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/* main.c -- */
* main.c
* µEMACS 4.2
* Based on:
* uEmacs/PK 4.0
* Based on:
* MicroEMACS 3.9
* Written by Dave G. Conroy.
* Substantially modified by Daniel M. Lawrence
* Modified by Petri Kutvonen
* MicroEMACS 3.9 (c) Copyright 1987 by Daniel M. Lawrence
* Original statement of copying policy:
* MicroEMACS 3.9 can be copied and distributed freely for any
* non-commercial purposes. MicroEMACS 3.9 can only be incorporated
* into commercial software with the permission of the current author.
* No copyright claimed for modifications made by Petri Kutvonen.
* This file contains the main driving routine, and some keyboard
* processing code.
* 1.0 Steve Wilhite, 30-Nov-85
* 2.0 George Jones, 12-Dec-85
* 3.0 Daniel Lawrence, 29-Dec-85
* 3.2-3.6 Daniel Lawrence, Feb...Apr-86
* 3.7 Daniel Lawrence, 14-May-86
* 3.8 Daniel Lawrence, 18-Jan-87
* 3.9 Daniel Lawrence, 16-Jul-87
* 3.9e Daniel Lawrence, 16-Nov-87
* After that versions 3.X and Daniel Lawrence went their own ways.
* A modified 3.9e/PK was heavily used at the University of Helsinki
* for several years on different UNIX, VMS, and MSDOS platforms.
* This modified version is now called eEmacs/PK.
* 4.0 Petri Kutvonen, 1-Sep-91
* This modified version is now called uEMACS.
* 4.1 Renaud Fivet, 1-May-13
* Renamed as µEMACS to emphasize UTF-8 support.
* 4.2 Renaud Fivet, 2015-02-12
#include <locale.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "estruct.h" /* Global structures and defines. */
#if UNIX
#include <signal.h>
#include "basic.h"
#include "bind.h"
#include "bindable.h"
#include "buffer.h"
#include "display.h"
#include "eval.h"
#include "execute.h"
#include "file.h"
#include "lock.h"
#include "mlout.h"
#include "random.h"
#include "search.h"
#include "terminal.h"
#include "termio.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "version.h"
#include "window.h"
#if UNIX
static void emergencyexit(int signr)
quickexit(FALSE, 0);
quit( TRUE, 0) ; /* If quickexit fails (to save changes), do a force quit */
static void edinit( char *bname) ;
static void version( void) {
fputs( PROGRAM_NAME_UTF8 " version " VERSION "\n", stdout) ;
static void usage( void) {
fputs( "Usage: " PROGRAM_NAME " [OPTION|FILE]..\n\n"
" + start at the end of file\n"
" +<n> start at line <n>\n"
" --help display this help and exit\n"
" --version output version information and exit\n"
" -a|A process error file\n"
" -e|E edit file\n"
" -g|G<n> go to line <n>\n"
" -r|R restrictive use\n"
" -s|S<string> search string\n"
" -v|V view file\n"
" -x|Xcmdfile\n"
" -x|X cmdfile execute command file\n"
" @cmdfile execute startup file\n"
, stdout) ;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
struct buffer *bp; /* temp buffer pointer */
int firstfile; /* first file flag */
int carg; /* current arg to scan */
int startflag; /* startup executed flag */
struct buffer *firstbp = NULL; /* ptr to first buffer in cmd line */
int viewflag; /* are we starting in view mode? */
int gotoflag; /* do we need to goto a line at start? */
int gline = 0; /* if so, what line? */
int searchflag; /* Do we need to search at start? */
int errflag; /* C error processing? */
bname_t bname ; /* buffer name of file to read */
setlocale( LC_CTYPE, "") ; /* wide character support (UTF-32) */
sleep(1); /* Time for window manager. */
#if UNIX
signal(SIGWINCH, sizesignal);
if( argc == 2) {
if( strcmp( argv[ 1], "--help") == 0) {
usage() ;
if( strcmp( argv[ 1], "--version") == 0) {
version() ;
/* Initialize the editor. */
vtinit(); /* Display */
mloutfmt = mlwrite ;
edinit("main"); /* Buffers, windows */
varinit(); /* user variables */
viewflag = FALSE; /* view mode defaults off in command line */
gotoflag = FALSE; /* set to off to begin with */
searchflag = FALSE; /* set to off to begin with */
firstfile = TRUE; /* no file to edit yet */
startflag = FALSE; /* startup file not executed yet */
errflag = FALSE; /* not doing C error parsing */
/* Insure screen is initialized before startup and goto/search */
update( FALSE) ;
/* Parse the command line */
for (carg = 1; carg < argc; ++carg) {
/* Process Switches */
if (argv[carg][0] == '+') {
gotoflag = TRUE;
gline = atoi(&argv[carg][1]);
} else
if (argv[carg][0] == '-') {
switch (argv[carg][1]) {
/* Process Startup macroes */
case 'a': /* process error file */
case 'A':
errflag = TRUE;
case 'e': /* -e for Edit file */
case 'E':
viewflag = FALSE;
case 'g': /* -g for initial goto */
case 'G':
gotoflag = TRUE;
gline = atoi(&argv[carg][2]);
case 'r': /* -r restrictive use */
case 'R':
restflag = TRUE;
case 's': /* -s for initial search string */
case 'S':
searchflag = TRUE;
mystrscpy( pat, &argv[ carg][ 2], sizeof pat) ;
case 'v': /* -v for View File */
case 'V':
viewflag = TRUE;
case 'x':
case 'X':
if( argv[ carg][ 2]) { /* -Xfilename */
if( startup( &argv[ carg][ 2]) == TRUE)
startflag = TRUE ; /* don't execute emacs.rc */
} else if( argv[ carg + 1]) { /* -X filename */
if( startup( &argv[ carg + 1][ 0]) == TRUE)
startflag = TRUE ; /* don't execute emacs.rc */
carg += 1 ;
break ;
default: /* unknown switch */
/* ignore this for now */
} else if (argv[carg][0] == '@') {
/* Process Startup macroes */
if (startup(&argv[carg][1]) == TRUE)
/* don't execute emacs.rc */
startflag = TRUE;
} else {
/* Process an input file */
/* set up a buffer for this file */
makename(bname, argv[carg]);
/* set this to inactive */
bp = bfind( bname, TRUE, 0) ;
if( bp == NULL) {
fputs( "Buffer creation failed!\n", stderr) ;
mystrscpy( bp->b_fname, argv[ carg], sizeof bp->b_fname) ; /* max filename length limited to NFILEN - 1 */
bp->b_active = FALSE;
if (firstfile) {
firstbp = bp;
firstfile = FALSE;
/* set the modes appropriatly */
if (viewflag)
bp->b_mode |= MDVIEW;
#if UNIX
#ifdef SIGHUP
signal(SIGHUP, emergencyexit);
signal(SIGTERM, emergencyexit);
/* if we are C error parsing... run it! */
if (errflag) {
if (startup("error.cmd") == TRUE)
startflag = TRUE;
/* if invoked with no other startup files,
run the system startup file here */
if( (startflag == FALSE) && (startup( "") != TRUE))
mloutstr( "Default startup failed!") ;
discmd = TRUE; /* P.K. */
/* if there are any files to read, read the first one! */
bp = bfind("main", FALSE, 0);
if( bp == NULL) {
/* "main" buffer has been created during early initialisation */
fputs( "Initialisation failure!\n", stderr) ;
if (firstfile == FALSE && readfirst_f()) {
} else {
bp->b_mode |= gmode;
upmode() ;
/* Deal with startup gotos and searches */
if( gotoflag && searchflag)
mloutstr( "(Can not search and goto at the same time!)") ;
else if( gotoflag) {
if( gotoline( TRUE, gline) == FALSE)
mloutstr( "(Bogus goto argument)") ;
} else if( searchflag)
if( forwhunt( FALSE, 0))
mloutfmt( "Found on line %d", getcline()) ;
kbd_loop() ;
return EXIT_SUCCESS ; /* never reached */
* Initialize all of the buffers and windows. The buffer name is passed down
* as an argument, because the main routine may have been told to read in a
* file by default, and we want the buffer name to be right.
static void edinit(char *bname)
struct buffer *bp;
struct window *wp;
if( NULL == (bp = bfind( bname, TRUE, 0)) /* First buffer */
|| NULL == (blistp = bfind( "*List*", TRUE, BFINVS)) /* Buffer list buffer */
|| NULL == (wp = (struct window *) malloc( sizeof( struct window)))) { /* First window */
fputs( "First initialisation failed!\n", stderr) ;
curbp = bp; /* Make this current */
wheadp = wp;
curwp = wp;
wp->w_wndp = NULL; /* Initialize window */
wp->w_bufp = bp;
bp->b_nwnd = 1; /* Displayed. */
wp->w_linep = bp->b_linep;
wp->w_dotp = bp->b_linep;
wp->w_doto = 0;
wp->w_markp = NULL;
wp->w_marko = 0;
wp->w_toprow = 0;
/* initalize colors to global defaults */
wp->w_fcolor = gfcolor;
wp->w_bcolor = gbcolor;
wp->w_ntrows = term.t_nrow - 1; /* "-1" for mode line. */
wp->w_force = 0;
wp->w_flag = WFMODE | WFHARD; /* Full. */
/***** Compiler specific Library functions ****/
/* These routines will allow me to track memory usage by placing
a layer on top of the standard system malloc() and free() calls.
with this code defined, the environment variable, $RAM, will
report on the number of bytes allocated via malloc.
with SHOWRAM defined, the number is also posted on the
end of the bottom mode line and is updated whenever it is changed.
static void dspram( void) ;
#undef malloc
#undef free
#if 0
char *allocate(nbytes)
/* allocate nbytes and track */
unsigned nbytes; /* # of bytes to allocate */
void *allocate( size_t nbytes)
char *mp; /* ptr returned from malloc */
/* char *malloc(); */
mp = malloc(nbytes);
if (mp) {
envram += nbytes;
return mp;
#if 0
/* release malloced memory and track */
char *mp; /* chunk of RAM to release */
void release( void *mp)
unsigned *lp; /* ptr to the long containing the block size */
if (mp) {
/* update amount of ram currently malloced */
lp = ((unsigned *) mp) - 1;
envram -= (long) *lp - 2;
static void dspram( void)
{ /* display the amount of RAM currently malloced */
char mbuf[20];
char *sp;
TTmove(term.t_nrow - 1, 70);
sprintf(mbuf, "[%lu]", envram);
sp = &mbuf[0];
while (*sp)
TTmove(term.t_nrow, 0);
movecursor(term.t_nrow, 0);
/* On some primitave operation systems, and when emacs is used as
a subprogram to a larger project, emacs needs to de-alloc its
own used memory
* cexit()
* int status; return status of emacs
void cexit( int status) {
struct buffer *bp; /* buffer list pointer */
struct window *wp; /* window list pointer */
struct window *tp; /* temporary window pointer */
/* first clean up the windows */
wp = wheadp;
while (wp) {
tp = wp->w_wndp;
wp = tp;
wheadp = NULL;
/* then the buffers */
bp = bheadp;
while (bp) {
bp->b_nwnd = 0;
bp->b_flag = 0; /* don't say anything about a changed buffer! */
bp = bheadp;
/* and the kill buffer */
/* and the video buffers */
#undef exit