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# This is a sample quisk_conf.py configuration file for Linux
# For Windows, your default config file name is "/home/user/quisk_conf.py"
# but you can use a different config file by using -c or --config. Quisk creates
# an initial default config file if there is none. To control Quisk, edit
# "/home/user/quisk_conf.py" using any text editor; for example WordPad (not Notepad).
# In Windows you can see what sound devices you have, and you can set the Primary
# Device for capture and playback by using Control Panel/Sounds and Audio Devices.
# If you have only one sound device, it should be set as "Primary". If you have
# several, find the names by using Control Panel/Sounds and Audio Devices; for
# example, you may have "SoundMAX HD Audio" in the list for "Sound playback" and
# "Sound recording". To specify this device for capture (recording) or playback,
# enter a unique part of its name using exact upper/lower case. For example:
# name_of_sound_capture = "SoundMAX"
# name_of_sound_play = "SoundMAX"
# There are many possible options for your config file. Copy the ones you want
# from the master file quisk_conf_defaults.py (but don't change the master file).
# The master config file is located in the site-packages/quisk folder for Python 2.7.
# This file is Python code and the comment character is "#". To ignore a line,
# start it with "#". To un-ignore a line, remove the "#". Generally you must start
# lines in column one (the left edge) except for logic blocks.
from afedrinet import quisk_hardware # Use different hardware file
use_rx_udp = 1 # Get ADC samples from UDP
rx_udp_ip = "" # Sample source IP address
rx_udp_port = 50000 # Sample source UDP port
rx_udp_clock = 80000000 # ADC sample rate in Hertz
#rx_udp_decimation = 8 * 8 * 8 # Decimation from clock to UDP sample rate
#sample_rate = int(float(rx_udp_clock) / rx_udp_decimation + 0.5) # Don't change this
data_poll_usec = 10000
#sample_rate = 192000 # ADC hardware sample rate in Hertz
sample_rate = 740740 # ADC hardware sample rate in Hertz
playback_rate = 48000 # Radio sound play rate
name_of_sound_capt = ""#AFEDRI-SDR-Net Audio" # Name of soundcard capture hardware device.
name_of_sound_play = "portaudiodefault"#hw:0,0" # Use the same device for play back.
#name_of_sound_play = "Line 1"#Virtual Audio Cable" # Use the same device for play back.
latency_millisecs = 50 # latency time in milliseconds
display_fraction = 0.92 # The edges of the full bandwidth are not valid
default_rf_gain = 14
# Select the default screen when Quisk starts:
#default_screen = 'Graph'
default_screen = 'WFall'
# If you use hardware with a fixed VFO (crystal controlled SoftRock) un-comment the following:
# import quisk_hardware_fixed as quisk_hardware
# fixed_vfo_freq = 7056000
# If you use an SDR-IQ for capture, first install the SpectraView software
# that came with the SDR-IQ. This will install the USB driver. Then set these parameters:
# import quisk_hardware_sdriq as quisk_hardware # Use different hardware file
# use_sdriq = 1 # Capture device is the SDR-IQ
# sdriq_name = "SDR-IQ" # Name of the SDR-IQ device to open
# sdriq_clock = 66666667.0 # actual sample rate (66666667 nominal)
# sdriq_decimation = 500 # Must be 360, 500, 600, or 1250
# sample_rate = int(float(sdriq_clock) / sdriq_decimation + 0.5) # Don't change this
# name_of_sound_capt = "" # We do not capture from the soundcard
# playback_rate = 48000 # Radio sound play rate, default 48000
# display_fraction = 0.85 # The edges of the full bandwidth are not valid