/* * hammurabi - ancient Sumerian city-state resource management game * * Copyright 2020 David Meyer +JMJ * */ /* Hammurabi To-Dos 6/21 v Complete splash message: version, author, one-liner - Write man page (for TWENEX release?) - Complete/format help text: add introduction, credit to Ahl, separate intro and help - Add help choice to annual plan menu v Divider line is off-center - Reformat menu to stand out -- plan summary should include grain and land balances v BUG: buying land resulted in REDUCTION of land held - Refactor and document main loop /}_ _ \/\/ |\ |\ |_\_ ____________________ ( @ | | | | | | |___________________| (___________________@ .______________________________________________________________________________. | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | | /} \/}/ /} \/}/ /} \/}/ /} \/}/ /} \/}/ /} | |_/|\_ |_ _/|\_ |_ _/|\_ |_ _/|\_ |_ _/|\_ |_ _/|\_| | / \ | \ / \ | \ / \ | \ / \ | \ / \ | \ / \ | |vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv| */ #include #include #include /* Constants */ #define MAXYEARS 10 #define INITPOP 100 #define INITGRAIN 2800 #define INITLAND 1000 /* Types */ typedef enum {FALSE, TRUE} Boolean; typedef enum {BUY, SELL, FEED, PLANT, RESET, EXEC, CALC, QUIT} Plancmd; /* Message texts */ char MSGDIV[] = " ----------------- <<<<>>>> --------------------\n"; char MSGHELP[] = "Help text here\n\ Land price varies between 17 and 26 bushels of grain per acre.\n\ Planting two acres requires one bushel of grain.\n\ One person can farm ten acres of land.\n\ One person needs to eat 20 bushels of grain per year to stay healthy.\n\ "; char MSGMENU[]= "\n\ [F]eed your people with grain | [E]xecute your current plan\n\ [P]lant crops on your land | [R]eset your current plan and start over\n\ [B]uy more land | [Q]uit the game\n\ "; char MSGPLTOT[] = " ------------------------------- | -------------------------------\n"; char MSGSPLASH[] = " ___ ___ ___. .__ \n\ / | \\_____ _____ _____ __ ______________ \\_ |__ |__|\n\ / ~ \\__ \\ / \\ / \\| | \\_ __ \\__ \\ | __ \\| |\n\ \\ Y // __ \\| Y Y \\ Y Y \\ | /| | \\// __ \\| \\_\\ \\ |\n\ \\___|_ /(____ /__|_| /__|_| /____/ |__| (____ /___ /__|\n\ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \\/ \n\ The ancient game of ,.__., resource management\n\ /,',.`.\\\n\ Version 1.0 ____|:|db|:|____ by David Meyer\n\ for Plan 9 ___//\"\"\"|:|88|:|\"\"\"\\\\___ \n\ _____//\":=_=_=_=|--|=_=_=_=:\"\\\\_____\n\ __/.-._//__|L_L_L_L|--|L_L_L_L|__\\\\_.-.\\__\n\ //\"||m|:.-. .-. .-.,.__.,.-. .-. .-.:|m||\"\\\\\n\ // ||8||: : L_L_L_/.',.`.\\_L_L_L : :||8|| \\\\\n\ /'=======\"L.='.::'`:|:|db|:|:'`::.`=.L\"=======`\\\n\ | .---. .--. |_:==' |:|88|:| `==:_| .--. .---. |\n\ | | : |_.='/=======|:--:|=======\\`=._| : | |\n\ | | _,=' ||==.=.==|:--:|==.=.==|| `=._ | |\n\ |_:='_______|| || || |:--:| || || ||_______`=:_|\n\ || || || |:--:| || || ||\n\ ''-------|:--:|-------''\n\ ':==:'\n\ "; /* Honorifics */ #define MAXHONOR 9 char *HONORIFIC[] = {"Great", "Mighty", "Wise", "Benevolent", "Merciful", "Just", "Sublime", "Glorious", "Serene", "Majestic"}; /* Function prototypes */ void completedterm(void); int evtbrthimm(void); int evtlandpr(void); int evtplague(void); int evtratseat(void); int evtstarve(void); int evtyield(void); int grainafterplan(void); int grainafterlandsp(void); int grainharvest(void); int graintoplant(void); int inputbuy(void); int inputfood(void); int inputiexpr(void); int inputplant(void); int inputsell(void); int landafterplan(void); void microcalc(void); int peoplefed(void); Plancmd planmenu(void); Boolean planyear(void); int popnet(void); void printdeposed(void); void printgreeting(void); void printEvtLandPr(void); void printstatus(void); void printyearrept(void); int salegrain(void); Boolean scanyes(char *prompt); /* Constant variables */ int CONSCTL; /* Game state */ int Year = 0; int Pop = INITPOP; int Grain = INITGRAIN; int Land = INITLAND; /* Total statistics */ int TotStarved = 0; int TotStarvePct = 0; /* Annual plan */ int PlanFood, PlanSale, PlanPlant; /* Annual events */ int EvtYield, EvtLandPr, EvtBrthImm, EvtPlague, EvtRatsEat, EvtStarve; /* Beginning of year stats */ int PrevPop, PrevGrain, PrevLand; /* Derived values */ int GrainAfterPlan, LandAfterPlan, GrainHarvest; void main(void) { int popfed, starvepct; Boolean gameover = FALSE; CONSCTL = open("/dev/consctl", OWRITE); if(CONSCTL == -1) exits("can't open CONSCTL: %r\n"); srand(time(0)); print(MSGSPLASH); if(scanyes("Would you like instructions?") == TRUE) print(MSGHELP); printgreeting(); printstatus(); EvtLandPr = evtlandpr(); printEvtLandPr(); do { ++ Year; if(planyear() == FALSE) gameover = TRUE; else { PrevPop = Pop; PrevGrain = Grain; Grain = GrainAfterPlan; PrevLand = Land; Land = LandAfterPlan; EvtYield = evtyield(); EvtRatsEat = evtratseat(); GrainHarvest = grainharvest(); Grain = Grain + GrainHarvest - EvtRatsEat; EvtBrthImm = evtbrthimm(); popfed = peoplefed(); EvtStarve = evtstarve(); TotStarved = TotStarved + EvtStarve; starvepct = 100 * EvtStarve / Pop; if(starvepct > 45) { printgreeting(); print("You have starved %d of your subjects in one year!\n", EvtStarve); printdeposed(); gameover = TRUE; } else { TotStarvePct = TotStarvePct + starvepct; Pop = Pop + EvtBrthImm - EvtStarve; EvtPlague = evtplague(); Pop = Pop - EvtPlague; printgreeting(); printyearrept(); printstatus(); if(Year == MAXYEARS) completedterm(); else { EvtLandPr = evtlandpr(); printEvtLandPr(); } } } } while(Year < MAXYEARS && gameover == FALSE); print(MSGDIV); exits(0); } void completedterm(void) { int avgstarvepct = TotStarvePct / MAXYEARS; int landperperson = Land / Pop; int likeassassination = Pop * 0.8 * frand(); printgreeting(); print("In your %d-year reign, %d people died of starvation, an average of %d people per year.\n", MAXYEARS, TotStarved, avgstarvepct); print("You started with %d acres per person and ended with %d acres per person.\n", INITLAND / INITPOP, landperperson); if(avgstarvepct > 33 || landperperson < 7) printdeposed(); else if(avgstarvepct > 10 || landperperson < 9) print("Your heavy-handed performance smacks of Nero and Ivan IV. Your (surviving) people find you an unpleasant ruler, and, frankly, hate your guts!\n"); else if(avgstarvepct > 3 || landperperson < 10) { print("Your performance could have been better, but wasn't too bad. "); if(likeassassination > 0) print("%d %s would like to see you assassinated, but we all have our trivial problems.\n", likeassassination, (likeassassination == 1 ? "person" : "people")); } else print("A fantastic performance! Charlemagne, Disraeli, and Jefferson combined could not have done better!\n"); } int evtbrthimm(void) { return ((nrand(5) + 1) * (20 * Land + Grain) / Pop / 100 + 1); } int evtlandpr(void) { return (nrand(10) + 17); } int evtplague(void) { return ((nrand(100) < 15) ? (Pop / 2) : 0); } int evtratseat(void) { int eat; switch(nrand(5)+1) { case 1: eat = Grain; break; case 3: eat = Grain / 3; break; case 5: eat = Grain / 5; break; default: eat = 0; } return eat; } int evtstarve(void) { int popfed = peoplefed(); return ((popfed < Pop) ? (Pop - popfed) : 0); } int evtyield(void) { return (nrand(5) + 1); } int grainafterplan(void) { return (grainafterlandsp() - graintoplant() - PlanFood); } int grainafterlandsp(void) { return (Grain + (PlanSale * EvtLandPr)); } int grainharvest(void) { return (PlanPlant * EvtYield); } int graintoplant(void) { return (PlanPlant / 2); } int inputbuy(void) { int buy, grainbal, price; Boolean valid = FALSE; grainbal = Grain - PlanFood - (PlanPlant / 2); do { print("\nThe price of land is %d bushels per acre.\n", EvtLandPr); print("How many acres do you wish to buy? "); buy = inputiexpr(); price = buy * EvtLandPr; if(buy < 0) print("Sire, it is impossible to buy a negative amount of land.\nIf you wish to sell land, enter \"0\", then select (S)ell from the menu.\n"); else if(price > grainbal) print("Sire, %d acres of land costs %d bushels of grain, and you have only %d bushels.\n", buy, price, grainbal); else valid = TRUE; } while(valid == FALSE); return buy; } int inputfood(void) { int food, grainbal; Boolean valid = FALSE; grainbal = Grain + (PlanSale * EvtLandPr) - (PlanPlant / 2); do { print("\nHow much grain do you wish to give your people for food? "); food = inputiexpr(); if(food < 0) print("Sire, it is impossible to give the people a negative amount of grain.\nEnter \"0\" to return to the menu.\n"); else if(food > grainbal) print("Sire, you only have %d bushels of grain in the granaries.\n", grainbal); else valid = TRUE; } while(valid == FALSE); return food; } int inputiexpr(void) { char buf[80]; int buflen = 80; int result = 0; int ch, rix, wix, p, o, n[40]; char op[39]; if(fgets(buf, buflen, stdin) != NULL) { if(buf[strlen(buf) - 1] != '\n') while((ch = getchar()) != '\n' && ch != EOF) ; rix = wix = 0; while(buf[rix] != '\0') { if(strchr("0123456789+-*/", buf[rix]) != 0) { if(rix > wix) buf[wix] = buf[rix]; ++wix; } ++ rix; } buf[wix] = '\0'; p = sscanf(buf, "%d%c%d%c%d%c%d%c%d%c%d%c%d%c%d%c%d%c%d%c%d%c%d%c%d%c%d%c%d%c%d%c%d%c%d%c%d%c%d%c%d%c%d%c%d%c%d%c%d%c%d%c%d%c%d%c%d%c%d%c%d%c%d%c%d%c%d%c%d%c%d%c%d%c%d%c%d%c%d", &n[0],&op[0],&n[1],&op[1],&n[2],&op[2],&n[3],&op[3],&n[4],&op[4],&n[5],&op[5],&n[6],&op[6],&n[7],&op[7],&n[8],&op[8],&n[9],&op[9], &n[10],&op[10],&n[11],&op[11],&n[12],&op[12],&n[13],&op[13],&n[14],&op[14],&n[15],&op[15],&n[16],&op[16],&n[17],&op[17],&n[18],&op[18],&n[19],&op[19], &n[20],&op[20],&n[21],&op[21],&n[22],&op[22],&n[23],&op[23],&n[24],&op[24],&n[25],&op[25],&n[26],&op[26],&n[27],&op[27],&n[28],&op[28],&n[29],&op[29], &n[30],&op[30],&n[31],&op[31],&n[32],&op[32],&n[33],&op[33],&n[34],&op[34],&n[35],&op[35],&n[36],&op[36],&n[37],&op[37],&n[38],&op[38],&n[39]); if(p > 0) { result = n[0]; for(o = 0; o < (int) (p / 2); ++ o) { switch (op[o]) { case '+': result = result + n[o+1]; break; case '-': result = result - n[o+1]; break; case '*': result = result * n[o+1]; break; case '/': result = result / n[o+1]; break; } } } } return result; } int inputplant(void) { int grainbal, landbal, plant; Boolean valid = FALSE; grainbal = Grain - PlanFood + (PlanSale * EvtLandPr); landbal = Land - PlanSale; do { print("\nHow many acres do you wish to plant? "); plant = inputiexpr(); if(plant < 0) print("Sire, it is impossible to plant a negative amount of land.\nEnter \"0\" to return to the menu.\n"); else if(plant > landbal) print("Sire, you have only %d acres of lands.\n", landbal); else if((plant / 2) > grainbal) print("Sire, you have only %d bushels of grain in the granaries.\n", grainbal); else if(plant > (10 * Pop)) print("Sire, you have only enough people to plant %d acres.\n", 10 * Pop); else valid = TRUE; } while(valid == FALSE); return plant; } int inputsell(void) { int landbal, sell, price; Boolean valid = FALSE; landbal = Land - PlanPlant; do { print("\nThe price of land is %d bushels per acre.\n", EvtLandPr); print("How many acres do you wish to sell? "); sell = inputiexpr(); if(sell < 0) print("Sire, it is impossible to sell a negative amount of land.\nIf you wish to buy land, enter \"0\", then select (B)uy from the menu.\n"); else if(sell > landbal) print("Sire, you have only %d acres of land.\n", landbal); else valid = TRUE; } while(valid == FALSE); return sell; } int landafterplan(void) { return (Land - PlanSale); } void microcalc(void) { } int peoplefed(void) { return (PlanFood / 20); } Plancmd planmenu(void) { int cmdch = 0; Plancmd cmd; print("\n Plan for Year %d\n", Year); print(" Grain in storage %7d | Land (price %2d) %7d\n", Grain, EvtLandPr, Land); if(PlanSale > 0) print(" From land sale %7d | Sell %7d\n", salegrain(), PlanSale); if(PlanSale < 0) print(" For land purchase%7d | Purchase %7d\n", salegrain() * -1, PlanSale * -1); if(PlanSale != 0) print("%s Net %7d | Net %7d\n", MSGPLTOT, grainafterlandsp(), LandAfterPlan); if(PlanFood > 0) print(" Provide for food %7d |\n", PlanFood); if(PlanPlant > 0) print(" Provide for seed %7d | Plant %7d\n", graintoplant(), PlanPlant); if(PlanFood > 0 || PlanPlant > 0) print("%s Balance %7d | Fallow acres %7d\n", MSGPLTOT, GrainAfterPlan, Land - PlanSale - PlanPlant); print("\n Population: %d (need food: %d; can farm: %d)\n", Pop, Pop * 20, Pop * 10); print(MSGMENU); if(write(CONSCTL, "rawon", 5) != 5) exits("\ncan't turn off echo\n"); while(cmdch == 0) { print(" What is your choice? [fpbserq] "); cmdch = getchar(); if(cmdch == EOF) exits("\nerror reading terminal input\n"); print("%c\n", cmdch); switch(cmdch) { case 'b': cmd = BUY; break; case 'e': cmd = EXEC; break; case 'f': cmd = FEED; break; case 'p': cmd = PLANT; break; case 'q': cmd = QUIT; break; case 'r': cmd = RESET; break; case 's': cmd = SELL; break; default: cmdch = 0; } } if(write(CONSCTL, "rawoff", 6) != 6) exits("\ncan't turn on echo\n"); return cmd; } Boolean planyear(void) { Boolean play = TRUE; Plancmd cmd; PlanFood = PlanSale = PlanPlant = 0; do { cmd = planmenu(); switch(cmd) { case BUY: PlanSale = -1 * inputbuy(); break; case SELL: PlanSale = inputsell(); break; case FEED: PlanFood = inputfood(); break; case PLANT: PlanPlant = inputplant(); break; case RESET: PlanFood = PlanSale = PlanPlant = 0; break; case EXEC: print("\nSo it shall be written, so it shall be done.\n"); break; case CALC: // microcalc(); break; case QUIT: play = FALSE; break; } if(cmd != QUIT) { GrainAfterPlan = grainafterplan(); LandAfterPlan = landafterplan(); } } while(cmd != EXEC && cmd != QUIT); return play; } int popnet(void) { return (Pop + EvtBrthImm - EvtStarve); } void printdeposed(void) { print("Due to this extreme mismanagement you have not only been deposed and executed, but you have also been declared National Fink!\n"); } void printgreeting(void) { // print(MSGDIV); print("\nO %s One, I beg to report,\n", HONORIFIC[nrand(MAXHONOR + 1)]); } void printEvtLandPr(void) { print("The price of land is %d bushels of grain per acre.\n", EvtLandPr); } void printstatus(void) { print("The population is %d.\n", Pop); print("You own %d acres.\n", Land); print("You have %d bushels of grain.\n", Grain); } void printyearrept(void) { print(" ______________________________________________________________________\n"); print(" ( YEAR %2d @\n", Year); print(" | Harvest yield %1d bushels per acre | Population last year %6d |\n", EvtYield, PrevPop); print(" (}_ _ | Grain reserve %6d | Births and immigrants %6d |\n", PrevGrain, EvtBrthImm); print(" \\/\\/ | Harvest %6d | ", GrainHarvest); if(EvtStarve > 0) print("Starvation deaths %6d |\n", EvtStarve); else print(" |\n"); print(" |\\ | "); if(EvtRatsEat > 0) print("Eaten by rats %6d | ", EvtRatsEat); else print(" | "); if(EvtPlague > 0) print("Plague deaths %6d |\n", EvtPlague); else print(" |\n"); print(" |\\ | -------------------------------- | -------------------------------- |\n"); print(" |_\\_ | Balance %6d | Current population %6d |\n", Grain, Pop); print(" | |\n"); print(" | Land %6d Land price %2d |\n", Land, EvtLandPr); print(" |_____________________________________________________________________|\n"); print(" (_____________________________________________________________________@\n"); } int salegrain(void) { return (PlanSale * EvtLandPr); } Boolean scanyes(char *prompt) { int in = 0; if(write(CONSCTL, "rawon", 5) != 5) exits("\ncan't turn off echo\n"); while(in != 'y' && in != 'n') { print("%s [yn] ", prompt); in = getchar(); if(in == EOF) exits("\nerror reading terminal input\n"); print("%c\n", in); } if(write(CONSCTL, "rawoff", 6) != 6) exits("\ncan't turn on echo\n"); print("\n"); return (in == 'y' ? TRUE : FALSE); }