#include #include #include "morse.h" #include "settings.h" #include "ubitx.h" #include "nano_gui.h" /** Menus * The Radio menus are accessed by tapping on the function button. * - The main loop() constantly looks for a button press and calls doMenu() when it detects * a function button press. * - As the encoder is rotated, at every 10th pulse, the next or the previous menu * item is displayed. Each menu item is controlled by it's own function. * - Eache menu function may be called to display itself * - Each of these menu routines is called with a button parameter. * - The btn flag denotes if the menu itme was clicked on or not. * - If the menu item is clicked on, then it is selected, * - If the menu item is NOT clicked on, then the menu's prompt is to be displayed */ void setupExit(){ menuOn = 0; } //this is used by the si5351 routines in the ubitx_5351 file extern uint32_t si5351bx_vcoa; void setupFreq(){ int knob = 0; int32_t prev_calibration; displayDialog("Set Frequency", "Push TUNE to Save"); //round off the the nearest khz { uint32_t freq = GetActiveVfoFreq(); freq = (freq/1000l)* 1000l; setFrequency(freq); } displayRawText("You should have a", 20, 50, DISPLAY_CYAN, DISPLAY_NAVY); displayRawText("signal exactly at ", 20, 75, DISPLAY_CYAN, DISPLAY_NAVY); ltoa(GetActiveVfoFreq()/1000l, c, 10); strcat(c, " KHz"); displayRawText(c, 20, 100, DISPLAY_CYAN, DISPLAY_NAVY); displayRawText("Rotate to zerobeat", 20, 180, DISPLAY_CYAN, DISPLAY_NAVY); //keep clear of any previous button press while (btnDown()) active_delay(100); active_delay(100); prev_calibration = globalSettings.oscillatorCal; globalSettings.oscillatorCal = 0; // ltoa(calibration/8750, c, 10); // strcpy(b, c); // strcat(b, "Hz"); // printLine2(b); while (!btnDown()) { knob = enc_read(); if (knob != 0) globalSettings.oscillatorCal += knob * 875; /* else if (knob < 0) calibration -= 875; */ else continue; //don't update the frequency or the display si5351bx_setfreq(0, globalSettings.usbCarrierFreq); //set back the cardrier oscillator anyway, cw tx switches it off si5351_set_calibration(globalSettings.oscillatorCal); setFrequency(GetActiveVfoFreq()); //displayRawText("Rotate to zerobeat", 20, 120, DISPLAY_CYAN, DISPLAY_NAVY); ltoa(globalSettings.oscillatorCal, b, 10); displayText(b, 100, 140, 100, 26, DISPLAY_CYAN, DISPLAY_NAVY, DISPLAY_WHITE); } SaveSettingsToEeprom(); initOscillators(); si5351_set_calibration(globalSettings.oscillatorCal); setFrequency(GetActiveVfoFreq()); //debounce and delay while(btnDown()) active_delay(50); active_delay(100); } void setupBFO(){ int knob = 0; unsigned long prevCarrier; prevCarrier = globalSettings.usbCarrierFreq; displayDialog("Set BFO", "Press TUNE to Save"); globalSettings.usbCarrierFreq = 11053000l; si5351bx_setfreq(0, globalSettings.usbCarrierFreq); printCarrierFreq(globalSettings.usbCarrierFreq); while (!btnDown()){ knob = enc_read(); if (knob != 0) globalSettings.usbCarrierFreq -= 50 * knob; else continue; //don't update the frequency or the display si5351bx_setfreq(0, globalSettings.usbCarrierFreq); setFrequency(GetActiveVfoFreq()); printCarrierFreq(globalSettings.usbCarrierFreq); active_delay(100); } SaveSettingsToEeprom(); si5351bx_setfreq(0, globalSettings.usbCarrierFreq); setFrequency(GetActiveVfoFreq()); updateDisplay(); setupExit(); } void setupCwDelay(){ int knob = 0; int prev_cw_delay; displayDialog("Set CW T/R Delay", "Press tune to Save"); active_delay(500); prev_cw_delay = globalSettings.cwActiveTimeoutMs; ltoa(globalSettings.cwActiveTimeoutMs, b, 10); strcat(b, " msec"); displayText(b, 100, 100, 120, 26, DISPLAY_CYAN, DISPLAY_BLACK, DISPLAY_BLACK); while (!btnDown()){ knob = enc_read(); if (knob < 0 && globalSettings.cwActiveTimeoutMs > 100) globalSettings.cwActiveTimeoutMs -= 100; else if (knob > 0 && globalSettings.cwActiveTimeoutMs < 1000) globalSettings.cwActiveTimeoutMs += 100; else continue; //don't update the frequency or the display ltoa(globalSettings.cwActiveTimeoutMs, b, 10); strcat(b, " msec"); displayText(b, 100, 100, 120, 26, DISPLAY_CYAN, DISPLAY_BLACK, DISPLAY_BLACK); } SaveSettingsToEeprom(); active_delay(500); setupExit(); } void setupKeyer(){ displayDialog("Set CW Keyer", "Press tune to Save"); if(KeyerMode_e::KEYER_STRAIGHT == globalSettings.keyerMode){ displayText("< Hand Key >", 100, 100, 120, 26, DISPLAY_CYAN, DISPLAY_BLACK, DISPLAY_BLACK); } else if(KeyerMode_e::KEYER_IAMBIC_A == globalSettings.keyerMode){ displayText("< Iambic A >", 100, 100, 120, 26, DISPLAY_CYAN, DISPLAY_BLACK, DISPLAY_BLACK); } else{ displayText("< Iambic B >", 100, 100, 120, 26, DISPLAY_CYAN, DISPLAY_BLACK, DISPLAY_BLACK); } int knob = 0; uint32_t tmp_mode = globalSettings.keyerMode; while (!btnDown()) { knob = enc_read(); if(knob == 0){ active_delay(50); continue; } if(knob < 0 && tmp_mode > KeyerMode_e::KEYER_STRAIGHT){ tmp_mode--; } if(knob > 0 && tmp_mode < KeyerMode_e::KEYER_IAMBIC_B){ tmp_mode++; } if (KeyerMode_e::KEYER_STRAIGHT == tmp_mode){ displayText("< Hand Key >", 100, 100, 120, 26, DISPLAY_CYAN, DISPLAY_BLACK, DISPLAY_BLACK); } else if(KeyerMode_e::KEYER_IAMBIC_A == tmp_mode){ displayText("< Iambic A >", 100, 100, 120, 26, DISPLAY_CYAN, DISPLAY_BLACK, DISPLAY_BLACK); } else if (KeyerMode_e::KEYER_IAMBIC_B == tmp_mode){ displayText("< Iambic B >", 100, 100, 120, 26, DISPLAY_CYAN, DISPLAY_BLACK, DISPLAY_BLACK); } } active_delay(500); globalSettings.keyerMode = tmp_mode; SaveSettingsToEeprom(); setupExit(); } static const unsigned int COLOR_TEXT = DISPLAY_WHITE; static const unsigned int COLOR_BACKGROUND = DISPLAY_BLACK; static const unsigned int COLOR_TITLE_BACKGROUND = DISPLAY_NAVY; static const unsigned int COLOR_ACTIVE_BORDER = DISPLAY_WHITE; static const unsigned int COLOR_INACTIVE_BORDER = DISPLAY_DARKGREY; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_TITLE_X = 10; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_TITLE_Y = 10; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_TITLE_WIDTH = 300; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_TITLE_HEIGHT = 35; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_ITEM_X = 30; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_ITEM_Y = LAYOUT_TITLE_Y + LAYOUT_TITLE_HEIGHT + 5; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_ITEM_WIDTH = 260; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_ITEM_HEIGHT = 30; static const unsigned int LAYOUT_ITEM_PITCH_Y = 31; const char MI_SET_FREQ [] PROGMEM = "Set Freq..."; const char MI_SET_BFO [] PROGMEM = "Set BFO..."; const char MI_CW_DELAY [] PROGMEM = "CW Delay..."; const char MI_CW_KEYER [] PROGMEM = "CW Keyer..."; const char MI_TOUCH [] PROGMEM = "Touch Screen..."; const char MI_EXIT [] PROGMEM = "Exit"; enum MenuIds { MENU_SET_FREQ, MENU_SET_BFO, MENU_CW_DELAY, MENU_CW_KEYER, MENU_TOUCH, MENU_EXIT, MENU_TOTAL }; const char* const menuItems [MENU_TOTAL] PROGMEM { MI_SET_FREQ, MI_SET_BFO, MI_CW_DELAY, MI_CW_KEYER, MI_TOUCH, MI_EXIT }; void drawSetupMenu(){ displayClear(COLOR_BACKGROUND); strcpy_P(b,(const char*)F("Setup")); displayText(b, LAYOUT_TITLE_X, LAYOUT_TITLE_Y, LAYOUT_TITLE_WIDTH, LAYOUT_TITLE_HEIGHT, COLOR_TEXT, COLOR_TITLE_BACKGROUND, COLOR_ACTIVE_BORDER); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < MENU_TOTAL; ++i){ strcpy_P(b,(const char*)pgm_read_word(&(menuItems[i]))); displayText(b, LAYOUT_ITEM_X, LAYOUT_ITEM_Y + i*LAYOUT_ITEM_PITCH_Y, LAYOUT_ITEM_WIDTH, LAYOUT_ITEM_HEIGHT, COLOR_TEXT, COLOR_BACKGROUND, COLOR_INACTIVE_BORDER); } } void movePuck(int i){ static int prevPuck = 1;//Start value at 1 so that on init, when we get called with 0, we'll update //Don't update if we're already on the right selection if(prevPuck == i){ return; } //Clear old displayRect(LAYOUT_ITEM_X, LAYOUT_ITEM_Y + (prevPuck*LAYOUT_ITEM_PITCH_Y), LAYOUT_ITEM_WIDTH, LAYOUT_ITEM_HEIGHT, COLOR_INACTIVE_BORDER); //Draw new displayRect(LAYOUT_ITEM_X, LAYOUT_ITEM_Y + (i*LAYOUT_ITEM_PITCH_Y), LAYOUT_ITEM_WIDTH, LAYOUT_ITEM_HEIGHT, COLOR_ACTIVE_BORDER); prevPuck = i; } void doSetup2(){ static const unsigned int COUNTS_PER_ITEM = 10; int select=0, i, btnState; drawSetupMenu(); movePuck(select); //wait for the button to be raised up while(btnDown()) active_delay(50); active_delay(50); //debounce menuOn = 2; while (menuOn){ i = enc_read(); if (i > 0){ if (select + i < MENU_TOTAL*COUNTS_PER_ITEM) select += i; movePuck(select/COUNTS_PER_ITEM); } if (i < 0 && select + i >= 0){ select += i; //caught ya, i is already -ve here, so you add it movePuck(select/COUNTS_PER_ITEM); } if (!btnDown()){ active_delay(50); continue; } //wait for the touch to lift off and debounce while(btnDown()){ active_delay(50); } active_delay(300); switch(select/COUNTS_PER_ITEM){ case MENU_SET_FREQ: { setupFreq(); break; } case MENU_SET_BFO: { setupBFO(); break; } case MENU_CW_DELAY: { setupCwDelay(); break; } case MENU_CW_KEYER: { setupKeyer(); break; } case MENU_TOUCH: { setupTouch(); break; } case MENU_EXIT: default: { menuOn = 0; break; } }//switch //redraw drawSetupMenu(); } //debounce the button while(btnDown()) active_delay(50); active_delay(50); checkCAT(); guiUpdate(); }