#ifndef _INPUT_H_ #define _INPUT_H_ #include "bind.h" typedef struct { int status ; char *buf ; } newarg_t ; typedef enum { STOP, PLAY, RECORD } kbdstate ; extern kbdstate kbdmode ; /* current keyboard macro mode */ extern int lastkey ; /* last keystoke */ extern int kbdrep ; /* number of repetitions */ extern int kbdm[] ; /* Holds kayboard macro data */ extern int *kbdptr ; /* current position in keyboard buf */ extern int *kbdend ; /* ptr to end of the keyboard */ extern int disinp ; /* display input characters */ extern int metac; /* current meta character */ extern int ctlxc; /* current control X prefix char */ extern int reptc; /* current universal repeat char */ extern int abortc; /* current abort command char */ extern const int nlc ; /* end of input char */ int mlyesno( const char *prompt) ; int mlreply( const char *prompt, char *buf, int nbuf) ; int mlreplyt( const char *prompt, char *buf, int nbuf) ; newarg_t *newmlargt( const char *prompt, int size) ; int ectoc( int c) ; fn_t getname( void) ; int tgetc( void) ; int get1key( void) ; int getcmd( void) ; int getstring( const char *prompt, char *buf, int nbuf, int eolchar) ; void ostring( char *s) ; #endif