#include #include #include "encoder.h" #include "ubitx.h"//Pin definitions //Normal encoder state uint8_t prev_enc = 0; int8_t enc_count = 0; //Momentum encoder state int16_t enc_count_periodic = 0; int8_t momentum[3] = {0}; static const uint16_t CALLBACK_PERIOD_MS = 200; static const uint8_t MOMENTUM_MULTIPLIER = 1; uint8_t enc_state (void) { return (digitalRead(ENC_A)?1:0 + digitalRead(ENC_B)?2:0); } /* * SmittyHalibut's encoder handling, using interrupts. Should be quicker, smoother handling. * The Interrupt Service Routine for Pin Change Interrupts on A0-A5. */ ISR (PCINT1_vect) { uint8_t cur_enc = enc_state(); if (prev_enc == cur_enc) { //Serial.println("unnecessary ISR"); return; } //Serial.print(prev_enc); //Serial.println(cur_enc); //these transitions point to the enccoder being rotated anti-clockwise if ((prev_enc == 0 && cur_enc == 2) || (prev_enc == 2 && cur_enc == 3) || (prev_enc == 3 && cur_enc == 1) || (prev_enc == 1 && cur_enc == 0)) { enc_count -= 1; enc_count_periodic -= 1; } //these transitions point to the enccoder being rotated clockwise else if ((prev_enc == 0 && cur_enc == 1) || (prev_enc == 1 && cur_enc == 3) || (prev_enc == 3 && cur_enc == 2) || (prev_enc == 2 && cur_enc == 0)) { enc_count += 1; enc_count_periodic += 1; } else { // A change to two states, we can't tell whether it was forward or backward, so we skip it. //Serial.println("skip"); } prev_enc = cur_enc; // Record state for next pulse interpretation } /* * Setup the encoder interrupts and global variables. */ void pci_setup(byte pin) { *digitalPinToPCMSK(pin) |= bit (digitalPinToPCMSKbit(pin)); // enable pin PCIFR |= bit (digitalPinToPCICRbit(pin)); // clear any outstanding interrupt PCICR |= bit (digitalPinToPCICRbit(pin)); // enable interrupt for the group } void enc_setup(void) { enc_count = 0; // This is already done in setup() ? //pinMode(ENC_A, INPUT); //pinMode(ENC_B, INPUT); prev_enc = enc_state(); // Setup Pin Change Interrupts for the encoder inputs pci_setup(ENC_A); pci_setup(ENC_B); //Set up timer interrupt for momentum TCCR1A = 0;//"normal" mode TCCR1B = 3;//clock divider of 64 TCNT1 = 0;//start counting at 0 OCR1A = F_CPU * (unsigned long)CALLBACK_PERIOD_MS / 1000 / 64;//set target number TIMSK1 |= (1 << OCIE1A);//enable interrupt } ISR(TIMER1_COMPA_vect) { momentum[2] = momentum[1]; momentum[1] = momentum[0]; momentum[0] = enc_count_periodic; enc_count_periodic = 0; } int8_t min_momentum_mag() { int8_t min_mag = 127; for(uint8_t i = 0; i < sizeof(momentum)/sizeof(momentum[0]); ++i){ int8_t mag = abs(momentum[i]); if(mag < min_mag){ min_mag = mag; } } return min_mag; } int enc_read(void) { if(0 != enc_count){ int16_t ret = enc_count; int8_t s = (enc_count < 0) ? -1 : 1; int8_t momentum_mag = min_momentum_mag(); if(momentum_mag >= 20){ ret += s*40; } else if(momentum_mag >= 5){ ret += s*(20 + momentum_mag)/(20 - momentum_mag); } enc_count = 0; return ret; } return 0; }