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2022-02-08 08:14:44 -05:00
\ cora.fs -- Coraphyco COnversion RAtios and PHYsical COnstants in Forth
\ Version 1.1
\ 2010/7/13 David Meyer <>
\ Coraphyco provides a Forth environment to facilitate conversion of
\ quantities among a large variety of measurement units and systems.
\ Inspired by Frink by Allan Eliasen.
\ This version is a simple implementation providing Forth constants
\ for conversion and physical quantities and a few words to simplify
\ display and conversion.
\ Display quantity r1 of units r2 in standard unit amount
: mks ( r1 r2 -- ) F* F. ;
\ Convert quantity r1 from r2 units to r3 units and display
: -> ( r1 r2 r3 -- ) F/ F* F. ;
\ Convert quantity r1 from r2 units to r3 units and display
\ in engineering notation
: ->e ( r1 r2 r3 -- ) F/ F* FE. ;
\ Convert Celcius temperature to Fahrenheit
: c>f ( r -- ) 9e0 f* 5e0 f/ 32e0 f+ f. ;
\ Convert Fahrenheit temperature to Celcius
: f>c ( r -- ) 32e0 f- 5e0 f* 9e0 f/ f. ;
\ Online help
: help ( -- )
( Eventually print/page help file ...
s" /usr/mnt.rom/card/Documents/Cavenet_Files/green/forth/cora-help.txt" r/o open-file throw Value fd-in
line-buffer max-line fd-in read-line throw
repeat ;
cr ." (See file cora-help.txt for help.)"
cr ;
\ Speed (standard unit: m/s (meters per second)
1e0 FCONSTANT m/s \ meters per second (standard)
331.46e0 FCONSTANT mach \ speed of sound in dry air at STP
299792458e0 FCONSTANT c \ light in vacuum
\ Acceleration (standard unit: m/s^2 (meters per second per second)
1e0 FCONSTANT m/s^2 \ meters per second per second (standard)
980665e-5 FCONSTANT gee \ standard gravitational acceleration
\ Time (standard unit: s (second))
1e0 FCONSTANT s \ second (standard)
60e0 60e0 F* FCONSTANT hr \ hour
24e0 hr F* FCONSTANT day \ day
\ Use ms as standard time unit to match Forth -
\ Replace s, hr, day above with following:
\ Also switch from float to double}
1e FCONSTANT ms \ millisecond (standard)
1e3 FCONSTANT s \ second
60e s F* FCONSTANT minute \ minute
60e minute F* FCONSTANT hr \ hour
24e hr F* FCONSTANT day \ day
7e day F* FCONSTANT wk \ week
365.25e day F* FCONSTANT yr \ year (average)
: monthms ( uyear umonth -- r )
dup 2 =
\ Angular measure (standard unit: radian (dimensionless))
2e0 pi F* FCONSTANT circle
circle 360e0 F/ FCONSTANT deg \ degree
deg 60e0 F/ FCONSTANT amin \ arc minute
amin 60e0 F/ FCONSTANT asec \ arc second
\ Linear measure (standard unit: m (meter))
1e0 FCONSTANT m \ meter (standard)
1e3 FCONSTANT km \ kilometer
1e-2 FCONSTANT cm \ centimeter
1e-3 FCONSTANT mm \ millimeter
3048e-4 FCONSTANT ft \ foot
ft 12e0 F/ FCONSTANT in \ inch
3e0 ft F* FCONSTANT yd \ yard
5280e0 ft F* FCONSTANT mi \ mile
1852e0 FCONSTANT nmi \ nautical mile
149597870691e0 FCONSTANT au \ astronomical unit
365.25e0 day F* c F* FCONSTANT ly \ light year
au asec F/ FCONSTANT pc \ parsec
\ Area (standard unit: m^2 (square meter))
1e0 FCONSTANT m^2 \ square meter (standard)
ft ft F* FCONSTANT ft^2 \ square feet
43560e0 ft^2 F* FCONSTANT acre \ acre
1e2 FCONSTANT are \ are
1e4 FCONSTANT hectare \ hectare
\ Volume (standard unit: m^3 (cubic meter))
1e0 FCONSTANT m^3 \ cubic meter (standard)
1e-6 FCONSTANT cc \ cubic centimeter
in in in F* F* FCONSTANT in^3 \ cubic inch
231e0 in^3 F* FCONSTANT gal \ gallon
gal 4e0 F/ FCONSTANT qt \ quart
qt 2e0 F/ FCONSTANT pt \ pint
pt 16e0 F/ FCONSTANT floz \ fluid ounce
42e0 gal F* FCONSTANT bbl \ petroleum barrel
8e0 floz F* FCONSTANT cup \ cup
cup 16e0 F/ FCONSTANT tbsp \ tablespoon
tbsp 3e0 F/ FCONSTANT tsp \ teaspoon
1e3 cc F* FCONSTANT l \ liter
cc FCONSTANT ml \ milliliter
\ Mass (standard unit: kg (kilogram))
1e0 FCONSTANT kg \ kilogram (standard)
1e-3 FCONSTANT g \ gram
1e3 FCONSTANT mt \ tonne, metric ton
45359237e-8 FCONSTANT lb \ pound
2e3 lb F* FCONSTANT t \ ton
lb 16e0 F/ FCONSTANT oz \ ounce
\ Print opening greeting
cr ." *********************************************************************"
cr ." *** Welcome to Coraphyco. Type `help' for help ***"
cr ." *********************************************************************" cr