlay(self): enable_rec = (self.file_button_rec_speaker.check_box.GetValue() or self.file_button_rec_iq.check_box.GetValue() or self.file_button_rec_mic.check_box.GetValue()) enable_play = ((self.file_button_play_speaker.path and self.file_button_play_speaker.check_box.GetValue()) or self.file_button_play_iq.check_box.GetValue() or self.file_button_play_mic.check_box.GetValue()) application.btn_file_record.Enable(enable_rec) application.btnFilePlay.Enable(enable_play) def OnCheckRecPlay(self, event): btn = event.GetEventObject() if btn.GetValue(): if btn.index >= 10: # play button QS.open_wav_file_play(btn.path) application.file_play_source = btn.index QS.set_file_name(btn.index, enable=1) else: QS.set_file_name(btn.index, enable=0) self.EnableRecPlay() def OnPlayFileRepeat(self, event): application.file_play_repeat = event.GetEventObject().GetValue() * 0.1 class ConfigSound(wx.ScrolledWindow): """Display the available sound devices.""" def __init__(self, parent, width): wx.ScrolledWindow.__init__(self, parent) self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint) self.width = width self.dev_capt, self.dev_play = QS.sound_devices() self.tfg_color = parent.tfg_color self.font = wx.Font(conf.config_font_size, wx.FONTFAMILY_SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.FONTWEIGHT_NORMAL, False, conf.quisk_typeface) self.SetFont(self.font) self.SetBackgroundColour(parent.bg_color) self.charx = self.GetCharWidth() self.chary = self.GetCharHeight() self.dy = self.chary height = self.chary * (3 + len(self.dev_capt) + len(self.dev_play)) if sys.platform != 'win32' and conf.show_pulse_audio_devices: height += self.chary * (3 + 3 * len(application.pa_dev_capt) + 3 * len(application.pa_dev_play)) self.SetScrollbars(1, 1, 100, height) def OnPaint(self, event): dc = wx.PaintDC(self) dc.Clear() self.DoPrepareDC(dc) dc.SetFont(self.font) dc.SetTextForeground(self.tfg_color) x0 = self.charx self.y = self.chary // 3 dc.DrawText("Available devices for capture:", x0, self.y) self.y += self.dy for name in self.dev_capt: dc.DrawText(' ' + name, x0, self.y) self.y += self.dy self.y += self.dy dc.DrawText("Available devices for playback:", x0, self.y) self.y += self.dy for name in self.dev_play: dc.DrawText(' ' + name, x0, self.y) self.y += self.dy if sys.platform != 'win32' and conf.show_pulse_audio_devices: self.y += self.dy dc.DrawText("Available PulseAudio devices for capture:", x0, self.y) self.y += self.dy for n0, n1, n2 in application.pa_dev_capt: dc.DrawText(' ' * 4 + n1, x0, self.y) self.y += self.dy dc.DrawText(' ' * 8 + n0, x0, self.y) self.y += self.dy if n2: dc.DrawText(' ' * 8 + n2, x0, self.y) self.y += self.dy self.y += self.dy dc.DrawText("Available PulseAudio devices for playback:", x0, self.y) self.y += self.dy for n0, n1, n2 in application.pa_dev_play: dc.DrawText(' ' * 4 + n1, x0, self.y) self.y += self.dy dc.DrawText(' ' * 8 + n0, x0, self.y) self.y += self.dy if n2: dc.DrawText(' ' * 8 + n2, x0, self.y) self.y += self.dy class ConfigFavorites(wx.grid.Grid): def __init__(self, parent, width): wx.grid.Grid.__init__(self, parent) self.changed = False self.RepeaterDict = {} font = wx.Font(conf.favorites_font_size, wx.FONTFAMILY_SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.FONTWEIGHT_BOLD, False, conf.quisk_typeface) self.SetFont(font) self.SetBackgroundColour(parent.bg_color) self.SetLabelFont(font) font = wx.Font(conf.favorites_font_size, wx.FONTFAMILY_SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.FONTWEIGHT_NORMAL, False, conf.quisk_typeface) self.SetDefaultCellFont(font) self.SetDefaultRowSize(self.GetCharHeight()+3) self.Bind(wx.grid.EVT_GRID_LABEL_RIGHT_CLICK, self.OnRightClickLabel) self.Bind(wx.grid.EVT_GRID_LABEL_LEFT_CLICK, self.OnLeftClickLabel) if wxVersion in ('2', '3'): self.Bind(wx.grid.EVT_GRID_CELL_CHANGE, self.OnChange) # wxPython 3 else: self.Bind(wx.grid.EVT_GRID_CELL_CHANGED, self.OnChange) # wxPython 4 self.Bind(wx.grid.EVT_GRID_LABEL_LEFT_DCLICK, self.OnLeftDClick) self.CreateGrid(0, 6) self.EnableDragRowSize(False) w = self.GetTextExtent(' 999 ')[0] self.SetRowLabelSize(w) self.SetColLabelValue(0, 'Name') self.SetColLabelValue(1, 'Freq MHz') self.SetColLabelValue(2, 'Mode') # This column has a choice editor self.SetColLabelValue(3, 'Description') self.SetColLabelValue(4, 'Offset kHz') self.SetColLabelValue(5, 'Tone Hz') w = self.GetTextExtent("xFrequencyx")[0] self.SetColSize(0, w * 3 // 2) self.SetColSize(1, w) self.SetColSize(4, w) self.SetColSize(5, w) self.SetColSize(2, w) ww = width - w * 7 - self.GetRowLabelSize() - 20 if ww < w: ww = w self.SetColSize(3, ww) if conf.favorites_file_path: self.init_path = conf.favorites_file_path else: self.init_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(ConfigPath), 'quisk_favorites.txt') conf.favorites_file_in_use = self.init_path self.ReadIn() if self.GetNumberRows() < 1: self.AppendRows() # Make a popup menu self.popupmenu = wx.Menu() item = self.popupmenu.Append(-1, 'Tune to') self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnPopupTuneto, item) self.popupmenu.AppendSeparator() item = self.popupmenu.Append(-1, 'Append') self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnPopupAppend, item) item = self.popupmenu.Append(-1, 'Insert') self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnPopupInsert, item) item = self.popupmenu.Append(-1, 'Delete') self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnPopupDelete, item) self.popupmenu.AppendSeparator() item = self.popupmenu.Append(-1, 'Move Up') self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnPopupMoveUp, item) item = self.popupmenu.Append(-1, 'Move Down') self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnPopupMoveDown, item) # Make a timer self.timer = wx.Timer(self) self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.OnTimer) def SetModeEditor(self, mode_names): self.mode_names = mode_names for row in range(self.GetNumberRows()): self.SetCellEditor(row, 2, wx.grid.GridCellChoiceEditor(mode_names, True)) def FormatFloat(self, freq): freq = "%.6f" % freq for i in range(3): if freq[-1] == '0': freq = freq[:-1] else: break return freq def ReadIn(self): try: fp = open(self.init_path, 'r') lines = fp.readlines() fp.close() except: lines = ("my net|7210000|LSB|My net 2030 UTC every Thursday", "10m FM 1|29.620|FM|Fm local 10 meter repeater") for row in range(len(lines)): self.AppendRows() fields = lines[row].split('|') for col in range(len(fields)): if col == 1: # Correct old entries made in Hertz freq = fields[1] try: freq = float(freq) except: pass else: if freq > 30000.0: # Must be in Hertz freq *= 1E-6 fields[1] = self.FormatFloat(freq) if col <= 5: self.SetCellValue(row, col, fields[col].strip()) self.MakeRepeaterDict() def WriteOut(self): ncols = self.GetNumberCols() if ncols != 6: print ("Bad logic in favorites WriteOut()") return self.changed = False try: fp = open(self.init_path, 'w') except: return for row in range(self.GetNumberRows()): out = [] for col in range(0, ncols): cell = self.GetCellValue(row, col) cell = cell.replace('|', ';') out.append(cell) t = "%20s | %10s | %10s | %30s | %10s | %10s\n" % tuple(out) fp.write(t) fp.close() def AddNewFavorite(self): self.InsertRows(0) self.SetCellValue(0, 0, 'New station'); freq = (application.rxFreq + application.VFO) * 1E-6 # convert to megahertz freq = self.FormatFloat(freq) self.SetCellValue(0, 1, freq) self.SetCellValue(0, 2, application.mode); self.SetCellEditor(0, 2, wx.grid.GridCellChoiceEditor(self.mode_names, True)) self.OnChange() def OnRightClickLabel(self, event): event.Skip() self.menurow = event.GetRow() if self.menurow >= 0: pos = event.GetPosition() self.PopupMenu(self.popupmenu, pos) def OnLeftClickLabel(self, event): pass def OnLeftDClick(self, event): # Thanks to Christof, DJ4CM self.menurow = event.GetRow() if self.menurow >= 0: self.OnPopupTuneto(event) def OnPopupAppend(self, event): self.InsertRows(self.menurow + 1) self.SetCellEditor(self.menurow + 1, 2, wx.grid.GridCellChoiceEditor(self.mode_names, True)) self.OnChange() def OnPopupInsert(self, event): self.InsertRows(self.menurow) self.SetCellEditor(self.menurow, 2, wx.grid.GridCellChoiceEditor(self.mode_names, True)) self.OnChange() def OnPopupDelete(self, event): self.DeleteRows(self.menurow) if self.GetNumberRows() < 1: self.AppendRows() self.SetCellEditor(0, 2, wx.grid.GridCellChoiceEditor(self.mode_names, True)) self.OnChange() def OnPopupMoveUp(self, event): row = self.menurow if row < 1: return for i in range(self.GetNumberCols()): c = self.GetCellValue(row - 1, i) self.SetCellValue(row - 1, i, self.GetCellValue(row, i)) self.SetCellValue(row, i, c) def OnPopupMoveDown(self, event): row = self.menurow if row == self.GetNumberRows() - 1: return for i in range(self.GetNumberCols()): c = self.GetCellValue(row + 1, i) self.SetCellValue(row + 1, i, self.GetCellValue(row, i)) self.SetCellValue(row, i, c) def OnPopupTuneto(self, event): freq = self.GetCellValue(self.menurow, 1) if not freq: return try: freq = str2freq (freq) except ValueError: print('Bad frequency') return if self.changed: if self.timer.IsRunning(): self.timer.Stop() self.WriteOut() application.ChangeRxTxFrequency(None, freq) mode = self.GetCellValue(self.menurow, 2) mode = mode.upper() application.OnBtnMode(None, mode) application.screenBtnGroup.SetLabel(conf.default_screen, do_cmd=True) def MakeRepeaterDict(self): self.RepeaterDict = {} for row in range(self.GetNumberRows()): offset = self.GetCellValue(row, 4) offset = offset.strip() if not offset: continue freq = self.GetCellValue(row, 1) tone = self.GetCellValue(row, 5) tone = tone.strip() if not tone: tone = '0' try: offset = float(offset) freq = float(freq) tone = float(tone) except: traceback.print_exc() else: freq = int(freq * 1E6 + 0.5) # frequency in Hertz freq = (freq + 500) // 1000 # frequency in units of 1 kHz self.RepeaterDict[freq * 1000] = (offset, tone) def OnChange(self, event=None): self.MakeRepeaterDict() self.changed = True if self.timer.IsRunning(): self.timer.Stop() self.timer.Start(5000, oneShot=True) def OnTimer(self, event): if self.changed: self.WriteOut() class ConfigTxAudio(wx.ScrolledWindow): """Display controls for the transmit audio.""" def __init__(self, parent, width): wx.ScrolledWindow.__init__(self, parent) self.width = width self.font = wx.Font(conf.config_font_size, wx.FONTFAMILY_SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.FONTWEIGHT_NORMAL, False, conf.quisk_typeface) self.SetFont(self.font) self.SetBackgroundColour(parent.bg_color) self.charx = charx = self.GetCharWidth() self.chary = chary = self.GetCharHeight() self.tmp_playing = False # Make controls tab0 = charx * 4 self.y = chary t = "This is a test screen for transmit audio. SSB, AM and FM have separate settings." wx.StaticText(self, -1, t, pos=(tab0, self.y)) self.btn_record = QuiskCheckbutton(self, self.OnBtnRecord, "Record") self.btn_record.SetColorGray() x2, y2 = self.btn_record.GetSize().Get() self.dy = y2 * 12 // 10 self.offset = (y2 - chary) // 2 self.y += self.dy # Record and Playback ctl = wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Listen to transmit audio", pos=(tab0, self.y)) x1, y1 = ctl.GetSize().Get() x = tab0 + x1 + charx * 3 y = self.y - self.offset self.btn_record.SetPosition((x, y)) self.btn_playback = QuiskCheckbutton(self, self.OnBtnPlayback, "Playback") self.btn_playback.SetColorGray() self.btn_playback.SetPosition((x + x2 + charx * 3, y)) self.btn_playback.Enable(0) if not conf.microphone_name: self.btn_record.Enable(0) tab1 = x + x2 tab2 = tab1 + charx * 3 self.y += self.dy # mic level self.mic_text = wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Peak microphone audio level None", pos=(tab0, self.y)) t = "Adjust the peak audio level to a few dB below zero." wx.StaticText(self, -1, t, pos=(tab2, self.y)) self.y += self.dy # Vox level SliderBoxH(self, "VOX %d dB ", application.levelVOX, -40, 0, application.OnLevelVOX, True, (tab0, self.y), tab1-tab0) t = "Audio level that triggers VOX (all modes)." wx.StaticText(self, -1, t, pos=(tab2, self.y)) self.y += self.dy # VOX hang SliderBoxH(self, "VOX %0.2f ", application.timeVOX, 0, 4000, application.OnTimeVOX, True, (tab0, self.y), tab1-tab0, 0.001) t = "Time to hold VOX after end of audio in seconds." wx.StaticText(self, -1, t, pos=(tab2, self.y)) self.y += self.dy # Tx Audio clipping application.CtrlTxAudioClip = SliderBoxH(self, "Clip %2d ", 0, 0, 20, application.OnTxAudioClip, True, (tab0, self.y), tab1-tab0) t = "Tx audio clipping level in dB for this mode." wx.StaticText(self, -1, t, pos=(tab2, self.y)) self.y += self.dy # Tx Audio preemphasis application.CtrlTxAudioPreemph = SliderBoxH(self, "Preemphasis %4.2f ", 0, 0, 100, application.OnTxAudioPreemph, True, (tab0, self.y), tab1-tab0, 0.01) t = "Tx audio preemphasis of high frequencies." wx.StaticText(self, -1, t, pos=(tab2, self.y)) self.y += self.dy self.SetScrollbars(1, 1, 100, self.y) def OnGraphData(self, data=None): if conf.microphone_name: txt = "Peak microphone audio level %3.0f dB" % self.status.mic_max_display self.mic_text.SetLabel(txt) if self.tmp_playing and QS.set_record_state(-1): # poll to see if playback is finished self.tmp_playing = False self.btn_playback.SetValue(False) self.btn_record.Enable(1) def OnBtnRecord(self, event): if event.GetEventObject().GetValue(): QS.set_kill_audio(1) self.btn_playback.Enable(0) QS.set_record_state(4) else: QS.set_kill_audio(0) self.btn_playback.Enable(1) QS.set_record_state(1) def OnBtnPlayback(self, event): if event.GetEventObject().GetValue(): self.btn_record.Enable(0) QS.set_record_state(2) self.tmp_playing = True else: self.btn_record.Enable(1) QS.set_record_state(3) self.tmp_playing = False class GraphDisplay(wx.Window): """Display the FFT graph within the graph screen.""" def __init__(self, parent, x, y, graph_width, height, chary): wx.Window.__init__(self, parent, pos = (x, y), size = (graph_width, height), style = wx.NO_BORDER) self.parent = parent self.chary = chary self.graph_width = graph_width self.display_text = "" self.line = [(0, 0), (1,1)] # initial fake graph data self.SetBackgroundColour(conf.color_graph) self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint) self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, parent.OnLeftDown) self.Bind(wx.EVT_RIGHT_DOWN, parent.OnRightDown) self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_UP, parent.OnLeftUp) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOTION, parent.OnMotion) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOUSEWHEEL, parent.OnWheel) self.tune_tx = graph_width // 2 # Current X position of the Tx tuning line self.tune_rx = 0 # Current X position of Rx tuning line or zero self.scale = 20 # pixels per 10 dB self.peak_hold = 9999 # time constant for holding peak value self.height = 10 self.y_min = 1000 self.y_max = 0 self.max_height = application.screen_height self.backgroundPen = wx.Pen(self.GetBackgroundColour(), 1) self.tuningPenTx = wx.Pen(conf.color_txline, 1) self.tuningPenRx = wx.Pen(conf.color_rxline, 1) self.backgroundBrush = wx.Brush(self.GetBackgroundColour()) self.filterBrush = wx.Brush(conf.color_bandwidth, wx.SOLID) self.horizPen = wx.Pen(conf.color_gl, 1, wx.SOLID) self.font = wx.Font(conf.graph_msg_font_size, wx.FONTFAMILY_SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.FONTWEIGHT_NORMAL, False, conf.quisk_typeface) self.SetFont(self.font) if sys.platform == 'win32': self.Bind(wx.EVT_ENTER_WINDOW, self.OnEnter) if wxVersion in ('2', '3'): self.SetBackgroundStyle(wx.BG_STYLE_CUSTOM) else: self.SetBackgroundStyle(wx.BG_STYLE_PAINT) def OnEnter(self, event): if not application.w_phase: self.SetFocus() # Set focus so we get mouse wheel events def OnPaint(self, event): #print 'GraphDisplay', self.GetUpdateRegion().GetBox() dc = wx.AutoBufferedPaintDC(self) dc.Clear() # Draw the tuning line and filter display to the screen. # If self.tune_rx is zero, draw the Rx filter at the Tx tuning line. There is no separate Rx display. # Otherwise draw both an Rx and Tx tuning display. self.DrawFilter(dc) dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(conf.color_graphline, 1)) dc.DrawLines(self.line) dc.SetPen(self.horizPen) for y in self.parent.y_ticks: dc.DrawLine(0, y, self.graph_width, y) # y line if self.display_text: dc.SetFont(self.font) dc.SetTextBackground(conf.color_graph_msg_bg) dc.SetTextForeground(conf.color_graph_msg_fg) dc.SetBackgroundMode(wx.SOLID) dc.DrawText(self.display_text, 0, 0) def DrawFilter(self, dc): dc.SetPen(wx.TRANSPARENT_PEN) dc.SetLogicalFunction(wx.COPY) scale = 1.0 / self.parent.zoom / self.parent.sample_rate * self.graph_width dc.SetBrush(self.filterBrush) if self.tune_rx: x, w, rit = self.parent.GetFilterDisplayXWR(rx_filters=False) dc.DrawRectangle(self.tune_tx + x, 0, w, self.height) x, w, rit = self.parent.GetFilterDisplayXWR(rx_filters=True) dc.DrawRectangle(self.tune_rx + rit + x, 0, w, self.height) dc.SetPen(self.tuningPenRx) dc.DrawLine(self.tune_rx, 0, self.tune_rx, self.height) else: x, w, rit = self.parent.GetFilterDisplayXWR(rx_filters=True) dc.DrawRectangle(self.tune_tx + rit + x, 0, w, self.height) dc.SetPen(self.tuningPenTx) dc.DrawLine(self.tune_tx, 0, self.tune_tx, self.height) return rit def SetHeight(self, height): self.height = height self.SetSize((self.graph_width, height)) def OnGraphData(self, data): x = 0 for y in data: # y is in dB, -130 to 0 y = self.zeroDB - int(y * self.scale / 10.0 + 0.5) try: y0 = self.line[x][1] except IndexError: self.line.append([x, y]) else: if y > y0: y = min(y, y0 + self.peak_hold) self.line[x] = [x, y] x = x + 1 self.Refresh() def SetTuningLine(self, tune_tx, tune_rx): dc = wx.ClientDC(self) rit = self.parent.GetFilterDisplayRit() # Erase the old display dc.SetPen(self.backgroundPen) if self.tune_rx: dc.DrawLine(self.tune_rx, 0, self.tune_rx, self.height) dc.DrawLine(self.tune_tx, 0, self.tune_tx, self.height) # Draw a new display if self.tune_rx: dc.SetPen(self.tuningPenRx) dc.DrawLine(tune_rx, 0, tune_rx, self.height) dc.SetPen(self.tuningPenTx) dc.DrawLine(tune_tx, 0, tune_tx, self.height) self.tune_tx = tune_tx self.tune_rx = tune_rx class GraphScreen(wx.Window): """Display the graph screen X and Y axis, and create a graph display.""" def __init__(self, parent, data_width, graph_width, in_splitter=0): wx.Window.__init__(self, parent, pos = (0, 0)) self.in_splitter = in_splitter # Are we in the top of a splitter window? self.split_unavailable = False # Are we a multi receive graph or waterfall window? if in_splitter: self.y_scale = conf.waterfall_graph_y_scale self.y_zero = conf.waterfall_graph_y_zero else: self.y_scale = conf.graph_y_scale self.y_zero = conf.graph_y_zero self.zoom_control = 0 self.y_ticks = [] self.VFO = 0 self.filter_mode = 'AM' self.filter_bandwidth = 0 self.filter_center = 0 self.ritFreq = 0 # receive incremental tuning frequency offset self.mouse_x = 0 self.WheelMod = conf.mouse_wheelmod # Round frequency when using mouse wheel self.txFreq = 0 self.sample_rate = application.sample_rate self.zoom = 1.0 self.zoom_deltaf = 0 self.data_width = data_width self.graph_width = graph_width self.doResize = False self.pen_tick = wx.Pen(conf.color_graphticks, 1) self.pen_label = wx.Pen(conf.color_graphlabels, 1) self.font = wx.Font(conf.graph_font_size, wx.FONTFAMILY_SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.FONTWEIGHT_NORMAL, False, conf.quisk_typeface) self.SetFont(self.font) w = self.GetCharWidth() * 14 // 10 h = self.GetCharHeight() self.charx = w self.chary = h self.tick = max(2, h * 3 // 10) self.originX = w * 5 self.offsetY = h + self.tick self.width = self.originX + self.graph_width + self.tick + self.charx * 2 self.height = application.screen_height * 3 // 10 self.x0 = self.originX + self.graph_width // 2 # center of graph self.tuningX = self.x0 self.originY = 10 self.zeroDB = 10 # y location of zero dB; may be above the top of the graph self.scale = 10 self.mouse_is_rx = False self.SetSize((self.width, self.height)) self.SetSizeHints(self.width, 1, self.width) self.SetBackgroundColour(conf.color_graph) self.backgroundBrush = wx.Brush(conf.color_graph) self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnSize) self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint) self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.OnLeftDown) self.Bind(wx.EVT_RIGHT_DOWN, self.OnRightDown) self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_UP, self.OnLeftUp) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOTION, self.OnMotion) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOUSEWHEEL, self.OnWheel) self.MakeDisplay() def MakeDisplay(self): self.display = GraphDisplay(self, self.originX, 0, self.graph_width, 5, self.chary) self.display.zeroDB = self.zeroDB def SetDisplayMsg(self, text=''): self.display.display_text = text self.display.Refresh() def ScrollMsg(self, chars): # Add characters to a scrolling message self.display.display_text = self.display.display_text + chars self.display.display_text = self.display.display_text[-50:] self.display.Refresh() def OnPaint(self, event): dc = wx.PaintDC(self) dc.SetBackground(self.backgroundBrush) dc.Clear() dc.SetFont(self.font) dc.SetTextForeground(conf.color_graphlabels) if self.in_splitter: self.MakeYTicks(dc) else: self.MakeYTicks(dc) self.MakeXTicks(dc) def OnIdle(self, event): if self.doResize: self.ResizeGraph() def OnSize(self, event): self.doResize = True event.Skip() def ResizeGraph(self): """Change the height of the graph. Changing the width interactively is not allowed because the FFT size is fixed. Call after changing the zero or scale to recalculate the X and Y axis marks. """ w, h = self.GetClientSize() if self.in_splitter: # Splitter window has no X axis scale self.height = h self.originY = h else: self.height = h - self.chary # Leave space for X scale self.originY = self.height - self.offsetY if self.originY < 0: self.originY = 0 self.MakeYScale() self.display.SetHeight(self.originY) self.display.scale = self.scale self.doResize = False self.Refresh() def ChangeYscale(self, y_scale): self.y_scale = y_scale self.doResize = True def ChangeYzero(self, y_zero): self.y_zero = y_zero self.doResize = True def ChangeZoom(self, zoom, deltaf, zoom_control): self.zoom = zoom self.zoom_deltaf = deltaf self.zoom_control = zoom_control self.doResize = True def MakeYScale(self): chary = self.chary scale = (self.originY - chary) * 10 // (self.y_scale + 20) # Number of pixels per 10 dB scale = max(1, scale) q = (self.originY - chary ) // scale // 2 zeroDB = chary + q * scale - self.y_zero * scale // 10 if zeroDB > chary: zeroDB = chary self.scale = scale self.zeroDB = zeroDB self.display.zeroDB = self.zeroDB QS.record_graph(self.originX, self.zeroDB, self.scale) def MakeYTicks(self, dc): chary = self.chary x1 = self.originX - self.tick * 3 # left of tick mark x2 = self.originX - 1 # x location of y axis x3 = self.originX + self.graph_width # end of graph data dc.SetPen(self.pen_tick) dc.DrawLine(x2, 0, x2, self.originY + 1) # y axis y = self.zeroDB del self.y_ticks[:] y_old = y for i in range(0, -99999, -10): if y >= chary // 2: dc.SetPen(self.pen_tick) dc.DrawLine(x1, y, x2, y) # y tick self.y_ticks.append(y) t = repr(i) w, h = dc.GetTextExtent(t) # draw text on Y axis if y - y_old > h: if y + h // 2 <= self.originY: dc.DrawText(repr(i), x1 - w, y - h // 2) elif h < self.scale: dc.DrawText(repr(i), x1 - w, self.originY - h) y_old = y y = y + self.scale if y >= self.originY - 3: break def MakeXTicks(self, dc): sample_rate = int(self.sample_rate * self.zoom) VFO = self.VFO + self.zoom_deltaf originY = self.originY x3 = self.originX + self.graph_width # end of fft data charx , z = dc.GetTextExtent('-30000XX') tick0 = self.tick tick1 = tick0 * 2 tick2 = tick0 * 3 # Draw the X axis dc.SetPen(self.pen_tick) dc.DrawLine(self.originX, originY, x3, originY) # Draw the band plan colors below the X axis x = self.originX f = float(x - self.x0) * sample_rate / self.data_width c = None y = originY + 1 for freq, color in conf.BandPlan: freq -= VFO if f < freq: xend = int(self.x0 + float(freq) * self.data_width / sample_rate + 0.5) if c is not None: dc.SetPen(wx.TRANSPARENT_PEN) dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(c)) dc.DrawRectangle(x, y, min(x3, xend) - x, tick0) # x axis if xend >= x3: break x = xend f = freq c = color # check the width of the frequency label versus frequency span df = charx * sample_rate // self.data_width if VFO >= 10E9: # Leave room for big labels df *= 1.33 elif VFO >= 1E9: df *= 1.17 # tfreq: tick frequency for labels in Hertz # stick: small tick in Hertz # mtick: medium tick # ltick: large tick s2 = 1000 tfreq = None while tfreq is None: if df < s2: tfreq = s2 stick = s2 // 10 mtick = s2 // 2 ltick = tfreq elif df < s2 * 2: tfreq = s2 * 2 stick = s2 // 10 mtick = s2 // 2 ltick = s2 elif df < s2 * 5: tfreq = s2 * 5 stick = s2 // 2 mtick = s2 ltick = tfreq s2 *= 10 # Draw the X axis ticks and frequency in kHz dc.SetPen(self.pen_tick) freq1 = VFO - sample_rate // 2 freq1 = (freq1 // stick) * stick freq2 = freq1 + sample_rate + stick + 1 y_end = 0 for f in range (freq1, freq2, stick): x = self.x0 + int(float(f - VFO) / sample_rate * self.data_width) if self.originX <= x <= x3: if f % ltick == 0: # large tick dc.DrawLine(x, originY, x, originY + tick2) elif f % mtick == 0: # medium tick dc.DrawLine(x, originY, x, originY + tick1) else: # small tick dc.DrawLine(x, originY, x, originY + tick0) if f % tfreq == 0: # place frequency label t = str(f//1000) w, h = dc.GetTextExtent(t) dc.DrawText(t, x - w // 2, originY + tick2) y_end = originY + tick2 + h if y_end: # mark the center of the display dc.DrawLine(self.x0, y_end, self.x0, application.screen_height) def OnGraphData(self, data): i1 = (self.data_width - self.graph_width) // 2 i2 = i1 + self.graph_width self.display.OnGraphData(data[i1:i2]) def SetVFO(self, vfo): self.VFO = vfo self.doResize = True def SetTxFreq(self, tx_freq, rx_freq): sample_rate = int(self.sample_rate * self.zoom) self.txFreq = tx_freq tx_x = self.x0 + int(float(tx_freq - self.zoom_deltaf) / sample_rate * self.data_width) self.tuningX = tx_x rx_x = self.x0 + int(float(rx_freq - self.zoom_deltaf) / sample_rate * self.data_width) if abs(tx_x - rx_x) < 2: # Do not display Rx line for small frequency offset self.display.SetTuningLine(tx_x - self.originX, 0) else: self.display.SetTuningLine(tx_x - self.originX, rx_x - self.originX) def GetFilterDisplayXWR(self, rx_filters): mode = self.filter_mode rit = self.ritFreq if rx_filters: # return Rx filter bandwidth = self.filter_bandwidth center = self.filter_center else: # return Tx filter bandwidth, center = get_filter_tx(mode) x = center - bandwidth // 2 scale = 1.0 / self.zoom / self.sample_rate * self.data_width x = int(x * scale + 0.5) bandwidth = int(bandwidth * scale + 0.5) if bandwidth < 2: bandwidth = 1 rit = int(rit * scale + 0.5) return x, bandwidth, rit # Starting x, bandwidth and RIT frequency def GetFilterDisplayRit(self): rit = self.ritFreq scale = 1.0 / self.zoom / self.sample_rate * self.data_width rit = int(rit * scale + 0.5) return rit def GetMousePosition(self, event): """For mouse clicks in our display, translate to our screen coordinates.""" mouse_x, mouse_y = event.GetPosition() win = event.GetEventObject() if win is not self: x, y = win.GetPosition().Get() mouse_x += x mouse_y += y return mouse_x, mouse_y def FreqRound(self, tune, vfo): if conf.freq_spacing and not conf.freq_round_ssb: freq = tune + vfo n = int(freq) - conf.freq_base if n >= 0: n = (n + conf.freq_spacing // 2) // conf.freq_spacing else: n = - ( - n + conf.freq_spacing // 2) // conf.freq_spacing freq = conf.freq_base + n * conf.freq_spacing return freq - vfo else: return tune def OnRightDown(self, event): sample_rate = int(self.sample_rate * self.zoom) VFO = self.VFO + self.zoom_deltaf mouse_x, mouse_y = self.GetMousePosition(event) freq = float(mouse_x - self.x0) * sample_rate / self.data_width freq = int(freq) if VFO > 0: vfo = VFO + freq - self.zoom_deltaf if sample_rate > 40000: vfo = (vfo + 5000) // 10000 * 10000 # round to even number elif sample_rate > 5000: vfo = (vfo + 500) // 1000 * 1000 else: vfo = (vfo + 50) // 100 * 100 tune = freq + VFO - vfo tune = self.FreqRound(tune, vfo) self.ChangeHwFrequency(tune, vfo, 'MouseBtn3', event=event) def OnLeftDown(self, event): sample_rate = int(self.sample_rate * self.zoom) mouse_x, mouse_y = self.GetMousePosition(event) if mouse_x <= self.originX: # click left of Y axis return if mouse_x >= self.originX + self.graph_width: # click past FFT data return shift = wx.GetKeyState(wx.WXK_SHIFT) if shift: mouse_x -= self.filter_center * self.data_width / sample_rate self.mouse_x = mouse_x x = mouse_x - self.originX if self.split_unavailable: self.mouse_is_rx = False elif application.split_rxtx and application.split_locktx: self.mouse_is_rx = True elif self.display.tune_rx and abs(x - self.display.tune_tx) > abs(x - self.display.tune_rx): self.mouse_is_rx = True else: self.mouse_is_rx = False if mouse_y < self.originY: # click above X axis freq = float(mouse_x - self.x0) * sample_rate / self.data_width + self.zoom_deltaf freq = int(freq) if self.mouse_is_rx: application.rxFreq = freq application.screen.SetTxFreq(self.txFreq, freq) QS.set_tune(freq + application.ritFreq, self.txFreq) else: rnd = conf.freq_round_ssb if rnd and not shift: if application.mode in ('LSB', 'USB', 'AM', 'FM', 'FDV-U', 'FDV-L'): freq = (freq + rnd//2) // rnd * rnd else: freq = self.FreqRound(freq, self.VFO) self.ChangeHwFrequency(freq, self.VFO, 'MouseBtn1', event=event) self.CaptureMouse() def OnLeftUp(self, event): if self.HasCapture(): self.ReleaseMouse() freq = self.FreqRound(self.txFreq, self.VFO) if freq != self.txFreq: self.ChangeHwFrequency(freq, self.VFO, 'MouseMotion', event=event) def OnMotion(self, event): sample_rate = int(self.sample_rate * self.zoom) if event.Dragging() and event.LeftIsDown(): mouse_x, mouse_y = self.GetMousePosition(event) if wx.GetKeyState(wx.WXK_SHIFT): mouse_x -= self.filter_center * self.data_width / sample_rate if conf.mouse_tune_method: # Mouse motion changes the VFO frequency x = (mouse_x - self.mouse_x) # Thanks to VK6JBL self.mouse_x = mouse_x freq = float(x) * sample_rate / self.data_width freq = int(freq) self.ChangeHwFrequency(self.txFreq, self.VFO - freq, 'MouseMotion', event=event) else: # Mouse motion changes the tuning frequency # Frequency changes more rapidly for higher mouse Y position speed = max(10, self.originY - mouse_y) / float(self.originY + 1) x = (mouse_x - self.mouse_x) self.mouse_x = mouse_x freq = speed * x * sample_rate / self.data_width freq = int(freq) if self.mouse_is_rx: # Mouse motion changes the receive frequency application.rxFreq += freq application.screen.SetTxFreq(self.txFreq, application.rxFreq) QS.set_tune(application.rxFreq + application.ritFreq, self.txFreq) else: # Mouse motion changes the transmit frequency self.ChangeHwFrequency(self.txFreq + freq, self.VFO, 'MouseMotion', event=event) def OnWheel(self, event): if conf.freq_spacing: wm = conf.freq_spacing else: wm = self.WheelMod # Round frequency when using mouse wheel mouse_x, mouse_y = self.GetMousePosition(event) x = mouse_x - self.originX if self.split_unavailable: self.mouse_is_rx = False elif application.split_rxtx and application.split_locktx: self.mouse_is_rx = True elif self.display.tune_rx and abs(x - self.display.tune_tx) > abs(x - self.display.tune_rx): self.mouse_is_rx = True else: self.mouse_is_rx = False if self.mouse_is_rx: freq = application.rxFreq + self.VFO + wm * event.GetWheelRotation() // event.GetWheelDelta() if conf.freq_spacing: freq = self.FreqRound(freq, 0) elif freq >= 0: freq = freq // wm * wm else: # freq can be negative when the VFO is zero freq = - (- freq // wm * wm) tune = freq - self.VFO application.rxFreq = tune application.screen.SetTxFreq(self.txFreq, tune) QS.set_tune(tune + application.ritFreq, self.txFreq) else: freq = self.txFreq + self.VFO + wm * event.GetWheelRotation() // event.GetWheelDelta() if conf.freq_spacing: freq = self.FreqRound(freq, 0) elif freq >= 0: freq = freq // wm * wm else: # freq can be negative when the VFO is zero freq = - (- freq // wm * wm) tune = freq - self.VFO self.ChangeHwFrequency(tune, self.VFO, 'MouseWheel', event=event) def ChangeHwFrequency(self, tune, vfo, source='', band='', event=None): application.ChangeHwFrequency(tune, vfo, source, band, event) def PeakHold(self, name): if name == 'GraphP1': self.display.peak_hold = int(self.display.scale * conf.graph_peak_hold_1) elif name == 'GraphP2': self.display.peak_hold = int(self.display.scale * conf.graph_peak_hold_2) else: self.display.peak_hold = 9999 if self.display.peak_hold < 1: self.display.peak_hold = 1 class StationScreen(wx.Window): # This code was contributed by Christof, DJ4CM. Many Thanks!! """Create a window below the graph X axis to display interesting frequencies.""" def __init__(self, parent, width, lines): self.lineMargin = 2 self.lines = lines self.mouse_x = 0 self.stationList = [] graph = self.graph = application.graph height = lines * (graph.GetCharHeight() + self.lineMargin) # The height may be zero wx.Window.__init__(self, parent, size=(graph.width, height), style = wx.NO_BORDER) self.font = wx.Font(conf.graph_font_size, wx.FONTFAMILY_SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.FONTWEIGHT_NORMAL, False, conf.quisk_typeface) self.SetFont(self.font) self.SetBackgroundColour(conf.color_graph) self.width = application.screen_width self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint) if lines: self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.OnLeftDown) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOTION, self.OnMotion) self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEAVE_WINDOW, self.OnLeaveWindow) # handle station info self.stationWindow = wx.PopupWindow (parent) self.stationInfo = wx.richtext.RichTextCtrl(self.stationWindow) self.stationInfo.SetFont(wx.Font(conf.status_font_size, wx.FONTFAMILY_SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.FONTWEIGHT_NORMAL, False, conf.quisk_typeface)) self.stationWindow.Hide(); self.firstStationInRange = None self.lastStationX = 0 self.nrStationInRange = 0 self.tunedStation = 0 def OnPaint(self, event): dc = wx.PaintDC(self) if not self.lines: return dc.SetFont(self.font) graph = self.graph dc.SetTextForeground(conf.color_graphlabels) dc.SetPen(graph.pen_tick) originX = graph.originX originY = graph.originY endX = originX + graph.graph_width # end of fft data sample_rate = int(graph.sample_rate * graph.zoom) VFO = graph.VFO + graph.zoom_deltaf hl = self.GetCharHeight() y = 0 for i in range (self.lines): dc.DrawLine(originX, y, endX, y) y += hl + self.lineMargin # create a sorted list of favorites in the frequency range freq1 = VFO - sample_rate // 2 freq2 = VFO + sample_rate // 2 self.stationList = [] fav = application.config_screen.favorites for row in range (fav.GetNumberRows()): fav_f = fav.GetCellValue(row, 1) if fav_f: try: fav_f = str2freq(fav_f) if freq1 < fav_f < freq2: self.stationList.append((fav_f, conf.Xsym_stat_fav, fav.GetCellValue(row, 0), fav.GetCellValue(row, 2), fav.GetCellValue(row, 3))) except ValueError: pass # add memory stations for mem_f, mem_band, mem_vfo, mem_txfreq, mem_mode in application.memoryState: if freq1 < mem_f < freq2: self.stationList.append((mem_f, conf.Xsym_stat_mem, '', mem_mode, '')) #add dx spots if application.dxCluster: for entry in application.dxCluster.dxSpots: if freq1 < entry.getFreq() < freq2: for i in range (0, entry.getLen()): descr = entry.getSpotter(i) + '\t' + entry.getTime(i) + '\t' + entry.getLocation(i) + '\n' + entry.getComment(i) if i < entry.getLen()-1: descr += '\n' self.stationList.append((entry.freq, conf.Xsym_stat_dx, entry.dx, '', descr)) # draw stations on graph self.stationList.sort() lastX = [] line = 0 for i in range (0, self.lines): lastX.append(graph.width) for statFreq, symbol, statName, statMode, statDscr in reversed (self.stationList): ws = dc.GetTextExtent(symbol)[0] statX = graph.x0 + int(float(statFreq - VFO) / sample_rate * graph.data_width) w, h = dc.GetTextExtent(statName) # shorten name until it fits into remaining space maxLen = 25 tName = statName while (w > lastX[line] - statX - ws - 4) and maxLen > 0: maxLen -= 1 tName = statName[:maxLen] + '..' w, h = dc.GetTextExtent(tName) dc.DrawLine(statX, line * (hl+self.lineMargin), statX, line * (hl+self.lineMargin) + 4) dc.DrawText(symbol + ' ' + tName, statX - ws//2, line * (hl+self.lineMargin) + self.lineMargin//2+1) lastX[line] = statX line = (line+1)%self.lines def OnLeftDown(self, event): if self.firstStationInRange != None: # tune to station if self.tunedStation >= self.nrStationInRange: self.tunedStation = 0 freq, symbol, name, mode, dscr = self.stationList[self.firstStationInRange+self.tunedStation] self.tunedStation += 1 if mode != '': # information about mode available mode = mode.upper() application.OnBtnMode(None, mode) application.ChangeRxTxFrequency(None, freq) def OnMotion(self, event): mouse_x, mouse_y = event.GetPosition() x = (mouse_x - self.mouse_x) application.isTuning = False # show detailed station info if abs(self.lastStationX - mouse_x) > 30: self.firstStationInRange = None found = False graph = self.graph sample_rate = int(graph.sample_rate * graph.zoom) VFO = graph.VFO + graph.zoom_deltaf if abs(x) > 5: # ignore small mouse moves for index in range (0, len(self.stationList)): statFreq, symbol, statName, statMode, statDscr = self.stationList[index] statX = graph.x0 + int(float(statFreq - VFO) / sample_rate * graph.data_width) if abs(mouse_x-statX) < 10: self.lastStationX = mouse_x if found == False: self.firstStationInRange = index self.nrStationInRange = 0 self.stationInfo.Clear() found = True self.nrStationInRange += 1 attr = self.stationInfo.GetBasicStyle() attr.SetFlags(wx.TEXT_ATTR_TABS) attr.SetTabs((40, 400, 700)) self.stationInfo.SetBasicStyle(attr) self.stationInfo.BeginSymbolBullet(symbol, 0, 40) self.stationInfo.BeginBold() self.stationInfo.WriteText(statName + '\t') self.stationInfo.EndBold() self.stationInfo.WriteText (str(statFreq) + ' Hz\t' + statMode) self.stationInfo.Newline() self.stationInfo.EndSymbolBullet() self.stationInfo.BeginLeftIndent(40) if len(statDscr) > 0: self.stationInfo.WriteText(statDscr) self.stationInfo.Newline() self.stationInfo.EndLeftIndent() self.mouse_x = mouse_x if self.firstStationInRange != None: line = self.stationInfo.GetVisibleLineForCaretPosition(self.stationInfo.GetCaretPosition()) cy = line.GetAbsolutePosition()[1] self.stationWindow.SetClientSize((340, cy+2)) self.stationInfo.SetClientSize((340, cy+2)) # convert coordinates to screen sx, sy = self.ClientToScreen(wx.Point(mouse_x, mouse_y)) w, h = self.stationInfo.GetClientSize() self.stationWindow.Move((sx - w * sx//graph.width, sy - h - 4)) if not self.stationWindow.IsShown(): self.stationWindow.Show() else: self.stationWindow.Hide() def OnLeaveWindow(self, event): self.stationWindow.Hide() class WaterfallDisplay(wx.Window): """Create a waterfall display within the waterfall screen.""" def __init__(self, parent, x, y, graph_width, height, margin): wx.Window.__init__(self, parent, pos = (x, y), size = (graph_width, height), style = wx.NO_BORDER) self.parent = parent self.graph_width = graph_width self.margin = margin self.height = 10 self.zoom = 1.0 self.zoom_deltaf = 0 self.rf_gain = 0 # Keep waterfall colors constant for variable RF gain self.sample_rate = application.sample_rate self.SetBackgroundColour('Black') self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint) self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, parent.OnLeftDown) self.Bind(wx.EVT_RIGHT_DOWN, parent.OnRightDown) self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_UP, parent.OnLeftUp) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOTION, parent.OnMotion) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOUSEWHEEL, parent.OnWheel) self.tune_tx = graph_width // 2 # Current X position of the Tx tuning line self.tune_rx = 0 # Current X position of Rx tuning line or zero self.marginPen = wx.Pen(conf.color_graph, 1) self.tuningPen = wx.Pen('White', 3) self.tuningPenTx = wx.Pen(conf.color_txline, 3) self.tuningPenRx = wx.Pen(conf.color_rxline, 3) self.filterBrush = wx.Brush(conf.color_bandwidth, wx.SOLID) #self.backgroundBrush = wx.Brush(conf.color_graph) # Size of top faster scroll region is (top_key + 2) * (top_key - 1) // 2 self.top_key = 8 self.top_size = (self.top_key + 2) * (self.top_key - 1) // 2 # Make the palette if conf.waterfall_palette == 'B': pal2 = conf.waterfallPaletteB elif conf.waterfall_palette == 'C': pal2 = conf.waterfallPaletteC else: pal2 = conf.waterfallPalette red = [] green = [] blue = [] n = 0 for i in range(256): if i > pal2[n+1][0]: n = n + 1 red.append((i - pal2[n][0]) * (pal2[n+1][1] - pal2[n][1]) // (pal2[n+1][0] - pal2[n][0]) + pal2[n][1]) green.append((i - pal2[n][0]) * (pal2[n+1][2] - pal2[n][2]) // (pal2[n+1][0] - pal2[n][0]) + pal2[n][2]) blue.append((i - pal2[n][0]) * (pal2[n+1][3] - pal2[n][3]) // (pal2[n+1][0] - pal2[n][0]) + pal2[n][3]) self.red = red self.green = green self.blue = blue row = bytearray(4) if wxVersion in ('2', '3'): bmp = wx.BitmapFromBufferRGBA(1, 1, row) else: bmp = wx.Bitmap().FromBufferRGBA(1, 1, row) bmp.x_origin = 0 self.bitmaps = [bmp] * application.screen_height if sys.platform == 'win32': self.Bind(wx.EVT_ENTER_WINDOW, self.OnEnter) def OnEnter(self, event): if not application.w_phase: self.SetFocus() # Set focus so we get mouse wheel events def OnPaint(self, event): sample_rate = int(self.sample_rate * self.zoom) dc = wx.BufferedPaintDC(self) dc.SetTextForeground(conf.color_graphlabels) dc.SetBackground(wx.Brush('Black')) dc.Clear() rit = self.DrawFilter(dc) dc.SetLogicalFunction(wx.COPY) x_origin = int(float(self.VFO) / sample_rate * self.data_width + 0.5) y = self.margin index = 0 if conf.waterfall_scroll_mode: # Draw the first few lines multiple times for i in range(self.top_key, 1, -1): b = self.bitmaps[index] x = b.x_origin - x_origin for j in range(0, i): dc.DrawBitmap(b, x, y) y += 1 index += 1 while y < self.height: b = self.bitmaps[index] x = b.x_origin - x_origin dc.DrawBitmap(b, x, y) y += 1 index += 1 dc.SetPen(self.tuningPen) dc.SetLogicalFunction(wx.XOR) dc.DrawLine(self.tune_tx, self.margin, self.tune_tx, self.height) if self.tune_rx: dc.DrawLine(self.tune_rx, self.margin, self.tune_rx, self.height) def SetHeight(self, height): self.height = height self.SetSize((self.graph_width, height)) def DrawFilter(self, dc): # Erase area at the top of the waterfall dc.SetPen(wx.TRANSPARENT_PEN) dc.SetLogicalFunction(wx.COPY) dc.SetBrush(self.parent.backgroundBrush) dc.DrawRectangle(0, 0, self.graph_width, self.margin) # Draw the filter and top tuning lines scale = 1.0 / self.zoom / self.sample_rate * self.data_width dc.SetBrush(self.filterBrush) if self.tune_rx: x, w, rit = self.parent.GetFilterDisplayXWR(rx_filters=False) dc.DrawRectangle(self.tune_tx + x, 0, w, self.margin) x, w, rit = self.parent.GetFilterDisplayXWR(rx_filters=True) dc.DrawRectangle(self.tune_rx + rit + x, 0, w, self.margin) dc.SetPen(self.tuningPenRx) dc.DrawLine(self.tune_rx, 0, self.tune_rx, self.margin) else: x, w, rit = self.parent.GetFilterDisplayXWR(rx_filters=True) dc.DrawRectangle(self.tune_tx + rit + x, 0, w, self.margin) dc.SetPen(self.tuningPenTx) dc.DrawLine(self.tune_tx, 0, self.tune_tx, self.margin) return rit def OnGraphData(self, data, y_zero, y_scale): sample_rate = int(self.sample_rate * self.zoom) #T('graph start') row = bytearray(0) # Make a new row of pixels for a one-line image gain = self.rf_gain # y_scale and y_zero range from zero to 160. # y_zero controls the center position of the colors. Set to a bit over the noise level. # y_scale controls how much the colors change when the sample deviates from y_zero. for x in data: # x is -130 to 0, or so (dB) yz = 40.0 + y_zero * 0.69 # -yz is the color center in dB l = int((x - gain + yz) * (y_scale + 10) * 0.10 + 128) l = max(l, 0) l = min(l, 255) row.append(self.red[l]) row.append(self.green[l]) row.append(self.blue[l]) row.append(255) #print ('OnGraphData yz %.0f, slope %.3f, l %4d' % (yz, (y_scale + 10) * 0.10, l)) #T('graph string') if wxVersion in ('2', '3'): bmp = wx.BitmapFromBufferRGBA(len(row) // 4, 1, row) else: bmp = wx.Bitmap().FromBufferRGBA(len(row) // 4, 1, row) bmp.x_origin = int(float(self.VFO) / sample_rate * self.data_width + 0.5) self.bitmaps.insert(0, bmp) del self.bitmaps[-1] #self.ScrollWindow(0, 1, None) #self.Refresh(False, (0, 0, self.graph_width, self.top_size + self.margin)) self.Refresh(False) #T('graph end') def SetTuningLine(self, tune_tx, tune_rx): dc = wx.ClientDC(self) rit = self.DrawFilter(dc) dc.SetPen(self.tuningPen) dc.SetLogicalFunction(wx.XOR) dc.DrawLine(self.tune_tx, self.margin, self.tune_tx, self.height) if self.tune_rx: dc.DrawLine(self.tune_rx, self.margin, self.tune_rx, self.height) dc.DrawLine(tune_rx, self.margin, tune_rx, self.height) dc.DrawLine(tune_tx, self.margin, tune_tx, self.height) self.tune_tx = tune_tx self.tune_rx = tune_rx def ChangeZoom(self, zoom, deltaf, zoom_control): self.zoom = zoom self.zoom_deltaf = deltaf self.zoom_control = zoom_control class WaterfallScreen(wx.SplitterWindow): """Create a splitter window with a graph screen and a waterfall screen""" def __init__(self, frame, width, data_width, graph_width): self.y_scale = conf.waterfall_y_scale self.y_zero = conf.waterfall_y_zero self.zoom_control = 0 wx.SplitterWindow.__init__(self, frame) self.SetSizeHints(width, -1, width) self.SetSashGravity(0.50) self.SetMinimumPaneSize(1) self.SetSize((width, conf.waterfall_graph_size + 100)) # be able to set sash size self.pane1 = GraphScreen(self, data_width, graph_width, 1) self.pane2 = WaterfallPane(self, data_width, graph_width) self.SplitHorizontally(self.pane1, self.pane2, conf.waterfall_graph_size) def SetDisplayMsg(self, text=''): self.pane1.SetDisplayMsg(text) def ScrollMsg(self, char): # Add a character to a scrolling message self.pane1.ScrollMsg(char) def OnIdle(self, event): self.pane1.OnIdle(event) self.pane2.OnIdle(event) def SetTxFreq(self, tx_freq, rx_freq): self.pane1.SetTxFreq(tx_freq, rx_freq) self.pane2.SetTxFreq(tx_freq, rx_freq) def SetVFO(self, vfo): self.pane1.SetVFO(vfo) self.pane2.SetVFO(vfo) def ChangeYscale(self, y_scale): # Test if the shift key is down if wx.GetKeyState(wx.WXK_SHIFT): # Set graph screen self.pane1.ChangeYscale(y_scale) else: # Set waterfall screen self.y_scale = y_scale self.pane2.ChangeYscale(y_scale) def ChangeYzero(self, y_zero): # Test if the shift key is down if wx.GetKeyState(wx.WXK_SHIFT): # Set graph screen self.pane1.ChangeYzero(y_zero) else: # Set waterfall screen self.y_zero = y_zero self.pane2.ChangeYzero(y_zero) def SetPane2(self, ysz): y_scale, y_zero = ysz self.y_scale = y_scale self.pane2.ChangeYscale(y_scale) self.y_zero = y_zero self.pane2.ChangeYzero(y_zero) def OnGraphData(self, data): self.pane1.OnGraphData(data) self.pane2.OnGraphData(data) def ChangeRfGain(self, gain): # Set the correction for RF gain self.pane2.display.rf_gain = gain def ChangeZoom(self, zoom, deltaf, zoom_control): self.zoom_control = zoom_control self.pane1.ChangeZoom(zoom, deltaf, zoom_control) self.pane2.ChangeZoom(zoom, deltaf, zoom_control) self.pane2.display.ChangeZoom(zoom, deltaf, zoom_control) class WaterfallPane(GraphScreen): """Create a waterfall screen with an X axis and a waterfall display.""" def __init__(self, frame, data_width, graph_width): GraphScreen.__init__(self, frame, data_width, graph_width) self.y_scale = conf.waterfall_y_scale self.y_zero = conf.waterfall_y_zero self.zoom_control = 0 self.oldVFO = self.VFO self.filter_mode = 'AM' self.filter_bandwidth = 0 self.filter_center = 0 self.ritFreq = 0 # receive incremental tuning frequency offset def MakeDisplay(self): self.display = WaterfallDisplay(self, self.originX, 0, self.graph_width, 5, self.chary) self.display.VFO = self.VFO self.display.data_width = self.data_width def SetVFO(self, vfo): GraphScreen.SetVFO(self, vfo) self.display.VFO = vfo if self.oldVFO != vfo: self.oldVFO = vfo self.Refresh() def MakeYTicks(self, dc): pass def ChangeYscale(self, y_scale): self.y_scale = y_scale def ChangeYzero(self, y_zero): self.y_zero = y_zero def OnGraphData(self, data): i1 = (self.data_width - self.graph_width) // 2 i2 = i1 + self.graph_width self.display.OnGraphData(data[i1:i2], self.y_zero, self.y_scale) class MultiRxGraph(GraphScreen): # The screen showing each added receiver the_modes = ('CWL', 'CWU', 'LSB', 'USB', 'AM', 'FM', 'DGT-U', 'DGT-L', 'DGT-FM', 'DGT-IQ') def __init__(self, parent, data_width, graph_width, index): multi_rx = application.multi_rx_screen width = multi_rx.rx_data_width GraphScreen.__init__(self, parent, width, width) self.graph_display = self.display self.waterfall_display = WaterfallDisplay(self, self.originX, 0, self.graph_width, 5, self.chary) self.waterfall_display.Hide() self.waterfall_display.VFO = self.VFO self.waterfall_display.data_width = self.data_width self.waterfall_y_scale = conf.waterfall_y_scale self.waterfall_y_zero = conf.waterfall_y_zero self.split_unavailable = True width = self.originX + self.graph_width self.tabX = width + (multi_rx.graph.width - width - multi_rx.rx_btn_width) // 2 self.popupX = self.tabX - multi_rx.rx_btn_width * 2 self.multirx_index = index self.is_playing = False self.mode_index = 0 self.band = '40' # Create controls posY = 0 half_width = multi_rx.rx_btn_width // 2 half_size = half_width, multi_rx.rx_btn_height self.rx_btn = QuiskPushbutton(self, self.OnPopButton, "Rx %d .." % (index + 1)) self.rx_btn.SetSize(half_size) self.rx_btn.SetPosition((self.tabX, posY)) self.play_btn = QuiskCheckbutton(self, self.OnPlayButton, "Play") self.play_btn.SetSize(half_size) self.play_btn.SetPosition((self.tabX + half_width, posY)) posY += multi_rx.rx_btn_height btn1 = QuiskPushbutton(self, self.OnBtnDownBand, conf.Xbtn_text_range_dn, use_right=True) btn2 = QuiskPushbutton(self, self.OnBtnUpBand, conf.Xbtn_text_range_up, use_right=True) btn1.SetSize(half_size) btn2.SetSize(half_size) btn1.SetPosition((self.tabX, posY)) btn2.SetPosition((self.tabX + half_width, posY)) posY += multi_rx.rx_btn_height self.sliderYs = SliderBoxV(self, 'Ys', self.y_scale, 160, self.OnChangeYscale, True) self.sliderYz = SliderBoxV(self, 'Yz', self.y_zero, 160, self.OnChangeYzero, True) x = self.tabX + (half_width * 2 - self.sliderYs.width - self.sliderYz.width) // 2 self.sliderYs.SetDimension(x, posY, self.sliderYs.width, 100) x += self.sliderYs.width self.sliderYz.SetDimension(x, posY, self.sliderYz.width, 100) # Create menu self.multi_rx_menu = wx.Menu() item = self.multi_rx_menu.Append(-1, 'Show graph') self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnShowGraph, item) item = self.multi_rx_menu.Append(-1, 'Show waterfall') self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnShowWaterfall, item) self.multi_rx_menu.AppendSeparator() menu = wx.Menu() self.multi_rx_menu.AppendSubMenu(menu, "Band") for band in conf.bandLabels: if not isinstance(band, Q3StringTypes): band = band[0] if band == 'Time': continue item = menu.Append(-1, band) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnChangeBand, item) self.mode_menu = wx.Menu() self.multi_rx_menu.AppendSubMenu(self.mode_menu, "Mode") for mode in self.the_modes: item = self.mode_menu.AppendRadioItem(-1, mode) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnChangeMode, item) self.filter_menu = wx.Menu() self.multi_rx_menu.AppendSubMenu(self.filter_menu, "Filter") for i in range(6): item = self.filter_menu.AppendRadioItem(-1, '0') self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnChangeFilter, item) self.multi_rx_menu.AppendSeparator() item = self.multi_rx_menu.Append(-1, 'Delete receiver') self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnDeleteReceiver, item) self.ChangeBand(application.lastBand) if multi_rx.rx_zero == multi_rx.waterfall: self.OnShowWaterfall() def ResizeGraph(self): GraphScreen.ResizeGraph(self) w, h = self.GetClientSize() x, y = self.sliderYs.GetPosition() height = max(h - y, self.sliderYs.text_height * 2) self.sliderYs.SetDimension(x, y, self.sliderYs.width, height) x, y = self.sliderYz.GetPosition() self.sliderYz.SetDimension(x, y, self.sliderYz.width, height) def MakeYTicks(self, dc): if self.display == self.graph_display: GraphScreen.MakeYTicks(self, dc) def OnPopButton(self, event): pos = (self.popupX, 10) self.PopupMenu(self.multi_rx_menu, pos) def OnDeleteReceiver(self, event): if self.is_playing: QS.set_multirx_play_channel(-1) application.multi_rx_screen.DeleteReceiver(self) def OnShowGraph(self, event): self.waterfall_display.Hide() self.display = self.graph_display self.SetTxFreq(self.txFreq, self.txFreq) self.sliderYs.SetValue(self.y_scale) self.sliderYz.SetValue(self.y_zero) self.display.Show() self.doResize = True def OnShowWaterfall(self, event=None): self.graph_display.Hide() self.display = self.waterfall_display self.SetTxFreq(self.txFreq, self.txFreq) self.sliderYs.SetValue(self.waterfall_y_scale) self.sliderYz.SetValue(self.waterfall_y_zero) self.display.Show() self.doResize = True def OnGraphData(self, data): if self.display == self.graph_display: self.display.OnGraphData(data) else: self.display.OnGraphData(data, self.waterfall_y_zero, self.waterfall_y_scale) def OnPlayButton(self, event): application.multi_rx_screen.StopPlaying(self) self.is_playing = event.GetEventObject().GetValue() if self.is_playing: QS.set_filters(self.filter_I, self.filter_Q, self.filter_bandwidth, 0, 1) QS.set_multirx_play_channel(self.multirx_index) else: QS.set_multirx_play_channel(-1) def SetVFO(self, vfo): GraphScreen.SetVFO(self, vfo) self.waterfall_display.VFO = self.VFO self.waterfall_display.Refresh() def OnChangeBand(self, event): idd = event.GetId() band = event.GetEventObject().GetLabel(idd) self.ChangeBand(band) def OnChangeMode(self, event=None): if event is None: try: idx = self.the_modes.index(self.mode) except ValueError: self.mode = 'USB' idx = self.the_modes.index(self.mode) self.mode_menu.FindItemByPosition(idx).Check(True) else: idd = event.GetId() self.mode = event.GetEventObject().GetLabel(idd) bws = application.Mode2Filters(self.mode) self.mode_index = Mode2Index.get(self.mode, 3) QS.set_multirx_mode(self.multirx_index, self.mode_index) for i in range(6): item = self.filter_menu.FindItemByPosition(i) item.SetItemLabel(str(bws[i])) if i == 2: item.Check(True) self.filter_bandwidth = bws[2] self.OnChangeFilter() def OnChangeFilter(self, event=None): if event is not None: idd = event.GetId() self.filter_bandwidth = int(event.GetEventObject().GetLabel(idd)) center = application.GetFilterCenter(self.mode, self.filter_bandwidth) frate = QS.get_filter_rate(Mode2Index.get(self.mode, 3), self.filter_bandwidth) self.filter_I, self.filter_Q = application.MakeFilterCoef(frate, None, self.filter_bandwidth, center) if self.is_playing: QS.set_filters(self.filter_I, self.filter_Q, self.filter_bandwidth, 0, 1) # filter for receiver that is playing sound if self.multirx_index == 0: QS.set_filters(self.filter_I, self.filter_Q, self.filter_bandwidth, 0, 2) # filter for digital mode output to sound device self.filter_mode = self.mode self.filter_center = center def ChangeBand(self, band): self.band = band try: vfo, tune, self.mode = application.bandState[band] #print (vfo, tune, self.mode) except: try: f1, f2 = conf.BandEdge[band] except KeyError: f1, f2 = 10000000, 12000000 vfo = (f1 + f2) // 2 vfo = vfo // 10000 vfo *= 10000 if vfo < 9000000: self.mode = 'LSB' else: self.mode = 'USB' tune = 0 self.OnChangeMode() self.ChangeHwFrequency(tune, vfo, 'ChangeBand') if hasattr(application.Hardware, "ChangeBandFilters"): application.Hardware.ChangeBandFilters() def OnBtnDownBand(self, event): self.OnBtnUpBand(event, True) def OnBtnUpBand(self, event, is_band_down=False): sample_rate = application.sample_rate btn = event.GetEventObject() oldvfo = self.VFO if btn.direction > 0: # left button was used, move a bit d = int(sample_rate // 9) else: # right button was used, move to edge d = int(sample_rate * 45 // 100) if is_band_down: d = -d vfo = self.VFO + d if sample_rate > 40000: vfo = (vfo + 5000) // 10000 * 10000 # round to even number delta = 10000 elif sample_rate > 5000: vfo = (vfo + 500) // 1000 * 1000 delta = 1000 else: vfo = (vfo + 50) // 100 * 100 delta = 100 if oldvfo == vfo: if is_band_down: d = -delta else: d = delta else: d = vfo - oldvfo self.ChangeHwFrequency(self.txFreq - d, self.VFO + d, 'BandUpDown', event=event) def OnChangeYscale(self, event): y_scale = self.sliderYs.GetValue() if self.display == self.graph_display: self.ChangeYscale(y_scale) else: self.waterfall_y_scale = y_scale def OnChangeYzero(self, event): y_zero = self.sliderYz.GetValue() if self.display == self.graph_display: self.ChangeYzero(y_zero) else: self.waterfall_y_zero = y_zero def ChangeHwFrequency(self, tune, vfo, source='', band='', event=None): self.SetTxFreq(tune, tune) self.SetVFO(vfo) Hardware.MultiRxFrequency(self.multirx_index, vfo) QS.set_multirx_freq(self.multirx_index, tune) class MultiReceiverScreen(wx.SplitterWindow): # The top level screen showing a graph, waterfall and any additional receivers. # The first receiver is zero; additional receivers are in self.receiver_list[] def __init__(self, frame, data_width, graph_width): application.multi_rx_screen = self # prevent phase error self.data_width = data_width self.graph_width = graph_width wx.SplitterWindow.__init__(self, frame) self.SetSashGravity(0.50) self.receiver_list = [] self.graph = GraphScreen(self, data_width, graph_width) self.width = self.graph.width self.waterfall = WaterfallScreen(self, self.width, data_width, graph_width) self.rx_zero = self.graph self.Initialize(self.rx_zero) self.waterfall.Hide() self.SetSizeHints(self.width, -1, self.width) # Calculate control width rx_btn = QuiskPushbutton(self, None, "Rx 8....", style=wx.BU_EXACTFIT) self.rx_btn_width, self.rx_btn_height = rx_btn.GetSize().Get() self.rx_btn_width *= 2 rx_btn.Destroy() del rx_btn self.SetMinimumPaneSize(self.rx_btn_height) self.rx_btn_border = 5 width = data_width - self.rx_btn_width - self.rx_btn_border * 2 self.rx_data_width = fftPreferedSizes[0] for x in fftPreferedSizes: if x >= width: break else: self.rx_data_width = x def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self.rx_zero, name) def ChangeRxZero(self, show_graph): if self.IsSplit(): old = self.GetWindow2() else: old = self.GetWindow1() if show_graph: new = self.graph else: new = self.waterfall if old != new: self.ReplaceWindow(old, new) new.Show() old.Hide() self.rx_zero = new def StopPlaying(self, excpt): # change to not playing on all panes except excpt for pane in self.receiver_list: if pane != excpt: pane.play_btn.SetValue(False) pane.is_playing = False def OnAddReceiver(self, event): index = len(self.receiver_list) if index >= 7: return if index == 0: pane2 = self.rx_zero splitter = pane2.GetParent() pane1 = MultiRxGraph(self, self.data_width, self.graph_width, index) self.receiver_list.append(pane1) splitter.SplitHorizontally(pane1, self.rx_zero) else: pane2 = self.receiver_list[-1] parent = pane2.GetParent() splitter = wx.SplitterWindow(parent) splitter.SetSizeHints(self.width, -1, self.width) splitter.SetMinimumPaneSize(self.rx_btn_height) splitter.SetSashGravity(0.50) pane1 = MultiRxGraph(splitter, self.data_width, self.graph_width, index) self.receiver_list.append(pane1) pane2.Reparent(splitter) parent.ReplaceWindow(pane2, splitter) splitter.SplitHorizontally(pane1, pane2) self.SizeEqually() index += 1 # len(self.receiver_list) Hardware.MultiRxCount(index) pane1.ChangeBand(application.lastBand) def DeleteReceiver(self, pane): Hardware.MultiRxCount(len(self.receiver_list) - 1) if len(self.receiver_list) == 1: self.Unsplit(pane) self.receiver_list.remove(pane) del pane elif pane in self.receiver_list[-2:]: self.receiver_list.remove(pane) splitter2 = pane.GetParent() splitter1 = splitter2.GetParent() del pane pane = self.receiver_list[-1] pane.Reparent(splitter1) splitter1.ReplaceWindow(splitter2, pane) splitter2.Destroy() else: self.receiver_list.remove(pane) splitter2 = pane.GetParent() splitter1 = splitter2.GetParent() splitter3 = splitter2.GetWindow1() del pane splitter3.Reparent(splitter1) splitter1.ReplaceWindow(splitter2, splitter3) splitter2.Destroy() index = 0 for pane in self.receiver_list: pane.multirx_index = index pane.rx_btn.SetLabel("Rx %d" % (index + 1)) QS.set_multirx_mode(index, pane.mode_index) QS.set_multirx_freq(index, pane.txFreq) index += 1 if hasattr(application.Hardware, "ChangeBandFilters"): application.Hardware.ChangeBandFilters() def SizeEqually(self): w, h = self.GetClientSize() num = len(self.receiver_list) self.SetSashPosition(h * num // (num + 1)) for rx in self.receiver_list[:-1]: splitter = rx.GetParent() w, h = splitter.GetClientSize() num -= 1 splitter.SetSashPosition(h * num // (num + 1)) def OnIdle(self, event): self.rx_zero.OnIdle(event) for pane in self.receiver_list: pane.OnIdle(event) def OnGraphData(self, data, index=None): if index is None: # data is for the principal receiver self.waterfall.OnGraphData(data) # Save data for switch to waterfall if self.rx_zero == self.graph: self.graph.OnGraphData(data) elif index < len(self.receiver_list): self.receiver_list[index].OnGraphData(data) def ChangeSampleRate(self, rate): self.graph.sample_rate = rate self.waterfall.pane1.sample_rate = rate self.waterfall.pane2.sample_rate = rate self.waterfall.pane2.display.sample_rate = rate for pane in self.receiver_list: pane.sample_rate = rate tune = pane.txFreq vfo = pane.VFO pane.txFreq = pane.VFO = -1 # demand change pane.ChangeHwFrequency(tune, vfo, 'NewDecim') class ScopeScreen(wx.Window): """Create an oscilloscope screen (mostly used for debug).""" def __init__(self, parent, width, data_width, graph_width): wx.Window.__init__(self, parent, pos = (0, 0), size=(width, -1), style = wx.NO_BORDER) self.SetBackgroundColour(conf.color_graph) self.font = wx.Font(conf.config_font_size, wx.FONTFAMILY_SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.FONTWEIGHT_NORMAL, False, conf.quisk_typeface) self.SetFont(self.font) self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnSize) self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint) self.horizPen = wx.Pen(conf.color_gl, 1, wx.SOLID) self.y_scale = conf.scope_y_scale self.y_zero = conf.scope_y_zero self.zoom_control = 0 self.yscale = 1 self.running = 1 self.doResize = False self.width = width self.height = 100 self.originY = self.height // 2 self.data_width = data_width self.graph_width = graph_width w = self.charx = self.GetCharWidth() h = self.chary = self.GetCharHeight() tick = max(2, h * 3 // 10) self.originX = w * 3 self.width = self.originX + self.graph_width + tick + self.charx * 2 self.line = [(0,0), (1,1)] # initial fake graph data self.fpout = None #open("jim96.txt", "w") def OnIdle(self, event): if self.doResize: self.ResizeGraph() def OnSize(self, event): self.doResize = True event.Skip() def ResizeGraph(self, event=None): # Change the height of the graph. Changing the width interactively is not allowed. w, h = self.GetClientSize() self.height = h self.originY = h // 2 self.doResize = False self.Refresh() def OnPaint(self, event): dc = wx.PaintDC(self) dc.SetFont(self.font) dc.SetTextForeground(conf.color_graphlabels) self.MakeYTicks(dc) self.MakeXTicks(dc) self.MakeText(dc) dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(conf.color_graphline, 1)) dc.DrawLines(self.line) def MakeYTicks(self, dc): chary = self.chary originX = self.originX x3 = self.x3 = originX + self.graph_width # end of graph data dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(conf.color_graphticks,1)) dc.DrawLine(originX, 0, originX, self.originY * 3) # y axis # Find the size of the Y scale markings themax = 2.5e9 * 10.0 ** - ((160 - self.y_scale) / 50.0) # value at top of screen themax = int(themax) l = [] for j in (5, 6, 7, 8): for i in (1, 2, 5): l.append(i * 10 ** j) for yvalue in l: n = themax // yvalue + 1 # Number of lines ypixels = self.height // n if n < 20: break dc.SetPen(self.horizPen) for i in range(1, 1000): y = self.originY - ypixels * i if y < chary: break # Above axis dc.DrawLine(originX, y, x3, y) # y line # Below axis y = self.originY + ypixels * i dc.DrawLine(originX, y, x3, y) # y line self.yscale = float(ypixels) / yvalue self.yvalue = yvalue def MakeXTicks(self, dc): originY = self.originY x3 = self.x3 # Draw the X axis dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(conf.color_graphticks,1)) dc.DrawLine(self.originX, originY, x3, originY) # Find the size of the X scale markings in microseconds for i in (20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000, 20000, 50000, 100000): xscale = i # X scale in microseconds if application.sample_rate * xscale * 0.000001 > self.width // 30: break # Draw the X lines dc.SetPen(self.horizPen) for i in range(1, 999): x = int(self.originX + application.sample_rate * xscale * 0.000001 * i + 0.5) if x > x3: break dc.DrawLine(x, 0, x, self.height) # x line self.xscale = xscale def MakeText(self, dc): if self.running: t = " RUN" else: t = " STOP" if self.xscale >= 1000: t = "%s X: %d millisec/div" % (t, self.xscale // 1000) else: t = "%s X: %d microsec/div" % (t, self.xscale) t = "%s Y: %.0E/div" % (t, self.yvalue) dc.DrawText(t, self.originX, self.height - self.chary) def OnGraphData(self, data): if not self.running: if self.fpout: for cpx in data: re = int(cpx.real) im = int(cpx.imag) ab = int(abs(cpx)) ph = math.atan2(im, re) * 360. / (2.0 * math.pi) self.fpout.write("%12d %12d %12d %12.1d\n" % (re, im, ab, ph)) return # Preserve data on screen line = [] x = self.originX ymax = self.height for cpx in data: # cpx is complex raw samples +/- 0 to 2**31-1 y = cpx.real #y = abs(cpx) y = self.originY - int(y * self.yscale + 0.5) if y > ymax: y = ymax elif y < 0: y = 0 line.append((x, y)) x = x + 1 self.line = line self.Refresh() def ChangeYscale(self, y_scale): self.y_scale = y_scale self.doResize = True def ChangeYzero(self, y_zero): self.y_zero = y_zero def SetTxFreq(self, tx_freq, rx_freq): pass class BandscopeScreen(WaterfallScreen): def __init__(self, frame, width, data_width, graph_width, clock): self.zoom = 1.0 self.zoom_deltaf = 0 self.zoom_control = 0 WaterfallScreen.__init__(self, frame, width, data_width, graph_width) self.sample_rate = self.pane1.sample_rate = self.pane2.sample_rate = int(clock) // 2 self.VFO = clock // 4 self.SetVFO(self.VFO) def SetTxFreq(self, tx_freq, rx_freq): freq = tx_freq + application.VFO - self.VFO WaterfallScreen.SetTxFreq(self, freq, freq) def SetFrequency(self, freq): # freq is 7000000, not the offset from VFO freq = freq - self.VFO WaterfallScreen.SetTxFreq(self, freq, freq) def ChangeZoom(self, zoom_control): # zoom_control is the slider value 0 to 1000 self.zoom_control = zoom_control if zoom_control < 50: zoom = 1.0 zoom_deltaf = 0 else: zoom = 1.0 - zoom_control / 1000.0 * 0.95 freq = application.rxFreq + application.VFO srate = int(self.sample_rate * zoom) # reduced (zoomed) sample rate if freq - srate // 2 < 0: zoom_deltaf = srate // 2 - self.VFO elif freq + srate // 2 > self.sample_rate: zoom_deltaf = self.VFO - srate // 2 else: zoom_deltaf = freq - self.VFO self.zoom = zoom self.zoom_deltaf = zoom_deltaf self.pane1.ChangeZoom(zoom, zoom_deltaf, zoom_control) self.pane2.ChangeZoom(zoom, zoom_deltaf, zoom_control) self.pane2.display.ChangeZoom(zoom, zoom_deltaf, zoom_control) class FilterScreen(GraphScreen): """Create a graph of the receive filter response.""" def __init__(self, parent, data_width, graph_width): GraphScreen.__init__(self, parent, data_width, graph_width) self.y_scale = conf.filter_y_scale self.y_zero = conf.filter_y_zero self.zoom_control = 0 self.VFO = 0 self.txFreq = 0 self.data = [] self.sample_rate = QS.get_filter_rate(-1, -1) def NewFilter(self): self.sample_rate = QS.get_filter_rate(-1, -1) self.data = QS.get_filter() mx = -1000 for x in self.data: if mx < x: mx = x mx -= 3.0 f1 = None for i in range(len(self.data)): x = self.data[i] if x > mx: if f1 is None: f1 = i f2 = i bw3 = float(f2 - f1) / len(self.data) * self.sample_rate mx -= 3.0 f1 = None for i in range(len(self.data)): x = self.data[i] if x > mx: if f1 is None: f1 = i f2 = i bw6 = float(f2 - f1) / len(self.data) * self.sample_rate self.display.display_text = "Filter 3 dB bandwidth %.0f, 6 dB %.0f" % (bw3, bw6) #self.data = QS.get_tx_filter() self.doResize = True def OnGraphData(self, data): GraphScreen.OnGraphData(self, self.data) def ChangeHwFrequency(self, tune, vfo, source='', band='', event=None): GraphScreen.SetTxFreq(self, tune, tune) application.freqDisplay.Display(tune) def SetTxFreq(self, tx_freq, rx_freq): pass class AudioFFTScreen(GraphScreen): """Create an FFT graph of the transmit audio.""" def __init__(self, parent, data_width, graph_width, sample_rate): GraphScreen.__init__(self, parent, data_width, graph_width) self.y_scale = conf.filter_y_scale self.y_zero = conf.filter_y_zero self.zoom_control = 0 self.VFO = 0 self.txFreq = 0 self.sample_rate = sample_rate def OnGraphData(self, data): GraphScreen.OnGraphData(self, data) def ChangeHwFrequency(self, tune, vfo, source='', band='', event=None): GraphScreen.SetTxFreq(self, tune, tune) application.freqDisplay.Display(tune) def SetTxFreq(self, tx_freq, rx_freq): pass class HelpScreen(wx.html.HtmlWindow): """Create the screen for the Help button.""" def __init__(self, parent, width, height): wx.html.HtmlWindow.__init__(self, parent, -1, size=(width, height)) self.y_scale = 0 self.y_zero = 0 self.zoom_control = 0 if "gtk2" in wx.PlatformInfo: self.SetStandardFonts() self.SetFonts("", "", [10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22]) # read in text from file help.html in the directory of this module self.LoadFile('help.html') def OnGraphData(self, data): pass def ChangeYscale(self, y_scale): pass def ChangeYzero(self, y_zero): pass def OnIdle(self, event): pass def SetTxFreq(self, tx_freq, rx_freq): pass def OnLinkClicked(self, link): webbrowser.open(link.GetHref(), new=2) class QMainFrame(wx.Frame): """Create the main top-level window.""" def __init__(self, width, height): fp = open('__init__.py') # Read in the title self.title = fp.readline().strip()[1:] fp.close() x = conf.window_posX y = conf.window_posY wx.Frame.__init__(self, None, -1, self.title, (x, y), (width, height), wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE, 'MainFrame') self.SetBackgroundColour(conf.color_bg) self.SetForegroundColour(conf.color_bg_txt) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.OnBtnClose) if DEBUGSHELL: #debugshell = CrustFrame() debugshell = ShellFrame(parent=self) debugshell.Show() debugshell.shell.write("hw=quisk.application.Hardware") def OnBtnClose(self, event): application.OnBtnClose(event) self.Destroy() def SetConfigText(self, text): if len(text) > 100: text = text[0:80] + '|||' + text[-17:] self.SetTitle("Radio %s %s %s" % (configure.Settings[1], self.title, text)) ## Note: The new amplitude/phase adjustments have ideas provided by Andrew Nilsson, VK6JBL class QAdjustPhase(wx.Frame): """Create a window with amplitude and phase adjustment controls""" f_ampl = "Amplitude adjustment %.6f" f_phase = "Phase adjustment degrees %.6f" def __init__(self, parent, width, rx_tx): self.rx_tx = rx_tx # Must be "rx" or "tx" if rx_tx == 'tx': self.is_tx = 1 t = "Adjust Sound Card Transmit Amplitude and Phase" else: self.is_tx = 0 t = "Adjust Sound Card Receive Amplitude and Phase" wx.Frame.__init__(self, application.main_frame, -1, t, pos=(50, 100), style=wx.CAPTION) panel = wx.Panel(self) self.MakeControls(panel, width) self.Show() def MakeControls(self, panel, width): # Make controls for phase/amplitude adjustment self.old_amplitude, self.old_phase = application.GetAmplPhase(self.is_tx) self.new_amplitude, self.new_phase = self.old_amplitude, self.old_phase sl_max = width * 4 // 10 # maximum +/- value for slider self.ampl_scale = float(conf.rx_max_amplitude_correct) / sl_max self.phase_scale = float(conf.rx_max_phase_correct) / sl_max font = wx.Font(conf.default_font_size, wx.FONTFAMILY_SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.FONTWEIGHT_NORMAL, False, conf.quisk_typeface) self.SetFont(font) charx = self.GetCharWidth() tab1 = charx chary = self.GetCharHeight() deltay = chary * 12 // 10 y = chary * 3 // 10 # Print available data points if "panadapter" in conf.bandAmplPhase: self.band = "panadapter" else: self.band = application.lastBand app_vfo = (application.VFO + 500) // 1000 ap = application.bandAmplPhase if self.band not in ap: ap[self.band] = {} if self.rx_tx not in ap[self.band]: ap[self.band][self.rx_tx] = [] lst = ap[self.band][self.rx_tx] freq_in_list = False if lst: t = "Band %s: VFO" % self.band for l in lst: vfo = (l[0] + 500) // 1000 if vfo == app_vfo: freq_in_list = True t = t + (" %d" % vfo) else: t = "Band %s: No data." % self.band txt = wx.StaticText(panel, -1, t, pos=(tab1, y)) y += deltay * 14 // 10 self.t_ampl = wx.StaticText(panel, -1, self.f_ampl % self.old_amplitude, pos=(tab1, y)) y += deltay fine = wx.StaticText(panel, -1, 'Fine', pos=(tab1, y)) coarse = wx.StaticText(panel, -1, 'Coarse', pos=(tab1, y + deltay)) tab2 = tab1 + coarse.GetSize().GetWidth() + charx sliderX = width - tab2 - charx self.ampl1 = wx.Slider(panel, -1, 0, -sl_max, sl_max, pos=(tab2, y), size=(sliderX, -1)) y += deltay self.ampl2 = wx.Slider(panel, -1, 0, -sl_max, sl_max, pos=(tab2, y), size=(sliderX, -1)) y += deltay * 14 // 10 self.PosAmpl(self.old_amplitude) self.t_phase = wx.StaticText(panel, -1, self.f_phase % self.old_phase, pos=(tab1, y)) y += deltay fine = wx.StaticText(panel, -1, 'Fine', pos=(tab1, y)) coarse = wx.StaticText(panel, -1, 'Coarse', pos=(tab1, y + deltay)) self.phase1 = wx.Slider(panel, -1, 0, -sl_max, sl_max, pos=(tab2, y), size=(sliderX, -1)) y += deltay self.phase2 = wx.Slider(panel, -1, 0, -sl_max, sl_max, pos=(tab2, y), size=(sliderX, -1)) y += deltay sv = QuiskPushbutton(panel, self.OnBtnSave, 'Save %d' % app_vfo) ds = QuiskPushbutton(panel, self.OnBtnDiscard, 'Destroy %d' % app_vfo) cn = QuiskPushbutton(panel, self.OnBtnCancel, 'Cancel') w, h = ds.GetSize().Get() sv.SetSize((w, h)) cn.SetSize((w, h)) y += h // 4 x = (width - w * 3) // 4 sv.SetPosition((x, y)) ds.SetPosition((x*2 + w, y)) cn.SetPosition((x*3 + w*2, y)) sv.SetBackgroundColour('light blue') ds.SetBackgroundColour('light blue') cn.SetBackgroundColour('light blue') if not freq_in_list: ds.Disable() y += h y += h * 4 // 10 self.PosPhase(self.old_phase) self.SetClientSize(wx.Size(width, y)) self.ampl1.Bind(wx.EVT_SCROLL, self.OnChange) self.ampl2.Bind(wx.EVT_SCROLL, self.OnAmpl2) self.phase1.Bind(wx.EVT_SCROLL, self.OnChange) self.phase2.Bind(wx.EVT_SCROLL, self.OnPhase2) def PosAmpl(self, ampl): # set pos1, pos2 for amplitude pos2 = round(ampl / self.ampl_scale) remain = ampl - pos2 * self.ampl_scale pos1 = round(remain / self.ampl_scale * 50.0) self.ampl1.SetValue(pos1) self.ampl2.SetValue(pos2) def PosPhase(self, phase): # set pos1, pos2 for phase pos2 = round(phase / self.phase_scale) remain = phase - pos2 * self.phase_scale pos1 = round(remain / self.phase_scale * 50.0) self.phase1.SetValue(pos1) self.phase2.SetValue(pos2) def OnChange(self, event): ampl = self.ampl_scale * self.ampl1.GetValue() / 50.0 + self.ampl_scale * self.ampl2.GetValue() if abs(ampl) < self.ampl_scale * 3.0 / 50.0: ampl = 0.0 self.t_ampl.SetLabel(self.f_ampl % ampl) phase = self.phase_scale * self.phase1.GetValue() / 50.0 + self.phase_scale * self.phase2.GetValue() if abs(phase) < self.phase_scale * 3.0 / 50.0: phase = 0.0 self.t_phase.SetLabel(self.f_phase % phase) QS.set_ampl_phase(ampl, phase, self.is_tx) self.new_amplitude, self.new_phase = ampl, phase def OnAmpl2(self, event): # re-center the fine slider when the coarse slider is adjusted ampl = self.ampl_scale * self.ampl1.GetValue() / 50.0 + self.ampl_scale * self.ampl2.GetValue() self.PosAmpl(ampl) self.OnChange(event) def OnPhase2(self, event): # re-center the fine slider when the coarse slider is adjusted phase = self.phase_scale * self.phase1.GetValue() / 50.0 + self.phase_scale * self.phase2.GetValue() self.PosPhase(phase) self.OnChange(event) def DeleteEqual(self): # Remove entry with the same VFO ap = application.bandAmplPhase lst = ap[self.band][self.rx_tx] vfo = (application.VFO + 500) // 1000 for i in range(len(lst)-1, -1, -1): if (lst[i][0] + 500) // 1000 == vfo: del lst[i] def OnBtnSave(self, event): data = (application.VFO, application.rxFreq, self.new_amplitude, self.new_phase) self.DeleteEqual() ap = application.bandAmplPhase lst = ap[self.band][self.rx_tx] lst.append(data) lst.sort() application.w_phase = None self.Destroy() def OnBtnDiscard(self, event): self.DeleteEqual() self.OnBtnCancel() def OnBtnCancel(self, event=None): QS.set_ampl_phase(self.old_amplitude, self.old_phase, self.is_tx) application.w_phase = None self.Destroy() class Spacer(wx.Window): """Create a bar between the graph screen and the controls""" def __init__(self, parent): wx.Window.__init__(self, parent, pos = (0, 0), size=(-1, 6), style = wx.NO_BORDER) self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint) r, g, b = parent.GetBackgroundColour().Get(False) dark = (r * 7 // 10, g * 7 // 10, b * 7 // 10) light = (r + (255 - r) * 5 // 10, g + (255 - g) * 5 // 10, b + (255 - b) * 5 // 10) self.dark_pen = wx.Pen(dark, 1, wx.SOLID) self.light_pen = wx.Pen(light, 1, wx.SOLID) self.width = application.screen_width def OnPaint(self, event): dc = wx.PaintDC(self) w = self.width dc.SetPen(self.dark_pen) dc.DrawLine(0, 0, w, 0) dc.DrawLine(0, 1, w, 1) dc.DrawLine(0, 2, w, 2) dc.SetPen(self.light_pen) dc.DrawLine(0, 3, w, 3) dc.DrawLine(0, 4, w, 4) dc.DrawLine(0, 5, w, 5) class App(wx.App): """Class representing the application.""" StateNames = [ # Names of state attributes to save and restore 'bandState', 'bandAmplPhase', 'lastBand', 'VFO', 'txFreq', 'mode', 'vardecim_set', 'filterAdjBw1', 'levelAGC', 'levelOffAGC', 'volumeAudio', 'levelSpot', 'levelSquelch', 'levelSquelchSSB', 'levelVOX', 'timeVOX', 'sidetone_volume', 'txAudioClipUsb', 'txAudioClipAm','txAudioClipFm', 'txAudioClipFdv', 'txAudioPreemphUsb', 'txAudioPreemphAm', 'txAudioPreemphFm', 'txAudioPreemphFdv', 'wfallScaleZ', 'graphScaleZ', 'split_rxtx_play', 'modeFilter'] def __init__(self): global application application = self self.init_path = None self.bottom_widgets = None self.dxCluster = None self.main_frame = None if sys.stdout.isatty(): wx.App.__init__(self, redirect=False) else: wx.App.__init__(self, redirect=True) def QuiskText(self, *args, **kw): # Make our text control available to widget files return QuiskText(*args, **kw) def QuiskText1(self, *args, **kw): # Make our text control available to widget files return QuiskText1(*args, **kw) def QuiskPushbutton(self, *args, **kw): # Make our buttons available to widget files return QuiskPushbutton(*args, **kw) def QuiskRepeatbutton(self, *args, **kw): return QuiskRepeatbutton(*args, **kw) def QuiskCheckbutton(self, *args, **kw): return QuiskCheckbutton(*args, **kw) def QuiskCycleCheckbutton(self, *args, **kw): return QuiskCycleCheckbutton(*args, **kw) def RadioButtonGroup(self, *args, **kw): return RadioButtonGroup(*args, **kw) def SliderBoxHH(self, *args, **kw): return SliderBoxHH(*args, **kw) def OnInit(self): """Perform most initialization of the app here (called by wxPython on startup).""" wx.lib.colourdb.updateColourDB() # Add additional color names import quisk_widgets # quisk_widgets needs the application object quisk_widgets.application = self del quisk_widgets global conf # conf is the module for all configuration data import quisk_conf_defaults as conf setattr(conf, 'config_file_path', ConfigPath) setattr(conf, 'DefaultConfigDir', DefaultConfigDir) if os.path.isfile(ConfigPath): # See if the user has a config file setattr(conf, 'config_file_exists', True) d = {} d.update(conf.__dict__) # make items from conf available exec(compile(open(ConfigPath).read(), ConfigPath, 'exec'), d) # execute the user's config file if os.path.isfile(ConfigPath2): # See if the user has a second config file exec(compile(open(ConfigPath2).read(), ConfigPath2, 'exec'), d) # execute the user's second config file for k in d: # add user's config items to conf v = d[k] if k[0] != '_': # omit items starting with '_' setattr(conf, k, v) else: setattr(conf, 'config_file_exists', False) QS.set_params(quisk_is_vna=0) # We are not the VNA program # Read in configuration from the selected radio if self.main_frame: self.local_conf = configure.Configuration(self, 'Same') else: self.local_conf = configure.Configuration(self, argv_options.AskMe) self.local_conf.UpdateConf() # Choose whether to use Unicode or text symbols for k in ('sym_stat_mem', 'sym_stat_fav', 'sym_stat_dx', 'btn_text_range_dn', 'btn_text_range_up', 'btn_text_play', 'btn_text_rec', 'btn_text_file_rec', 'btn_text_file_play', 'btn_text_fav_add', 'btn_text_fav_recall', 'btn_text_mem_add', 'btn_text_mem_next', 'btn_text_mem_del'): if conf.use_unicode_symbols: setattr(conf, 'X' + k, getattr(conf, 'U' + k)) else: setattr(conf, 'X' + k, getattr(conf, 'T' + k)) MakeWidgetGlobals() if conf.invertSpectrum: QS.invert_spectrum(1) if conf.use_sdriq: sample_rate = int(66666667.0 / conf.sdriq_decimation + 0.5) if conf.use_sdriq or conf.use_rx_udp: name_of_sound_capt = '' name_of_mic_play = '' self.wfallScaleZ = {} # scale and zero for the waterfall pane2 self.graphScaleZ = {} # scale and zero for the graph self.bandState = {} # for key band, the current (self.VFO, self.txFreq, self.mode) self.bandState.update(conf.bandState) self.memoryState = [] # a list of (freq, band, self.VFO, self.txFreq, self.mode) self.bandAmplPhase = conf.bandAmplPhase self.samples_from_python = False self.NewIdList = [] # Hack: list of Ids in use for accelerator table if conf.use_rx_udp == 10: # Hermes UDP protocol self.bandscope_clock = conf.rx_udp_clock else: self.bandscope_clock = 0 self.modeFilter = { # the filter button index in use for each mode 'CW' : 3, 'SSB' : 3, 'AM' : 3, 'FM' : 3, 'DGT' : 1, 'FDV' : 2, 'IMD' : 3, conf.add_extern_demod : 3, } if sys.platform == 'win32' and (conf.hamlib_com1_name or conf.hamlib_com2_name): try: # make sure the pyserial module exists import serial except: dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None, "The Python pyserial module is required but not installed. Do you want me to install it?", "Install Python pyserial", style = wx.YES|wx.NO) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES: subprocess.call([sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "install", "pyserial"]) try: import serial except: dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None, "Installation of Python pyserial failed. Please install it by hand.", "Installation failed", style=wx.OK) dlg.ShowModal() # Open hardware file global Hardware if self.local_conf.GetHardware(): pass else: if hasattr(conf, "Hardware"): # Hardware defined in config file self.Hardware = conf.Hardware(self, conf) hname = ConfigPath else: self.Hardware = conf.quisk_hardware.Hardware(self, conf) hname = conf.quisk_hardware.__file__ if hname[-3:] == 'pyc': hname = hname[0:-1] setattr(conf, 'hardware_file_name', hname) if conf.quisk_widgets: hname = conf.quisk_widgets.__file__ if hname[-3:] == 'pyc': hname = hname[0:-1] setattr(conf, 'widgets_file_name', hname) else: setattr(conf, 'widgets_file_name', '') Hardware = self.Hardware # Initialization - may be over-written by persistent state self.local_conf.Initialize() self.clip_time0 = 0 # timer to display a CLIP message on ADC overflow self.smeter_db_count = 0 # average the S-meter self.smeter_db_sum = 0 self.smeter_db = 0 self.smeter_avg_seconds = 1.0 # seconds for S-meter average self.smeter_sunits = -87.0 self.smeter_usage = "smeter" # specify use of s-meter display self.timer = time.time() # A seconds clock self.heart_time0 = self.timer # timer to call HeartBeat at intervals self.save_time0 = self.timer self.smeter_db_time0 = self.timer self.smeter_sunits_time0 = self.timer self.fewsec_time0 = self.timer self.multi_rx_index = 0 self.multi_rx_timer = self.timer self.band_up_down = 0 # Are band Up/Down buttons in use? self.lastBand = 'Audio' self.filterAdjBw1 = 1000 self.levelAGC = 500 # AGC level ON control, 0 to 1000 self.levelOffAGC = 100 # AGC level OFF control, 0 to 1000 self.levelSquelch = 500 # FM squelch level, 0 to 1000 self.levelSquelchSSB = 200 # SSB squelch level, 0 to 1000 self.levelVOX = -20 # audio level that triggers VOX self.timeVOX = 500 # hang time for VOX self.useVOX = False # Is the VOX button down? self.txAudioClipUsb = 5 # Tx audio clip level in dB self.txAudioClipAm = 0 self.txAudioClipFm = 0 self.txAudioClipFdv = 0 self.txAudioPreemphUsb = 70 # Tx audio preemphasis 0 to 100 self.txAudioPreemphAm = 0 self.txAudioPreemphFm = 0 self.txAudioPreemphFdv = 0 self.levelSpot = 500 # Spot level control, 0 to 1000 self.volumeAudio = 300 # audio volume self.VFO = 0 # frequency of the VFO self.ritFreq = 0 # receive incremental tuning frequency offset self.txFreq = 0 # Transmit frequency as +/- sample_rate/2 self.rxFreq = 0 # Receive frequency as +/- sample_rate/2 self.tx_level = 100 # initially 100%; Caution: there is also a conf.tx_level dictionary self.digital_tx_level = conf.digital_tx_level self.hot_key_ptt_is_down = False self.hot_key_ptt_was_down = False self.hot_key_ptt_change = False self.hardware_ptt_key_state = 0 self.fft_size = 1 self.accel_list = [] if conf.do_repeater_offset and hasattr(Hardware, "RepeaterOffset"): QS.tx_hold_state(1) # Quisk control by Hamlib through a serial port if conf.hamlib_com1_name: self.hamlib_com1_handler = HamlibHandlerSerial(self, conf.hamlib_com1_name) else: self.hamlib_com1_handler = None if conf.hamlib_com2_name: self.hamlib_com2_handler = HamlibHandlerSerial(self, conf.hamlib_com2_name) else: self.hamlib_com2_handler = None # Quisk control by Hamlib through rig 2 self.hamlib_clients = [] # list of TCP connections to handle if conf.hamlib_port: try: self.hamlib_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.hamlib_socket.bind((conf.hamlib_ip, conf.hamlib_port)) self.hamlib_socket.settimeout(0.0) self.hamlib_socket.listen(5) # listen for TCP connections from multiple clients except: self.hamlib_socket = None # traceback.print_exc() else: self.hamlib_socket = None # Quisk control by fldigi self.fldigi_new_freq = None self.fldigi_freq = None if conf.digital_xmlrpc_url: self.fldigi_server = ServerProxy(conf.digital_xmlrpc_url) else: self.fldigi_server = None self.fldigi_rxtx = 'rx' self.fldigi_timer = 0 self.oldRxFreq = 0 # Last value of self.rxFreq self.screen = None # Display the audio FFT instead of the RX filter or bandscope when self.rate_audio_fft > 0. # The sample rate is self.rate_audio_fft. Add an instance of quisk_calc_audio_graph() to C code to provide data. self.rate_audio_fft = 0 self.audio_fft_screen = None self.audio_volume = 0.0 # Set output volume, 0.0 to 1.0 self.sidetone_volume = 0 # sidetone control value 0 to 1000 self.sidetone_0to1 = 0 # log taper sidetone volume 0.0 to 1.0 self.sound_thread = None self.mode = conf.default_mode self.color_list = None self.color_index = 0 self.vardecim_set = None self.w_phase = None self.zoom = 1.0 self.filter_bandwidth = 1000 # filter bandwidth self.zoom_deltaf = 0 self.zooming = False self.split_rxtx = False # Are we in split Rx/Tx mode? self.split_locktx = False # Split mode Tx frequency is fixed. self.split_hamlib_tx = True # Hamlib controls the Tx frequency when split; else the Rx frequency self.split_rxtx_play = 2 # Play 1=both, high on Right; 2=both, high on Left; 3=only Rx; 4=only Tx self.savedState = {} self.pttButton = None self.tmp_playing = False self.file_play_state = 0 # 0 == not playing a file, 1 == playing a file, 2 == waiting for the repeat time self.file_play_repeat = 0 # Repeat time in seconds, or zero for no repeat self.file_play_timer = 0 self.file_play_source = 0 # 10 == play audio file, 11 == play I/Q sample file, 12 == play CQ message # get the screen size - thanks to Lucian Langa x, y, self.screen_width, self.screen_height = wx.Display().GetGeometry() # Using display index 0 self.Bind(wx.EVT_IDLE, self.OnIdle) self.Bind(wx.EVT_QUERY_END_SESSION, self.OnEndSession) # Restore persistent program state if conf.persistent_state: self.init_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(ConfigPath), '.quisk_init.pkl') try: fp = open(self.init_path, "rb") # Pickle requires a bytes object d = pickle.load(fp) fp.close() for k in d: v = d[k] if k in self.StateNames: self.savedState[k] = v attr = getattr(self, k) if isinstance(attr, dict): attr.update(v) else: setattr(self, k, v) except: pass #traceback.print_exc() for k, (vfo, tune, mode) in list(self.bandState.items()): # Historical: fix bad frequencies try: f1, f2 = conf.BandEdge[k] if not f1 <= vfo + tune <= f2: self.bandState[k] = conf.bandState[k] except KeyError: pass if self.bandAmplPhase and not isinstance(list(self.bandAmplPhase.values())[0], dict): print("""Old sound card amplitude and phase corrections must be re-entered (sorry). The new code supports multiple corrections per band.""") self.bandAmplPhase = {} if Hardware.VarDecimGetChoices(): # Hardware can change the decimation. self.sample_rate = Hardware.VarDecimSet() # Get the sample rate. self.vardecim_set = self.sample_rate try: var_rate1, var_rate2 = Hardware.VarDecimRange() except: var_rate1, var_rate2 = (48000, 960000) else: # Use the sample rate from the config file. var_rate1 = None self.sample_rate = conf.sample_rate if not hasattr(conf, 'playback_rate'): if conf.use_sdriq or conf.use_rx_udp: conf.playback_rate = 48000 else: conf.playback_rate = conf.sample_rate # Check for PulseAudio names and substitute the actual device name for abbreviations self.pulse_in_use = False if sys.platform != 'win32' and conf.show_pulse_audio_devices: self.pa_dev_capt, self.pa_dev_play = QS.pa_sound_devices() for key in ("name_of_sound_play", "name_of_mic_play", "digital_output_name", "digital_rx1_name", "sample_playback_name"): value = getattr(conf, key) # playback devices if value[0:6] == "pulse:": self.pulse_in_use = True for n0, n1, n2 in self.pa_dev_play: for n in (n0, n1, n2): if value[6:] in n: setattr(conf, key, "pulse:" + n0) for key in ("name_of_sound_capt", "microphone_name", "digital_input_name"): value = getattr(conf, key) # capture devices if value[0:6] == "pulse:": self.pulse_in_use = True for n0, n1, n2 in self.pa_dev_capt: for n in (n0, n1, n2): if value[6:] in n: setattr(conf, key, "pulse:" + n0) # Create the main frame if conf.window_width > 0: # fixed width of the main frame self.width = conf.window_width else: self.width = self.screen_width * 8 // 10 if conf.window_height > 0: # fixed height of the main frame self.height = conf.window_height else: self.height = self.screen_height * 5 // 10 if self.main_frame: frame = self.main_frame szr = frame.GetSizer() szr.Clear(True) frame.SetSizer(None, True) frame.SetSize(wx.Size(self.width, self.height)) else: self.main_frame = frame = QMainFrame(self.width, self.height) self.SetTopWindow(frame) #w, h = frame.GetSize().Get() #ww, hh = frame.GetClientSizeTuple() #print ('Main frame: size', w, h, 'client', ww, hh) # Find the data width from a list of prefered sizes; it is the width of returned graph data. # The graph_width is the width of data_width that is displayed. if conf.window_width > 0: wFrame, h = frame.GetClientSize().Get() # client window width graph = GraphScreen(frame, self.width//2, self.width//2, None) # make a GraphScreen to calculate borders self.graph_width = wFrame - (graph.width - graph.graph_width) # less graph borders equals actual graph_width graph.Destroy() del graph if self.graph_width % 2 == 1: # Both data_width and graph_width are even numbers self.graph_width -= 1 width = int(self.graph_width / conf.display_fraction) # estimated data width for x in fftPreferedSizes: if x >= width: self.data_width = x break else: self.data_width = fftPreferedSizes[-1] else: # use conf.graph_width to determine the width width = self.screen_width * conf.graph_width # estimated graph width percent = conf.display_fraction # display central fraction of total width percent = int(percent * 100.0 + 0.4) width = width * 100 // percent # estimated data width for x in fftPreferedSizes: if x > width: self.data_width = x break else: self.data_width = fftPreferedSizes[-1] self.graph_width = self.data_width * percent // 100 if self.graph_width % 2 == 1: # Both data_width and graph_width are even numbers self.graph_width += 1 #print('graph_width', self.graph_width, 'data_width', self.data_width) # The FFT size times the average_count controls the graph refresh rate factor = float(self.sample_rate) / conf.graph_refresh / self.data_width ifactor = int(factor + 0.5) # fft size multiplier * average count if conf.fft_size_multiplier >= 999: # Use large FFT and average count 1 fft_mult = ifactor average_count = 1 elif conf.fft_size_multiplier > 0: # Specified fft_size_multiplier fft_mult = conf.fft_size_multiplier average_count = int(factor / fft_mult + 0.5) if average_count < 1: average_count = 1 elif var_rate1 is None: # Calculate an equal split between fft size and average fft_mult = 1 for mult in (32, 27, 24, 18, 16, 12, 9, 8, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1): # product of small factors average_count = int(factor / mult + 0.5) if average_count >= mult: fft_mult = mult break average_count = int(factor / fft_mult + 0.5) if average_count < 1: average_count = 1 else: # Calculate a compromise for variable rates fft_mult = int(float(var_rate1) / conf.graph_refresh / self.data_width + 0.5) # large fft_mult at low rate if fft_mult > 8: fft_mult = 8 elif fft_mult == 5: fft_mult = 4 elif fft_mult == 7: fft_mult = 6 average_count = int(factor / fft_mult + 0.5) if average_count < 1: average_count = 1 self.fft_size = self.data_width * fft_mult # Record the basic application parameters self.multi_rx_screen = MultiReceiverScreen(frame, self.data_width, self.graph_width) if sys.platform == 'win32': h = self.main_frame.GetHandle() else: h = 0 QS.record_app(self, conf, self.data_width, self.graph_width, self.fft_size, self.multi_rx_screen.rx_data_width, self.sample_rate, h) #print ('data_width %d, FFT size %d, FFT mult %d, average_count %d, rate %d, Refresh %.2f Hz' % ( # self.data_width, self.fft_size, self.fft_size / self.data_width, average_count, self.sample_rate, # float(self.sample_rate) / self.fft_size / average_count)) QS.record_graph(0, 0, 1.0) QS.set_tx_audio(vox_level=20, vox_time=self.timeVOX) # Turn off VOX, set VOX time # Make all the screens and hide all but one. MultiReceiver creates the graph and waterfall screens. self.screen = self.multi_rx_screen self.graph = self.multi_rx_screen.graph self.waterfall = self.multi_rx_screen.waterfall width = self.multi_rx_screen.graph.width self.config_screen = ConfigScreen(frame, width, self.fft_size) self.config_screen.Hide() self.scope = ScopeScreen(frame, width, self.data_width, self.graph_width) self.scope.Hide() self.bandscope_screen = BandscopeScreen(frame, width, self.graph_width, self.graph_width, self.bandscope_clock) self.bandscope_screen.Hide() self.filter_screen = FilterScreen(frame, self.data_width, self.graph_width) self.filter_screen.Hide() if self.rate_audio_fft: self.audio_fft_screen = AudioFFTScreen(frame, self.data_width, self.graph_width, self.rate_audio_fft) self.audio_fft_screen.Hide() self.help_screen = HelpScreen(frame, width, self.screen_height // 10) self.help_screen.Hide() self.station_screen = StationScreen(frame, width, conf.station_display_lines) self.station_screen.Hide() # Make a vertical box to hold all the screens and the bottom box vertBox = self.vertBox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) frame.SetSizer(vertBox) # Add the screens vertBox.Add(self.config_screen, 1, wx.EXPAND) vertBox.Add(self.multi_rx_screen, 1) vertBox.Add(self.scope, 1) vertBox.Add(self.bandscope_screen, 1) vertBox.Add(self.filter_screen, 1) if self.rate_audio_fft: vertBox.Add(self.audio_fft_screen, 1) vertBox.Add(self.help_screen, 1) vertBox.Add(self.station_screen) # Add the spacer vertBox.Add(Spacer(frame), 0, wx.EXPAND) # Add the sizer for the controls gap = 2 gbs = wx.GridBagSizer(gap, gap) self.gbs = gbs vertBox.Add(gbs, flag=wx.EXPAND) gbs.SetEmptyCellSize((5, 5)) # Add the bottom spacer vertBox.AddSpacer(5) # Thanks to Christof, DJ4CM # End of vertical box. self.MakeButtons(frame, gbs) minw = width = self.graph.width maxw = maxh = -1 minh = 100 if conf.window_width > 0: minw = width = maxw = conf.window_width if conf.window_height > 0: minh = maxh = self.height = conf.window_height self.main_frame.SetSizeHints(minw, minh, maxw, maxh) self.main_frame.SetClientSize(wx.Size(width, self.height)) if hasattr(Hardware, 'pre_open'): # pre_open() is called before open() Hardware.pre_open() if self.local_conf.GetWidgets(self, Hardware, conf, frame, gbs, vertBox): pass elif conf.quisk_widgets: self.bottom_widgets = conf.quisk_widgets.BottomWidgets(self, Hardware, conf, frame, gbs, vertBox) if self.bottom_widgets: # Extend the sliders to the bottom of the screen try: i = self.bottom_widgets.num_rows_added # No way to get total rows until ver 2.9 !! except: i = 1 rows = self.widget_row + i for i in self.slider_columns: item = gbs.FindItemAtPosition((0, i)) item.SetSpan((rows, 1)) self.OpenHardware() if QS.open_key(conf.key_method): print('open_key failed for name "%s"' % conf.key_method) self.OpenSound() tune, vfo = Hardware.ReturnFrequency() # Request initial frequency if tune is None or vfo is None: # Set last-used frequency self.bandBtnGroup.SetLabel(self.lastBand, do_cmd=True) else: # Set requested frequency self.BandFromFreq(tune) self.ChangeDisplayFrequency(tune - vfo, vfo) # Record filter rate for the filter screen self.filter_screen.sample_rate = QS.get_filter_rate(-1, -1) self.config_screen.InitBitmap() self.screenBtnGroup.SetLabel(conf.default_screen, do_cmd=True) frame.Show() self.Yield() self.sound_thread = SoundThread(self.samples_from_python) self.sound_thread.start() if conf.dxClHost: # create DX Cluster and register listener for change notification self.dxCluster = dxcluster.DxCluster() self.dxCluster.setListener(self.OnDxClChange) self.dxCluster.start() # Create shortcut keys for buttons if conf.button_layout == 'Large screen': for button in self.modeButns.GetButtons(): # mode buttons if button.char_shortcut: rid = self.QuiskNewId() self.main_frame.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.modeButns.Shortcut, id=rid) self.accel_list.append(wx.AcceleratorEntry(wx.ACCEL_ALT, ord(button.char_shortcut), rid)) for button in self.bandBtnGroup.GetButtons(): # band buttons if button.char_shortcut: rid = self.QuiskNewId() self.main_frame.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.bandBtnGroup.Shortcut, id=rid) self.accel_list.append(wx.AcceleratorEntry(wx.ACCEL_ALT, ord(button.char_shortcut), rid)) # Create a shortcut for the PTT key. This is only used if the hot key does NOT work when Quisk is hidden. if conf.hot_key_ptt1 and not conf.hot_key_ptt_if_hidden: rid = self.QuiskNewId() frame.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnHotKey, id=rid) self.accel_list.append(wx.AcceleratorEntry(conf.hot_key_ptt2, conf.hot_key_ptt1, rid)) self.main_frame.SetAcceleratorTable(wx.AcceleratorTable(self.accel_list)) self.OnBtnMode(None, self.mode) # self.OnTestTimer(None) return True #def OnTestTimer(self, event): # temporary code to switch bands and look for a bug # if event is None: # self.test_time0 = 0 # self.test_band = '40' # self.test_timer = wx.Timer(self) # self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.OnTestTimer) # self.test_timer.Start(1000, oneShot=True) # return # self.bandBtnGroup.SetLabel(self.test_band, do_cmd=True) # if self.test_band == '40': # self.test_timer.Start(250, oneShot=True) # self.test_band = '30' # else: # self.test_timer.Start(250, oneShot=True) # self.test_band = '40' def OpenHardware(self): if conf.use_rx_udp and conf.use_rx_udp != 10: self.add_version = True # Add firmware version to config text else: self.add_version = False if conf.use_rx_udp == 10: # Hermes UDP protocol if conf.tx_ip == '': conf.tx_ip = Hardware.hermes_ip elif conf.tx_ip == 'disable': conf.tx_ip = '' if conf.tx_audio_port == 0: conf.tx_audio_port = conf.rx_udp_port elif conf.use_rx_udp: conf.rx_udp_decimation = 8 * 8 * 8 if conf.tx_ip == '': conf.tx_ip = conf.rx_udp_ip elif conf.tx_ip == 'disable': conf.tx_ip = '' if conf.tx_audio_port == 0: conf.tx_audio_port = conf.rx_udp_port + 2 # Open the hardware. This must be called before open_sound(). self.config_text = Hardware.open() if self.config_text: self.main_frame.SetConfigText(self.config_text) else: self.config_text = "Missing config_text" def OpenSound(self): if hasattr(conf, 'mixer_settings'): for dev, numid, value in conf.mixer_settings: err_msg = QS.mixer_set(dev, numid, value) if err_msg: print("Mixer", err_msg) QS.capt_channels (conf.channel_i, conf.channel_q) QS.play_channels (conf.channel_i, conf.channel_q) QS.micplay_channels (conf.mic_play_chan_I, conf.mic_play_chan_Q) # Note: Subsequent calls to set channels must not name a higher channel number. # Normally, these calls are only used to reverse the channels. QS.open_sound(conf.name_of_sound_capt, conf.name_of_sound_play, 0, conf.data_poll_usec, conf.latency_millisecs, conf.microphone_name, conf.tx_ip, conf.tx_audio_port, conf.mic_sample_rate, conf.mic_channel_I, conf.mic_channel_Q, conf.mic_out_volume, conf.name_of_mic_play, conf.mic_playback_rate) def OnDxClChange(self): self.station_screen.Refresh() def OnIdle(self, event): if self.screen: self.screen.OnIdle(event) def OnEndSession(self, event): event.Skip() self.OnBtnClose(event) def OnBtnClose(self, event=None): QS.set_file_name(record_button=0) # Turn off file recording time.sleep(0.1) if self.sound_thread: self.sound_thread.stop() for i in range(0, 20): if not self.sound_thread.is_alive(): break time.sleep(0.1) self.sound_thread = None def OnExit(self): if self.dxCluster: self.dxCluster.stop() QS.close_rx_udp() Hardware.close() self.SaveState() self.local_conf.SaveState() if self.hamlib_com1_handler: self.hamlib_com1_handler.close() if self.hamlib_com2_handler: self.hamlib_com2_handler.close() return 0 def OnBtnOnOff(self, event): if event.GetEventObject().GetValue(): # Start samples self.SaveState() self.local_conf.SaveState() self.OnInit() else: # Stop samples try: wx.BeginBusyCursor() self.OnBtnClose() QS.close_rx_udp() Hardware.close() finally: wx.EndBusyCursor() def ImmediateChange(self, name): value = getattr(conf, name) if name == "keyupDelay" and conf.use_rx_udp == 10: # Hermes UDP protocol if value > 1023: value = 1023 Hardware.SetControlByte(0x10, 2, value & 0x3) # cw_hang_time Hardware.SetControlByte(0x10, 1, (value >> 2) & 0xFF) # cw_hang_time QS.ImmediateChange(name) def CheckState(self): # check whether state has changed changed = False if self.init_path: # save current program state for n in self.StateNames: try: if getattr(self, n) != self.savedState[n]: changed = True break except: changed = True break return changed def SaveState(self): if self.init_path: # save current program state d = {} for n in self.StateNames: d[n] = v = getattr(self, n) self.savedState[n] = v try: fp = open(self.init_path, "wb") # Pickle requires a bytes object pickle.dump(d, fp) fp.close() except: pass #traceback.print_exc() def Mode2Filters(self, mode): # return the list of filter bandwidths for each mode if mode in ('CWL', 'CWU'): return conf.FilterBwCW if mode in ('LSB', 'USB'): return conf.FilterBwSSB if mode == 'AM': return conf.FilterBwAM if mode in ('FM', 'DGT-FM', 'DGT-IQ'): return conf.FilterBwFM if mode in ('DGT-U', 'DGT-L'): return conf.FilterBwDGT if mode[0:4] == 'FDV-': return conf.FilterBwFDV if mode == 'IMD': return conf.FilterBwIMD if mode == 'EXT': return conf.FilterBwEXT return conf.FilterBwSSB def OnSmeterRightDown(self, event): try: pos = event.GetPosition() # works for right-click self.smeter.TextCtrl.PopupMenu(self.smeter_menu, pos) except: btn = event.GetEventObject() # works for button btn.PopupMenu(self.smeter_menu, (0,0)) def OnSmeterMeterA(self, event): self.smeter_avg_seconds = 1.0 self.smeter_usage = "smeter" QS.measure_frequency(0) def OnSmeterMeterB(self, event): self.smeter_avg_seconds = 5.0 self.smeter_usage = "smeter" QS.measure_frequency(0) def OnSmeterFrequencyA(self, event): self.smeter_usage = "freq" QS.measure_frequency(2) def OnSmeterFrequencyB(self, event): self.smeter_usage = "freq" QS.measure_frequency(10) def OnSmeterAudioA(self, event): self.smeter_usage = "audio" QS.measure_audio(1) def OnSmeterAudioB(self, event): self.smeter_usage = "audio" QS.measure_audio(5) def QuiskNewId(self): try: ref = wx.NewIdRef() self.NewIdList.append(ref) rid = ref.GetValue() except AttributeError: rid = wx.NewId() return rid def MakeAccel(self, button): rid = self.QuiskNewId() self.main_frame.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, button.Shortcut, id=rid) self.accel_list.append(wx.AcceleratorEntry(wx.ACCEL_ALT, ord(button.char_shortcut), rid)) def MakeButtons(self, frame, gbs): from quisk_widgets import button_text_width margin = button_text_width # Make one or two sliders on the left self.sliderVol = SliderBoxV(frame, 'Vol', self.volumeAudio, 1000, self.ChangeVolume) self.ChangeVolume() # set initial volume level if Hardware.use_sidetone: self.sliderSto = SliderBoxV(frame, 'STo', self.sidetone_volume, 1000, self.ChangeSidetone) self.ChangeSidetone() else: self.sliderSto = None # Make four sliders on the right self.ritScale = SliderBoxV(frame, 'Rit', self.ritFreq, 2000, self.OnRitScale, False, themin=-2000) self.sliderYs = SliderBoxV(frame, 'Ys', 0, 160, self.ChangeYscale, True) self.sliderYz = SliderBoxV(frame, 'Yz', 0, 160, self.ChangeYzero, True) self.sliderZo = SliderBoxV(frame, 'Zo', 0, 1000, self.OnChangeZoom) self.sliderZo.SetValue(0) flag = wx.EXPAND # Add band buttons if conf.button_layout == 'Large screen': self.widget_row = 4 # Next available row for widgets shortcuts = [] for label in conf.bandLabels: if isinstance(label, (list, tuple)): label = label[0] shortcuts.append(conf.bandShortcuts.get(label, '')) self.bandBtnGroup = RadioButtonGroup(frame, self.OnBtnBand, conf.bandLabels, None, shortcuts) else: self.widget_row = 6 # Next available row for widgets self.bandBtnGroup = RadioBtnPopup(frame, self.OnBtnBand, conf.bandLabels, None) # Add sliders on the left gbs.Add(self.sliderVol, (0, 0), (self.widget_row, 1), flag=wx.EXPAND|wx.LEFT, border=margin) if Hardware.use_sidetone: button_start_col = 2 self.slider_columns = [0, 1] gbs.Add(self.sliderSto, (0, 1), (self.widget_row, 1), flag=flag) else: self.slider_columns = [0] button_start_col = 1 # Receive button row: Mute, AGC left_row2 = [] b = b_mute = QuiskCheckbutton(frame, self.OnBtnMute, text='Mute') b.char_shortcut = 'u' self.MakeAccel(b) left_row2.append(b) agc = QuiskCheckbutton(frame, self.OnBtnAGC, 'AGC') agc.char_shortcut = 'G' self.MakeAccel(agc) b = WrapSlider(agc, self.OnBtnAGC, display=True) b.SetDual(True) b.SetSlider(value_off=self.levelOffAGC, value_on=self.levelAGC) agc.SetValue(True, True) left_row2.append(b) b = self.BtnSquelch = QuiskCheckbutton(frame, self.OnBtnSquelch, text='Sqlch') b.char_shortcut = 'q' self.MakeAccel(b) self.sliderSquelch = WrapSlider(b, self.OnBtnSquelch, display=True) left_row2.append(self.sliderSquelch) b = QuiskCycleCheckbutton(frame, self.OnBtnNB, ('NB', 'NB 1', 'NB 2', 'NB 3')) b.char_shortcut = 'B' self.MakeAccel(b) left_row2.append(b) b = QuiskCheckbutton(frame, self.OnBtnAutoNotch, text='Notch') b.char_shortcut = 'h' self.MakeAccel(b) left_row2.append(b) try: gain_labels = Hardware.rf_gain_labels except: gain_labels = () try: ant_labels = Hardware.antenna_labels except: ant_labels = () self.BtnRfGain = None add_2 = 0 # Add two more buttons if gain_labels: b = self.BtnRfGain = QuiskCycleCheckbutton(frame, Hardware.OnButtonRfGain, gain_labels) left_row2.append(b) add_2 += 1 if ant_labels: b = QuiskCycleCheckbutton(frame, Hardware.OnButtonAntenna, ant_labels) left_row2.append(b) add_2 += 1 if add_2 == 0: b = QuiskCheckbutton(frame, None, text='RfGain') b.Enable(False) left_row2.append(b) add_2 += 1 if add_2 == 1: if 0: # Display a color chooser #b_test1 = QuiskPushbutton(frame, self.OnBtnColorDialog, 'Color') b_test1 = QuiskRepeatbutton(frame, self.OnBtnColor, 'Color', use_right=True) else: b_test1 = self.test1Button = QuiskCheckbutton(frame, self.OnBtnTest1, 'Test 1', color=conf.color_test) left_row2.append(b_test1) else: b_test1 = None # Transmit button row: Spot left_row3=[] bt = QuiskCheckbutton(frame, self.OnBtnSpot, 'Spot', color=conf.color_test) b = WrapSlider(bt, self.OnBtnSpot, slider_value=self.levelSpot, display=True) if hasattr(Hardware, 'OnSpot'): bt.char_shortcut = 'o' self.MakeAccel(bt) else: b.Enable(False) left_row3.append(b) # Split button self.split_menu = wx.Menu() item1 = self.split_menu.AppendRadioItem(-1, 'Play both, High Freq on R') self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnMenuSplitPlay1, item1) item2 = self.split_menu.AppendRadioItem(-1, 'Play both, High Freq on L') self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnMenuSplitPlay2, item2) item3 = self.split_menu.AppendRadioItem(-1, 'Play only Rx') self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnMenuSplitPlay3, item3) item4 = self.split_menu.AppendRadioItem(-1, 'Play only Tx') self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnMenuSplitPlay4, item4) if self.split_rxtx_play == 1: item1.Check() elif self.split_rxtx_play == 2: item2.Check() elif self.split_rxtx_play == 3: item3.Check() elif self.split_rxtx_play == 4: item4.Check() self.split_menu.AppendSeparator() item = self.split_menu.Append(-1, 'Reverse Rx and Tx') self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnMenuSplitRev, item) item = self.split_menu.AppendCheckItem(-1, 'Lock Tx Frequency') self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnMenuSplitLock, item) self.split_menu.AppendSeparator() item = self.split_menu.AppendRadioItem(-1, 'Hamlib control Tx') self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnMenuSplitCtlTx, item) item = self.split_menu.AppendRadioItem(-1, 'Hamlib control Rx') self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnMenuSplitCtlRx, item) b = QuiskCheckbutton(frame, self.OnBtnSplit, "Split") b.char_shortcut = 'l' self.MakeAccel(b) self.splitButton = WrapMenu(b, self.split_menu) if conf.mouse_tune_method: # Mouse motion changes the VFO frequency self.splitButton.Enable(False) left_row3.append(self.splitButton) b = QuiskCheckbutton(frame, self.OnBtnFDX, 'FDX', color=conf.color_test) if conf.add_fdx_button: b.char_shortcut = 'X' self.MakeAccel(b) else: b.Enable(False) left_row3.append(b) if hasattr(Hardware, 'OnButtonPTT'): b = QuiskCheckbutton(frame, self.OnButtonPTT, 'PTT', color='red') self.pttButton = b left_row3.append(b) b = QuiskCheckbutton(frame, self.OnButtonVOX, 'VOX') b.char_shortcut = 'V' self.MakeAccel(b) left_row3.append(b) else: b = QuiskCheckbutton(frame, None, 'PTT') b.Enable(False) left_row3.append(b) b = QuiskCheckbutton(frame, None, 'VOX') b.Enable(False) left_row3.append(b) # add another receiver self.multi_rx_menu = wx.Menu() item = self.multi_rx_menu.AppendRadioItem(-1, 'Play only') self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnMultirxPlayBoth, item) item = self.multi_rx_menu.AppendRadioItem(-1, 'Play on left') self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnMultirxPlayLeft, item) item = self.multi_rx_menu.AppendRadioItem(-1, 'Play on right') self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnMultirxPlayRight, item) btn_addrx = QuiskPushbutton(frame, self.multi_rx_screen.OnAddReceiver, "Add Rx") btn_addrx = WrapMenu(btn_addrx, self.multi_rx_menu) if not hasattr(Hardware, 'MultiRxCount'): btn_addrx.Enable(False) # Record and Playback buttons b = self.btnTmpRecord = QuiskCheckbutton(frame, self.OnBtnTmpRecord, text=conf.Xbtn_text_rec) #left_row3.append(b) b = self.btnTmpPlay = QuiskCheckbutton(frame, self.OnBtnTmpPlay, text=conf.Xbtn_text_play) b.Enable(0) #left_row3.append(b) self.btn_file_record = QuiskCheckbutton(frame, self.OnBtnFileRecord, conf.Xbtn_text_file_rec) self.btn_file_record.Enable(0) left_row3.append(self.btn_file_record) self.btnFilePlay = QuiskCheckbutton(frame, self.OnBtnFilePlay, conf.Xbtn_text_file_play) self.btnFilePlay.Enable(0) left_row3.append(self.btnFilePlay) ### Right bank of buttons mode_names = ['CWL', 'CWU', 'LSB', 'USB', 'AM', 'FM', 'DGT-U', 'DGT-L', 'DGT-FM', 'DGT-IQ', 'FDV-U', 'FDV-L', 'IMD'] labels = [('CWL', 'CWU'), ('LSB', 'USB'), 'AM', 'FM', ('DGT-U', 'DGT-L', 'DGT-FM', 'DGT-IQ')] shortcuts = ['C', 'S', 'A', 'M', 'D'] count = 5 # There is room for seven buttons if conf.add_freedv_button: n_freedv = count count += 1 labels.append('FDV-U') shortcuts.append('F') if conf.add_imd_button: n_imd = count count += 1 labels.append('IMD') shortcuts.append('I') if count < 7 and conf.add_extern_demod: labels.append(conf.add_extern_demod) mode_names.append(conf.add_extern_demod) shortcuts.append('') while count < 7: count += 1 labels.append('') shortcuts.append('') mode_names.sort() self.config_screen.favorites.SetModeEditor(mode_names) if conf.button_layout == 'Large screen': self.modeButns = RadioButtonGroup(frame, self.OnBtnMode, labels, None, shortcuts) else: labels = ['CWL', 'CWU', 'LSB', 'USB', 'AM', 'FM', 'DGT-U', 'DGT-L', 'DGT-FM', 'DGT-IQ', 'FDV-U', 'IMD'] self.modeButns = RadioBtnPopup(frame, self.OnBtnMode, labels, None) self.freedv_menu_items = {} if conf.add_freedv_button: self.freedv_menu = wx.Menu() item = self.freedv_menu.Append(-1, 'Upper sideband') self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnFreedvMenu, item) item = self.freedv_menu.Append(-1, 'Lower sideband') self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnFreedvMenu, item) self.freedv_menu.AppendSeparator() msg = conf.freedv_tx_msg QS.freedv_set_options(mode=conf.freedv_modes[0][1], tx_msg=msg, DEBUG=0, squelch=1) for mode, index in conf.freedv_modes: item = self.freedv_menu.AppendRadioItem(-1, mode) self.freedv_menu_items[index] = item self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnFreedvMenu, item) if '700D' in mode: item.Check() QS.freedv_set_options(mode=index) if conf.button_layout == 'Large screen': b = QuiskCheckbutton(frame, self.OnBtnMode, 'FDV-U') b.char_shortcut = 'F' self.btnFreeDV = WrapMenu(b, self.freedv_menu) self.modeButns.ReplaceButton(n_freedv, self.btnFreeDV) else: self.btnFreeDV = self.modeButns.AddMenu('FDV-U', self.freedv_menu) try: ok = QS.freedv_open() except: traceback.print_exc() ok = 0 if not ok: conf.add_freedv_button = False if conf.button_layout == 'Large screen': self.modeButns.GetButtons()[n_freedv].Enable(0) else: self.modeButns.Enable('FDV-U', False) if conf.add_imd_button: val = 500 QS.set_imd_level(val) if conf.button_layout == 'Large screen': b = QuiskCheckbutton(frame, None, 'IMD', color=conf.color_test) b.char_shortcut = 'I' b = WrapSlider(b, self.OnImdSlider, slider_value=val, display=True) self.modeButns.ReplaceButton(n_imd, b) else: self.modeButns.AddSlider('IMD', self.OnImdSlider, slider_value=val, display=True) labels = ('2000', '2000', '2000', '2000', '2000', '2000') self.filterButns = RadioButtonGroup(frame, self.OnBtnFilter, labels, None) b = QuiskCheckbutton(frame, None, str(self.filterAdjBw1)) b = WrapSlider(b, self.OnBtnAdjFilter, slider_value=self.filterAdjBw1, wintype='filter') self.filterButns.ReplaceButton(5, b) right_row2 = self.filterButns.GetButtons() if self.rate_audio_fft: t = "Audio FFT" elif self.bandscope_clock: # Hermes UDP protocol t = "Bscope" else: t = "RX Filter" if conf.button_layout == 'Large screen': labels = (('Graph', 'GraphP1', 'GraphP2'), 'WFall', ('Scope', 'Scope'), 'Config', t, 'Help') self.screenBtnGroup = RadioButtonGroup(frame, self.OnBtnScreen, labels, conf.default_screen) right_row3 = self.screenBtnGroup.GetButtons() else: labels = ('Graph', 'GraphP1', 'GraphP2', 'WFall', 'Scope', 'Config', t) self.screenBtnGroup = RadioBtnPopup(frame, self.OnBtnScreen, labels, conf.default_screen) # Top row ----------------- # Band down button szr = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) # add control to box sizer for centering b_bandupdown = szr b = QuiskRepeatbutton(frame, self.OnBtnDownBand, conf.Xbtn_text_range_dn, self.OnBtnUpDnBandDone, use_right=True) szr.Add(b, 1, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.RIGHT, border=1) # Band up button b = QuiskRepeatbutton(frame, self.OnBtnUpBand, conf.Xbtn_text_range_up, self.OnBtnUpDnBandDone, use_right=True) szr.Add(b, 1, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.LEFT, border=1) # Memory buttons szr = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) # add control to box sizer for centering b_membtn = szr b = QuiskPushbutton(frame, self.OnBtnMemSave, conf.Xbtn_text_mem_add) szr.Add(b, 1, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.RIGHT, border=1) b = self.memNextButton = QuiskPushbutton(frame, self.OnBtnMemNext, conf.Xbtn_text_mem_next) b.Enable(False) self.Bind(wx.EVT_RIGHT_DOWN, self.OnRightClickMemory, b) szr.Add(b, 1, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT, border=1) b = self.memDeleteButton = QuiskPushbutton(frame, self.OnBtnMemDelete, conf.Xbtn_text_mem_del) b.Enable(False) szr.Add(b, 1, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.LEFT, border=1) # Favorites buttons szr = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) # add control to box sizer for centering b_fav = szr b = self.StationNewButton = QuiskPushbutton(frame, self.OnBtnFavoritesNew, conf.Xbtn_text_fav_add) szr.Add(b, 1, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.RIGHT, border=1) b = self.StationNewButton = QuiskPushbutton(frame, self.OnBtnFavoritesShow, conf.Xbtn_text_fav_recall) szr.Add(b, 1, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.LEFT, border=1) # Add another receiver szr = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) # add control to box sizer for centering b_addrx = szr szr.Add(btn_addrx, 1, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.RIGHT, border=1) # Temporary play and record szr = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) # add control to box sizer for centering b_tmprec = szr szr.Add(self.btnTmpRecord, 1, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.RIGHT, border=1) szr.Add(self.btnTmpPlay, 1, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.LEFT, border=1) # RIT button szr = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) # add control to box sizer for centering b_rit = szr self.ritButton = QuiskCheckbutton(frame, self.OnBtnRit, "RIT") szr.Add(self.ritButton, 1, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.RIGHT, border=1) self.ritButton.SetLabel("RIT %d" % self.ritFreq) self.ritButton.Refresh() # Frequency display bw, bh = b_mute.GetMinSize() b_freqdisp = self.freqDisplay = FrequencyDisplay(frame, 99999, bh * 15 // 10) self.freqDisplay.Display(self.txFreq + self.VFO) # On/Off button if conf.button_layout == 'Large screen': b_onoff = QuiskCheckbutton(frame, self.OnBtnOnOff, "On", color='#77DD77') b_onoff.SetValue(True, do_cmd=False) h = b_freqdisp.height b_onoff.SetSizeHints(h, h, h, h) # Frequency entry if conf.button_layout == 'Large screen': e = wx.TextCtrl(frame, -1, '', size=(10, bh), style=wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER) font = wx.Font(10, wx.FONTFAMILY_SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.FONTWEIGHT_NORMAL, False, conf.quisk_typeface) e.SetFont(font) e.SetBackgroundColour(conf.color_entry) e.SetForegroundColour(conf.color_entry_txt) szr = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) # add control to box sizer for centering b_freqenter = szr szr.Add(e, 1, flag=wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) frame.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER, self.FreqEntry, source=e) # S-meter self.smeter = QuiskText(frame, ' S9+23 -166.00 dB ', bh, wx.ALIGN_LEFT, True) b = QuiskPushbutton(frame, self.OnSmeterRightDown, '..') szr = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) b_smeter = szr szr.Add(self.smeter, 1, flag=wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) szr.Add(b, 0, flag=wx.ALIGN_RIGHT|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) self.smeter.TextCtrl.Bind(wx.EVT_RIGHT_DOWN, self.OnSmeterRightDown) self.smeter.TextCtrl.SetBackgroundColour(conf.color_freq) self.smeter.TextCtrl.SetForegroundColour(conf.color_freq_txt) # Make a popup menu for the s-meter self.smeter_menu = wx.Menu() item = self.smeter_menu.Append(-1, 'S-meter 1') self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnSmeterMeterA, item) item = self.smeter_menu.Append(-1, 'S-meter 5') self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnSmeterMeterB, item) item = self.smeter_menu.Append(-1, 'Frequency 2') self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnSmeterFrequencyA, item) item = self.smeter_menu.Append(-1, 'Frequency 10') self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnSmeterFrequencyB, item) item = self.smeter_menu.Append(-1, 'Audio 1') self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnSmeterAudioA, item) item = self.smeter_menu.Append(-1, 'Audio 5') self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnSmeterAudioB, item) # Make a popup menu for the memory buttons self.memory_menu = wx.Menu() # Place the buttons on the screen if conf.button_layout == 'Large screen': # There are fourteen columns, a small gap column, and then twelve more columns band_buttons = self.bandBtnGroup.buttons if len(band_buttons) <= 7: bmax = 7 span = 2 else: bmax = 14 span = 1 col = 0 for b in band_buttons[0:bmax]: gbs.Add(b, (1, button_start_col + col), (1, span), flag=flag) col += span while col < 14: b = QuiskCheckbutton(frame, None, text='') gbs.Add(b, (1, button_start_col + col), (1, span), flag=flag) col += span col = button_start_col for b in left_row2: gbs.Add(b, (2, col), (1, 2), flag=flag) col += 2 col = button_start_col for b in left_row3: gbs.Add(b, (3, col), (1, 2), flag=flag) col += 2 col = 15 for b in self.modeButns.GetButtons(): if col in (19, 20): # single column gbs.Add(b, (1, button_start_col + col), flag=flag) col += 1 else: # double column gbs.Add(b, (1, button_start_col + col), (1, 2), flag=flag) col += 2 col = button_start_col + 15 for i in range(0, 6): gbs.Add(right_row2[i], (2, col), (1, 2), flag=flag) gbs.Add(right_row3[i], (3, col), (1, 2), flag=flag) col += 2 gbs.Add(b_onoff, (0, button_start_col), (1, 1), flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.TOP | wx.BOTTOM, border=self.freqDisplay.border) gbs.Add(b_freqdisp, (0, button_start_col + 1), (1, 5), flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.TOP | wx.BOTTOM, border=self.freqDisplay.border) gbs.Add(b_freqenter, (0, button_start_col + 6), (1, 2), flag = wx.EXPAND|wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT, border=5) gbs.Add(b_bandupdown, (0, button_start_col + 8), (1, 2), flag=wx.EXPAND) gbs.Add(b_membtn, (0, button_start_col + 11), (1, 3), flag = wx.EXPAND) gbs.Add(b_fav, (0, button_start_col + 15), (1, 2), flag=wx.EXPAND) gbs.Add(b_tmprec, (0, button_start_col + 17), (1, 2), flag=wx.EXPAND) gbs.Add(b_addrx, (0, button_start_col + 19), (1, 2), flag=wx.EXPAND) gbs.Add(b_smeter, (0, button_start_col + 21), (1, 4), flag=wx.EXPAND) gbs.Add(b_rit, (0, button_start_col + 25), (1, 2), flag=wx.EXPAND) col = button_start_col + 28 self.slider_columns += [col, col + 1, col + 2, col + 3] gbs.Add(self.ritScale, (0, col ), (self.widget_row, 1), flag=wx.EXPAND|wx.LEFT, border=margin) gbs.Add(self.sliderYs, (0, col + 1), (self.widget_row, 1), flag=flag) gbs.Add(self.sliderYz, (0, col + 2), (self.widget_row, 1), flag=flag) gbs.Add(self.sliderZo, (0, col + 3), (self.widget_row, 1), flag=flag) for i in range(button_start_col, button_start_col + 14): gbs.AddGrowableCol(i,1) for i in range(button_start_col + 15, button_start_col + 27): gbs.AddGrowableCol(i,1) else: gbs.Add(b_freqdisp, (0, button_start_col), (1, 6), flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.TOP | wx.BOTTOM, border=self.freqDisplay.border) gbs.Add(b_bandupdown, (0, button_start_col + 6), (1, 2), flag=wx.EXPAND) gbs.Add(b_smeter, (0, button_start_col + 8), (1, 4), flag=wx.EXPAND) gbs.Add(self.bandBtnGroup.GetPopControl(), (1, button_start_col), (1, 2), flag=flag) gbs.Add(self.modeButns.GetPopControl(), (3, button_start_col), (1, 2), flag=flag) gbs.Add(self.screenBtnGroup.GetPopControl(), (4, button_start_col), (1, 2), flag=flag) b = QuiskCheckbutton(frame, self.OnBtnHelp, 'Help') gbs.Add(b, (5, button_start_col), (1, 2), flag=flag) gbs.Add(b_membtn, (1, button_start_col + 2), (1, 3), flag = wx.EXPAND) gbs.Add(b_fav, (1, button_start_col + 5), (1, 2), flag = wx.EXPAND) gbs.Add(b_tmprec, (1, button_start_col + 7), (1, 2), flag=wx.EXPAND) b = QuiskPushbutton(frame, None, '') gbs.Add(b, (1, button_start_col + 9), (1, 1), flag=wx.EXPAND) gbs.Add(b_rit, (1, button_start_col + 10), (1, 2), flag=wx.EXPAND) row = 2 col = button_start_col for b in self.filterButns.GetButtons(): gbs.Add(b, (row, col), (1, 2), flag=flag) col += 2 buttons = left_row2 + left_row3 if b_test1: buttons.remove(b_test1) buttons += [b_test1, b_addrx] else: buttons += [b_addrx] row = 3 col = 2 for b in buttons: gbs.Add(b, (row, button_start_col + col), (1, 2), flag=flag) col += 2 if col >= 12: row += 1 col = 2 col = button_start_col + 12 self.slider_columns += [col, col + 1, col + 2, col + 3] gbs.Add(self.ritScale, (0, col), (self.widget_row, 1), flag=wx.EXPAND|wx.LEFT, border=margin) gbs.Add(self.sliderYs, (0, col + 1), (self.widget_row, 1), flag=flag) gbs.Add(self.sliderYz, (0, col + 2), (self.widget_row, 1), flag=flag) gbs.Add(self.sliderZo, (0, col + 3), (self.widget_row, 1), flag=flag) for i in range(button_start_col, button_start_col + 12): gbs.AddGrowableCol(i,1) self.button_start_col = button_start_col def MeasureAudioVoltage(self): v = QS.measure_audio(-1) t = "%11.3f" % v t = t[0:1] + ' ' + t[1:4] + ' ' + t[4:] + ' uV' self.smeter.SetLabel(t) def MeasureFrequency(self): vfo = Hardware.ReturnVfoFloat() if vfo is None: vfo = self.VFO vfo += Hardware.transverter_offset t = '%13.2f' % (QS.measure_frequency(-1) + vfo) t = t[0:4] + ' ' + t[4:7] + ' ' + t[7:] + ' Hz' self.smeter.SetLabel(t) def NewDVmeter(self): if conf.add_freedv_button: snr = QS.freedv_get_snr() txt = QS.freedv_get_rx_char() self.graph.ScrollMsg(txt) self.waterfall.ScrollMsg(txt) else: snr = 0.0 t = " SNR %3.0f" % snr self.smeter.SetLabel(t) def NewSmeter(self): self.smeter_db_count += 1 # count for average x = QS.get_smeter() self.smeter_db_sum += x # sum for average if self.timer - self.smeter_db_time0 > self.smeter_avg_seconds: # average time reached self.smeter_db = self.smeter_db_sum / self.smeter_db_count self.smeter_db_count = self.smeter_db_sum = 0 self.smeter_db_time0 = self.timer if self.smeter_sunits < x: # S-meter moves to peak value self.smeter_sunits = x else: # S-meter decays at this time constant self.smeter_sunits -= (self.smeter_sunits - x) * (self.timer - self.smeter_sunits_time0) self.smeter_sunits_time0 = self.timer s = self.smeter_sunits / 6.0 # change to S units; 6db per S unit s += Hardware.correct_smeter # S-meter correction for the gain, band, etc. if s < 0: s = 0 if s >= 9.5: s = (s - 9.0) * 6 t = " S9+%2.0f %7.2f dB" % (s, self.smeter_db) else: t = " S%.0f %7.2f dB" % (s, self.smeter_db) self.smeter.SetLabel(t) def MakeFilterButtons(self, args): # Change the filter selections depending on the mode: CW, SSB, etc. # Do not change the adjustable filter buttons. buttons = self.filterButns.GetButtons() for i in range(0, len(buttons) - 1): label = str(args[i]) buttons[i].SetLabel(label) buttons[i].Refresh() if label: buttons[i].Enable(1) else: buttons[i].Enable(0) def MakeFilterCoef(self, rate, N, bw, center): """Make an I/Q filter with rectangular passband.""" center = abs(center) lowpass = bw * 24000 // rate // 2 if lowpass in Filters: filtD = Filters[lowpass] #print ("Custom filter key %d rate %d bandwidth %d size %d" % (lowpass, rate, bw, len(filtD))) else: #print ("Window filter key %d rate %d bandwidth %d" % (lowpass, rate, bw)) if N is None: shape = 1.5 # Shape factor at 88 dB trans = (bw / 2.0 / rate) * (shape - 1.0) # 88 dB atten N = int(4.0 / trans) if N > 1000: N = 1000 N = (N // 2) * 2 + 1 K = bw * N // rate filtD = [] pi = math.pi sin = math.sin cos = math.cos for k in range(-N//2, N//2 + 1): # Make a lowpass filter if k == 0: z = float(K) / N else: z = 1.0 / N * sin(pi * k * K / N) / sin(pi * k / N) # Apply a windowing function if 1: # Blackman window w = 0.42 + 0.5 * cos(2. * pi * k / N) + 0.08 * cos(4. * pi * k / N) elif 0: # Hamming w = 0.54 + 0.46 * cos(2. * pi * k / N) elif 0: # Hanning w = 0.5 + 0.5 * cos(2. * pi * k / N) else: w = 1 z *= w filtD.append(z) if center: # Make a bandpass filter by tuning the low pass filter to new center frequency. # Make two quadrature filters. filtI = [] filtQ = [] tune = -1j * 2.0 * math.pi * center / rate NN = len(filtD) D = (NN - 1.0) / 2.0 for i in range(NN): z = 2.0 * cmath.exp(tune * (i - D)) * filtD[i] filtI.append(z.real) filtQ.append(z.imag) return filtI, filtQ return filtD, filtD def SetFilterByMode(self, mode): index = self.modeFilter[mode] try: bw = int(self.filterButns.buttons[index].GetLabel()) except: bw = int(self.filterButns.buttons[0].GetLabel()) self.OnBtnFilter(None, bw) def GetFilterCenter(self, mode, bandwidth): if mode in ('CWU', 'CWL'): center = max(conf.cwTone, bandwidth // 2) elif mode in ('LSB', 'USB'): center = 300 + bandwidth // 2 elif mode in ('AM',): center = 0 elif mode in ('FM',): center = 0 elif mode in ('DGT-U', 'DGT-L'): center = max(1500, bandwidth // 2) elif mode in ('DGT-IQ', 'DGT-FM'): center = 0 elif mode in ('FDV-U', 'FDV-L'): center = max(1500, bandwidth // 2) elif mode in ('IMD',): center = 300 + bandwidth // 2 else: center = 300 + bandwidth // 2 if mode in ('CWL', 'LSB', 'DGT-L', 'FDV-L'): center = - center return center def OnBtnAdjFilter(self, event): btn = event.GetEventObject() bw = int(btn.GetLabel()) self.filterAdjBw1 = bw if self.filterButns.GetIndex() == 5: self.OnBtnFilter(event) def OnBtnFilter(self, event, bw=None): if event is None: # called by application self.filterButns.SetLabel(str(bw)) else: # called by button btn = event.GetEventObject() bw = int(btn.GetLabel()) index = self.filterButns.GetIndex() mode = self.mode frate = QS.get_filter_rate(Mode2Index.get(mode, 3), bw) bw = min(bw, frate // 2) self.filter_bandwidth = bw center = self.GetFilterCenter(mode, bw) # save and restore filter when changing modes if mode in ('CWU', 'CWL'): self.modeFilter['CW'] = index elif mode in ('LSB', 'USB'): self.modeFilter['SSB'] = index elif mode in ('AM',): self.modeFilter['AM'] = index elif mode in ('FM',): self.modeFilter['FM'] = index elif mode in ('DGT-U', 'DGT-L'): self.modeFilter['DGT'] = index elif mode in ('DGT-IQ', 'DGT-FM'): self.modeFilter['DGT'] = index elif mode in ('FDV-U', 'FDV-L'): self.modeFilter['FDV'] = index elif mode in ('IMD',): self.modeFilter['IMD'] = index filtI, filtQ = self.MakeFilterCoef(frate, None, bw, center) lower_edge = center - bw // 2 QS.set_filters(filtI, filtQ, bw, lower_edge, 0) self.multi_rx_screen.graph.filter_mode = mode self.multi_rx_screen.graph.filter_bandwidth = bw self.multi_rx_screen.graph.filter_center = center self.multi_rx_screen.waterfall.pane1.filter_mode = mode self.multi_rx_screen.waterfall.pane1.filter_bandwidth = bw self.multi_rx_screen.waterfall.pane1.filter_center = center self.multi_rx_screen.waterfall.pane2.filter_mode = mode self.multi_rx_screen.waterfall.pane2.filter_bandwidth = bw self.multi_rx_screen.waterfall.pane2.filter_center = center if self.screen is self.filter_screen: self.screen.NewFilter() def OnFreedvMenu(self, event): idd = event.GetId() text = self.freedv_menu.GetLabel(idd) if text[0:5] == 'Upper': self.btnFreeDV.SetLabel('FDV-U') self.btnFreeDV.Refresh() self.OnBtnMode(None, 'FDV-U') return if text[0:5] == 'Lower': self.btnFreeDV.SetLabel('FDV-L') self.btnFreeDV.Refresh() self.OnBtnMode(None, 'FDV-L') return for mode, index in conf.freedv_modes: if mode == text: break else: print ("Failure in OnFreedvMenu") return mode = QS.freedv_set_options(mode=index) if mode != index: # change to new mode failed self.freedv_menu_items[mode].Check(1) pos = (self.width//2, self.height//2) dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self.main_frame, "No codec2 support for mode " + text, "FreeDV Modes", wx.OK, pos) dlg.ShowModal() def OnBtnHelp(self, event): if event.GetEventObject().GetValue(): self.OnBtnScreen(None, 'Help') else: self.OnBtnScreen(None, self.screenBtnGroup.GetLabel()) def OnBtnScreen(self, event, name=None): if event is not None: win = event.GetEventObject() name = win.GetLabel() self.screen.Hide() self.station_screen.Hide() if name == 'Config': self.config_screen.FinishPages() self.screen = self.config_screen elif name[0:5] == 'Graph': self.screen = self.multi_rx_screen self.screen.ChangeRxZero(True) self.screen.SetTxFreq(self.txFreq, self.rxFreq) self.freqDisplay.Display(self.VFO + self.txFreq) self.screen.PeakHold(name) self.station_screen.Show() elif name == 'WFall': self.screen = self.multi_rx_screen self.screen.ChangeRxZero(False) self.screen.SetTxFreq(self.txFreq, self.rxFreq) self.freqDisplay.Display(self.VFO + self.txFreq) sash = self.screen.GetSashPosition() self.station_screen.Show() elif name == 'Scope': if win.direction: # Another push on the same button self.scope.running = 1 - self.scope.running # Toggle run state else: # Initial push of button self.scope.running = 1 self.screen = self.scope elif name == 'RX Filter': self.screen = self.filter_screen self.freqDisplay.Display(self.screen.txFreq) self.screen.NewFilter() elif name == 'Bscope': self.screen = self.bandscope_screen self.screen.SetTxFreq(self.txFreq, self.rxFreq) elif name == 'Audio FFT': self.screen = self.audio_fft_screen self.freqDisplay.Display(self.screen.txFreq) elif name == 'Help': self.screen = self.help_screen self.screen.Show() self.vertBox.Layout() # This destroys the initialized sash position! self.sliderYs.SetValue(self.screen.y_scale) self.sliderYz.SetValue(self.screen.y_zero) self.sliderZo.SetValue(self.screen.zoom_control) if name == 'WFall': self.screen.SetSashPosition(sash) def OnBtnFileRecord(self, event): if event.GetEventObject().GetValue(): QS.set_file_name(record_button=1) else: QS.set_file_name(record_button=0) def ChangeYscale(self, event): self.screen.ChangeYscale(self.sliderYs.GetValue()) if self.screen == self.multi_rx_screen: if self.multi_rx_screen.rx_zero == self.waterfall: self.wfallScaleZ[self.lastBand] = (self.waterfall.y_scale, self.waterfall.y_zero) elif self.multi_rx_screen.rx_zero == self.graph: self.graphScaleZ[self.lastBand] = (self.graph.y_scale, self.graph.y_zero) def ChangeYzero(self, event): self.screen.ChangeYzero(self.sliderYz.GetValue()) if self.screen == self.multi_rx_screen: if self.multi_rx_screen.rx_zero == self.waterfall: self.wfallScaleZ[self.lastBand] = (self.waterfall.y_scale, self.waterfall.y_zero) elif self.multi_rx_screen.rx_zero == self.graph: self.graphScaleZ[self.lastBand] = (self.graph.y_scale, self.graph.y_zero) def OnChangeZoom(self, event): zoom_control = self.sliderZo.GetValue() if self.screen == self.bandscope_screen: self.bandscope_screen.ChangeZoom(zoom_control) self.bandscope_screen.SetTxFreq(self.txFreq, self.rxFreq) return # The display runs from f1 to f2. The original sample rate is "rate". # The new effective sample rate is rate * zoom. # f1 = deltaf + rate * (1 - zoom) / 2 if zoom_control < 50: self.zoom = 1.0 # change back to not-zoomed mode self.zoom_deltaf = 0 self.zooming = False else: a = 1000.0 * self.sample_rate / (self.sample_rate - 2500.0) self.zoom = 1.0 - zoom_control / a if not self.zooming: # set deltaf when zoom mode starts center = self.multi_rx_screen.graph.filter_center freq = self.rxFreq + center self.zoom_deltaf = freq self.zooming = True zoom = self.zoom deltaf = self.zoom_deltaf self.graph.ChangeZoom(zoom, deltaf, zoom_control) self.waterfall.ChangeZoom(zoom, deltaf, zoom_control) self.screen.SetTxFreq(self.txFreq, self.rxFreq) self.station_screen.Refresh() def OnLevelVOX(self, event): self.levelVOX = event.GetEventObject().GetValue() if self.useVOX: QS.set_tx_audio(vox_level=self.levelVOX) def OnTimeVOX(self, event): self.timeVOX = event.GetEventObject().GetValue() QS.set_tx_audio(vox_time=self.timeVOX) def OnButtonVOX(self, event): self.useVOX = event.GetEventObject().GetValue() if self.useVOX: QS.set_tx_audio(vox_level=self.levelVOX) else: QS.set_tx_audio(vox_level=20) if self.pttButton.GetValue(): self.pttButton.SetValue(0, True) def OnButtonPTT(self, event): if self.file_play_source == 12 and self.btnFilePlay.GetValue(): # playing CQ file self.btnFilePlay.SetValue(False, True) Hardware.OnButtonPTT(event) def SetPTT(self, value): if self.pttButton: self.pttButton.SetValue(value, False) event = wx.PyEvent() event.SetEventObject(self.pttButton) Hardware.OnButtonPTT(event) def OnTxAudioClip(self, event): v = event.GetEventObject().GetValue() if self.mode in ('USB', 'LSB'): self.txAudioClipUsb = v elif self.mode == 'AM': self.txAudioClipAm = v elif self.mode == 'FM': self.txAudioClipFm = v elif self.mode in ('FDV-U', 'FDV-L'): self.txAudioClipFdv = v else: return QS.set_tx_audio(mic_clip=v) def OnTxAudioPreemph(self, event): v = event.GetEventObject().GetValue() if self.mode in ('USB', 'LSB'): self.txAudioPreemphUsb = v elif self.mode == 'AM': self.txAudioPreemphAm = v elif self.mode == 'FM': self.txAudioPreemphFm = v elif self.mode in ('FDV-U', 'FDV-L'): self.txAudioPreemphFdv = v else: return QS.set_tx_audio(mic_preemphasis = v * 0.01) def SetTxAudio(self): if self.mode[0:3] in ('CWL', 'CWU', 'FDV', 'DGT'): self.CtrlTxAudioClip.slider.Enable(False) self.CtrlTxAudioPreemph.slider.Enable(False) else: self.CtrlTxAudioClip.slider.Enable(True) self.CtrlTxAudioPreemph.slider.Enable(True) if self.mode in ('USB', 'LSB'): clp = self.txAudioClipUsb pre = self.txAudioPreemphUsb elif self.mode == 'AM': clp = self.txAudioClipAm pre = self.txAudioPreemphAm elif self.mode == 'FM': clp = self.txAudioClipFm pre = self.txAudioPreemphFm else: clp = 0 pre = 0 QS.set_tx_audio(mic_clip=clp, mic_preemphasis=pre * 0.01) self.CtrlTxAudioClip.SetValue(clp) self.CtrlTxAudioPreemph.SetValue(pre) def OnBtnMute(self, event): btn = event.GetEventObject() if btn.GetValue(): QS.set_volume(0) else: QS.set_volume(self.audio_volume) def OnMultirxPlayBoth(self, event): QS.set_multirx_play_method(0) def OnMultirxPlayLeft(self, event): QS.set_multirx_play_method(1) def OnMultirxPlayRight(self, event): QS.set_multirx_play_method(2) def OnBtnDecimation(self, event=None, rate=None): if event: i = event.GetSelection() rate = Hardware.VarDecimSet(i) self.vardecim_set = rate if rate != self.sample_rate: self.sample_rate = rate self.multi_rx_screen.ChangeSampleRate(rate) QS.change_rate(rate, 1) #print ('FFT size %d, FFT mult %d, average_count %d, rate %d, Refresh %.2f Hz' % ( # self.fft_size, self.fft_size / self.data_width, average_count, rate, # float(rate) / self.fft_size / average_count)) tune = self.txFreq vfo = self.VFO self.txFreq = self.VFO = -1 # demand change self.ChangeHwFrequency(tune, vfo, 'NewDecim') def ChangeVolume(self, event=None): # Caution: event can be None value = self.sliderVol.GetValue() self.volumeAudio = value # Simulate log taper pot B = 50.0 # This controls the gain at mid-volume x = (B ** (value/1000.0) - 1.0) / (B - 1.0) # x is 0.0 to 1.0 #print ("Vol %3d %10.6f" % (value, x)) self.audio_volume = x # audio_volume is 0 to 1.000 QS.set_volume(x) def ChangeSidetone(self, event=None): # Caution: event can be None value = self.sliderSto.GetValue() self.sidetone_volume = value # Simulate log taper pot B = 50.0 # This controls the gain at mid-volume x = (B ** (value/1000.0) - 1.0) / (B - 1.0) # x is 0.0 to 1.0 self.sidetone_0to1 = x QS.set_sidetone(value, x, self.ritFreq, conf.keyupDelay) if hasattr(Hardware, 'ChangeSidetone'): Hardware.ChangeSidetone(x) def OnRitScale(self, event=None): # Called when the RIT slider is moved # Caution: event can be None value = self.ritScale.GetValue() self.ritButton.SetLabel("RIT %d" % value) self.ritButton.Refresh() if self.ritButton.GetValue(): value = int(value) self.ritFreq = value self.graph.ritFreq = value self.waterfall.pane1.ritFreq = value self.waterfall.pane2.ritFreq = value QS.set_tune(self.rxFreq + self.ritFreq, self.txFreq) QS.set_sidetone(self.sidetone_volume, self.sidetone_0to1, self.ritFreq, conf.keyupDelay) def OnBtnSplit(self, event): # Called when the Split check button is pressed self.split_rxtx = self.splitButton.GetValue() if self.split_rxtx: QS.set_split_rxtx(self.split_rxtx_play) self.rxFreq = self.oldRxFreq d = self.sample_rate * 49 // 100 # Move rxFreq on-screen if self.rxFreq < -d: self.rxFreq = -d elif self.rxFreq > d: self.rxFreq = d else: QS.set_split_rxtx(0) self.oldRxFreq = self.rxFreq self.rxFreq = self.txFreq self.screen.SetTxFreq(self.txFreq, self.rxFreq) QS.set_tune(self.rxFreq + self.ritFreq, self.txFreq) def OnMenuSplitPlay1(self, event): self.split_rxtx_play = 1 if self.split_rxtx: QS.set_split_rxtx(1) def OnMenuSplitPlay2(self, event): self.split_rxtx_play = 2 if self.split_rxtx: QS.set_split_rxtx(2) def OnMenuSplitPlay3(self, event): self.split_rxtx_play = 3 if self.split_rxtx: QS.set_split_rxtx(3) def OnMenuSplitPlay4(self, event): self.split_rxtx_play = 4 if self.split_rxtx: QS.set_split_rxtx(4) def OnMenuSplitLock(self, event): if self.split_locktx: self.split_locktx = False self.splitButton.SetLabel("Split") else: self.split_locktx = True self.splitButton.SetLabel("LkSplit") self.splitButton.Refresh() def OnMenuSplitRev(self, event): # Called when the Split Reverse button is pressed if self.split_rxtx: rx = self.rxFreq self.rxFreq = self.txFreq self.ChangeHwFrequency(rx, self.VFO, 'FreqEntry') def OnMenuSplitCtlTx(self, event): self.split_hamlib_tx = True def OnMenuSplitCtlRx(self, event): self.split_hamlib_tx = False def OnBtnRit(self, event=None): # Called when the RIT check button is pressed # Caution: event can be None if self.ritButton.GetValue(): self.ritFreq = self.ritScale.GetValue() else: self.ritFreq = 0 self.graph.ritFreq = self.ritFreq self.waterfall.pane1.ritFreq = self.ritFreq self.waterfall.pane2.ritFreq = self.ritFreq QS.set_tune(self.rxFreq + self.ritFreq, self.txFreq) QS.set_sidetone(self.sidetone_volume, self.sidetone_0to1, self.ritFreq, conf.keyupDelay) def SetRit(self, freq): if freq: self.ritButton.SetValue(1) else: self.ritButton.SetValue(0) self.ritScale.SetValue(freq) self.ritButton.SetLabel("RIT %d" % freq) self.ritButton.Refresh() self.OnBtnRit() def OnBtnFDX(self, event): btn = event.GetEventObject() if btn.GetValue(): QS.set_fdx(1) if hasattr(Hardware, 'OnBtnFDX'): Hardware.OnBtnFDX(1) else: QS.set_fdx(0) if hasattr(Hardware, 'OnBtnFDX'): Hardware.OnBtnFDX(0) def OnImdSlider(self, event): value = event.GetEventObject().slider_value QS.set_imd_level(value) def OnBtnSpot(self, event): btn = event.GetEventObject() self.levelSpot = btn.slider_value if btn.GetValue(): value = btn.slider_value else: value = -1 QS.set_spot_level(value) Hardware.OnSpot(value) if conf.spot_button_keys_tx and self.pttButton: Hardware.OnButtonPTT(event) def OnBtnTmpRecord(self, event): btn = event.GetEventObject() if btn.GetValue(): self.btnTmpPlay.Enable(0) QS.set_record_state(0) else: self.btnTmpPlay.Enable(1) QS.set_record_state(1) def OnBtnTmpPlay(self, event): btn = event.GetEventObject() if btn.GetValue(): if QS.is_key_down() and conf.mic_sample_rate != conf.playback_rate: self.btnTmpPlay.SetValue(False, False) else: self.btnTmpRecord.Enable(0) QS.set_record_state(2) self.tmp_playing = True else: self.btnTmpRecord.Enable(1) QS.set_record_state(3) self.tmp_playing = False def OnBtnFilePlay(self, event): btn = event.GetEventObject() enable = btn.GetValue() if enable: self.file_play_state = 1 # Start playing a file if self.file_play_source == 10: # Play speaker audio file QS.set_record_state(5) elif self.file_play_source == 11: # Play sample file QS.set_record_state(6) elif self.file_play_source == 12: # Play CQ file QS.set_record_state(5) self.SetPTT(True) else: self.file_play_state = 0 # Not playing a file QS.set_record_state(3) if self.file_play_source == 12: # Play CQ file self.SetPTT(False) def TurnOffFilePlay(self): self.btnFilePlay.SetValue(False, False) self.file_play_state = 0 # Not playing a file QS.set_record_state(3) def OnBtnTest1(self, event): btn = event.GetEventObject() if btn.GetValue(): QS.add_tone(10000) else: QS.add_tone(0) def OnBtnTest2(self, event): return def OnBtnColorDialog(self, event): btn = event.GetEventObject() dlg = wx.ColourDialog(self.main_frame) dlg.GetColourData().SetChooseFull(True) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: data = dlg.GetColourData() print (data.GetColour().Get(False)) btn.text_color = data.GetColour().Get(False) btn.Refresh() dlg.Destroy() def OnBtnColor(self, event): if not self.color_list: clist = wx.lib.colourdb.getColourInfoList() self.color_list = [(0, clist[0][0])] self.color_index = 0 for i in range(1, len(clist)): if self.color_list[-1][1].replace(' ', '') != clist[i][0].replace(' ', ''): #if 'BLUE' in clist[i][0]: self.color_list.append((i, clist[i][0])) btn = event.GetEventObject() if btn.shift: del self.color_list[self.color_index] else: self.color_index += btn.direction if self.color_index >= len(self.color_list): self.color_index = 0 elif self.color_index < 0: self.color_index = len(self.color_list) -1 color = self.color_list[self.color_index][1] print(self.color_index, color) #self.main_frame.SetBackgroundColour(color) #self.main_frame.Refresh() #self.screen.Refresh() #btn.SetBackgroundColour(color) btn.text_color = color btn.Refresh() def OnBtnAGC(self, event): btn = event.GetEventObject() self.levelOffAGC = btn.slider_value_off self.levelAGC = btn.slider_value_on value = btn.GetValue() if value: level = self.levelAGC else: level = self.levelOffAGC # Simulate log taper pot. Volume is 0 to 1. x = (10.0 ** (float(level) * 0.003000434077) - 0.99999) / 1000.0 QS.set_agc(x * conf.agc_max_gain) def OnBtnSquelch(self, event=None): btn = self.BtnSquelch value = btn.GetValue() if self.mode == 'FM': self.levelSquelch = btn.slider_value if value: QS.set_squelch(self.levelSquelch / 12.0 - 120.0) else: QS.set_squelch(-999.0) else: self.levelSquelchSSB = btn.slider_value if value: QS.set_ssb_squelch(1, self.levelSquelchSSB) else: QS.set_ssb_squelch(0, self.levelSquelchSSB) def OnBtnAutoNotch(self, event): if event.GetEventObject().GetValue(): QS.set_auto_notch(1) else: QS.set_auto_notch(0) def OnBtnNB(self, event): index = event.GetEventObject().index QS.set_noise_blanker(index) def FreqEntry(self, event): freq = event.GetString() win = event.GetEventObject() win.Clear() if not freq: return try: freq = str2freq (freq) except ValueError: pass else: tune = freq % 10000 vfo = freq - tune self.BandFromFreq(freq) self.ChangeHwFrequency(tune, vfo, 'FreqEntry') def ChangeHwFrequency(self, tune, vfo, source='', band='', event=None): """Change the VFO and tuning frequencies, and notify the hardware. tune: the new tuning frequency in +- sample_rate/2; vfo: the new vfo frequency in Hertz; this is the RF frequency at zero Hz audio source: a string indicating the source or widget requesting the change; band: if source is "BtnBand", the band requested; event: for a widget, the event (used to access control/shift key state). Try to update the hardware by calling Hardware.ChangeFrequency(). The hardware will reply with the updated frequencies which may be different from those requested; use and display the returned tune and vfo. """ if self.screen == self.bandscope_screen: freq = vfo + tune tune = freq % 10000 vfo = freq - tune tune, vfo = Hardware.ChangeFrequency(vfo + tune, vfo, source, band, event) self.ChangeDisplayFrequency(tune - vfo, vfo) def ChangeDisplayFrequency(self, tune, vfo): 'Change the frequency displayed by Quisk' change = 0 if tune != self.txFreq: change = 1 self.txFreq = tune if not self.split_rxtx: self.rxFreq = self.txFreq if self.screen == self.bandscope_screen: self.screen.SetFrequency(tune + vfo) else: self.screen.SetTxFreq(self.txFreq, self.rxFreq) QS.set_tune(self.rxFreq + self.ritFreq, self.txFreq) if vfo != self.VFO: change = 1 self.VFO = vfo self.graph.SetVFO(vfo) self.waterfall.SetVFO(vfo) self.station_screen.Refresh() if self.w_phase: # Phase adjustment screen can not change its VFO self.w_phase.Destroy() self.w_phase = None ampl, phase = self.GetAmplPhase(0) QS.set_ampl_phase(ampl, phase, 0) ampl, phase = self.GetAmplPhase(1) QS.set_ampl_phase(ampl, phase, 1) if change: self.freqDisplay.Display(self.txFreq + self.VFO) self.fldigi_new_freq = self.txFreq + self.VFO return change def ChangeRxTxFrequency(self, rx_freq=None, tx_freq=None): if not self.split_rxtx and not tx_freq: tx_freq = rx_freq if tx_freq: tune = tx_freq - self.VFO d = self.sample_rate * 45 // 100 if -d <= tune <= d: # Frequency is on-screen vfo = self.VFO else: # Change the VFO vfo = (tx_freq // 5000) * 5000 - 5000 tune = tx_freq - vfo self.BandFromFreq(tx_freq) self.ChangeHwFrequency(tune, vfo, 'FreqEntry') if rx_freq and self.split_rxtx: # Frequency must be on-screen tune = rx_freq - self.VFO self.rxFreq = tune self.screen.SetTxFreq(self.txFreq, tune) QS.set_tune(tune + self.ritFreq, self.txFreq) def OnBtnMode(self, event, mode=None): if event is None: # called by application self.modeButns.SetLabel(mode) else: # called by button mode = self.modeButns.GetLabel() Hardware.ChangeMode(mode) self.mode = mode self.MakeFilterButtons(self.Mode2Filters(mode)) QS.set_rx_mode(Mode2Index.get(mode, 3)) if mode == 'CWL': self.SetRit(conf.cwTone) elif mode == 'CWU': self.SetRit(-conf.cwTone) else: self.SetRit(0) if mode in ('CWL', 'CWU'): self.SetFilterByMode('CW') elif mode in ('LSB', 'USB'): self.SetFilterByMode('SSB') elif mode == 'AM': self.SetFilterByMode('AM') elif mode == 'FM': self.SetFilterByMode('FM') elif mode[0:4] == 'DGT-': self.SetFilterByMode('DGT') elif mode[0:4] == 'FDV-': self.SetFilterByMode('FDV') elif mode == 'IMD': self.SetFilterByMode('IMD') elif mode == conf.add_extern_demod: self.SetFilterByMode(conf.add_extern_demod) self.sliderSquelch.DeleteSliderWindow() if mode == 'FM': self.sliderSquelch.SetSlider(self.levelSquelch) else: self.sliderSquelch.SetSlider(self.levelSquelchSSB) self.OnBtnSquelch() if mode not in ('FDV-L', 'FDV-U'): self.graph.SetDisplayMsg() self.waterfall.SetDisplayMsg() self.SetTxAudio() def MakeMemPopMenu(self): self.memory_menu.Destroy() self.memory_menu = wx.Menu() for data in self.memoryState: txt = FreqFormatter(data[0]) item = self.memory_menu.Append(-1, txt) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnPopupMemNext, item) def OnPopupMemNext(self, event): frq = self.memory_menu.GetLabel(event.GetId()) frq = frq.replace(' ','') frq = int(frq) for freq, band, vfo, txfreq, mode in self.memoryState: if freq == frq: break else: return if band == self.lastBand: # leave band unchanged self.OnBtnMode(None, mode) self.ChangeHwFrequency(txfreq, vfo, 'FreqEntry') else: # change to new band self.bandState[band] = (vfo, txfreq, mode) self.bandBtnGroup.SetLabel(band, do_cmd=True) def OnBtnMemSave(self, event): frq = self.VFO + self.txFreq for i in range(len(self.memoryState)): data = self.memoryState[i] if data[0] == frq: self.memoryState[i] = (self.VFO + self.txFreq, self.lastBand, self.VFO, self.txFreq, self.mode) return self.memoryState.append((self.VFO + self.txFreq, self.lastBand, self.VFO, self.txFreq, self.mode)) self.memoryState.sort() self.memNextButton.Enable(True) self.memDeleteButton.Enable(True) self.MakeMemPopMenu() self.station_screen.Refresh() def OnBtnMemNext(self, event): frq = self.VFO + self.txFreq for freq, band, vfo, txfreq, mode in self.memoryState: if freq > frq: break else: freq, band, vfo, txfreq, mode = self.memoryState[0] if band == self.lastBand: # leave band unchanged self.OnBtnMode(None, mode) self.ChangeHwFrequency(txfreq, vfo, 'FreqEntry') else: # change to new band self.bandState[band] = (vfo, txfreq, mode) self.bandBtnGroup.SetLabel(band, do_cmd=True) def OnBtnMemDelete(self, event): frq = self.VFO + self.txFreq for i in range(len(self.memoryState)): data = self.memoryState[i] if data[0] == frq: del self.memoryState[i] break self.memNextButton.Enable(bool(self.memoryState)) self.memDeleteButton.Enable(bool(self.memoryState)) self.MakeMemPopMenu() self.station_screen.Refresh() def OnRightClickMemory(self, event): event.Skip() pos = event.GetPosition() self.memNextButton.PopupMenu(self.memory_menu, pos) def OnBtnFavoritesShow(self, event): self.screenBtnGroup.SetLabel("Config", do_cmd=False) self.screen.Hide() self.config_screen.FinishPages() self.screen = self.config_screen self.config_screen.notebook.SetSelection(3) self.screen.Show() self.vertBox.Layout() # This destroys the initialized sash position! def OnBtnFavoritesNew(self, event): self.config_screen.favorites.AddNewFavorite() self.OnBtnFavoritesShow(event) def OnBtnBand(self, event): band = self.lastBand # former band in use try: f1, f2 = conf.BandEdge[band] if f1 <= self.VFO + self.txFreq <= f2: self.bandState[band] = (self.VFO, self.txFreq, self.mode) except KeyError: pass btn = event.GetEventObject() band = btn.GetLabel() # new band self.lastBand = band try: vfo, tune, mode = self.bandState[band] except KeyError: vfo, tune, mode = (1000000, 0, 'LSB') if band == '60': if self.mode in ('CWL', 'CWU'): freq60 = [] for f in conf.freq60: freq60.append(f + 1500) else: freq60 = conf.freq60 freq = vfo + tune if btn.direction: vfo = self.VFO if 5100000 < vfo < 5600000: if btn.direction > 0: # Move up for f in freq60: if f > vfo + self.txFreq: freq = f break else: freq = freq60[0] else: # move down l = list(freq60) l.reverse() for f in l: if f < vfo + self.txFreq: freq = f break else: freq = freq60[-1] half = self.sample_rate // 2 * self.graph_width // self.data_width while freq - vfo <= -half + 1000: vfo -= 10000 while freq - vfo >= +half - 5000: vfo += 10000 tune = freq - vfo elif band == 'Time': vfo, tune, mode = conf.bandTime[btn.index] self.OnBtnMode(None, mode) self.txFreq = self.VFO = -1 # demand change self.ChangeBand(band) self.ChangeHwFrequency(tune, vfo, 'BtnBand', band=band) if self.pttButton: if band in ('Time', 'Audio') or conf.tx_level.get(band, 127) == 0: self.pttButton.Enable(False) else: self.pttButton.Enable(True) def BandFromFreq(self, frequency): # Change to a new band based on the frequency if self.screen == self.bandscope_screen: return try: f1, f2 = conf.BandEdge[self.lastBand] if f1 <= frequency <= f2: return # We are within the current band except KeyError: f1 = f2 = -1 # Frequency is not within the current band. Save the current band data. if f1 <= self.VFO + self.txFreq <= f2: self.bandState[self.lastBand] = (self.VFO, self.txFreq, self.mode) # Change to the correct band based on frequency. for band in conf.BandEdge: f1, f2 = conf.BandEdge[band] if f1 <= frequency <= f2: self.lastBand = band self.bandBtnGroup.SetLabel(band, do_cmd=False) try: vfo, tune, mode = self.bandState[band] except KeyError: vfo, tune, mode = (0, 0, 'LSB') self.OnBtnMode(None, mode) self.ChangeBand(band) break def ChangeBand(self, band): Hardware.ChangeBand(band) self.waterfall.SetPane2(self.wfallScaleZ.get(band, (conf.waterfall_y_scale, conf.waterfall_y_zero))) s, z = self.graphScaleZ.get(band, (conf.graph_y_scale, conf.graph_y_zero)) self.graph.ChangeYscale(s) self.graph.ChangeYzero(z) if self.screen == self.multi_rx_screen and self.multi_rx_screen.rx_zero in (self.waterfall, self.graph): self.sliderYs.SetValue(self.screen.y_scale) self.sliderYz.SetValue(self.screen.y_zero) def OnBtnUpDnBandDelta(self, event, is_band_down): sample_rate = int(self.sample_rate * self.zoom) oldvfo = self.VFO btn = event.GetEventObject() if btn.direction > 0: # left button was used, move a bit d = int(sample_rate // 9) else: # right button was used, move to edge d = int(sample_rate * 45 // 100) if is_band_down: d = -d vfo = self.VFO + d if sample_rate > 40000: vfo = (vfo + 5000) // 10000 * 10000 # round to even number delta = 10000 elif sample_rate > 5000: vfo = (vfo + 500) // 1000 * 1000 delta = 1000 else: vfo = (vfo + 50) // 100 * 100 delta = 100 if oldvfo == vfo: if is_band_down: d = -delta else: d = delta else: d = vfo - oldvfo self.VFO += d self.txFreq -= d self.rxFreq -= d # Set the display but do not change the hardware self.graph.SetVFO(self.VFO) self.waterfall.SetVFO(self.VFO) self.station_screen.Refresh() self.screen.SetTxFreq(self.txFreq, self.rxFreq) self.freqDisplay.Display(self.txFreq + self.VFO) def OnBtnDownBand(self, event): self.band_up_down = 1 self.OnBtnUpDnBandDelta(event, True) def OnBtnUpBand(self, event): self.band_up_down = 1 self.OnBtnUpDnBandDelta(event, False) def OnBtnUpDnBandDone(self, event): self.band_up_down = 0 tune = self.txFreq vfo = self.VFO self.txFreq = self.VFO = 0 # Force an update self.ChangeHwFrequency(tune, vfo, 'BtnUpDown') def GetAmplPhase(self, is_tx): if "panadapter" in conf.bandAmplPhase: band = "panadapter" else: band = self.lastBand try: if is_tx: lst = self.bandAmplPhase[band]["tx"] else: lst = self.bandAmplPhase[band]["rx"] except KeyError: return (0.0, 0.0) length = len(lst) if length == 0: return (0.0, 0.0) elif length == 1: return lst[0][2], lst[0][3] elif self.VFO < lst[0][0]: # before first data point i1 = 0 i2 = 1 elif lst[length - 1][0] < self.VFO: # after last data point i1 = length - 2 i2 = length - 1 else: # Binary search for the bracket VFO i1 = 0 i2 = length index = (i1 + i2) // 2 for i in range(length): diff = lst[index][0] - self.VFO if diff < 0: i1 = index elif diff > 0: i2 = index else: # equal VFO's return lst[index][2], lst[index][3] if i2 - i1 <= 1: break index = (i1 + i2) // 2 d1 = self.VFO - lst[i1][0] # linear interpolation d2 = lst[i2][0] - self.VFO dx = d1 + d2 ampl = (d1 * lst[i2][2] + d2 * lst[i1][2]) / dx phas = (d1 * lst[i2][3] + d2 * lst[i1][3]) / dx return ampl, phas def PostStartup(self): # called once after sound attempts to start self.config_screen.OnGraphData(None) # update config in case sound is not running txt = self.sound_thread.config_text # change config_text if StartSamples() returns a string if txt: self.config_text = txt self.main_frame.SetConfigText(txt) def FldigiPoll(self): # Keep Quisk and Fldigi frequencies equal; control Fldigi PTT from Quisk if self.fldigi_server is None: return if self.fldigi_new_freq: # Our frequency changed; send to fldigi try: self.fldigi_server.main.set_frequency(float(self.fldigi_new_freq)) except: # traceback.print_exc() pass self.fldigi_new_freq = None self.fldigi_timer = time.time() return try: freq = self.fldigi_server.main.get_frequency() except: # traceback.print_exc() return else: freq = int(freq + 0.5) try: rxtx = self.fldigi_server.main.get_trx_status() # returns rx, tx, tune except: return if time.time() - self.fldigi_timer < 0.3: # If timer is small, change originated in Quisk self.fldigi_rxtx = rxtx self.fldigi_freq = freq return if self.fldigi_freq != freq: self.fldigi_freq = freq #print "Change freq", freq self.ChangeRxTxFrequency(None, freq) self.fldigi_new_freq = None if self.fldigi_rxtx != rxtx: self.fldigi_rxtx = rxtx #print 'Fldigi changed to', rxtx if self.pttButton: if rxtx == 'rx': self.pttButton.SetValue(0, True) else: self.pttButton.SetValue(1, True) self.fldigi_timer = time.time() else: if QS.is_key_down(): if rxtx == 'rx': self.fldigi_server.main.tx() self.fldigi_timer = time.time() else: # key is up if rxtx != 'rx': self.fldigi_server.main.rx() self.fldigi_timer = time.time() def HamlibPoll(self): # Poll for Hamlib commands if self.hamlib_socket: try: # Poll for new client connections. conn, address = self.hamlib_socket.accept() except socket.error: pass else: # print 'Connection from', address self.hamlib_clients.append(HamlibHandlerRig2(self, conn, address)) for client in self.hamlib_clients: # Service existing clients if not client.Process(): # False return indicates a closed connection; remove the handler for this client self.hamlib_clients.remove(client) # print 'Remove', client.address break def OnHotKey(self, event=None): # This is only used if the hot key does NOT work when Quisk is hidden. if event: event.Skip() self.hot_key_ptt_change = True self.hot_key_ptt_is_down = True elif self.hot_key_ptt_is_down and not wx.GetKeyState(conf.hot_key_ptt1): self.hot_key_ptt_is_down = False def HotKeyPoll(self): # This is only used if the hot key DOES work when Quisk is hidden. if wx.GetKeyState(conf.hot_key_ptt1): ptt2 = conf.hot_key_ptt2 if ptt2 is None or ptt2 == wx.ACCEL_NORMAL: self.hot_key_ptt_is_down = True elif ptt2 == wx.ACCEL_SHIFT: self.hot_key_ptt_is_down = wx.GetKeyState(wx.WXK_SHIFT) elif ptt2 == wx.ACCEL_CTRL: self.hot_key_ptt_is_down = wx.GetKeyState(wx.WXK_CONTROL) elif ptt2 == wx.ACCEL_ALT: self.hot_key_ptt_is_down = wx.GetKeyState(wx.WXK_ALT) elif ptt2 == wx.ACCEL_SHIFT | wx.ACCEL_CTRL: self.hot_key_ptt_is_down = wx.GetKeyState(wx.WXK_SHIFT) and wx.GetKeyState(wx.WXK_CONTROL) else: self.hot_key_ptt_is_down = True else: self.hot_key_ptt_is_down = False self.hot_key_ptt_change = self.hot_key_ptt_is_down and not self.hot_key_ptt_was_down def OnReadSound(self): # called at frequent intervals if self.hamlib_com1_handler: self.hamlib_com1_handler.Process() if self.hamlib_com2_handler: self.hamlib_com2_handler.Process() if conf.do_repeater_offset: hold = QS.tx_hold_state(-1) if hold == 2: # Tx is being held for an FM repeater TX frequency shift rdict = self.config_screen.favorites.RepeaterDict freq = self.txFreq + self.VFO freq = ((freq + 500) // 1000) * 1000 if freq in rdict: offset, tone = rdict[freq] QS.set_ctcss(tone) Hardware.RepeaterOffset(offset) for i in range(100): time.sleep(0.010) if Hardware.RepeaterOffset(): break QS.tx_hold_state(3) elif hold == 4: # No delay necessary on key up Hardware.RepeaterOffset(0) QS.set_ctcss(0) QS.tx_hold_state(1) if self.pttButton: # Manage the PTT button using VOX, hardware switch, hot keys and WAV file play ptt_button_down = self.pttButton.GetValue() ptt = None if self.hardware_ptt_key_state == 0 and QS.get_hardware_ptt() == 1: # Wait for PTT switch ON ptt = True self.hardware_ptt_key_state = 1 elif self.hardware_ptt_key_state == 1: # Wait for PTT switch OFF if QS.get_hardware_ptt() == 1: ptt = True else: ptt = False self.hardware_ptt_key_state = 0 if self.useVOX: if self.file_play_state == 0: if QS.is_vox(): ptt = True else: ptt = False elif self.file_play_state == 2 and QS.is_vox(): # VOX tripped between file play repeats self.TurnOffFilePlay() ptt = True if self.file_play_state == 2 and QS.is_key_down(): # hardware key between file play repeats if time.time() > self.file_play_timer - self.file_play_repeat + 0.25: # pause to allow key state to change self.TurnOffFilePlay() ptt = False if conf.hot_key_ptt1 and self.screen != self.config_screen: if conf.hot_key_ptt_if_hidden: # hot key PTT operates even if Quisk is hidden self.HotKeyPoll() else: self.OnHotKey() if conf.hot_key_ptt_toggle: if self.hot_key_ptt_change: ptt = not ptt_button_down if ptt: self.TurnOffFilePlay() else: if self.hot_key_ptt_is_down: ptt = True if not ptt_button_down: self.TurnOffFilePlay() elif self.hot_key_ptt_was_down: ptt = False self.hot_key_ptt_was_down = self.hot_key_ptt_is_down self.hot_key_ptt_change = False if ptt is True and not ptt_button_down: self.SetPTT(True) elif ptt is False and ptt_button_down: self.SetPTT(False) self.timer = time.time() if self.bandscope_clock: # Hermes UDP protocol data = QS.get_bandscope(self.bandscope_clock, self.bandscope_screen.zoom, float(self.bandscope_screen.zoom_deltaf)) if data and self.screen == self.bandscope_screen: self.screen.OnGraphData(data) if self.screen == self.scope: data = QS.get_graph(0, 1.0, 0) # get raw data if data: self.scope.OnGraphData(data) # Send message to draw new data return 1 # we got new graph/scope data elif self.screen == self.audio_fft_screen: data = QS.get_graph(1, self.zoom, float(self.zoom_deltaf)) # get FFT data and discard audio_data = QS.get_audio_graph() # Display the audio FFT if audio_data: self.screen.OnGraphData(audio_data) else: data = QS.get_graph(1, self.zoom, float(self.zoom_deltaf)) # get FFT data if data: #T('') if self.screen == self.bandscope_screen: d = QS.get_hermes_adc() # ADC level from bandscope, 0.0 to 1.0 if d < 1E-10: d = 1E-10 self.smeter.SetLabel(" ADC %.0f%% %.0fdB" % (d * 100.0, 20 * math.log10(d))) elif self.smeter_usage == "smeter": # update the S-meter if self.mode in ('FDV-U', 'FDV-L'): self.NewDVmeter() else: self.NewSmeter() elif self.smeter_usage == "freq": self.MeasureFrequency() # display measured frequency else: self.MeasureAudioVoltage() # display audio voltage if self.screen == self.config_screen: pass elif self.screen == self.bandscope_screen: pass else: self.screen.OnGraphData(data) # Send message to draw new data #T('graph data') #application.Yield() #T('Yield') return 1 # We got new graph/scope data data, index = QS.get_multirx_graph() # get FFT data for sub-receivers if data: self.multi_rx_screen.OnGraphData(data, index) if QS.get_overrange(): self.clip_time0 = self.timer self.freqDisplay.Clip(1) if self.clip_time0: if self.timer - self.clip_time0 > 1.0: self.clip_time0 = 0 self.freqDisplay.Clip(0) if self.timer - self.heart_time0 > 0.10: # call hardware to perform background tasks: self.heart_time0 = self.timer Hardware.HeartBeat() if self.screen == self.config_screen: self.screen.OnGraphData() # Send message to draw new data if self.add_version and Hardware.GetFirmwareVersion() is not None: self.add_version = False self.config_text = "%s, firmware version 1.%d" % (self.config_text, Hardware.GetFirmwareVersion()) self.main_frame.SetConfigText(self.config_text) if not self.band_up_down: # Poll the hardware for changed frequency. This is used for hardware # that can change its frequency independently of Quisk; eg. K3. tune, vfo = Hardware.ReturnFrequency() if tune is not None and vfo is not None: self.BandFromFreq(tune) self.ChangeDisplayFrequency(tune - vfo, vfo) self.FldigiPoll() self.HamlibPoll() #if self.timer - self.fewsec_time0 > 3.0: # self.fewsec_time0 = self.timer # print ('fewswc') if self.timer - self.save_time0 > 20.0: self.save_time0 = self.timer if self.CheckState(): self.SaveState() self.local_conf.SaveState() if self.tmp_playing and QS.set_record_state(-1): # poll to see if playback is finished self.btnTmpPlay.SetValue(False, True) if self.file_play_state == 0: pass elif self.file_play_state == 1: if QS.set_record_state(-1): # poll to see if playback is finished if self.file_play_source == 12 and self.file_play_repeat: # repeat the CW message self.file_play_state = 2 # Waiting for the timer to expire, and start another playback self.file_play_timer = self.timer + self.file_play_repeat self.SetPTT(False) else: self.btnFilePlay.SetValue(False, True) elif self.file_play_state == 2: if self.timer >= self.file_play_timer: QS.set_record_state(5) # Start another playback self.file_play_state = 1 self.SetPTT(True) def main(): """If quisk is installed as a package, you can run it with quisk.main().""" App() application.MainLoop() if __name__ == '__main__': main()