/* EDEF.H * * Global variable definitions * * written by Dave G. Conroy * modified by Steve Wilhite, George Jones * greatly modified by Daniel Lawrence * modified by Petri Kutvonen */ /* some global fuction declarations */ #include #include struct VIDEO; char *flook(); char *getctext(); char *getfname(); char *getval(); char *gtenv(); char *gtfun(); char *gtusr(); char *itoa(); char *ltos(); char *mklower(); char *mkupper(); char *token(); char *transbind(); unsigned int getckey(); unsigned int stock(); #ifdef maindef /* for MAIN.C */ /* initialized global definitions */ int fillcol = 72; /* Current fill column */ short kbdm[NKBDM]; /* Macro */ char *execstr = NULL; /* pointer to string to execute */ char golabel[NPAT] = ""; /* current line to go to */ int execlevel = 0; /* execution IF level */ int eolexist = TRUE; /* does clear to EOL exist */ int revexist = FALSE; /* does reverse video exist? */ int flickcode = FALSE; /* do flicker supression? */ char *modename[] = { /* name of modes */ "WRAP", "CMODE", "SPELL", "EXACT", "VIEW", "OVER", "MAGIC", "CRYPT", "ASAVE" }; char *mode2name[] = { /* name of modes */ "Wrap", "Cmode", "Spell", "Exact", "View", "Over", "Magic", "Crypt", "Asave" }; char modecode[] = "WCSEVOMYA"; /* letters to represent modes */ int gmode = 0; /* global editor mode */ int gflags = GFREAD; /* global control flag */ #if PKCODE & IBMPC int gfcolor = 8; /* global forgrnd color (white) */ #else int gfcolor = 7; /* global forgrnd color (white) */ #endif int gbcolor = 0; /* global backgrnd color (black) */ int gasave = 256; /* global ASAVE size */ int gacount = 256; /* count until next ASAVE */ int sgarbf = TRUE; /* TRUE if screen is garbage */ int mpresf = FALSE; /* TRUE if message in last line */ int clexec = FALSE; /* command line execution flag */ int mstore = FALSE; /* storing text to macro flag */ int discmd = TRUE; /* display command flag */ int disinp = TRUE; /* display input characters */ struct BUFFER *bstore = NULL; /* buffer to store macro text to */ int vtrow = 0; /* Row location of SW cursor */ int vtcol = 0; /* Column location of SW cursor */ int ttrow = HUGE; /* Row location of HW cursor */ int ttcol = HUGE; /* Column location of HW cursor */ int lbound = 0; /* leftmost column of current line being displayed */ int taboff = 0; /* tab offset for display */ int metac = CONTROL | '['; /* current meta character */ int ctlxc = CONTROL | 'X'; /* current control X prefix char */ int reptc = CONTROL | 'U'; /* current universal repeat char */ int abortc = CONTROL | 'G'; /* current abort command char */ int quotec = 0x11; /* quote char during mlreply() */ int tabmask = 0x07; /* tabulator mask */ char *cname[] = { /* names of colors */ "BLACK", "RED", "GREEN", "YELLOW", "BLUE", "MAGENTA", "CYAN", "WHITE" #if PKCODE & IBMPC , "HIGH" #endif }; KILL *kbufp = NULL; /* current kill buffer chunk pointer */ KILL *kbufh = NULL; /* kill buffer header pointer */ int kused = KBLOCK; /* # of bytes used in kill buffer */ WINDOW *swindow = NULL; /* saved window pointer */ int cryptflag = FALSE; /* currently encrypting? */ short *kbdptr; /* current position in keyboard buf */ short *kbdend = &kbdm[0]; /* ptr to end of the keyboard */ int kbdmode = STOP; /* current keyboard macro mode */ int kbdrep = 0; /* number of repetitions */ int restflag = FALSE; /* restricted use? */ int lastkey = 0; /* last keystoke */ int seed = 0; /* random number seed */ long envram = 0l; /* # of bytes current in use by malloc */ int macbug = FALSE; /* macro debuging flag */ char errorm[] = "ERROR"; /* error literal */ char truem[] = "TRUE"; /* true literal */ char falsem[] = "FALSE"; /* false litereal */ int cmdstatus = TRUE; /* last command status */ char palstr[49] = ""; /* palette string */ int saveflag = 0; /* Flags, saved with the $target var */ char *fline = NULL; /* dynamic return line */ int flen = 0; /* current length of fline */ int rval = 0; /* return value of a subprocess */ #if CALLED int eexitflag = FALSE; /* EMACS exit flag */ int eexitval = 0; /* and the exit return value */ #endif #if PKCODE int nullflag = FALSE; /* accept null characters */ int justflag = FALSE; /* justify, don't fill */ #endif int overlap = 0; /* line overlap in forw/back page */ int scrollcount = 1; /* number of lines to scroll */ /* uninitialized global definitions */ int currow; /* Cursor row */ int curcol; /* Cursor column */ int thisflag; /* Flags, this command */ int lastflag; /* Flags, last command */ int curgoal; /* Goal for C-P, C-N */ WINDOW *curwp; /* Current window */ BUFFER *curbp; /* Current buffer */ WINDOW *wheadp; /* Head of list of windows */ BUFFER *bheadp; /* Head of list of buffers */ BUFFER *blistp; /* Buffer for C-X C-B */ BUFFER *bfind(); /* Lookup a buffer by name */ WINDOW *wpopup(); /* Pop up window creation */ LINE *lalloc(); /* Allocate a line */ char sres[NBUFN]; /* current screen resolution */ char pat[NPAT]; /* Search pattern */ char tap[NPAT]; /* Reversed pattern array. */ char rpat[NPAT]; /* replacement pattern */ /* The variable matchlen holds the length of the matched * string - used by the replace functions. * The variable patmatch holds the string that satisfies * the search command. * The variables matchline and matchoff hold the line and * offset position of the *start* of match. */ unsigned int matchlen = 0; unsigned int mlenold = 0; char *patmatch = NULL; LINE *matchline = NULL; int matchoff = 0; #if MAGIC /* * The variables magical and rmagical determine if there * were actual metacharacters in the search and replace strings - * if not, then we don't have to use the slower MAGIC mode * search functions. */ short int magical = FALSE; short int rmagical = FALSE; MC mcpat[NPAT]; /* the magic pattern */ MC tapcm[NPAT]; /* the reversed magic pattern */ RMC rmcpat[NPAT]; /* the replacement magic array */ #endif /* directive name table: This holds the names of all the directives.... */ char *dname[] = { "if", "else", "endif", "goto", "return", "endm", "while", "endwhile", "break", "force" }; #if DEBUGM /* vars needed for macro debugging output */ char outline[NSTRING]; /* global string to hold debug line text */ #endif #else /* for all the other .C files */ /* initialized global external declarations */ extern int fillcol; /* Fill column */ extern short kbdm[]; /* Holds kayboard macro data */ extern char pat[]; /* Search pattern */ extern char rpat[]; /* Replacement pattern */ extern char *execstr; /* pointer to string to execute */ extern char golabel[]; /* current line to go to */ extern int execlevel; /* execution IF level */ extern int eolexist; /* does clear to EOL exist? */ extern int revexist; /* does reverse video exist? */ extern int flickcode; /* do flicker supression? */ extern char *modename[]; /* text names of modes */ extern char *mode2name[]; /* text names of modes */ extern char modecode[]; /* letters to represent modes */ extern KEYTAB keytab[]; /* key bind to functions table */ extern NBIND names[]; /* name to function table */ extern int gmode; /* global editor mode */ extern int gflags; /* global control flag */ extern int gfcolor; /* global forgrnd color (white) */ extern int gbcolor; /* global backgrnd color (black) */ extern int gasave; /* global ASAVE size */ extern int gacount; /* count until next ASAVE */ extern int sgarbf; /* State of screen unknown */ extern int mpresf; /* Stuff in message line */ extern int clexec; /* command line execution flag */ extern int mstore; /* storing text to macro flag */ extern int discmd; /* display command flag */ extern int disinp; /* display input characters */ extern struct BUFFER *bstore; /* buffer to store macro text to */ extern int vtrow; /* Row location of SW cursor */ extern int vtcol; /* Column location of SW cursor */ extern int ttrow; /* Row location of HW cursor */ extern int ttcol; /* Column location of HW cursor */ extern int lbound; /* leftmost column of current line being displayed */ extern int taboff; /* tab offset for display */ extern int metac; /* current meta character */ extern int ctlxc; /* current control X prefix char */ extern int reptc; /* current universal repeat char */ extern int abortc; /* current abort command char */ extern int quotec; /* quote char during mlreply() */ extern int tabmask; extern char *cname[]; /* names of colors */ extern KILL *kbufp; /* current kill buffer chunk pointer */ extern KILL *kbufh; /* kill buffer header pointer */ extern int kused; /* # of bytes used in KB */ extern WINDOW *swindow; /* saved window pointer */ extern int cryptflag; /* currently encrypting? */ extern short *kbdptr; /* current position in keyboard buf */ extern short *kbdend; /* ptr to end of the keyboard */ extern int kbdmode; /* current keyboard macro mode */ extern int kbdrep; /* number of repetitions */ extern int restflag; /* restricted use? */ extern int lastkey; /* last keystoke */ extern int seed; /* random number seed */ extern long envram; /* # of bytes current in use by malloc */ extern int macbug; /* macro debuging flag */ extern char errorm[]; /* error literal */ extern char truem[]; /* true literal */ extern char falsem[]; /* false litereal */ extern int cmdstatus; /* last command status */ extern char palstr[]; /* palette string */ extern int saveflag; /* Flags, saved with the $target var */ extern char *fline; /* dynamic return line */ extern int flen; /* current length of fline */ extern int rval; /* return value of a subprocess */ #if CALLED extern int eexitflag; /* EMACS exit flag */ extern int eexitval; /* and the exit return value */ #endif #if PKCODE extern int justflag; /* justify, don't fill */ #endif extern int overlap; /* line overlap in forw/back page */ extern int scrollcount; /* number of lines to scroll */ /* uninitialized global external declarations */ extern int currow; /* Cursor row */ extern int curcol; /* Cursor column */ extern int thisflag; /* Flags, this command */ extern int lastflag; /* Flags, last command */ extern int curgoal; /* Goal for C-P, C-N */ extern WINDOW *curwp; /* Current window */ extern BUFFER *curbp; /* Current buffer */ extern WINDOW *wheadp; /* Head of list of windows */ extern BUFFER *bheadp; /* Head of list of buffers */ extern BUFFER *blistp; /* Buffer for C-X C-B */ extern BUFFER *bfind(); /* Lookup a buffer by name */ extern WINDOW *wpopup(); /* Pop up window creation */ extern LINE *lalloc(); /* Allocate a line */ extern char sres[NBUFN]; /* current screen resolution */ extern char pat[]; /* Search pattern */ extern char tap[]; /* Reversed pattern array. */ extern char rpat[]; /* replacement pattern */ extern unsigned int matchlen; extern unsigned int mlenold; extern char *patmatch; extern LINE *matchline; extern int matchoff; #if MAGIC extern short int magical; extern short int rmagical; extern MC mcpat[NPAT]; /* the magic pattern */ extern MC tapcm[NPAT]; /* the reversed magic pattern */ extern RMC rmcpat[NPAT]; /* the replacement magic array */ #endif extern char *dname[]; /* directive name table */ #if DEBUGM /* vars needed for macro debugging output */ extern char outline[]; /* global string to hold debug line text */ #endif #endif /* terminal table defined only in TERM.C */ #ifndef termdef extern TERM term; /* Terminal information. */ #endif /* word.c */ extern int wrapword(int f, int n); extern int backword(int f, int n); extern int forwword(int f, int n); extern int upperword(int f, int n); extern int lowerword(int f, int n); extern int capword(int f, int n); extern int delfword(int f, int n); extern int delbword(int f, int n); extern int inword(void); extern int fillpara(int f, int n); extern int justpara(int f, int n); extern int killpara(int f, int n); extern int wordcount(int f, int n); /* line.c */ extern int lfree(LINE *lp); extern int lchange(int flag); extern int insspace(int f, int n); extern int linstr(char *instr); extern int linsert(int n, int c); extern int lowrite(int c); extern int lover(char *ostr); extern int lnewline(void); extern int ldelete(long n, int kflag); extern char *getctext(void); extern int putctext(char *iline); extern int ldelnewline(void); extern int kdelete(void); extern int kinsert(int c); extern int yank(int f, int n); /* window.c */ extern int reposition(int f, int n); extern int refresh(int f, int n); extern int nextwind(int f, int n); extern int prevwind(int f, int n); extern int mvdnwind(int f, int n); extern int mvupwind(int f, int n); extern int onlywind(int f, int n); extern int delwind(int f, int n); extern int splitwind(int f, int n); extern int enlargewind(int f, int n); extern int shrinkwind(int f, int n); extern int resize(int f, int n); extern int scrnextup(int f, int n); extern int scrnextdw(int f, int n); extern int savewnd(int f, int n); extern int restwnd(int f, int n); extern int newsize(int f, int n); extern int newwidth(int f, int n); extern int getwpos(void); extern int cknewwindow(void); /* basic.c */ extern int gotobol(int f, int n); extern int backchar(int f, int n); extern int gotoeol(int f, int n); extern int forwchar(int f, int n); extern int gotoline(int f, int n); extern int gotobob(int f, int n); extern int gotoeob(int f, int n); extern int forwline(int f, int n); extern int backline(int f, int n); extern int gotobop(int f, int n); extern int gotoeop(int f, int n); extern int getgoal(LINE *dlp); extern int forwpage(int f, int n); extern int backpage(int f, int n); extern int setmark(int f, int n); extern int swapmark(int f, int n); /* random.c */ extern int tabsize; /* Tab size (0: use real tabs) */; extern int setfillcol(int f, int n); extern int showcpos(int f, int n); extern int getcline(void); extern int getccol(int bflg); extern int setccol(int pos); extern int twiddle(int f, int n); extern int quote(int f, int n); extern int tab(int f, int n); extern int detab(int f, int n); extern int entab(int f, int n); extern int trim(int f, int n); extern int openline(int f, int n); extern int newline(int f, int n); extern int cinsert(void); extern int insbrace(int n, int c); extern int insbrace(int n, int c); extern int inspound(void); extern int deblank(int f, int n); extern int indent(int f, int n); extern int forwdel(int f, int n); extern int backdel(int f, int n); extern int killtext(int f, int n); extern int setmode(int f, int n); extern int delmode(int f, int n); extern int setgmode(int f, int n); extern int delgmode(int f, int n); extern int adjustmode(int kind, int global); extern int clrmes(int f, int n); extern int writemsg(int f, int n); extern int getfence(int f, int n); extern int fmatch(int ch); extern int istring(int f, int n); extern int ovstring(int f, int n); /* main.c */ extern int edinit(char *bname); extern int execute(int c, int f, int n); extern int quickexit(int f, int n); extern int quit(int f, int n); extern int ctlxlp(int f, int n); extern int ctlxrp(int f, int n); extern int ctlxe(int f, int n); extern int ctrlg(int f, int n); extern int rdonly(void); extern int resterr(void); extern int nullproc(int f, int n); extern int meta(int f, int n); extern int cex(int f, int n); extern int unarg(int f, int n); extern int cexit(int status); /* display.c */ extern void vtinit(void); extern void vtfree(void); extern void vttidy(void); extern void vtmove(int row, int col); extern void vtputc(int c); extern void vteeol(void); extern int upscreen(int f, int n); extern int update(int force); extern int reframe(WINDOW *wp); extern void updone(WINDOW *wp); extern void updall(WINDOW *wp); extern void updpos(void); extern void upddex(void); extern void updgar(void); extern int updupd(int force); extern int scrolls(int inserts); extern void scrscroll(int from, int to, int count); extern int texttest(int vrow, int prow); extern int endofline(char *s, int n); extern void updext(void); extern int updateline(int row, struct VIDEO *vp1, struct VIDEO *vp2); extern void modeline(WINDOW *wp); extern void upmode(void); extern void movecursor(int row, int col); extern void mlerase(void); extern void mlwrite(const char *fmt, ...); extern void mlforce(char *s); extern void mlputs(char *s); extern void mlputi(int i, int r); extern void mlputli(long l, int r); extern void mlputf(int s); extern void putline(int row, int col, char *buf); extern void getscreensize(int *widthp, int *heightp); extern void sizesignal(int signr); extern int newscreensize(int h, int w); /* region.c */ extern int killregion(int f, int n); extern int copyregion(int f, int n); extern int lowerregion(int f, int n); extern int upperregion(int f, int n); extern int getregion(REGION *rp); /* posix.c */ extern void ttopen(void); extern void ttclose(void); extern int ttputc(int c); extern void ttflush(void); extern int ttgetc(void); extern int typahead(void);