2022-02-08 22:14:44 +09:00

1889 lines
58 KiB
Executable File

# -------- description + version history -------- #FOLD00
=head1 PerlForth
an incremental compiler and interactive interpreter, based on a
virtual machine, executing indirect threaded code.
my $version = 27;
# to do: improved file interface. can only read source files to compile from now.
# time of last change:
# 20110428,ls 0.27 arithmetic on addresses may result in negative mem array indici. changed some memory primitives to unsign addresses
# 20110427,ls problem with 64 bit. forcing to 32 bit for now.
# 20110420,ls 0.26 string packing and unpacking using W type strings.
# 20091001,ls 0.25 initialising catchframe in empty avoids undefined error handler when quitting in site-forth.4th
# 20090930,ls 0.24 loading /usr/local/share/perlforth/site-forth.4th at start
# 20090106,ls 0.23 fixes for 64bit Perl versions
# 20090106,ls 0.22 can compile source from included file.
# 20090103,ls 0.21 vocabularies.
# 20090101,ls 0.20 prepared for vocabularies.
# 20081228,ls 0.19 radix prefixes
# 20081228,ls 0.18 catch, throw, top level error handler, fixed bug in hash which rendered does> defective
# 20081228,ls 0.17 experimentally connected Perl exception handler to interpreter errors
# 20081223,ls 0.16 does>, keymap lister, linked vars, defers, constants, arrays.
# 20081223,ls 0.15 hilevelized/deperled many words. key is now deferred. cleanup. stuff added.
# 20081221,ls 0.14 simulated disk loaded during boot, extending interpreter.
# better compile-time word defining macros.
# branching version which moves definitions to simulated disk.
# 20081221,ls 0.13 simulated disk for testing compiling from file.
# 20081221,ls 0.12 some string support: ." s" ," /string move$
# 20081220,ls 0.11 added move fill for next leave ?leave i j do ?do loop
# 20081217,ls 0.10 numbers, if else then begin while repeat until again.
# 20081217,ls 0.09 added [ ], create, variable, : ; colon definitions work.
# 20081217,ls 0.08 input line is parsed now. "real" interpreter connected,
# but compilation and numbers are stubs.
# 20081217,ls 0.07 bit logic, comparison, keymap customizer, hide/reveal, skip/scan
# 20081215,ls 0.06 debugging and cleanup
# 20081215,ls 0.05 rudimentary command execution loop
# 20081214,ls 0.04 rudimentary buffered line input, more primitives.
# 20081213,ls 0.03 more run time words, primitives, flow control
# 20081211,ls 0.02 added run time words, constants, minimal flow control
# 20081210,ls 0.01 ITC inner interpreter executes lo- and hilevel
use strict;
use warnings;
use Term::ReadKey;
#use Term::ANSIColor;
# -------- configuration items -------- #FOLD00
my $tibsize = 256; # size of terminal input buffer
my $cell;
# override. uses perl compilation width if undefined.
# $cell = 0; # bits per cell determined by size perl has been compiled for
# $cell = 0xffff; # 16 bit override
$cell = 0xffffffff; # 32 bit override
# $cell = 0xffffffffffffffff; # 64 bit override
# 2011apr27,ls problem with 64 bit. forcing to 32 bit for now.
# -------- simulated sources disk -------- #FOLD00
# simulated source disk, contents are loaded and compiled during boot
my @disk =
"forth only",
"forth definitions",
'#10 base !',
': binary 2 base ! ;', # ( -- )
': octal 8 base ! ;', # ( -- )
': decimal 10 base ! ;', # ( -- )
': hex 16 base ! ;', # ( -- )
": align ; immediate", # ( -- )
": aligned ; immediate", # ( a1 -- a2 )
": pad here 256 + ;", # ( -- a )
": latest last @ ;", # ( -- a )
": recurse latest , ; immediate", # ( -- )
"also hidden",
": compile r> skim , >r ;", # ( -- )
": postpone ' , ; immediate", # ( -- )
": literal ?comp (lit) (lit) , , ; immediate", # ( x -- ) ( -- x )
": ['] ' postpone literal ; immediate", # ( -- ) ( -- a )
# --- chars and strings ---
': char bl parse drop c@ ;', # ( -- c )
': [char] char postpone literal ; immediate', # ( -- ) ( -- c )
': ctrl char $1F and ;', # ( -- c )
': [ctrl] ctrl postpone literal ; immediate', # ( -- ) ( -- c )
': \ 0 parse 2drop ; immediate', # ( -- )
': // postpone \ ; immediate', # ( -- )
': s( [char] ) parse ;', # ( -- a n )
': ( s( 2drop ; immediate', # ( -- )
': .( s( type ;', # ( -- )
"also hidden",
': move$ 2dup c! 1+ swap move ;', # ( a1 n a2 -- )
': ,s here over 1+ allot move$ ;', # ( a n -- )
': ," [char] " parse ,s ;', # ( -- )
': s" ?comp [\'] (slit) , ," ; immediate', # ( -- ) ( -- a n )
': ." ?comp [\'] (.") , ," ; immediate', # ( -- ) ( -- )
# --- flow control ---
': resolve here - , ;', # ( a -- )
': <resolve here over - swap ! ;', # ( a -- )
": ?clause compile (0branch) ;", # ( -- )
": clause compile (branch) ;", # ( -- )
": mark here 0 , ;", # ( -- a )
"previous definitions",
"also hidden",
': if ?comp ?clause mark 1 ; immediate',
': else ?comp 1 structured clause mark swap <resolve 2 ; immediate',
': then ?comp dup 2 = + 1 structured <resolve ; immediate',
': endif postpone then ; immediate',
': begin ?comp here 3 ; immediate',
': while ?comp 3 structured ?clause mark 4 ; immediate',
': repeat ?comp 4 structured swap clause resolve <resolve ; immediate',
': until ?comp 3 structured ?clause resolve ; immediate',
': again ?comp 3 structured clause resolve ; immediate',
": docompiler create , , immediate",
" does> ?comp skim , @ >r",
" here innerloop exchange",
" mark r> ;",
": loopcompiler create , , immediate",
" does> ?comp skim >r @ structured r> , dup 1+ resolve <resolve innerloop ! ;",
"previous definitions",
"also hidden",
"5 ' (do) docompiler do",
"5 ' (?do) docompiler ?do",
"6 ' (for) docompiler for",
"5 ' (loop) loopcompiler loop",
"5 ' (+loop) loopcompiler +loop",
"6 ' (next) loopcompiler next",
": leave, ?comp innerloop @ ?dup 0= -26 and throw swap , , ;",
": leave ['] (leave) leave, ; immediate",
": ?leave ['] (?leave) leave, ; immediate",
": unloop ?comp innerloop @ 0= -26 and throw compile (unloop) ; immediate",
# ---
': tuck swap over ;', # ( x1 x2 -- x2 x1 x2 )
': pluck 2 pick ;', # ( x1 x2 x3 -- x1 x2 x3 x1 )
': max 2dup < if swap then drop ;', # ( x1 x2 -- x1|x2 )
': min 2dup > if swap then drop ;', # ( x1 x2 -- x1|x2 )
': -rot rot rot ;', # ( x1 x2 x3 -- x3 x1 x2 )
': (abort") if -2 dup r> count newerror throw then',
' r> count + >r ;',
': abort" ?comp compile (abort") ," ; immediate', # ( f -- )
': link here swap exchange , ;',
': unlink dup @ ?dup if @ over ! then drop ;',
# tricky: 'make new constants behave like "true" (which is a constant)'
# tricky: 'make new deferred words behave like "key" (which is a deferred word)'
# tricky: 'make new arrays behave like "keytable" (which is an array)'
# tricky: 'make new vocabularies behave like "forth" (which is a vocabulary)'
": constant constants link create , [ ' true @ ] literal use ;",
'1 constant cell',
": defer defers link create cell allot [ ' key @ ] literal use ;",
": array arrays link create dup , allot [ ' keytable @ ] literal use ;",
": vocabulary vocabularies link create 0 , 0 , [ ' forth @ ] literal use ;",
': variable variables link create cell allot ;',
": value constant ;", # values behave like constants. for now.
': vocs vocabularies begin @ ?dup while dup 1+ .name space repeat ;',
': cell+ 1+ ; : char+ 1+ ;',
': cell- 1- ; : char- 1- ;',
': cells ; : chars ; ',
': range over + swap ;', # ( x1 n -- x2 x1 )
': erase 0 fill ;', # ( a n -- )
': blank bl fill ;', # ( a n -- )
': c, 255 and , ;', # ( c -- )
': within pluck < >r < r> or 0= ;', # ( n1 n2 n3 -- f )
': printable bl 127 within ;', # ( c -- f )
': emits swap dup 0> and', # ( u c -- )
' 0 ?do dup emit loop drop ;',
': spaces bl emits ;', # ( u -- )
': >body cell+ ; ', # ( a1 -- a2 )
': body> cell- ; ', # ( a1 -- a2 )
': word here >r parse r@ move$ r> ;', # ( c -- a )
': lines >r', # ( a -- )
' bl word count',
' fileopen',
' begin fileread',
' while r@ execute',
' repeat',
' fileclose rdrop ;',
": from fileopen", # ( a n -- )
" begin fileread",
" while evaluate",
" repeat fileclose ;",
': from" [char] " parse from ;', # ( -- )
# is and to identical yet but they will check to make sure the target is of proper type
# therefore no factoring in these words, as these are in transition.
"also hidden definitions",
": (was) r> dup cell+ >r @ >body @ ;",
": (is) r> dup cell+ >r @ >body ! ;",
": (to) r> dup cell+ >r @ >body ! ;",
"previous definitions",
"also hidden",
": was compiling if compile (was) exit then ' >body @ ; immediate",
": is compiling if compile (is) exit then ' >body ! ; immediate",
": to compiling if compile (to) exit then ' >body ! ; immediate",
# --- obsolescent input parsing and vocabulary search. required by dpans94 ---
': find dup count hunt', # ( a1 -- a2 0 | a2 1 | a2 -1 )
' dup if', # 1: immediate. -1: non-immediate
' nip dup name>',
' swap ?imm invert 1 or',
' then ;',
# --- pictured number output conversion ---
': s>d dup 0< ;', # ( x -- d )
': <# swap >r pad tuck r> ;', # ( d -- a x a x )
': #> drop nip tuck - ;', # ( a x a x -- a x )
': hold rot 1-', # ( a x c -- a x )
' dup here < -17 and throw',
' -rot pluck c! ;',
': cipher dup 9 > if 7 + then [char] 0 + ;', # ( n -- c )
': # base @ u/mod swap cipher hold ;', # ( a x -- a x )
': #s begin # dup 0= until ;', # ( a x -- a x )
': sign pluck 0< if [char] - hold then ;', # ( x a x -- x a x )
': string <# #s sign #> ;', # ( n -- a n )
': (.) s>d >r abs r> string ;', # ( n1 -- a n2 )
': (u.) 0 string ;', # ( u -- a n )
': . (.) type space ;', # ( n -- )
': u. (u.) type space ;', # ( u -- )
': (.r) over - spaces type ;', # ( a n1 n2 -- )
': .r >r (.) r> (.r) ;', # ( n u -- )
': u.r >r (u.) r> (.r) ;', # ( u1 u2 -- )
': .b base exchange swap u. base ! ;', # ( n base -- )
': .% 2 .b ;', # ( n -- )
': .# 10 .b ;', # ( n -- )
': .$ 16 .b ;', # ( n -- )
': .s depth ?dup if', # ( -- )
' for i pick . next',
' else ." stack empty"',
' then ;',
': number ?number 0= -24 and throw ;', # ( a n1 -- n2 )
# --- string words
': /string over min tuck 2>r + 2r> - ;', # ( a n1 n2 -- )
': -trailing dup if dup for 1- 2dup + c@ bl <> ?leave next 1+ then ;',
# left/right boundary, centered type
': typer ( a n1 n2 -- ) over - 0 max spaces type ;',
': typel ( a n1 n2 -- ) over - 0 max >r type r> spaces ;',
': typec ( a n1 n2 -- ) over - 0 max dup 2/ dup spaces - >r type r> spaces ;',
# --- 'char, ^ctrlchar, >shellcommand input
"also hidden definitions",
': toshell 1 /string drop 0 parse + over -', # ( a n -- )
' compiling if compile (slit) ,s compile then shell ;',
": andchar nip swap 1+ c@ and compiling if postpone literal then ;", # ( a n -- c )
": tochar 255 andchar ;", # ( a n -- c )
": toctrl 31 andchar ;", # ( a n -- c )
': dispatchable s" \'^>" rot scan nip ;', # ( c -- u )
" create action ] toshell toctrl tochar [",
': dispatch action + @ execute ;', # ( a n1 n2 -- ? )
": prefixes over c@ dispatchable ?dup if 1- dispatch exit then",
#" 2dup analyze_input if process_input exit then",
" (notfound) ;",
"' prefixes is notfound", # ( a n -- ? )
': .? dup defined if . else drop ." undefined" then ;',
': .linknames',
' >r begin @ ?dup',
' while dup 1+',
' dup cr .name ." : "',
' >body @ r@ execute',
' repeat rdrop cr ;',
": .variables variables ['] .? .linknames ;",
": .constants constants ['] . .linknames ;",
": .arrays arrays ['] . .linknames ;",
": .defers defers ['] .name .linknames ;",
": .vocs vocabularies ['] . .linknames ;",
": user_interrupt -28 throw ;",
"previous definitions",
': shell: create ," does> count shell ;',
'shell: page clear',
'shell: ps ps auxf|pager',
'shell: sh bash',
': command: create does> drop source shell postpone \ ;',
'command: ls',
': cls page ;',
': commandline ." (ctrl-D to exit)" sh ." ok" cr ;',
': .keys -1 keytable @ 0 do',
' i keytable @',
' ?dup if',
" dup ['] nop <> if",
' cr ." ctrl-" i \'@ + emit',
' 3 spaces dup .name',
' then',
' drop',
' then',
' loop cr ;',
# "0 keytable -1 keytable @ ' nop fill",
"0 keytable bl ' nop fill",
": bindkey keytable ! ;",
"also hidden",
"' .arrays ^A bindkey",
"' .constants ^B bindkey",
"' user_interrupt ^C bindkey",
"' commandline ^D bindkey",
"' .defers ^E bindkey",
" 0 ^H bindkey",
" 0 ^I bindkey",
" 0 ^J bindkey",
"' .keys ^K bindkey",
"' page ^L bindkey",
"' order ^O bindkey",
"' bye ^Q bindkey",
"' .variables ^V bindkey",
"' words ^W bindkey",
"' .vocs ^X bindkey",
': fkey',
' begin (key)',
' dup bl < 0= unless',
' dup keytable @',
' ?dup while',
' execute drop',
' repeat ;',
': accept >r 0', # ( a n1 -- n2 )
' begin dup r@ <>',
' while fkey dup 10 =',
' if r> 2drop dup >r',
' else decode',
' then',
' repeat swap r> 2drop ;',
': query tib dup tibsize accept dup #tib ! pushsource space ;',
": (quit) empty postpone [ begin query interpret prompt again ;",
"' (quit) is quit",
': (prompt) compiling 0= if ." ok" depth 0 ?do \'. emit loop then cr ;',
"' (prompt) is prompt",
"previous definitions",
#": recent context @ >body @ ;",
": :noname ?exec here [ latest @ ] literal , ] ; immediate",
': up s" ./up" shell ;',
': doc s" ./doc" shell ;',
#": bogo 1000000 0 do loop bye ; bogo",
#' from hexdump.4th',
# -- time
": time ( -- secs ) epoch 86400 mod ;",
": ##: ( u1 -- u2 ) base @ >r decimal # 6 base ! # ': hold r> base ! ;",
": .now ( -- ) time s>d <# ##: ##: #s #> type ;",
": now ( -- s m h ) time 60 /mod 60 /mod ;",
# load site-forth.4th at start
' :noname ( -- ) s" /usr/local/share/perlforth/site-forth.4th" from ; catch drop',
# ' \ dup -38 <> and throw',
'.( Threaded Code Interpreter in Perl, version )',
" version s>d <# # # '. hold #s #> type",
" '. emit here . cr space",
# -------- virtual machine data --------
# VM memory
my @m; # main memory
my @s; # user stack
my @r; # return stack
# global VM registers
my $sp; # user stack pointer
my $rp; # return stack pointer
my $w; # word pointer
my $ip; # instruction pointer
# global interpreter/compiler variables
my $dp = 0; # pointer to free VM mem
my $wc = 0; # word count, analog the name field address
my @header; # word headers
my @body; # pointers to word code fields
my @voclink; # pointer to index of next word of same vocabulary
my @precedence; # reveal/precedence flags per word
my $parsebuf; # pointer to current source buffer
my $parsebuflen; # size of current source buffer
my @sourcestack; # holds nested source buffer
my %does; # helper hash for create .. does> simplification
my $catchframe = 0; # pointer to prev catch/throw context (or 0)
my $maxu = (-1|0); # determine cell size in bits
$maxu = $cell if ($cell); # or use override
my $wrap = $maxu+1; # modulo for trimming results to fit into cell
my $msb = 1; # value with only the most significant bit set
my $bits = 1;
for (;$msb<$wrap/2;$msb+=$msb) {$bits++}
#print "$msb, $bits";
my $revealbit = 1;
my $precedencebit = 2;
# variables residing in interpreter virtual memory space.
sub comma {
$m[$dp] = shift(@_);
return $dp++;
my @vocstack;
my $xlaststore = comma 0;
my $xcurrentstore = comma 0;
my $xcontextstore = comma 0;
# -------- virtual machine --------
#$meow = $model ? sub { 'purr' } : sub { q/=^_^=/ }; $meow->();
sub nest { $r[++$rp] = $ip; $ip = $w+1; }
sub unnest { $ip = $r[$rp--]; }
my $unnest = $dp;
$m[$dp++] = \&unnest;
sub doconst { $s[++$sp] = $m[$w+1]; }
sub dovar { $s[++$sp] = $w+1; }
sub dodefer { $w = $m[$w+1]; $m[$w](); }
sub dovoc { $m[$xcontextstore] = $w; }
# -------- vocabularies --------
sub reveal { $precedence[$wc-1] |= $revealbit; }
sub immediate { $precedence[$wc-1] |= $precedencebit; }
sub hide { $precedence[$wc-1] &= ~$revealbit; }
sub header {
$header[$wc] = shift(@_);
$body[$wc] = $dp;
$precedence[$wc] = 0;
$voclink[$wc] = $m[$m[$xcurrentstore]+2];
$m[$xlaststore] = $dp;
$m[$m[$xcurrentstore]+1] = $dp;
$m[$m[$xcurrentstore]+2] = $wc;
return $dp;
sub xlink {
my $anchor = (shift(@_))+1;
($m[$anchor], $m[$dp]) = ($dp, $m[$anchor]);
sub allot { $dp += shift(@_); }
my $xvocabularies = comma \&dovar; comma 0; # a hand-built variable, needed early.(for linking
# vocabularies needed to contain the link anchors
# of variables, constant, vocabularies...)
sub vocabulary {
xlink $xvocabularies;
my $addr = comma \&dovoc; comma 0; comma 0; # last cfa, last wc.
return $addr;
my $xonlyvoc = vocabulary; sub only { $m[$xcontextstore] = $xonlyvoc; }
my $xforth = vocabulary; sub forth { $m[$xcontextstore] = $xforth; }
my $xhidden = vocabulary; sub hidden { $m[$xcontextstore] = $xhidden; }
sub definitions { $m[$xcurrentstore] = $m[$xcontextstore] }
hidden; definitions;
header ""; # must be header 0 (0 represents end
# of chain, common for all vocabularies)
# to do:
# hand-craft a link anchor, used as link anchor for list of link anchors here.
# link "vocabularies" link anchor to this link anchor. later, create a header,
# link "anchors" to itself. moala - mother of all link anchors.
header "vocabularies"; reveal; # header for vocabularies link anchor.
$body[$wc-1] = $xvocabularies;
only; definitions;
header "forth"; reveal;
$body[$wc-1] = $xforth;
forth; definitions;
header "only"; reveal;
$body[$wc-1] = $xonlyvoc;
header "hidden"; reveal;
$body[$wc-1] = $xhidden;
# -------- macros: defining words -------- #FOLD00
sub compile {
my $addr = $dp;
foreach my $i (0..$#_) {
comma $_[$i];
return $addr;
sub colon {
header shift(@_);
return compile \&nest;
sub semicolon {
compile $unnest;
sub unnamedprimitive {
return compile shift(@_);
sub primitive {
header shift(@_);
return compile shift(@_);
sub create {
header shift(@_);
return compile \&dovar;
sub xnop { }
my $xnop = primitive "nop", \&xnop;
hidden; definitions;
my $xconstants = create "constants"; comma 0;
sub constant {
xlink $xconstants;
header shift(@_);
return compile \&doconst, shift(@_);
my $xvariables = create "variables"; comma 0;
sub variable {
xlink $xvariables;
header shift(@_);
return compile \&dovar, shift(@_);
sub alias {
my $cfa = $body[$wc-1];
header shift(@_);
$body[$wc-1] = $cfa;
return $cfa;
my $xdefers = create "defers"; comma 0;
sub defer {
xlink $xdefers;
header shift(@_);
return compile \&dodefer, shift(@_);
# ( a n -- ) packs chars at $m[$a..$a+n-1] into string which is returned.
sub string {
my $x2 = $s[$sp--]&$cell;
my $x1 = $s[$sp--]&$cell;
return pack "W*",@m[$x1..$x1+$x2-1];
# ( a -- n ) unpacks chars of string par to $m[$a..]
sub unstring {
my @arg = unpack "W*", $_[0];
$w = @arg;
(my $addr, $s[$sp]) = ($s[$sp], $w);
@m[$addr..$addr+$w-1] = @arg;
# -------- vocabularies search order -------- #FOLD00
only; definitions;
sub xalso { push @vocstack, $m[$xcontextstore]; }
primitive "also", \&xalso;
forth; definitions;
my $xlast = constant "last", $xlaststore;
constant "context", $xcontextstore;
constant "current", $xcurrentstore;
sub xprevious {
$m[$xcontextstore] = pop @vocstack if ($#vocstack >= 0);
primitive "previous", \&xprevious;
sub xonly {
$m[$xcontextstore] = $xonlyvoc;
@vocstack = $xonlyvoc;
my $xonly = primitive "only", \&xonly;
sub xdefinitions { $m[$xcurrentstore] = $m[$xcontextstore]; }
primitive "definitions", \&xdefinitions;
# -------- error handling -------- #FOLD00
my %throwmessage = (
-1 => "aborted",
-2 => "aborted",
-3 => "stack overflow",
-4 => "stack underflow",
-5 => "return stack overflow",
-6 => "return stack underflow",
# -7 => "do loops nested too deeply",
# -8 => "dictionary overflow",
-9 => "invalid memory address",
-10 => "division by zero",
-11 => "result out of range",
-12 => "argument type mismatch",
-13 => "word not found",
-14 => "use only during compilation",
-15 => "invalid forget",
-16 => "attempt to use zero-length string as name",
-17 => "pictured numeric output string overflow",
-18 => "parsed string overflow",
# -19 => "word name too long",
-20 => "write to a read-only location",
-21 => "unsupported operation",
-22 => "unstructured",
# -23 => "address alignment exception",
-24 => "invalid numeric argument",
-25 => "return stack imbalance",
-26 => "loop parameters unavailable",
-27 => "invalid recursion",
-28 => "user interrupt",
-29 => "compiler nesting",
-30 => "obsolescent feature",
-31 => ">BODY used on non-CREATEd definition",
-32 => "invalid name argument",
-33 => "Block read exception",
-34 => "Block write exception",
-35 => "Invalid block number",
-36 => "Invalid file position",
-37 => "File I/O exception",
-38 => "File not found",
# additional error messages:
-64 => "use only while interpreting",
-65 => "executed BODY> on a non-body address",
-67 => "TO must be used on a VALUE",
-72 => "Invalid memory region specifier, or heap corrupted",
# used by abort" to introduce new abort messages
sub xnewerror { # ( n1 a n2 -- )
$throwmessage{$s[$sp--]} = string;
primitive "newerror", \&xnewerror;
# executed at the end of word executed by catch.
sub xbrthrow0 {
($ip, $sp, $catchframe) = @r[$rp-2..$rp]; # restore previous catch context
$rp -= 3;
$s[$sp] = 0; # throw value 0
my $xbrthrow0 = compile unnamedprimitive \&xbrthrow0; # not a primitive - returning to.
sub xexecute { $w = $s[$sp--]; $m[$w](); }
my $xexecute = primitive "execute", \&xexecute;
# ( a -- x )
sub xcatch {
$rp += 3; # room for new catch frame
@r[$rp-2..$rp] = ($ip, $sp, $catchframe); # save previous catch context
$catchframe = $rp; # point to this catch frame
$r[++$rp] = $xbrthrow0; # inject return address to throw0
xexecute; # call word running under catch
my $xcatch = primitive "catch", \&xcatch;
# ( err -- )
sub throw {
my $exception = shift; # throw value other than 0?
if ($exception) {
if ($catchframe) { # does previous catch frame exist?
$rp = $catchframe; # yes: point to prev catch frame
($ip, $sp, $catchframe) = @r[$rp-2..$rp]; # restore previous catch context
$rp -= 3;
$s[$sp] = $exception; # return throw value
} else { # throw without catch: top level
die $exception;
sub xthrow { throw $s[$sp--]; }
my $xthrow = primitive "throw", \&xthrow;
hidden; definitions;
sub xbrerror { throw -1; }
sub xstackunderflow { throw -4; }
sub xbrnotfound { throw -13; }
my $xbrerror = primitive "(error)", \&xbrerror;
my $xstackunderflow = unnamedprimitive \&xstackunderflow;
my $xbrnotfound = primitive "(notfound)", \&xbrnotfound;
my $xnotfound = defer "notfound", $xbrnotfound;
my $xlastword = create "lastword"; allot 2;
forth; definitions;
my $xerror = defer "error", $xbrerror;
# -------- run time words: literals and flow control --------
hidden; definitions;
sub xlit { $s[++$sp] = $m[$ip++]; }
my $xlit = primitive "(lit)", \&xlit;
sub xslit {
my $count = $m[$ip++];
$sp += 2;
@s[$sp-1..$sp] = ($ip, $count);
$ip += $count;
my $xslit = primitive '(slit)', \&xslit;
sub xbrdotquote { xslit; print string; }
my $xbrdotquote = primitive '(.")', \&xbrdotquote;
sub xbranch { $ip += $m[$ip]; }
my $xbranch = primitive "(branch)", \&xbranch;
sub xbranch0 {
if ($s[$sp--]) {
} else {
$ip += $m[$ip];
my $xbranch0 = primitive "(0branch)", \&xbranch0;
sub xbrfor {
$r[++$rp] = $s[$sp]-1;
$r[++$rp] = $s[$sp--]-1;
my $xbrfor = primitive "(for)", \&xbrfor;
sub xbrnext {
if ($r[$rp]--) {
$ip += $m[$ip];
} else {
$rp -= 2;
my $xbrnext = primitive "(next)", \&xbrnext;
sub xbrdo {
$rp += 2;
@r[$rp-1..$rp] = @s[$sp-1..$sp];
$sp -= 2;
my $xbrdo = primitive "(do)", \&xbrdo;
sub xbrqdo {
if ($s[$sp] == $s[$sp-1]) {
$ip += $m[$ip];
} else {
$rp += 2;
@r[$rp-1..$rp] = @s[$sp-1..$sp];
$ip++ ;
$sp -= 2;
my $xbrqdo = primitive "(?do)", \&xbrqdo;
sub xbrleave {
$rp -= 2;
$ip = $m[$ip];
$ip += $m[$ip];
my $xbrleave = primitive "(leave)", \&xbrleave;
sub xbrqleave {
if ($s[$sp--]) {
} else {
my $xbrqleave = primitive "(?leave)", \&xbrqleave;
sub xbrloop {
if (++$r[$rp] != $r[$rp-1]) { # index+1 != limit
$ip += $m[$ip]; # add branch offset to instruction pointer
} else {
$rp -= 2; # discard loop parameters
$ip++; # skip branch offset
my $xbrloop = primitive "(loop)", \&xbrloop;
sub xbrplusloop { # determine loop exit condition by simulating sign overflow:
$w = $r[$rp] - $r[$rp-1]; # temp = index-limit
$r[$rp] += $s[$sp--]; # index += loop increment
if ((($r[$rp] - $r[$rp-1]) ^ $w) < $msb) { # sign change of index-limit before and after?
$ip += $m[$ip]; # no: add branch offset to instruction pointer
} else {
$rp -= 2; # yes: exit loop: discard loop parameters
$ip++; # skip branch offset
my $xbrplusloop = primitive "(+loop)", \&xbrplusloop;
sub xbrunloop { $rp -= 2; }
my $xbrunloop = primitive "(unloop)", \&xbrunloop;
sub doarray {
if (($s[$sp] < $m[$w+1]) && ($s[$sp] >= -1)) { # legal index. -1 addresses array size
$s[$sp] += ($w+2); # index > address
} else {
throw -24;
my $xarrays = create "arrays"; comma 0;
sub array {
xlink $xarrays;
header shift(@_);
my $cfa = compile \&doarray;
my $count = shift(@_);
comma $count;
allot $count;
return $cfa;
forth; definitions;
# -------- constants, variables -------- #FOLD00
my $xesc = constant "esc", 27;
my $xbl = constant "bl", 32;
my $xfalse = constant "false", 0;
my $xzero = alias "0";
my $xtrue = constant "true", -1;
my $xminusone = alias "-1";
constant "msb", $msb;
constant "maxu", $maxu;
my $xstate = variable "state", 0;
my $xbase = variable "base", 10;
my $xhashtib = variable "#tib", 0;
my $xtoin = variable ">in", 0;
my $xinnerloop = variable "innerloop", 0;
my $xtib = create "tib"; allot $tibsize;
constant "version", int $version;
constant "tibsize", $tibsize;
my $xkeytable = array "keytable", 32;
# -------- stack handling --------
sub xdrop { $sp--; }
sub xrdrop { $rp--; }
sub x2drop { $sp -= 2; }
sub xsp { $s[++$sp] = $sp; }
sub xrp { $s[++$sp] = $rp; }
sub xdup { $s[++$sp] = $s[$sp]; }
sub xqdup { $s[++$sp] = $s[$sp] if ( $s[$sp]); }
sub xover { $s[++$sp] = $s[$sp-1]; }
sub xnip { $s[$sp] = $s[$sp--]; }
sub xpick { $s[$sp] = $s[$sp-$s[$sp]-1]; }
sub xdepth { $s[++$sp] = $sp; }
sub xswap { @s[$sp-1..$sp] = ($s[$sp], $s[$sp-1]); }
sub xrot { @s[$sp-2, $sp-1, $sp] = @s[$sp-1, $sp, $sp-2]; }
sub x2dup { $sp += 2; @s[$sp-1..$sp] = @s[$sp-3..$sp-2]; }
sub x2over { $sp += 2; @s[$sp-1..$sp] = @s[$sp-5..$sp-4]; }
sub x2swap { @s[$sp-3..$sp] = (@s[$sp-1..$sp], @s[$sp-3..$sp-2]);}
sub xtor { $r[++$rp] = $s[$sp--]; }
sub xrfrom { $s[++$sp] = $r[$rp--]; }
sub xrfetch { $s[++$sp] = $r[$rp]; }
sub x2tor { $r[++$rp] = $s[$sp--];
$r[++$rp] = $s[$sp--]; }
sub x2rfrom { $s[++$sp] = $r[$rp--];
$s[++$sp] = $r[$rp--]; }
sub x2rfetch { $s[++$sp] = $r[$rp];
$s[++$sp] = $r[$rp-1]; }
my $xdup = primitive "dup", \&xdup;
my $xqdup = primitive "?dup", \&xqdup;
my $xdrop = primitive "drop", \&xdrop;
my $xover = primitive "over", \&xover;
my $xswap = primitive "swap", \&xswap;
my $xrot = primitive "rot", \&xrot;
my $xnip = primitive "nip", \&xnip;
my $x2dup = primitive "2dup", \&x2dup;
my $x2drop = primitive "2drop", \&x2drop;
my $x2swap = primitive "2swap", \&x2swap;
my $x2over = primitive "2over", \&x2over;
my $xpick = primitive "pick", \&xpick;
my $xdepth = primitive "depth", \&xdepth;
my $xtor = primitive ">r", \&xtor;
my $xrfrom = primitive "r>", \&xrfrom;
my $xrfetch = primitive "r@", \&xrfetch;
my $xrdrop = primitive "rdrop", \&xrdrop;
my $x2tor = primitive "2>r", \&x2tor;
my $x2rfrom = primitive "2r>", \&x2rfrom;
my $x2rfetch = primitive "2r@", \&x2rfetch;
primitive "rp", \&xrp;
primitive "sp", \&xsp;
# -------- flow control -------- #FOLD00
my $xexit = primitive "exit", \&unnest;
sub xi { $s[++$sp] = $r[$rp]; }
my $xi = primitive "i", \&xi;
sub xj { $s[++$sp] = $r[$rp-2]; }
my $xj = primitive "j", \&xj;
sub xuse { $m[$body[$wc-1]] = $s[$sp--]; }
my $xuse = primitive "use", \&xuse;
sub xunless { $ip = $r[$rp--] if ($s[$sp--]) }
my $xunless = primitive "unless", \&xunless;
sub xbye { print "\n"; exit; }
my $xbye = primitive "bye", \&xbye;
sub XIF {
comma $xbranch0;
$s[++$sp] = $dp++;
sub XELSE {
comma $xbranch;
my $offs = $s[$sp];
$s[$sp] = $dp++;
$m[$offs] = $dp-$offs;
sub XTHEN {
$m[$s[$sp]] = $dp-$s[$sp];
sub XBEGIN {
$s[++$sp] = $dp;
sub XAGAIN {
comma $xbranch;
comma $s[$sp--]-$dp;
sub XUNTIL {
comma $xbranch0;
comma $s[$sp--]-$dp;
sub XWHILE {
# -------- bitwise logic -------- #FOLD00
sub xand {
$s[$sp-1] &= ($s[$sp--] % $wrap);
$s[$sp]-=$wrap if $s[$sp]>=$msb;
my $xand = primitive "and", \&xand;
sub xor {
$s[$sp-1] |= ($s[$sp--] % $wrap);
$s[$sp]-=$wrap if $s[$sp]>=$msb;
my $xor = primitive "or", \&xor;
sub xxor {
$s[$sp-1] ^= ($s[$sp--] % $wrap);
$s[$sp]-=$wrap if $s[$sp]>=$msb;
my $xxor = primitive "xor", \&xxor;
sub xinvert {
$s[$sp] ^= -1;
$s[$sp]-=$wrap if $s[$sp]>=$msb;
my $xinvert = primitive "invert", \&xinvert;
sub x2mul {
$s[$sp] <<= 1;
$s[$sp]-=$wrap if $s[$sp]>=$msb;
my $x2mul = primitive "2*", \&x2mul;
sub x2div {
$s[$sp] >>= 1;
my $x2div = primitive "2/", \&x2div;
sub xrshift {
$s[$sp-1] >>= ($s[$sp--] & $bits-1);
my $xrshift = primitive "rshift", \&xrshift;
alias ">>";
sub xlshift {
$s[$sp-1] <<= ($s[$sp--] & $bits-1);
$s[$sp]-=$wrap if $s[$sp]>=$msb;
my $xlshift = primitive "lshift", \&xlshift;
alias "<<";
# -------- comparison --------
sub xequals { $s[--$sp] = -($s[$sp] == $s[$sp-1]); }
my $xequals = primitive "=", \&xequals;
sub xnotequals { $s[--$sp] = -($s[$sp] != $s[$sp-1]); }
my $xnotequals = primitive "<>", \&xnotequals;
sub xless { my $tos = $s[$sp--]; $s[$sp] = -($s[$sp] < $tos); }
my $xless = primitive "<", \&xless;
sub xuless { my $tos = $s[$sp--]|0; $s[$sp] = -(($s[$sp]|0) < $tos); }
my $xuless = primitive "u<", \&xuless;
sub xgreater { my $tos = $s[$sp--]; $s[$sp] = -($s[$sp] > $tos); }
my $xgreater = primitive ">", \&xgreater;
sub xugreater { my $tos = $s[$sp--]|0; $s[$sp] = -(($s[$sp]|0) > $tos); }
my $xugreater = primitive "u>", \&xugreater;
sub xzeroequals { $s[$sp] = -(!$s[$sp]); }
my $xzeroequals = primitive "0=", \&xzeroequals;
sub xzeronotequals { $s[$sp] = -(!!$s[$sp]); }
my $xzeronotequals = primitive "0<>", \&xzeronotequals;
sub xzeroless { $s[$sp] = -($s[$sp] < 0); }
my $xzeroless = primitive "0<", \&xzeroless;
sub xzeromore { $s[$sp] = -($s[$sp] > 0); }
my $xzeromore = primitive "0>", \&xzeromore;
# -------- arithmetic --------
sub xoneplus {
$s[$sp] -= $wrap if $s[$sp] >= $msb;
my $xoneplus = primitive "1+", \&xoneplus;
sub xoneminus {
$s[$sp] += $wrap if $s[$sp] < -$msb;
my $xoneminus = primitive "1-", \&xoneminus;
sub xplus {
$s[$sp-1] += $s[$sp--];
$s[$sp]-=$wrap if $s[$sp] >= $msb;
my $xplus = primitive "+", \&xplus;
sub xminus {
$s[$sp-1] -= $s[$sp--];
$s[$sp]-=$wrap if $s[$sp] >= $msb;
my $xminus = primitive "-", \&xminus;
sub xmul {
$s[$sp-1] *= $s[$sp--];
$s[$sp]-=$wrap if $s[$sp] >= $msb;
my $xmul = primitive "*", \&xmul;
sub xdiv {
if (!$s[$sp]) { throw -10; }
$s[$sp-1] /= $s[$sp--];
my $xdiv = primitive "/", \&xdiv;
sub xmod {
if (!$s[$sp]) { throw -10; }
$s[$sp-1] %= $s[$sp--];
my $xmod = primitive "mod", \&xmod;
sub xstarslash {
if (!$s[$sp]) { throw -10; }
$s[$sp-2] *= $s[$sp-1];
$s[$sp-2] /= $s[$sp];
$sp -= 2;
$s[$sp]-=$wrap if $s[$sp] >= $msb;
my $xstarslash = primitive "*/", \&xstarslash;
# ( n1 n2 -- n3 n4 )
sub xslashmod {
@s[$sp-1..$sp] = ($s[$sp-1]%$s[$sp], int $s[$sp-1]/$s[$sp]);
my $xslashmod = primitive "/mod", \&xslashmod;
# ( n1 n2 -- n3 n4 )
sub xuslashmod {
@s[$sp-1..$sp] = ($s[$sp-1]%$s[$sp], int $s[$sp-1]/$s[$sp]);
my $xuslashmod = primitive "u/mod", \&xuslashmod;
sub xstarslashmod {
if (!$s[$sp]) { throw -10; }
$s[$sp-2] *= $s[$sp-1];
@s[$sp-2..$sp-1] = ($s[$sp-2]%$s[$sp], int $s[$sp-2]/$s[$sp]);
$s[$sp]-=$wrap if $s[$sp] >= $msb;
my $xstarslashmod = primitive "*/mod", \&xstarslashmod;
sub xabs { $s[$sp] = abs($s[$sp]); }
my $xabs = primitive "abs", \&xabs;
sub xnegate { $s[$sp] = -$s[$sp]; }
my $xnegate = primitive "negate", \&xnegate;
# -------- memory access -------- #FOLD00
sub xfetch { $s[$sp] = $m[$s[$sp]&$cell]; }
my $xfetch = primitive "@", \&xfetch;
sub xcfetch { $s[$sp] = $m[$s[$sp]&$cell] & 255; }
my $xcfetch = primitive "c@", \&xcfetch;
# ( a -- d )
sub x2fetch {
my $addr = $s[$sp++]&$cell;
@s[$sp-1..$sp] = @m[$addr..$addr+1];
my $x2fetch = primitive "2@", \&x2fetch;
sub xstore {
$m[$s[$sp]&$cell] = $s[$sp-1];
my $xstore = primitive "!", \&xstore;
sub xcstore {
$m[$s[$sp]&$cell] = $s[$sp-1] & 255;
my $xcstore = primitive "c!", \&xcstore;
# ( d a -- )
sub x2store {
my $addr = $s[$sp--]&$cell;
@m[$addr..$addr+1] = @s[$sp-1..$sp];
$sp -= 2
my $x2store = primitive "2!", \&x2store;
sub xplusstore {
$m[$s[$sp]&$cell] += $s[$sp-1];
my $xplusstore = primitive "+!", \&xplusstore;
sub xcount { $s[++$sp] = $m[$s[$sp]++&$cell] & 255; }
my $xcount = primitive "count", \&xcount;
sub xskim { $s[++$sp] = $m[$s[$sp]++&$cell]; }
my $xskim = primitive "skim", \&xskim;
sub xon { $m[$s[$sp--]&$cell] = -1; }
my $xon = primitive "on", \&xon;
sub xoff { $m[$s[$sp--]&$cell] = 0; }
my $xoff = primitive "off", \&xoff;
# ( x1 a -- x2 )
sub xexchange {
my $addr = $s[$sp--]&$cell;
($m[$addr], $s[$sp]) = ($s[$sp], $m[$addr]);
my $xexchange = primitive "exchange", \&xexchange;
# ( a1 n1 c -- a2 n2 )
sub xskip {
my $char = $s[$sp--];
(my $addr, my $len) = @s[$sp-1..$sp];
while (($m[$addr&$cell] == $char) && ($len)) {
@s[$sp-1..$sp] = ($addr, $len);
my $xskip = primitive "skip", \&xskip;
# ( a1 n1 c -- a2 n2 )
sub xscan {
my $char = $s[$sp--];
(my $addr, my $len) = @s[$sp-1..$sp];
while (($m[$addr&$cell] != $char) && ($len)) {
@s[$sp-1..$sp] = ($addr, $len);
my $xscan = primitive "scan", \&xscan;
# ( src dst n -- )
sub xmove {
(my $src, my $dest, my $count) = @s[$sp-2..$sp];
@m[$dest..$dest+$count-1] = @m[$src..$src+$count-1];
my $xmove = primitive "move", \&xmove;
# ( a n c -- )
sub xfill {
(my $dest, my $count, my $char) = @s[$sp-2..$sp];
@m[$dest..$dest+$count-1] = ($char) x $count;
my $xfill = primitive "fill", \&xfill;
# -------- number conversion -------- #FOLD00
my %radixprefix = (
'%' => 2,
'&' => 8,
'#' => 10,
'$' => 16,
'_' => 36,
# ( a n -- x -1 | 0 )
sub xqnumber {
my $sign = 0;
my $accu = 0; # accumulator
my $valid = -1; # assume valid number
my $i = $s[$sp--]; # number of digits to test/convert
$w = $s[$sp--]; # addr of next digit
if ($m[$w] == 45) { # leading -
$w++; # strip
my $radix = $m[$xbase+1]; # assume radix from base
if (defined $radixprefix{chr $m[$w]}) { # but if radix prefix,
$radix = $radixprefix{chr $m[$w]}; # use radix for prefix
$w++; # strip prefix
for (; $i; $i--) { # for all digits
my $digit = $m[$w++] - 48; # read digit
if (($digit < 0) || (($digit > 9) && ($digit < 17))) {
$valid = 0;
$digit -= 7 if ($digit > 9 ); # remove gap between 9 and A
$digit -= 32 if ($digit > 41); # a..z -> A..Z
if (($digit < 0) || ($digit >= $radix)) {
$valid = 0;
($accu *= $radix) += $digit;
if ($valid) {
$accu = -$accu if ($sign);
$accu %= $wrap;
$accu -= $wrap if $accu >= $msb;
$s[++$sp] = $accu;
$s[++$sp] = $valid;
my $xqnumber = primitive "?number", \&xqnumber;
# -------- output -------- #FOLD00
sub xcr { print "\n"; }
my $xcr = primitive "cr", \&xcr;
sub xemit { printf "%c",$s[$sp--]; }
my $xemit = primitive "emit", \&xemit;
sub xdotslit { print $m[$ip++]; }
my $xdotslit = unnamedprimitive \&xdotslit;
sub xspace { print " "; }
my $xspace = primitive "space", \&xspace;
# ( a n -- )
sub xtype { print string; }
my $xtype = primitive "type", \&xtype;
# -------- character input -------- #FOLD00
my $keybuffer;
# ( -- c ) lowest level key input word
sub xbrkey {
my $key = $keybuffer;
$keybuffer = 0;
if (!$key) {
ReadMode 4;
$key = ReadKey(0);
ReadMode 0;
$s[++$sp] = ord $key;
my $xbrkey = primitive "(key)", \&xbrkey;
my $xkey = defer "key", $xbrkey;
sub xqkey {
if ($keybuffer) {
$s[++$sp] = -1;
} else {
ReadMode 4;
$keybuffer = ReadKey(-1); # possible race condition resulting in occasional echoing
ReadMode 0;
$s[++$sp] = -(defined $keybuffer);
my $xqkey = primitive "key?", \&xqkey;
# -------- buffered I/O -------- #FOLD00
# read string, delimited by c. return address and len
# updates source
# ( c -- a n )
sub xparse {
my $delimiter = $s[$sp];
my $bufend = $parsebuf + $parsebuflen; # first non-buf address
$w = $m[$xtoin+1] + $parsebuf; # parse address
my $nxtchar = $m[$w];
if ($delimiter == 32) {
for (; $w < $bufend;) {
last if (!(defined $nxtchar));
last if ($nxtchar != $delimiter);
$nxtchar = $m[$w];
$s[$sp] = $w;
for (; $w < $bufend;) {
last if (!(defined $nxtchar) || ($nxtchar == $delimiter));
$nxtchar = $m[++$w];
$s[++$sp] = $w - $s[$sp];
$w++ if ((defined $nxtchar) && ($nxtchar == $delimiter));
$m[$xtoin+1] = $w - $parsebuf;
my $xparse = primitive "parse", \&xparse;
sub xsource {
$sp += 2;
@s[$sp-1..$sp] = ($parsebuf, $parsebuflen);
my $xsource = primitive "source", \&xsource;
hidden; definitions;
# ( addr len offs -- )
sub xpushsource {
push @sourcestack, $m[$xtoin+1], $parsebuf, $parsebuflen;
$m[$xtoin+1] = 0;
($parsebuf, $parsebuflen) = @s[$sp-1..$sp];
$sp -= 2;
my $xpushsource = primitive "pushsource", \&xpushsource;
sub xpopsource {
$parsebuflen = pop @sourcestack;
$parsebuf = pop @sourcestack;
$m[$xtoin+1] = pop @sourcestack;
my $xpopsource = primitive "popsource", \&xpopsource;
# ( a n1 asc -- a n2 )
my $xdecode = colon "decode";
compile $xdup, $xlit, 127, $xequals; # Del/BS: remove previous
compile $xover, $xlit, 8, $xequals, $xor;
XIF; compile $xdrop;
compile $xdup;
XIF; compile $xdotslit, "\b \b", $xoneminus; XTHEN;
compile $xexit;
compile $xdup, $xlit, 9, $xequals; # Tab: convert to space
XIF; compile $xdrop, $xbl; XTHEN;
compile $xdup, $xemit; # echo char
compile $xtor, $x2dup, $xplus; # calc buffer address
compile $xrfrom, $xswap, $xstore; # buffer char
compile $xoneplus; # count
forth; definitions;
# -------- dictionary and compilation -------- #FOLD00
sub xhere { $s[++$sp] = $dp; }
my $xhere = primitive "here", \&xhere;
sub xallot { $dp += $s[$sp--]; }
my $xallot = primitive "allot", \&xallot;
sub xcomma { $m[$dp++&$cell] = $s[$sp--]; }
my $xcomma = primitive ",", \&xcomma;
my $xstateoff = colon '['; immediate;
compile $xstate, $xoff;
my $xstateon = colon "]";
compile $xstate, $xon;
my $xcompiling = colon "compiling";
compile $xstate, $xfetch;
my $xqcomp = colon "?comp";
compile $xcompiling, $xzeroequals;
compile $xlit, -14, $xand, $xthrow;
my $xqexec = colon "?exec";
compile $xcompiling;
compile $xlit, -64, $xand, $xthrow;
# -------- vocabulary/wordlist -------- #FOLD00
sub xheader { header string }
my $xheader = primitive "header", \&xheader;
my $xhide = primitive "hide", \&hide;
my $xreveal = primitive "reveal" , \&reveal;
my $ximmediate = primitive "immediate", \&immediate;
# ( header -- f )
sub xqimm {
$s[$sp] = -(!!($precedence[$s[$sp]] & $precedencebit));
my $xqimm = primitive "?imm", \&xqimm;
sub xwords {
my $nfa = $m[$m[$xcontextstore]+2];
while ($nfa) {
print "$header[$nfa] ";
$nfa = $voclink[$nfa];
only; definitions;
my $xwords = primitive "words", \&xwords;
forth; definitions;
sub xnamefrom { $s[$sp] = $body[$s[$sp]]; }
my $xnamefrom = primitive "name>", \&xnamefrom;
hidden; definitions;
# returns matching header index, aka nfa, (or 0)
# ( a1 n -- a2 | 0 )
sub xbrhunt {
my $name = string;
$s[++$sp] = 0;
my $last = $m[$m[$xcontextstore]+2];
while ($last) {
if ($precedence[$last] & $revealbit) {
if ($header[$last] eq $name) {
$s[$sp] = $last;
$last = $voclink[$last]
my $xbrhunt = primitive "(hunt)", \&xbrhunt;
forth; definitions;
sub xhunt {
x2dup; xbrhunt;
if (!($s[$sp])) {
my $prevcontext = $m[$xcontextstore];
my $vocstackdepth = $#vocstack;
for my $voc (0..$vocstackdepth) {
my $tempcontext = $vocstack[$vocstackdepth-$voc];
if ($tempcontext != $prevcontext) {
$m[$xcontextstore] = $tempcontext;
x2dup; xbrhunt;
last if ($s[$sp]);
$m[$xcontextstore] = $prevcontext;
xnip; xnip;
my $xhunt = primitive "hunt", \&xhunt;
# returns matching header index, aka nfa, (or 0)
# ( cfa -- a | 0 )
sub xtoname {
my $cfa = $s[$sp];
$s[$sp] = 0;
for (my $i=$wc-1; $i; --$i) {
if ($body[$i] eq $cfa) {
$s[$sp] = $i;
my $xtoname = primitive ">name", \&xtoname;
# ( cfa -- a n )
sub xname {
my $nfa = $s[$sp];
$s[$sp] = $dp;
$s[++$sp] = 0;
if ($nfa) {
$s[$sp] = $dp;
unstring $header[$nfa];
my $xname = primitive "name", \&xname;
# ( cfa -- )
sub xdotname {
print $header[$s[$sp]] if ($s[$sp]);
$sp--; }
my $xdotname = primitive ".name", \&xdotname;
sub xorder {
print "\ncontext: ";
$s[++$sp] = $m[$xcontextstore];
xdotname; xspace; xspace;
my $vocstackdepth = $#vocstack;
for my $voc (0..$vocstackdepth) {
$s[++$sp] = $vocstack[$vocstackdepth-$voc];
xdotname; xspace;
$s[++$sp] = $m[$xcurrentstore];
print "\ncurrent: ";
xdotname; xspace; xcr;
only; definitions;
my $xorder = primitive "order", \&xorder;
forth; definitions;
my $xtick = colon "'";
compile $xbl, $xparse;
compile $x2dup, $xlastword, $x2store;
compile $xhunt;
compile $xqdup;
XIF; compile $xnamefrom;
XELSE; compile $xnotfound;
my $xcreate = colon "create";
compile $xbl, $xparse;
compile $xqdup, $xzeroequals, $xlit, -16, $xand, $xthrow;
compile $xheader, $xlit, \&dovar, $xcomma;
compile $xreveal;
my $xcolon = colon ":"; immediate;
compile $xcompiling, $xlit, -29, $xand, $xthrow;
compile $xcreate, $xhide;
compile $xlit, \&nest, $xuse;
compile $xstateon;
my $xsemicolon = colon ";"; immediate;
compile $xqcomp, $xlit, $xexit, $xcomma,
$xstateoff, $xreveal;
# -------- misc -------- #FOLD00
sub xepoch { $s[++$sp] = time; }
my $xepoch = primitive "epoch", \&xepoch;
my $xstructured = colon "structured";
compile $x2dup, $xnotequals;
compile $xlit, -22, $xand, $xthrow;
compile $x2drop;
sub xdefined { $s[$sp] = -(defined $s[$sp]); }
my $xdefined = primitive "defined", \&xdefined;
# ( a n -- x )
sub xshell {
print "\n";
system string;
primitive "shell", \&xshell;
# -------- does> -------- #FOLD00
sub xdodoes { # cfa of created word revectored here.
$s[++$sp] = $w+1; # push data address of created word
$r[++$rp] = $ip; # nest to hilevel code behind does>
$ip = $does{$w};
sub xdoes {
$m[$body[$wc-1]] = \&xdodoes; # revector created word to point to dodoes
$does{$body[$wc-1]} = $ip; # does> code pointer hashed to key "body address"
$ip = $r[$rp--]; # unnest, preventing execution of does> code now
primitive "does>", \&xdoes;
# -------- interpreter/compiler -------- #FOLD00
# ( a n -- x -1 | d -1 | r -1 | -1 | 0 )
sub xinterpretnumber {
if ($s[$sp] && $m[$xstate+1]) { # number valid while compiling?
$dp += 2;
@m[$dp-2..$dp-1] = ($xlit, $s[--$sp]); # yes: compile number as literal
$s[$sp] = -1; # and remove from stack.
my $xinterpretnumber = unnamedprimitive \&xinterpretnumber;
hidden; definitions;
# ( -- )
my $xbrinterpret = colon "(interpret)";
XBEGIN; compile $xbl, $xparse; # pull in string from buffered input
compile $xdup;
XWHILE; compile $x2dup, $xlastword, $x2store; # keep copy for literal or error
compile $xhunt, $xqdup; # got string, look up in dictionary
XIF; # found in dictionary:
compile $xdup, $xqimm; # immediate word?
XIF; compile $xnamefrom, $xexecute; # execute immediate words always
XELSE; compile $xnamefrom, $xcompiling; # non-immediate words depend on compile state:
XIF; compile $xcomma; # postponed execution when compiling
XELSE; compile $xexecute; # immediate execution when interpreting
compile $xdepth, $xzeroless; # test for stack underflow
XIF; compile $xstackunderflow; XTHEN; # throw exception in case of
XELSE; compile $xlastword, $x2fetch;
compile $xinterpretnumber, $xzeroequals; # word not found: try as number
compile $xlastword, $x2fetch, $xnotfound; # neither, try user hook
XREPEAT; compile $x2drop;
forth; definitions;
my $xinterpret = defer "interpret", $xbrinterpret;
# ( a n -- )
my $xevaluate = colon "evaluate";
compile $xpushsource;
compile $xinterpret;
compile $xpopsource;
# -------- disk I/O --------
my $line;
sub publish {
if (defined $line) {
$s[++$sp] = $dp;
$s[++$sp] = $dp;
unstring $line;
$s[++$sp] = -(defined $line);
# ( a -- u )
sub xread {
($line, @disk) = @disk;
my $xread = unnamedprimitive \&xread;
# ( a n -- )
sub fileopen {
open(file1, "< ".string)
or throw(-38);
my $xfileopen = primitive "fileopen", \&fileopen;
sub fileclose {
my $xfileclose = primitive "fileclose", \&fileclose;
# ( -- a n -1 | 0 )
sub fileread {
$line = <file1>;
my $xfileread = primitive "fileread", \&fileread;
# -------- entry point, init, and VM main loop -------- #FOLD00
my $xprompt = defer "prompt", $xnop;
my $xquit = defer "quit", $xbye;
sub xempty {
$rp = -1; # init return stack
$sp = -1; # init data stack
$catchframe = 0;
@sourcestack = (); # drop any nested input source
my $xempty = primitive "empty", \&xempty;
my $xabort = colon "abort";
compile $xquit;
my $xcold = compile $xonly, $xempty;
XBEGIN; compile $xread;
XWHILE; compile $xevaluate;
my $xwarm = compile $xabort;
sub exceptionhandler {
my $exception = $@;
my $exceptionnr = $@;
$exceptionnr =~ s/ .*\n//;
my $err0 = pack "C*", @m[$parsebuf..$parsebuf+$m[$xtoin+1]-1]; # collect source line from virtual memory
print "\n", $err0; # print the line containing the error
$err0 =~ s/ *$//; # strip trailing spaces
my $all = length($err0); # determine length of whole line
$err0 =~ s/[^ ]*$//; # strip last space delimited string
my $ok = length($err0); # determine length of part without error
print "\n", " " x $ok, "^" x ($all-$ok); # underscore error with carets
print "\n", $throwmessage{$exceptionnr} if (defined $throwmessage{$exceptionnr});
print "\nexception ", $exception;
#sub xcolor {
# my $string = string;
# print $string;
# print color($string);
#primitive "fg", \&xcolor;
sub main {
$ip = $xcold; # set instruction pointer to coldstart
until (0) {
eval {
until (0) { # virtual machine execution loop:
$w = $m[$ip++]; # instruction fetch
# $s[++$sp] = $w; xdotname; xspace;
# xcr if $w == $xexit;
$m[$w](); # instruction execute
}; # interpreter error exit
$ip = $xwarm; # reenter at warmstart