1. Combine volume-up.ksh and voume-down.ksh into one script with options. 2. Combine install-pkg.ksh and install-gui-pkg.ksh into one script with options. 3. In battery-status.ksh write battery value interpreting code. 4. Go through each script and add at the end of them a statement that tells the user what was accomplished. 5. Continue to breakup config-sys.ksh into individual scripts, and when done, remove it. 6. Go through each script to see how they can be implemented without the need of a reboot. 7. Rename the main branch to develop and create a release branch. 8. Add code to config-resources that adds softdep and noatime to each partition except swap. 9. Add code to config-resources that adds changes to /etc/login.conf (staff). 10. Add code to config-resources that adds changes to /etc/sysctl.conf. 11. Add code to config-resources that turns off ttyC5 in /etc/ttys. 12. Make sure backups of file with a timestamp are created when a config file is changed. 13. Make sure scripts that require a super user tell the user that's needed at run. 14. Add needed safety code to each script so that it runs only as intended.