#include "menu_main.h" #include "menu_main_buttons.h" #include #include #include "button.h" #include "color_theme.h" #include "menu_utils.h" #include "morse.h" #include "nano_gui.h" #include "settings.h" #include "ubitx.h"//THRESHOLD_USB_LSB #include "utils.h" void drawMainMenu(void); MenuReturn_e runMainMenu(const ButtonPress_e tuner_button, const ButtonPress_e touch_button, const Point touch_point, const int16_t knob); Menu_t mainMenu = { drawMainMenu, runMainMenu, nullptr }; Menu_t* const rootMenu = &mainMenu; bool mainMenuSelecting = false;//Tracks if we're selecting buttons with knob, or adjusting frequency int16_t mainMenuSelectedItemRaw = 0;//Allow negative only for easier checks on wrap around extern Button* const* buttons; void drawMainMenu(void) { displayClear(COLOR_BACKGROUND); Button button; Button* bp; for(uint8_t i = 0; i < MAIN_MENU_NUM_BUTTONS; ++i){ memcpy_P(&bp, &(mainMenuButtons[i]), sizeof(bp)); memcpy_P(&button,bp,sizeof(button)); drawButton(&button); } } MenuReturn_e runStartupMenu(const ButtonPress_e, const ButtonPress_e, const Point, const int16_t) { return MenuReturn_e::ExitedRedraw; } void mainMenuTune(int16_t knob) { static uint32_t current_freq = 0; if((0 == knob) && (GetActiveVfoFreq() == current_freq)){ //Nothing to do - we're already set! return; } current_freq = GetActiveVfoFreq(); const uint32_t new_freq = current_freq + (50 * knob); //Transition from below to above the traditional threshold for USB if(current_freq < THRESHOLD_USB_LSB && new_freq >= THRESHOLD_USB_LSB){ SetActiveVfoMode(VfoMode_e::VFO_MODE_USB); } //Transition from above to below the traditional threshold for USB if(current_freq >= THRESHOLD_USB_LSB && new_freq < THRESHOLD_USB_LSB){ SetActiveVfoMode(VfoMode_e::VFO_MODE_LSB); } setFrequency(new_freq); const uint32_t old_freq = current_freq; current_freq = new_freq; Button button; if(Vfo_e::VFO_A == globalSettings.activeVfo){ memcpy_P(&button,&bVfoA,sizeof(button)); } else{ memcpy_P(&button,&bVfoB,sizeof(button)); } drawButton(&button); updateBandButtons(old_freq); } MenuReturn_e runMainMenu(const ButtonPress_e tuner_button, const ButtonPress_e touch_button, const Point touch_point, const int16_t knob) { if(runSubmenu(&mainMenu, drawMainMenu, tuner_button, touch_button, touch_point, knob)){ //Submenu processed the input, so return now mainMenuSelectedItemRaw = 0; mainMenuSelecting = false; return MenuReturn_e::StillActive;//main menu always returns StillActive }//end submenu //Submenu didn't run, so handle the inputs ourselves //Check tuner_button if(ButtonPress_e::NotPressed != tuner_button){ switch(tuner_button){ default://Fallthrough intended case ButtonPress_e::NotPressed: { //Nothing to do break; } case ButtonPress_e::ShortPress: { if(mainMenuSelecting){ uint8_t menu_index = mainMenuSelectedItemRaw/MENU_KNOB_COUNTS_PER_ITEM; Button button; Button* bp; memcpy_P(&bp,&(mainMenuButtons[menu_index]),sizeof(bp)); memcpy_P(&button,bp,sizeof(button)); endSelector(&button); button.on_select(); } else{ initSelector(&mainMenuSelectedItemRaw, mainMenuButtons, MAIN_MENU_NUM_BUTTONS, MorsePlaybackType_e::PlayChar); } mainMenuSelecting = !mainMenuSelecting; //Don't handle touch or knob on this run return MenuReturn_e::StillActive;//main menu always returns StillActive break; } case ButtonPress_e::LongPress: { if(!globalSettings.morseMenuOn){ globalSettings.morseMenuOn = true;//set before playing morseLetter(2); } else{ morseLetter(4); globalSettings.morseMenuOn = false;//unset after playing } SaveSettingsToEeprom(); //Don't handle touch or knob on this run return MenuReturn_e::StillActive;//main menu always returns StillActive break; } }//switch }//tuner_button else if(ButtonPress_e::NotPressed != touch_button){ //We treat long and short presses the same, so no need to have a switch Button button; if(findPressedButton(mainMenuButtons,MAIN_MENU_NUM_BUTTONS,&button,touch_point)){ button.on_select(); } else{ //Touch detected, but not on our buttons, so ignore } }//touch_button else{//Neither button input type found, so handle the knob if(mainMenuSelecting){ adjustSelector(&mainMenuSelectedItemRaw, knob, mainMenuButtons, MAIN_MENU_NUM_BUTTONS, MorsePlaybackType_e::PlayChar); } else{ mainMenuTune(knob); } } // return MenuReturn_e::StillActive;//main menu always returns StillActive }