#pragma once #include "settings.h" /* these are functions implemented in the main file named as ubitx_xxx.ino */ void saveVFOs(); void setFrequency(const unsigned long freq, const bool transmit = false); void startTx(TuningMode_e tx_mode); void stopTx(); void ritEnable(unsigned long f); void ritDisable(); void checkCAT(); void cwKeyer(void); void switchVFO(Vfo_e vfoSelect); /* these are functiosn implemented in ubitx_si5351.cpp */ void si5351bx_setfreq(uint8_t clknum, uint32_t fout); void initOscillators(); void si5351_set_calibration(int32_t cal); //calibration is a small value that is nudged to make up for the inaccuracies of the reference 25 MHz crystal frequency // limits the tuning and working range of the ubitx between 3 MHz and 30 MHz static const uint32_t THRESHOLD_USB_LSB = 10000000L;